rr- fctofcww THE COS IAY TIMES MARSHFIELD. OREfiOR, THURSDAY APRIL 8, 1909 -EVENING EDITION T T n t 8 Si :: i Si St :: i V ss 8 mmimmtmmmmiimimmmmmmimmmmmHmmi i EASTER OPENING 1 FRI DAY and SATURDAY I 2Z - s - g H Do not miss it f Ot I am going to show vou some h t O O " ' 4 CLASSY TOGS Hft& ' I cs5iA er TOEfia St tlkT H 111 tt Wk &W I ill A I tt - vi .' u ik ituunitiMD vi-jtvfiMf in rju,rffffr,in?ii LOCAL TKMPKRATURE KB- PORT. For twenty-four hours end- lng at 5 p. m April 7, by Mrs. E. Mlngus, special government meteorological observer. ' Maximum 74 Minimum 32 At 5 p. m 70 Precipitation nono Wind, Northwest; clear. Meet Friday Night. Tho Citizens League will meet at the Finnish hall Friday evening to discuss various matters. Postpone Dunce. Tho Swastika Club postponed the dance scheduled for last night until next Wednesday evening. Reynolds Mill ItcMiines. Tho J. Reynolds sawmill on Pony Inlet, wnicn nas ueen closed down for a few days has resumed operations. and giving the best satisfaction and wear possible My "Tailor-made Suits also stand the test from start to finish. Now is the time to see Togs of Class Fancy Waist' Coats - $2 to $6 Easter Neckwear - - 50c My togs are on trial all over Coos f..,- .-.-. J to...- " Organlzo llnsclmll Team. Base lUUHLy cUlU llctVC JJball fans at Eastside are organizing PrOVen SUiltV Of a base011'1 team for tho coming sea- T , j.'L 'fi.' i. sou" ArranEements are being made being the nittieSt ito give a benefit dance there April from a brother of Axel Carlson. The lattor resides In North Dakota. Mr. Frlzeon will communicate with him about the disposition of the estate which, so far as now known, con sists merely of a deposit of about $250 in a bank nt Ottawa, Canada. Breakwater In Tonight. Agent W. F. Miller received a telegram this morning announcing that the' Breakwater left Astoria at C: 10 this morning. Unler unexpectedly de layed, she will reach here about 10 o'clock tonight. The Cz.irlna left San Francisco today for Coos Bay. To Return Hounds. Two of the three Harrlman hounds which Col. Holabird sent to Col. Grimes last fall for "Varmint" hunting in this section, will be returned to Harrl man's summer home at Pelican Lodge. They will bo shipped from hero on the Breakwater. One of tho hounds will bo kept hero for breeding. 117 to secure funds to buy uniforms and paraphernalia. , Dent Gloves $2.50 Easter Shirts Outing Hats $1 to $1.75 Easter Hosiery - 25c to 50c Opens Branch Store. Mrs. A. G. Aiken has opened a branch millinery store In Coquille. She will make oc- caslonal visits there to look after it $1 but will devote most of hor time to j her Marshfleld store. ! $1 to $3 S Anderson Novelties in Men's Scarf Pins County Commissioners Adjourn. Judge. Hall and Commissioner B. A. returned today from Co- J qullle where they have been attend ing an adjourned meeting of the county commissioners. Numerous road matters were adjusted. MARSIIFIEIiD, ORE. ltimtmn?i:umnn:tmm:?tn:?ntmmnmmmtmtiii2t the c. A. smith mm, u 8 Frlzecn Is Administrator. Aug- ust Frlzeen has been appointed ad- mlnlstrator "of the estate of Axel r Carlson whose body was found in $ Isthmus Inlet ten days ago. A let- Z ter has been received by officers of stated. Plans Boy Factory. jA. F. Estab rook of tho A. F. Estabrook Com pany, which operates tho steamers Bandon and Fllleld between Coos Bay and Bnirtlon and San Francisco, Is figuring on starting a box factory on tho Coquille. Ho has not made any official announcement but is said o be figuring on the cost of tho kind of a plant he wishes to put lu. To Appeal Matter. Councilman Coke stated yesterday that ho does not propose to abide by tho decision of Mayor Straw and City Attorney Snover that Mayor Straw's appoint ment of W. R Haines to fill a vacancy on the council Btauds. Mr. Coko said that he would carry tho matter to the courts If necessary ns he is suro that Mr. Snover's inter pretation of thp charter on tho num ber of votes required to reject the appointment Is not correct. The matter will come to a show down next Tuesday night, probably, when It Is expected that Mr. Haines will claim his seat in the council. At tho last session, Mr. Haines was not present, being ir Bandon on busi ness. v As yet, Mayor Straw has not announced whom ho will appoint in place of G .W. Carleton. DANCE SATURDAY night, April 10, at Knights of Finland hall. TURKEYS and eggs for sale, want column tonight. See Personal Notes 0K CAPT. H. C. NELSON and F. S. Dow left this morning for Bandon. MRS. AIKEN returned - yesterday from'-a short visit in the Coqutllo Valley. HENRY HIGG'NS, a well-known rancher qf North Coos River, Is In Marshfleld on business., II. W. SKINNER and Chas. Thorn, owner of the Wllhelmlna, went to Coquille this morning on business. MRS. W. F.MirLER will entertain nt her home Friday afternoon, April 1G. Tho following day sho will leavo for Portland for a short visit. GEORGE MILLER, who has been confined In the hospital for several weeks as the result of an operation for appendicitis is now able to bo up nnd aruund. SHERIFF W. W. GAGE Is over from Coquille serving notices in cases to bo tried tit tho coming term of circuit court which will open In Coquille April 2C. WM. GRIMES nnd wife will leave1 Saturday for Portland where they will meet Cassius Peck and fam ily from Pawluiska, Okla. Mr. "and Mrs. Peck are coming to Ore gon with a view of locating at some point in this state. Mr. Peck is one of tho best known attorneys in Oklnhoma. NORTH BEND NEWS Mrs. Chas. Cavanagh was a MarBh field visitor yesterday. Tho steamer Wllhelmlna-cameTd late last evening- from Bandon. Henry WIckmnn has returned from a short vhlt In Bandon. Miss Edythe Eddy of Marshfleld, was a North Bend visitor yesterday. Mrs. O. Peterson of May, was tho guest, yesterday of Mr. and Mrs. B. --U-K-8-8----"::::j:::'n:::::::t"::"I":,,,""a:j'n"'::H Oisr STOCK is Large Oar PRICES are SMALL We are in better shape than ever before to handle your hard ware trade. Builders Hardware, Gasoline Boat Supplies, Pamts and Oils, Kitchen ware and Crockery PIONEER HARDWARE CO. Incorporated. BAD SEASON FOR COLDS. jj Colds and grip were quite pre XX ' valent last winter and qhambei Iain's H . Cough Remedy was in great demand 8 and performed some remarkable cures. Mrs. Mary J. Robinson of Cameron, W. Va., says: "Last win ter I was taken with one cf the aw- fulest colds I over had In my life. I could not speak above a whisper and was very hearse. I was airaid it was going to bo pneumonia. I took ona bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and In threo days was lots better and could talit. I did not take but the one bottle and it cured me. I now tell everybody about Chamberllan's Cough Remedy and tho gocd It did me." For sale by JOHN P.REUSS. FIVE CEJiTS run LINE TER DAY. B. IIAGUE, Prea. MARSHPICLD M. D. SUMNER, VIce-Prea. OREGON a-8---8-n-8-8-K-8-8--8-J'K---------Jt-t:-tt'U"' -j i i A-.t.-A-!----!- 4 4 - i - 'I' 'I' - ' ' " 'I' T --saA u FIVE SHORT WORDS MAKB ONE LINE. Lat.est Jewelrv Stvles t We haro Just received a large T consignment of new jewelry, lnclud- ins the latest designs in jewelry nov elties and regular goods. Among the many timely articles are: BEAUTY TINS BHLT PINS WAIST SETS TIE PINS HAT PINS CUFF BUTTONS LOCKETS CHAINS AND CHARMS These are all good goods solid gold and are backed by tho Carl ton Jewelry Company's guarantee. Best and mott complete line of watches for ladles, gentlemen and children ever carried on Coos Bay. Jewelry aud Watch Impairing n Specialty Our Price Arc Right. CARLETON JEWELRY COMPANY FIRST TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK BLDG., MARSIIFIHLD, ORB, A...ai.iii -! '!' -- SaS25HSHSHSH5HSHS3ae5E52S?S25Z5a5aSE5ZSZSZ5a5HSHSH5H5ESZ5252SZSH5E5aB Building Material WANTED --JWJ-8-8-8-K--H--H-r Oregon Electrical Supply Co. Electrical contractors, Elec trical Supplies, Jobbing and Repnir Work. O'Connell Rldg. Phono 01 WANTED To buy at onco two to four canary birds (females). Call at cor. 4th and Market Sts., or ad dress Box 524, Marshfleld. WANTED Four or flvo furnished rooms. Address 'T' Times Office. WANTED Girl to do general house work. Mrs. H H. McPherson. WANTED Girl for general house work. Mrs. W. T. Merchant. WANTED Manager for branch of fice we wish to locate hero in Marshfleld. Address, Tho Morris Wholesale House, Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED Carpentering and Job work. Corthell, phone No. EG1. -8-8-8-8-8---8-tt-8-8--8 OMBNT BRICK LIME, PLASTER FIRE CLAT FIRE BRICK SEWER PIPE DRAW TILE ud TERRA COTTA GOODS WHOLESALE ud RETAIL PLUMBING SUPPLIES FIRST CLASS PLUMBING an J TINNING SHOP IN OPERATION Uow Ono Doctor Successfully Treats Pneumonia. "In treating pneumonia," says Dr. W. J. Smith, of Sanders. Ala., "tae only remedy I use for t,ho luugs is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Tfhllo of course I would treat other symp toms with different medlclnta, I have used this remedy many times in my medical practice and have yet failed to find a case wTicre It hai not con trolled the trouble. I have used it myself as has also my wife for coughs and colds repeatedly, and I most , willingly and choerfully recommend It as superior to any othar cougn I remedy to ray knowledge." For sale by JOHN PREUSS. 4 E US FOR. FAm. PRICES NORTH BEND HARDWARE , SUPPLY CO . Nprth Bend, Oregon. eS2t5252S252SHS25S5ZSZ5ES2S25S523ffiS2Si!SE5HS2SS5E5ZSHSa525Z5E5ES2SE52i L. J. POST Contractor and Hiilldcr F.lphteen years' exnerlfnre liai tauttit ill a I inotto "Tukoonr tltno sml d our vtorlc right" Price CoajifUot vnh Bwt Wotl 822 South Second Street MARSIIFIELD, ORE. COAL MINERS WANTED. Experi enced men can mako $1 per day. Comfortable lodgings, new houses, good board. Steady work assur ed. Tako Soutliern Pacific Coast Lino from San lVanclsco to CliniiKlor, 200 miles south. Stono Canon Pacific 'from Clianslor di rect to Mines. STON: CinON COAL CO., oiono Canon, Cal. FOR RENT FOR SALE FOR SALE 10 room Lodging houso furnished. Innulro at Gow Why or Garfleld Hotel. FOR SALE Pure bred Bronzo tur keys $12 per trio. Settings of 10 eggs, $2.50. Also settings of pure bred S. C. Brown Leghorns $1.00. Apply S. C. Rogers, Marshfleld, Ore., or Phone 207. " Mr. Withers of tho Mercantile Store, is ill at his home on North Bend Heights Tiro Simpson Lumber Company are putting in terra cotta piping at the C. M. Byler residence. Mr. Clarko former superintendent of tho Porter Mill has gone to Mil waukee, Wis., on a business trip. Mnnagor J. H Keating of the Cooa Bay Milk Condensary, and wife who have spont tho past six weeks la Portland, are oxpected homo shortly. Cnpt. Pondergard came In with tho Redondo today. Tho schoonor Alumna was towed up from San Frnndlsco. FOR SALE Ono two-seated trap In good condlt'on rubber tired. Can bo used as olther ono or two seated rig. Also one sorroll saddle horso cheap. Address L. J. Simpson, North Bend, Oregon. FOR SALE A well established deli catessen business. Cash or will exchange for real estate. Apply at Corthell's. FOR SALE Rink. See D. Marshfiold Skating L. Avery, ownor. FOR SALE Ono good Upright Piano or will exchango for real eBtato. Will soil vory cheap. Piano can bo seen at Robert Krugers, Marshfleld. FOR RENT 12 Rooms over Pion eer Hardware Store, from April 12th. AIbo O'Connell's residence on Market avenue adjoining Mc Glnnes. Apply to Title Guarantee & Abstract Company. FOR RENT Five-room close In. Phpno 945. cottago FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Ap ply Mrs. Hazard or phono 71. FOR RENT Two-room house, En quire Mrs. JaB Barrio or phone 825 FOR RENT Seven-room house, Third and C.' Apply C. A. Smith Lumber Yard, Broadway. FOR RENT Four-acro ranch, Improved. Ekblad & Son. well FOR SALE Furniture for rooms. Apply Times office. six LOST LOST-. Tuesday evening. Ladles' gold pin. Crescent set with poarls. Finder pleaso leavo at Times' office LOST Small red loathor pocket memorandum hook. Finder will be suitably rewarded. L. J. Simpson, North Bond. MISCELLANEOUS. IF YOU NEED: FRESH I1UTTER, SWEET CREAM, STERILIZED MILK OR ICE Call up Phono 731. Free Delivery 8 a.m. nnd 2 p.m. Every Day. Miss McLean o teacher In tho Eastside schools, who has been con fined to her home by Illness' tho past week, has so far recovered ns to bo able to resume hor work again. W. J. Bode, former manager of tho Sash and Door Factory and who recontly moved to Portland, had tho misfortune to havo his leg broken In a street car accident a short tlrao ago. AT THE HOTELS. Tho Chandler J. A. Smith, Port land; E. F. Caldwoll, Seattlo; R. C. Burgman, Bandon; Geo. E. Bunu man, Portland; J W. Holmes, Port land; Irvine P. Gardiner, Rosoburg; L. Wlllard and P Pago, Now York; H .B. Donahoy, Portland; C. W. McKean, San Francisco; Sam S. Goldsmith, Minneapolis; P. E, Lar son, Allegany; Fiank E. Alley, Rosoburg. The Tilnnco Mrs. S. V, Swift and Mrs, N. RasmuEson, Bandon; Mrs. Ida Howo, Coquille; E. E. Ilomo, Coqulllo; Gortrudo Eastman, Ash land; Mrs. R V Hughes and Mrs. Hanson, Gardiner; H. C. Bralnard, Llbby; Howard Evans, Buckley, Wash.; C. F. Hanson, San Francis co; J. 0. Lett, Arago; A. 0. Summer Hn, Leo. Few Specials for This Week Shredded Codflsl 10c per can Shredded Crabs 10c per can Snratoga Chips . . . .10o per package Codfish Halts lOo per can Topplns loo P0" oz F. A. SACCHI