THE COOS BAY TIMES MARSHRELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1909 EVENING EDITION . V . 14 i t J if. HOLY WEEK IS OBSERVED ERE PLANT SAILED ' EARLY TODAY I Steamship Leaves For 'Frisco Witn Many Passengers and Good Cargo. Tbe H. F. Flast &ile4 tils aaors Ing fer Sia Fraaciseo -wits a large noiaber eJ passersers aad a gfi cargo of freight Sie ii Uiiac abort as t3ch Lftfcy ! do-ara eai trip a""" as she cas ba.ate, t3e de- j &ad tor it k TrUeo asd Oatlaa4 beiag 2 tie lacreas deeptt tie lad tiat traap rteaaeri are kriag Irg la AmssraJtar eal tiere tor verr low prices. Hie is ee day off i sehedale feat it 's &oe to aie cp the ifcae sert -"-eft. Uk Good Tiiae A TrireJess frras Capt&ia Parsoas of tie AHitse te Ageat Stiaaer last night iadieate tiat si "-as ranting good tiae oa aer aos-taara tnp. At C o'doci, sie tos off tie aocti of tie Crspqaa sad tie prospets for fvT-nntilo TTM'Vtr MTliIa TT2 ... .. .. . . . ,, Weasisg of tie Easier -water aad the good. At Nortr Bead, jmst iefore , ... Er CarMilM. Hon f colons Trill be the Alliaaee started lor tie Jar, tae Special Relgkus Services at the Catholic Church During Remainder of Week. Spefel "Hojy Weet" s-errie-ss hare keea zmjtzti r tie Hex Fatier E. JDoaaeilr tor Sc Moaiea's Cetaolfc eiarex for tie talaaee of tie pres ent -sreei: Is a4Jtio ! tie special Essie? s-rrice aext Sasday. Tomorrow. Hrr Taarsaay. i a&ass -rill te eekratl at S'eteefc. ' Tie Blessed S&crtsseat ""in also ie . plaeed la tie Reposttorr of the Siered Heart altar here It -111 re- . saats exposed tor a fe?r days. i Tie aext day "Good Friday," tie "34as of tie Pre-5asti&ed -"ill be celebrated at 5 o'clock a. a. la the eTealaz. tiere trill ie serrks aad a seraoa at 7:34 o'clock. Tie foDotriag day, Easer Satur day." suh -"ill ie eieirated at & o'eloei a. ai. Tiere -alll also ie the were rolling ore- aad orer, t somersaslts. "WTii.e Foiaaolas aloag tie tro creat arsai or feelers of tie d-evll-Sk )eare or fs-o. aad irteg her back, iaiK ti4e. to ilaosc tie saie ptece." aor caa tie d-erllSsi geseraLy be sa! to be so accoa-a-rlit-rc Nererthe.esi isus oS sr 'h ressZs act aa Irireq-eat oe- alag eurreace la oosaectioa "srith tie I jderilSsi. I Oae case is oa record Tfiere a i sbotl of deiilSsh. br a . Sood tMe, apprcseied so aear tie I shore as to eoae ia eoataet idti a water feace. tie Sras posts of triich they selred aad tried to lets up. aau; thef shed the -water lato a foam with their powerful -wiags. It is a pecalJnty of the derilasi tiat lasteed cf layiag saaay thoo saads or erea miHioas of eggs, it normally has oaly a siagle yog oae at birth. It appears, iowerer. that to arooerlr reprcdwee tie species oaly a slrg'.e yong oae i Eecessary (For a baly dT fish, somet-es --e- 'iag as broad as fre feet ard we el- iag 2 powads or more, is -well able to take care of itself- I a sereral re spects tie yoag fish grows p nad'r anrsiBg aad traiaisg remarkable 1 k j tiat of a hvsaa beisg. It is Eourui ed. for i&staac. froaa its toothers ai ilk. For the LAND'S sake. See F. S. DOW for FERTTLIZKR. folioTiag paseeagers got board be sides those Triose aaaoes vtn: priated yesterday: T. B. Jaaes. E. Jfore aad wife aad tiree eilHrea. E. J. Ford. "Walter Teriaa ad J. E. Abel. Ia all, tie APiaaee kad fafty-serea passeagers aad ahot 1-9 toas of freight, iaclvdiag a big siipaeat of berry boifes froa Baadoa. Aaosg those -who sailed oa tie M. F. Plaat -were the foUowiag: S. Biaaer&aa S. Atiaaasioa. L. D. Tooag, R. S Wrigit, Cias. Gil bert, Geo. Seelir. I. R. Toer, Mr. Pollexfea, B. B"i. Mary Brox. Adolph Brovx. Mrs. J. A. O'KeUy. Geo. Harris, Joha Arelleta. Mildred Coke, E. Galeaa, Jas. Baiaes. J. C. Gray, F. Coisag. K. Fxaak, Mrs. C. Fraak, Miss K Sei. Leo. Braax, Ed. Braux, Fraak E-aux. M. Soige. Joha Roberts. F. WeUe C. Albertsos. F. Goodlike, T. H. Dick, Geo. Staxaoiio, Easter Caadles. Coalessloas -will be ieird fros 2 to i o'clock la lie aft- (.-- siad frara 7 ttt 9 a'erJii In tie eTeaiag. Tie a5cal prograsa tor tie East er sersices is sow beiag arraaged aad -will be aaaovaced Satvrday. THE REAL DEAIL FISH IS DECLARED NOT A MONSTER Tie briagiag togetber of saaay la terestiag facts hitierto kaows osly to a few scattered aea of seieace . abot the gf-aerally dreaded deTilSsh has btea the reslt of aa aatiorita- ' ti-re'stady. of the se&ject receatlrl eoaspleted by Dr. Theodore Gill, as- J sodate ia xoology ia the Tailed J States Natkmal Maseora at Washiag- j toa. Dr. Gill has semraariz-d his stadies ia aa official pablJeatioa jast isSB&d by the Saithsoaiaa Iastltn- j tioa. i Althongh the name devilfish has j "T"' , " ' . . . oftea been appl'ed to differeat spe John Deraoioke Geo. aeraas. Joha , ,t , - ir Jcies of cHttlefish. with their eight Berifiao, Cast Pribogioa. Keek Chi- virog. v ANGRT WTFE IS AVENGER. FlgbU "Woman Whoe Hcband Fousiit Her Sioae. PENDLETON. Ore.. April 7. Angered because her husband had been whipped oa the street la a fUt fight acd toag to the quick wiea the wife of the victor laughed ia her bHsband's disfigured face. Mrs. Ole Oleeoa rushed out of a Main-street restaurant, grabbed Mr. Keaaeth McRea by the shoulder, shook her fist in her face aad dared her to laugh. A crowd quickly gathered, but Mrs. McRea escaped her a?!la&t and made her way to the police sta tion, where a comp'alot was filed. Mrs. Oleson was brought into court and fined 110 for AMault. The first fight occurred 1b the forenoon and the latter in the after noon. The first grew out of a suit for the possession of land, and though McRea. as the aggressor, was fined !10 for starting th- fight, he declares Oleson bad spit ia his face and committed other Insults which could no longer be overlooked. Both mcounters occurred on the main street, in the very heart of the city, and were witnessed by scores of spectators. SEND YOl'R FRIENDS an Easter card. Finest collection ever seen In Coos county at A .M. Prentiss & Co., one cent to 75 cents. S.WI-, MONEV by buying sus penders at Coos Bay Cash Store. FASTSTDFr' In a wnnr Mrs. A. M. White IiAMKS TAILORING AND FANCY GOWNS. Artlotlc Uvwllenee, RlHrt WorWHKinOilp. I-ati-M Stvlt.. Iadio of Cks liny Arv Cordially InvlUxl to ChII. Room U, Romr Rulldiiig. Corner CVntral Aemio and Hro.ulay Mnr-4B'-lil, Ortgnii. L. J. POST Contractor and Rulliler Klckuwn yrr.' ir n r t lnht ut ntU--Tl.ur liiura J J t vurk it(hl" hti2 Soiii Socoiul Strict M-RSIiriKLD, ORE. . i t V tmitr' HfcT '.iiLii LwUCUt-'"'-'"" oag, wavy anas- to a kind of shark, aad ako ia California to a gray whale, the giant fish bst kBOwa as such Is technieal'y called the great ray. The devilfish or great ray. is fla:, said to be sometimes thirty feet aerosc. wiih two great supple arms or head fins, shaped somewhat like elephants' tusks, protruding from the front of its head. Although many thrilling tales of adventure with this fish have from time to time found their way into print, there is not yet oa record an authoritative report of a devilfish having ever eaten a humaa being. "The food of the devilfish," says Dr. Gill, "so far from beiag large animals and occasionally a ma a or so, as has been alleged, appears to be chiefly the small crab, shrimps and o'her crustaceans, and young or small fishes, which swsrm ia certain places near the surface of the water Rarely dos oae prey on large fishes." Sulimarino Pliclit. The devilfish are inhabitants of warm water seas aad as a rule do not venture from the shore very far out on the high seas. Once in a while one is seen as far north as New York, or another in tie Medi terranean. In I'nited States waters they have been more frequently re-. ported from South Carolina aad the Gulf states, aad from Loer Califor nia. They often swim in schools or shoals and have a curious habit of turning somersaults near the sur face. soBWtires leaping as high as ten feet out of the water and churn ing the sea into foam. If the devil fish could life and mo la the air in their mode of progression they would probably be said to fly, for a sort of submarine night l really hat is accomplished. It te by Saps of the long winglike fins that they peed themselves aloaar- A na'uralUt who obserred devil ash Id action, says he thought no more diabolical creature could be Imagined. They resembled enor mous bat, and in following oae an other around la a circle raised the outer Up of oae of the long wing like aes high oat of the water in a graceful eurre the other beaig deep ly submerged. TVey might be seen aow gliding down with a flying mo tion of the wings; sweep! ag, gyrat ing upward with a twisting vertical motion, marvelous In its perfect, grace, now thev 1ihd while, again black, so that one would say ;hey vtm09m MERCHANT & KAMMERER The home of HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES New Arrivals for Summer iiifiill fiBB aPeilgIlii3 . 't ' ' mSiBmW&B? 1 1' .i B5MaV5ir ifSy , ' ' ' i i 'sRiaTaTfcfcrvts: &?&' , f ,l - m v j 'i- ' ; 'J i Copyright 1 90S by Hart SchafFner &c farx iprmg d Soft, mild days every now and then, and sunshine that strikes warm on your back Spring coming fastthe time for new Clothes at hand Hart- Schaffner & Marx have made for us an unusually at tractive stock of Spring garments There is a style, a snap, a swing in these Clothes that will make you more than pleased with them Absolutely guaranteed to be free from cotton and made to wear Yes, we are very proud of these clothes and ask you to come in and look them over; It costs you nothing and we would be glad to have you. Every department well represented with Easter suggestions. snzsssrsssQzi Si IE aOajf mi Ohm Bisk Buy any piece of fhis ware from your dealer fry if fifteen days. If in that time you find that aii the claims we make for it are not true, and if it is not just as represented, take i! back and get year money. an j j fa r ia- w ENAMEL WARE CAUSES: t CANCER, SAYS DOCTOR Tells Homoeopaths Particles Fron Dishes Start Growths ia Stomach. Sptcici Dltpttth t9 The Sorth Amrriecs. ATLATIC CITY. St. 11. .TEODt-CTION of ao4- ttr- Q. a o I Ga: H -e t tsnuair H - l' "NxP" - ' " th cu es in s 'ora lif r u Here at last i- the ideal kitchen and cooking- utensil "The Ware That Wears" made from Pure Spun Aluminum, and guar anteed by the makers to last 25 years with average usage. "Spun" Aluminum, mind you, not cast Aluminum, which will sometimes crack and scale. Spun Aluminum Ware will never crack, peel, scale or break. era oaaei m in tie k.teiMJ of tb f -st-T li rtpori'.: for miDj eazei of cacr, wms tfc trtV-!-j; ttrT adrasccd It Dr WlUUm ii DitSasittch. cf Vw it. Is a psper '-" t.'lwl, "ObrTtiOB 03 the K'io'ogy ttl Caacv-" rJ Xxiort te Ervsu M Sr. Ic'Hwita. at vUcji !" maias expr: ol ia InterrJttoMl llamot opitic Cocr awt t j t ilifvuM qcc t' n& tt mnAi ham fh irr.x-".t aJTtcvnl a tiat cbip r r; Ji-t h-J-x.t-J din umI 1b prip-a-i. a -t en a . -J cisot Kt das ,v parik" t cr ft re za Butter to Iwoik i -ifj tk t.'. fL TbM r Ukn lata raawd hj aniBt wtka tir auk ic tW i -J Si atk t.l t. f ir ha- ' air 'I 9 'raic diai n: ka! T: area. Enamel ware is iron coated with colored glass. Iron ex pands with heat. Colored glass does not, but chips off into the food with dangerous results to those who eat it. "gjQ Sec 2cmppcz'chppir. "(892" Pure Afuralnara Ware Saves Doctors' Bills, It enables you to baHe bread, pies, pancakes, etc, without grease, which is the great cause of dyspepsia rc indigestion. Aluminum gridles require no grease; hence are smokeless and odorless. "1892" Pure Aluminum Ware Will Not Scorch or Burn is easily cleaned, will not rust or corrode. Handsome in appearance. Looks like silver, but weighs only about one fourth as much, and is light and convenient to handle. The original aad only genuine Span Alarainum Ware is made by the Illinois Pare Alaxniana Co. at Lemont, 111. Every piecs bearing their trade-marH, the Maltese Cross, and marUed "1S92" Pore Aluminum Ware is absolutely pure, wholesome and hygienic guaranteed for 25 yrs. See that you get the right goods and accept no substitute. ?or Sals by J. H. MILNER, Marshfield. Orep-on Pure fflncteam Souvenirs given away ?ree farlmf fhis sale. 'f'rWaXfyigpfKgffmgggggZ I trfsxsrr SjkyaatjMakia-x "gStfc jit stit&e&&li-