SnCSSS "" ", .!- " aanBBTTTfc ttSBSSBB!t"iKSJWK3 ijwMjaiyyiliiii "iii''jit!; ' jj-ifei'i?wwwmoMJn lanmejasar" V r ' THE COOS BAY TIMES MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1 909 -EVENING EDITION BQS aea COOS BAY TIMES An independent Republican news paper published every evening except StiwJar, and Weekly by OTto Coos Kay Times Publishing Co. Entered at tho poatofllco at Marsh Sold, Orogon, for transmission through tho mails as second class snail matter. M. C. MALOXEY Editor and Pub. JAK . MALON'EY . News Editor SUBSCRIPTION HATES. In Advance. DAILY. Dne year $5.00 2U month $2.50 Jo&3 than 6 months, per month .50 WEEKLY. One year $1.50 Address all communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES, JMnrxufTcId : : : : : : : : Oregon , The policy of the Coos-Bay Times will he Republican in politics, with tho Independence of which President Boosevclt la the leading exponent. Official Paper of Coos County. CHARITY AND PEACE. w T IS THE PECULIAR province of g America to amaze the world and to set it an example in rapidity ifff action and in daring. No other country, not even Italy herself, re- sponded to the call for aid for the sufferers In Calabria and S cily as slid the United States. Contribu tor to tho Red Cross society amount 10 more man $-juu,uuu, tne sum of $130,779 coming in In a sin- Sie .day. It Is when humanity stands aghast before tho sight of an appalling dis- aster that the heart Is encouraged to T&ctfevo tho brotherhood of man may really come to be. Pity and sympa- thy move us as no threats can, no warnings, or appeals to the cold lo gja of the -mind. The magnificent Sfractfcabiilty of the Red Cros3 or ganization, its well-oiled machinery xnd readiness, made possible only 'tS the goodness of men and women,- iacome apparent at such a moment. Knowing nothing of religious pre- Sudlce, recognizing neither politics aor influence, It enters hovel and palace, moves in tho wake of armies, follows tho path of epidemic and jilaguo, succors tho starving, with- tout thought of self, or of the build- Sag of any institution except that of charity. Sometimes It seems as if there -lcerc a note of prophecy In the minis- i aratlons of tho Red Cross. Content it Is now to heal tho sick, relieve tho aamino-strlcken and bind the 'wounds of those upon the battle- j Hf&A. But will it always be content ' rlth merely trailing the gods of war .orScoolIng tho brows of the ailing ' or feeding tho hungry? Will It not, xa Jt grows in strength and mini 2x3TS, seek to prevent such Ills, as are nrovontuble? It has recently owfertakcn to aid the forces which Mm trying to stamp out tuborculosls. jronoy collected by tho society ibrough the sales of tho Christmas Ktamns is being so expended. The isoclcty may reasonably bo expected aromo day to Interfero botween na- aions to biivo tho shedding of blood. .And whilo this is no part of Its rxvowed purpose, tho principle Is In I , ... ., . . I .r.Qci iiuu wnu iiiuuuiu mullein, in u mnrtton boforo euro. By bringing its Vwor as an organization Into play 3t should bo ablo to forco cities to jJcan their streets and carbollzo Htfdr slums whon epldomlc Is threat w?ed. If It can promote peaco it -.can, at tho samo tlmo, suggest tho oruinloyment for humanitarian pur-jsu-ea of funds now placed in arma ajpats. "If I had my way," said 2A3ICS J, Hill, "I would build at least ono warship less n year and -with tho Ilvo million dollars saved I - cold establish ono thousand schools of agriculture" Dlvorsion cnl ihlo sort may bo a dream, but Si Red CroBS may some day try to aako It a reality. No country nioro than this Is so STMierous In giving. It has uevor lilted to respond to tho plea of tho seeding. And In Ainorica, too, tho EEi Cross society Is strongest. Is it nsfl probnblo that tho first doflnlto urfents of an altoring policy In tho as- sncfati'ou will ho noted hero? OOD ROADS A NICOKSSITY. FROM THE PROCEEDINGS of the local Chambor of Coramorco ' at its last week's sosslon wo ob- j wrvtf that a Good Roads Convention .k planned for a date simultaneous wHth tho banquet. This Is a good wn. Thoro is no question of xnwtar Iniportnnco no question 5aat appeals moro strongly to Coos county at tho presont tlmo than '' dbwa that of bettor highways. It Is $ WITH THE i I TOAST AND TEA t GOOD EVENING. A man may be more vigorous than his luck, or ho may be more bending than his good. From tho Chinese. X'ew Year Resolutions. Ten resolutions New Year's Day bo fine; One got very thirsty, then there were nine. Nine resolutions, virtuous, sedate; One smoked a perfecto, then there were eight. I Eight resolutions, leading straight to heaven; One sat In a Httlo game, then there were seven. Seven resolutions, set against all tricks; One let out a cuss word, then there were six. Six resolutions, trying hard to thrive; One ate a Welsh rabbit, then there, were five. plve resolutIonS( feelIng very hoar; One went out to borrow, then there were four. Poup reBollltlonSf stiff-backed as could be" 0no WMt do;,n tQ Wa gtreet then there were three. Three resolutions, quite a sturdy crew; one got engaged again, then there were two. Two resolutions, holding off from fun;; One of them began to speed, then Mie're was one. One resolution missed the rising sun, Busted all to flinders, then there were none. , Exchange. You have possibly observed the close relations between bad luck and blunders. Every time a lie is told a lot of Coos Bay people would rather believe it than tho truth. There are Coos Bay men who can never learn to be better except when taught by a policeman. It is impossible for women to se- lect a topic of conversation to please the men, so no wonder they have auit trying. No doubt when a man is sentonc- u" lu "u" 1L n'"s "". ""i u ls no surprise to him when he meets a lot ot llIs uln there. "Queen Elizabeth was tho greatest woman tho world has evor seen," re marked tho historian. 'That shows," remarked tho newly wctl Co03 Bnv nm- a 1Ittlp haughtily. "that you never met my wife." T , 7T. , , "Johnny enmo mighty near chok- Ing to death tho other day," said Mrs. Lapsllng. "Ho was eating pop corn, and ho got a grain of it fast in his windpipe. At least that's where I thought it was, but when tho doctor enmo ho said H wasn't his windpipe at all. Tho popcorn had lodged In his sarcophagus." a quostion, In fact, that is agitating most sections of tho country, parti- cinrjy as relates to tho intelligent construction and ropair of roads. The subject is no longer ono of vital in - torost. It concerns the neonlo vital- ly as Involving ono of tho principal agencies In tho development of a country uko 0r3i Tho farmor til0 morchaut, In fact all lines of indus try havo como to understand that good roads nro an essontlal factor to our well-being to tho cortnin and unhamporud progress of an interior community especially. Coos county 'noeds moro nnd bettor highways. This said without casting any ro- flections upon our County Commis sioners who aro doubtless doing tho very best posslblo with tho means at their command, but methods must bo dovlsod for affording tho relief so urgent. So let tho Good Roads Convention bo a rousing affair. Lot honollcinl results bo its offspring! Coqulllo Horald. DON'T FORGICT tho PRIZE DANCE at tho Knights of Finland Hall, January 23d. Compressed yeast t Cortlieir. THE LIGHT SHINES ON GOOD DEEDS. Buy you can't "make light" of de fective ones, because it is too serious a matter. Never buy any kind of property without first having the titlo thoroughly searched. If you do !you may lire to regret it. We are export searchers or titles and can give you excellent professional ser vices for a small fee. You will find It to your advantage to get acquaint ed with us. COME OUT OF TUB COLD. We car sell you good warm houses In good location from $1,250 to $1,400 title perfect. Title Guarantee & Abstract Co. CLEANLINESS. for all. Just send your clothes to our Laundry and they will be return ed to you in a state of spotless purity. Clothes last 'much longer when we do your Trashing. , COLLARS, CUFFS, SHIRTS. Family Washing, Chlldrens' Dresses, etc., all laundered equally well. Coos Bay SteamLaundry I SouthMasrhfield f Coal$5.0D psr Ton Dry Stove Wood $2.00 per tier. We solicit your trade. All orders filled promptly. COOS BAY FUEL COMPANY J. C. DOANE Si. SON, Props. Phone 534 or Leave Orders at I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. u-a-a-K-::-::-- sx-a-ti-a-a-::- ft I Our Goods are the I best we can get u i a i i n a t a a a a t a f And our prices are based on the merits of tho goods. And you can mako no mistake by adding your name to our stead ily growing list or regular cus tomers. Fresh goods dally. C. W. WOLCOTT a xiio 1'amiiy urocer Phono 071 Free dollvory to any part of tho city. Front Street Marshfield ,. , a i a i a i a i M -u-a-a-H-a-tj-n-a-a-a-a-H-u th'it - u-i---a-- i Coos Bay Liquor Co. h Makes a specialty I of family orders at t Try a case of EXPORT BEER QUARTS $2.00 rhoue 481 Eree Deliver a i a- -a- a--a- 4 t LUNCHES. t : t Everything for a whole- t some and dainty luncheon t To be served here or i to take Home, t CORTHELL'S t DELICATESSEN. 1 FINANCIAL I First 1 I ruse. 5100,000 Capital, Fully Paid STANDS FOR CONSERVATIVE BANKING Pays Interest on Time and Savings Deposits i Tho officers and the entire directorate are citizens of Marshfield and vieinity who own and control the capltnl stock Whose every interest and succes mean tho succpss of this community. We solicit your business and accounts. DIRECTORS. JOHN S. COKE STEPHEN-C. ROQERS, HENRY SHNGSTACKDN, M. C. HORTON, WILLIAM GRIME3, OFFICERS. JNO. S. COKE, President. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. M. C. HORTON, Vice President and Manager. sssEKEKTSssraarr I Flanagan & Bennett Bank r ' MARSHFIELD, OREGON. Paid Up Capital and Undivided Profits $75,000 Assets Over Half Million Dollars. Does a general banking business and draws on the Bank of Cali fornia, San Francisco, Cal., First National Bank, Portland, Ore., First National Bank, Roseburg Ore., Hanover National Bank, New York, N. M. Rothchlld & Son, London, England. fAlso Bell exchange on nearly all tho principal cities of Europe. Accounts kept subject to check, safe deposit lock boxes for rent at 50 cents a month or $5 a year. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS V THE FI&ST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL BANK AVells Fargo Nevada National Bank, San Francisco, Cal. The United States Nntionnl Bank, Portland, Ore. Tho National Park Hank, New York, N. Y. The Corn Exclinngo National Bank, Chicago, 111. The Bank of Scotland, London, England. The Credit Lyonnnis, Paris, Franco. Draws Drafts on In addition we draw drafts on Europe, Asia, Afrlcs, Australia. South America. Porsonal and commercial accounts kept subject to check. Certificates of Deposit issued. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. STEMERS Portland & Coos Sails from Ainsworth DockPortland, Wednesdays at 8 p.m bails from Coos Bay Saturdays at Servrce of Tide. S. S. CZAR. Uj SAILING BETWEEN SAN FRANCISCO AND COOS BAY, CAR. pi S RYING FREIGHT AND COMBUSTIBLES ONLY. te jj W. F. Miller, Agt. - Phone Main 233 1 S HSESliSZSaS35a?a5HSHS3SSE5H5a5HiH15HSa5HSZSHSHSBS? 55H5H5?Sii5HS2aH525"tf rnE: Steamer M'. F. Plant SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR SAN FRANCISCO EVERY TUESDAY. No reservation held after the nrrlvnl of the ship unless ticket is bought. F. S. DOW, Agent, MARSHFIELD, ORMGON ES2Sa5Z5HSHSHSH5dESB5HSHSSF5HSHS3a5SHSES2SSHSBSHSDa5cL5Hi'E5SHSHSSa I. ,-.i,.i,..t,., !-;. fri, .,!.. ,!.!.. Streamer WilheSmina LUDVIG CIIKISTENSHN, Mnsr Sailing for Bandon every Monday. For full laforatatioa, anpy Cha Thorn owner, or H. W. Skinner, agent. .f-H.-.,!,-....-.- - gi-.Ii - - ! - H. - 4l 44wS AAj, ft ft, CALIFORNIA AND OREGON Steamer Alliance E. D. PARSONS, Mnster. COOS BAY AND PORTLAND SAILS) FROM PORTLAND SATURDAYS, 8 P. M. SAILS FROM COOS BAY TUESDAYS, AT SERVICE OF TDDE. F. P. Baumgartner, Agt. H. W. Skinner, Agt, Couch St. Dock, Portland. Ore. Marshfield, Ore., Phone 441 -. A .. A. . A. .. A. . A Tttttvtttvi jHSaSZS2SZ5HSES2S5HSaS2SHSHS2SM Masters and McLam General Contractor' Buiidirg Material and Beaver Hill Coal Office: Broadway & Queen St Phones 201 1-826 .-.. HlfiH GRADF MFATS iaiUI! VJIlrtL'L IVILMIO uie ueucious tasto aim uavor mat, goes witit every piete oi o.i w ken. All orr meats are tho choicest we can produce. R. II. NobltipEe CITY MARKE- Phofre 1041 C d Front. Stxcetc, Marshffoid Oregoa uigTsinra&fliaBWi ad Savings Bank JNO. F. HALL-, W. S. CHANDLER, DR. C. W. TOWER, DORSEY KREITZER, L,vt",fwi',vT-fTinTr jo.i all principal banking centers in China, Japan, North, Cential and Bay S. S. Line S hhH 3 - .I. -.!... .i.,fr.,t.. ft. ft, ft .;.. ft. ft. j. COAS T STEAMSITTP rmmjw 9. h .i..i.ftftft ftftftftftft CT.52Z5Z5E5E5aE3B5H5Wcre525'SSrw5 STEAMER FAVORITE S Two trlnsdill? hrtjn ..j.. .j rv Conullle connecting with U Uarthfleld ""' iJnaa . ,.DUOa.M. IS Leaves Coqitille ...4:eo.m. "1 ,!.,.. . m iruveien itaving iar6nilelcl t tha ?' mornlnc reach lUndon at lnon1 p..nni "1 n on Coonllle rlrercan tiienii .,. ;L. K .J hours In Marshfield and reach home the P COQUILLH RIVER CTRANB. S PORTATION CO. ffl ' S5H53S?S25'dia5HSaF35SE2S!o?3'tra!res Tho od(?r of roast beef appetizing, cau onlv be sugi Wowevsr dcctitira nf Business Directory Doctors. D' R, R. E. GOLDEN Physician nnd Surgeon 202-03 Coos building. Offlco hours: 10 to 12 m. 2 to B and 7 to 8 p.m. Phones: Ofilcc 1051 Residence 105. C. HURROUGHS LS Hoi Homropnthlc Physician Chronic Diseasoi a Specialty. Residence nnd offlco, comer 'C and Second Streets, Marshfield. D R. GRORGE W. LESLIE OgtepntWi PhyslclM Graduate of American School of OateonathT KtrkRTlllc, Uc ' 7 OBlcc ITouri: a m. to 4p. m. Other noun hi Appointment. Offlceovpr First National BaV Phono 1G11. Marshfield, On Dt, GEO. E. DIX Physlclnn nnd rfurjroox New Flanagan & Bennett Bank Bldi Phone Ifirfl Residence Phono 1C55. DK. .. W. INGRAM PhyHlcinn nnd 8nrgfx)n OfTlco S10.S-200 Coos RulIdlnK Phones Offlco 1G21: Residence 1623 DR. A. L. Phy IIOUSEWORTn hysiclnn and SiirgtMin. OOIcps second floor of Flanagan & Bennett Bank Building. Office hours 2 to 4 p. m.; 7 to 8 p. m. Phono: Ofilcc, 1431: Residence, 1433 M RS. NETTIE AVERY Formerly Nettio Hovel Midwife Ohstetrlcal Nursing Lawyers. Francis H Clarke J.icob M. Ulakb I-awrenre A LHJcqust CrARia;, blake & LILJEQVIST, ATTORNEY8.AT-LAW United States Commlssloner'p. Offlc Trust Building. Marshfleid, Or. J W. UENNETT, Office oyer Flanagan ft Bannti Ban Mnrqhflnld o-j;n. IKE & COKE. Attorneys at Law. ftfarnhfleld. Oregon! Miscellaneous Cw. MERCHANT, Electrician Wiring Guaranteed and Done at Reasonable Rates. Shop: South Marshfield, Phone 1033 W. S. TURPEN Architect. Over Chamber of Commerce MARSHFIELD, ORE. MARSHFIELD TURKISH BArHS 210-213 Coos Building. Hours: Ladies, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m, except Saturday Gents, 7 p.m. to 1 a. m., except Friday. Phone 2141. TURKISH BATH $1.00. C. L. BUTTERFIELD. Prop. HOTELS The LATTIN Hotel Gny O. Lattln. Nqw nr3 modern throughout. Rates $1 per da. $0 per week. Freo baths, newly fnrnlKhed. Phono 2005. Next to cor Sheridan and Queen Are. Marshfield, Ore. Marshfield Hand & dteam Laundry Temple , WUspn UNDERTAKING PARLORS. Funeral supplies in general. Licensed embalmer with lady assistant. South Broadway. Telephones: OFFICE 2101. RESIDENCE 2103. -$-A TH0MAS0N & HANSON -DEALERS IN- 'Hay Grain and Peed' Free Delivery pnon8 17G1 - H Everything Back B But the Dirt I - a I I -- "Tl" Mil )