"" '."'ii.inniJiiWpwa THE COOS BAY TIMES MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1909 EVENING EDITION H-ti-H-a-:i--n-n-tj-a-a-tt-a-art-::-a-::-a-a-a-a-H-a-a-::-:i- WJMWM I flfif'A'izSz5?i'x'i'ze.zx2'fie (e I TOWN TOPICS i T rt .,v .-,,-...,.,-. -.,--:, il rnrcArsa i Ml of P WB oe A wA OVrXAtll J.XIJ'lVst J ftLMkMfc. IX ' 'a THE LIGHT SHINES DEEDS. Duy you can't "make light" of de fective onos, because It la too serious a matter, Never buy any kind of property -without first baring the title thoroughly searched. If you do you may lire to regret it. Wo are expert searchers of titles and can give you excellent professional ser vices for a small fee. You will find it to your advantage to get acquaint ed with us. COME OUT OF THE COLD. Wo car sell you good warm houses In good location from $1,250 to $1,400 title perfect. Title Guarantee & Abstract Co. CLEANLINESS. for all. Just send your clothes to our Laundry and they will be return ed to you In a state of spotless purity. Clothes last much longer when we do your washing. COLLARS, CUFFS, SHIRTS. Family Washing, Childrens' Dresses, etc., all laundered equally well. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Souf-h Marshfield Coal$5.00 per Ton Dry Stovo Wqod f.OO per tier. Wo solicit your trado. All orders filled promptly. COOS BAT FUEL. COMPANY J. C. DOANH A SON, Props. Phone C34 or Leave Orders at I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- a (if -it irnnnc otv -f-no i a I best we can get t a And our prices are based on the merits of the goods. And you can make no mistake by adding your name to our stead ily growing list or rogular cus tomers. Fresh goods dally. i i 8 : 8 I 8 .V C. W. WOLCOTTa HPlin Pamllif S2tisam .. Phono 071 Free delivery to any part of the city. Front Street Marshfield 7? 8 88-a-8-8-a-8-8-8-8-8-8- COOS BAY, ROSEI5URG A BAST- KRH RAILROAD & NAVIGATION COMFANT. TIME TABLE NO. 4. In effect November 1, 1008. Dally except Sunday. No. 6. No. 3. ' ON good a a EpBHHEjt I -JbirfifltrT)fciM ,mimks ..J 44i ?' I i -n 7'1 I 8 I South P. U. A. M. Marshfield Lt. 2.00 Lv. 8.30 Summit 2.30 9.00 Junction 2.37 8.07 Bearer Hill .... 2.50 .... Coquille .... 9.20 Johnsons .... 9,35 Schroeders . ... .... 9.40 Norway 9,47 Myrtle Point . . . . Ar Ar.10.00 No. 4. No. 6. North A. M. P. M. Marshfield Ar.12.20 Ar. 5.30 Summit 11.40 6.00 Junction 11.25 4.45 Beaver Hill Lv. 4.30 Coquille 11.05 Johnsons 10.47 Norway 10.27 .... Myrtle Point ....Lt.10.20 of RUGS Just Arrived a a i a a a a a i a t a a !v 'a Going h. Harvey Co YOURS FOR QUALITY - tt - a - a - a - a - :: - aa - a - a - a - a - a - closes TOMORROW, SATURDAY NIGHT AT 0 P. M. We are making a further reduction on Cut Glass and Clocks as follows: ORIGINALLY CUT GLASS marked $10.00, NOW $20.00. All de signs same proportion reduced to same prices ALAnM CLOCKS marked $1.50, NOW 75c. Our Diamond Stock Is best ever shown on Coos Day DIA MONDS WE GUARANTEE ORIGINALLY MARKED $100.00,. NOW $50.00. We compete with Portland and San Francisco on everything in our line. CARLE TON JEWELRY COMPANY FIRST TRUST AND SAVINGS RANK RLDG.. MARSHFIELD, ORE w ' a-a-a-a-H-8-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- 8 :. SAVJS AlUAtti: Electric Washing Machine and Wringer We guarantee It to net you over 150 per cent on the investment. SAVES 1 day's wages (per week) for washwoman, $1.50 n day, (52 weeks) $78.00 a year SAVES meals for laundress, 25 cents per day, (52 weeks $13.00 a year SAVES in wear and tear on clothes $100.00 a year Total $101.00 a year In larger households, using thes' figures s a basis, tho ELEC TRIC machine will save $250 to $300 n year. When the washing is done by your good wife vt will have to leave 8 : 8 I Mm pctlninfn nf eui'Itirra tn vnii a M ' I v THE ELECTRIC machine and- a i I , n permanent power Laundry in ?. The COOS BAY GAS tt-a-a-a-a-a-a-a - a - a - a - a - a - n agsrogzaexgaaM.afg tT TiCI' B f 'ffTETTV TP A T'f JU5I WirlAl ALL KfNDS i ?a i 's. i ,". Mra jttv ?i lOI lAPIi THE STATIONERS. ryyrTtwriW.'v'T'a,ttTf'-n''Wi'VMI mum - t ManmHinawi 8 u - a - a - a - a - 8 - a - 88 - 8 - 8 - 8 - a - a - i KB.UUVufi.UKAliUiai mm t -" w n a y r a This popular hotel will inaugurate the $1.00 per day for room and meals, commencing January 1, 1909. Meals will be served in dining room at 25 cents. Special rates by week and month. Good cooking. Good meals. Good service. FERREY & FLANAGAN, Proprietors. P-8-8-8-8-8-8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 88 COLUMBIA MACHINE WORKS Cavanagh, Chapman (& Co. ! General Repair Work and Woodturning. Launches a Specialty Foot of Queen Avenue, Marshfield ; COOS BAY Academy of Music ELMER A. TODD, Director. NeifdXtoniielT Building SE5HSHSHSE5HSZ5E5ffiai5a5S5HSHSZ5?JE5SSZHSS25a5E5H52SHHSHSiSHS2SH5ESES2 I Building CEMENT BRICK LIME, PLASTER FIRE CUT FIRE BRICK SEWER PIPE DXim TILE and TERRA C0TTA GOODS WHOLESALE and RETAIL SEE US FOR. FAIR, PRICES NORTH BEND HARDWARE Sb SUPPLY CO North Bend, Oregon. t i: - a - a - a - a - a - rt - aa - a - a - tt - a - a 50 Per Cent. REDUCTION Again we thank tho people ot Marshfield who have taken advan tage of our reduction sales which .i - a - a - a - a - n - a - -a-8-8-al . t ' a a i a a 8 a a a i 8 ( a t a a i lix I'UHUliASiJMi ASS a a a wringer will Inst n lifetime nnd Is your home. and ELFXTRIC Co. - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - w &m T T m. T X TC VI "iril YUU JNJiEJJ AND SIZES AT sen J "7TJW a - n - 8 - 8 - a - a - 8 - 8 - a - 8 - 8 - 8 - a - w rw a kima - ' nL,Jmjf tlJ I tLL, - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - mmmmmmmmmmm &Hao Piano Mr. Elmer A. Todd, Miss Lucy S. Horton. Voice Miss Mable Clare Mlllls. Art of Expression Mrs. Rebecca Luse-Stump, Classes In Har irony, Sight Reading, etc. Phone 10S5 Material PLUM1ING SUPPLIES FIRST CUSS PLUMBING and TINNING SHOP IN OPERATION fl L W t K Movements of Vessels. The Deo arrived Sunday from Day Point nnd Is loading at the C. A. Smith mill. Meet Tonight. The Mlllicoma Club stockholders will hold their annual business meeting at the club rooms this evening to elect officers for the ensuing year. Council Tonight. The Marshfield city council will meet this evening. The most Important matter to come up will be the ordinance for naming and numbering the streets. A num- 8 ber of municipal matters are to a come up also. High Tide Today. The tide reach ed one of the highest points of the year this morning. For a time, It broke through the dikes along the railroad coal bunkers, but it started receding before it had caused any damage. Liberty Repaired. The steamer Liberty which was recently brought to Coos Day from the Coquille has been overhauled at North Dend and yesterday was brought to Marshfield. It is expected that she will be put on a regular run soon, probably run ning between hero and Allegany op posite to the Alert. Has Rare Coins. Mrs. J. A. O'Kelly is the possessor of two of the new gold coins issued from the models made by St. Qauden's the fa mous artist and sculptor under a commission appointed by President Roosevelt. The coins are the new ?20 and ?2.50 gold pieces, but the Issue was stopped because bankers complained that the raised figures prevented stocking them in piles on bank counters. The dies were changed and the coins as now Issued are smooth. The small num ber placed in circulation after the first issue makes these coins much sought by coin collectors and already a premium has been placed upon them above their face value. Many people when first shown these coins think they are not genuine be cause of differing from the old time coins. WANTED Potatoes Dow. See FOR SALE Thoroughbred Rhode island Reds $1 per head. Eggs $1 per setting of 15. Mrs. J. H. Price, Allegany, Ore. A SNAP A good reliable gasoline boat, suitable for pleasure parties or heavy work. For particulars, apply at John Dear's Livery. FOR SALE Incubator and brooder used only one season. Will be sold cheaply. Address A. D. care of Times. POSITION WANTED As salesman and advertiser by young married man with ten years experience, wishes to become associated with good firm. Address, Dox 387, North Dend. FOR RENT Largo storeroom, dou ble front, adjoining Breakwater warehouse. See Robf. Marsdcn or phone 481. FOR RENT Seven room house with modern conveniences on Fifth and D. Apply at R. Krugers. WANTED One or more Lots. Cor ner ones preferred. Price must be low. Address with full particu lars "L; Times office. I WANT To quit 3aloon business. Have fine proposition. Ask me about It. Y. Z. care Times. WANTED Carpentering and Job work. Corthell, phono No. B61. FOR RENT Furnished room. Mod ern conveniences. Phone 1811. HOUSE WANTED Immediately, six rooms. Modern conveniences. Address P. O, Dox 111, Marshfield. If you will take Foley'a Orlno Laxative until the bowels becomorcg. ular you will not havo to tako pur gatives constantly, as Foley's Orlno Laxative positively cures chronic constipation and sluggish liver. Pleasant to take. For sale by RED CROSS PHARMACY. John Prousa. F. S. i Timely Topics Talked About Where Men Meet nnd Mingle and Mlv Conver sation With Com- "That editorial on the cost of raising a boy, was all right," re marked Dorsey Kreltzer as ho stack ed up a bunch of $20 gold pieces, "but you omitted one important item. You mentioned the financial and physical cost of a boy to thf father and mother but you aatd nothing about what It costs th grandfather. Now, there's that bty of mine ", but at this point Cil Grimes entered the conversational game with the remark that "he was worth several times the cost t, grandfather." "If you were told you could have all the money you could carry a m'! without resting you would probably think It a great prize," remarked a Marshfield banker today, "but It would not bo such a large sum as you think, altho much would depend upon the coins given you. For ln stance, $1,000,000 in one-cent pieces would weigh over half a mil lion pounds, or to bo exact 685,714 2-7 pounds. One million dollars in gold weighs 3.G85, 5-7 pounds avoir dupois; 1,000,000 trade dollar's weigh CO, 000; ,$1,000,000 or 12 Vi grains weighs 5S,928 4-7; $1,000, 000 In fractional coins weighs 55,114 2-7; $1,000,000 in five cent nickele weighs 220,457 1-7; $1,000,000 in three cent nickels weighs 142.S57 1-7." POPULAR YOUNG COUPLE WILL WED WEDNESDAY L. AV. Ilolmberg mid Miss Mac Swanson ta Re United Tomorrow Night, Will Reside Here. Announcement was made today of the marriage of L. W. Holmberg and Miss Mae Swanson, two popular Marshfield young people, which will be solemnized in tho C. A. Smith mill club rooms Wednesday even ing. Mr. Holmberg holds a respon sible position In tho offices of the company and has mado many friends I during his resldenco here. The, bride-to-be has resided with her pa rents at Day City, and has until re cently been Identified with W. R. Haines' office and also Dr. Schoon maker's office. The young couple plan to leave on the Nann Smith this week for San Francisco where they will spend their honeymoon. A host of friends will unite In wish ing them a long and happy voyage together. INSTALL NEW OFFICERS. Myrtle Lodge, Knights of Pythias Hold Ceremonies. Myrtle Lodge, No. 3, Knights of Pythias, held Its regular Installa tion of officers last evening. There were no ceremonies other than the regular installation exercises. The following are the officers Installed: D. G. C L. A. Whereat. C. C. Geo. Ross. Vt. C. D. A. Jackson. P. J. V. Hodson. K. of R. and S. J. T. Hall. M. of F. F. P. Norton. M. of E. Geo. Winchester. M. of A. Frank Dellon. I. G. W. B. Curtis. O. G. I. A. Hall. Trustee. E. A. Anderson. . THE THEATRE. ' The Portland Oregonian speaking of Mrs. May Dearborn Schwab's ap pearance in concort In Portland, has tho following appreciative notice: Mrs. Schwab rendered Dell Ac- qua's 'Chanson Provoncale' in a brilliant manner and responded to an encore w'th Durmeister's 'Persian Song.' Mrs. Schwab Is a singer who does not rely upon laurels won In tho past, but 1b a constant and earn est student of her art and her work' last night further endeared her to a public which is already her friend." Mrs, Schwab will sing at the Cha mlnade concert In Masonic Opera House, January 27. Seats now on sale at W. J. Dutler's. Seats for tho Charalnado concort now on sale at W. J. Dutler's offlco. Co'mpreesed yeast nt Corthell's. Rat Traps at MILNER'S. Have you tried The Times' want I L. A. LILJEQVIST went to Dandon today on business. DAVE WALLACE of Catching Inlet, was in Marshfield today. GEORGE RODERTS of Ten was In Marshfield today. Mile, MISS MUNSON of Ten Mile, is tho guest of Marshfield friends. MISS GRACE STARDIRD of Denver, Colo., and Mrs. A. L. Hunt of North Dend, wero Marshfield vis itors yesterday. GEORGE GOODRUM leaves on the M. F. Plant tomorrow for San Francisco. He will bo absent a couple of weeks, MRS. A. L. HOUSEWORTH has practically recovered and is now able to be about the house. She underwent an operation a couple of weeks ago. i MRS. HENRY SENGSTACKEN and Misses Genevieve and Doris Seng stacken leave tomorrow on the M. F. Plant for California where they will spend tho remainder of tho winter. . L. DERGMAN of the United States Life Saving Station at Gar diner was in Marshfield today. He' will visit his daughter, Mrs. Fred. Holllster at North Dend before returning. MISS ANNIE SMITH of Kentuck In let, was In Marshfield Saturday and reports that her father, C. T. Smith, is slowly recovering from the stroke of paralysis which he sustained a few weeks ago. LANGDON SPOONER, cashier at tho depot, who returned last week from a visit with his parents at Jennings Lodge, Ore., has gone to Coquille to take charge of tho de pot there during the absence of Agent Paul Sterling who with his wife Is visiting In various north ern points. Land Openiag. Thera li eolng to b a land open ing at Roseburff, Ore., Janunry 20, 1909. For lists, blue print maps with vacant lands marked thereon and full Information regarding fil ing!, ato., lend $2,00 to ROBHBURG ADSTRACT COMPANY, Roseburg, Ore. BUY your Tinware and Granlto Ware AT MILNER'S. l FRENCH LESSONS by Prof. C. A. Gabernache, (the real Parisian French Is taught) Four month's study will Insure a good knowledge of conversation. Phono Carleton Jowolry Store. Dog Collars at MILNER'S. While Goods at Cost Commencing January 19, 1909. We will close out all Ladies Muslin Underwear at cost. Closing Out Former Price Price, Now $1.75 Ladies' Gowns $1.12 $1.35 Ladies' Gowns 98c $1.25 Ladies Gowns 83c $1.00 Ladies Gowns 76c $1.00 Ladies' Drawers. 76c 95c Ladies Drawers 68c 80c Ladies' Drawers 61c 75c Ladies Drawers 57c 60c Ladies Drawers 43c 50c Ladies' Drawers 39c $2.25 Ladies' Skirts $1. 67 $1.75 Ladies' Skirts... $1.26 $1.50 Ladies' Skirts... $1.1 2 $1.25 Ladies Skirts 83c $1.00 Ladies' Skirts 74c 75c Ladies' Skirts 56c 80c Ladies' Corset covers 62c 75c Ladies' Corset covers 57c 60c Ladies' Corset covers 43c 20c Ladies Corset covers 13c Coos Bay Cash Store Next Door to Chamber of Commerce. You would not delay taking Fo ley's Kidney Remedy at the first sign of kidney or bladder trouble if you realized that neglect might result In Drlght'a disease or diabetes. Foley's Kidnoy Remedy corrects Irregula rities and cures all kidnoy and blad- CROSS PHARMACY, John Prousa. i n 11 9 u y,u 'ft -li ,iT" 'tAM Flag station; atop on ilrnal only SSSSSSSSESESSSHSESESSSZSSSHSSSZSffiSHSHSESESZSSSSSESESasSSHSESZSaSZra ' Prop. column! Prop,