E. " TS fcaftiBjgi If Tt-ryT THE COOS BAY TIMES MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1909-EVENING EDITION r n t fc M U EK: rj J HI I' HJ nl ci Inl Col M Jo Col G. J. Mn ShJ n ti ile.sli-j" liernl " ' COOS BAY TIMES An Jndajxsndent nepubllcan news paper published every evening except Sunday, and Weekly by TOw Coos Bbj- Times Publishing Co. Entered at the postofllce at Marsh fioia, Oregon, for transmission Urrongh the malls as second class anail matter. M. 7. 31ALOXKY Killtor and Pub. 39AK E. MALONKV Ncus Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES. In Advance. BAILV. ne year $5.00 3s monthi .. $2.50 Hess than 6 months, per month .50 M'EKKLW. One year $1.50 .Address all communications to COOS BAY DAITJY TIMES, ST.-trsIiflcltl :i " :: :: Oregon The policy of the Coos Bay Times vUl be Itepnbllcan In politics, with be Independence of which President EDUwvelt la the leading exponent. Official Paper of Coos County. miK JUIilTAIlY ESTABLISHMENT S SOON' AS congress can get Its difficulty with the president ad justed it will be brought face to 3ao3 with the growing deficit in tho public treasury, which Secretary Cortclyou est!matP3 at $114,000,000 Tor the present year and at $143, flOO.flOO for 1910. Already the suggestion Is made In Hanking circles that a bond Issue is -demanded. Bond issues have never Ibesn popular with the tax paying public and have never been resorted to ty any administration excepting 5n Hie most extreme circumstances. A "band Issue in times of peace and prosperity will not leave a good taste Sn tbe mouth, In the closing days of President Roosevelt and the opening 3stb of President Taft. ""it is well to realize, before the tenantry goes any farther In a Jingo jpoTicy, exactly what is causing the jirescnt unfavorable treasury bal ance. It is well stated in the follow 3nS paragraph from the Washington correspondence of the Boston Tran script: ""Tito, navy has almost quadrupled its ant fn twelve years. In 1908 it cast tho country for navy mainte anuca twice the naval expenses of fiheSpaniBh war. The $118,000,000 upccat for the navy was equal to the aast of the navy for the first three yazra qf the civil war, and was only floor millions and a half less than Cfto government was spending on the irony in 18C5, when all civil war ex KRBffcs reached their climax. About . BO rents out of every dollar expend 3 1 tho United States government 'Jot everything outside the public deM In 1908 went for the army and aie navy." T other words, if the present iravnl policy Is .continued and If the army enlargements such men as Cap tain Hull contemplate are made tho aoontry must enlarge Its public debt Qy iundreds of millions or resort to name new form of public taxation. Jt may bo admitted that this Is vrjmt European governments have ioae and are doing. But to this tone Americans havo pointed at tho rtiactions of tho military establlsh vaeat on tho workers of Europo as si condemnation of tho whole mlll itaiy stylo of government. It may bo ehxl conditions havo changed and Sh&l tho time hns come for tho WniCcd States to omulato tho px rrarpJo of military Europe. But be fforo we accept the conclusion too tfofctly and begin Issuing nn onor inons public debt It Is worth whllo to tthlnk seriously about it. Tho United States now has tho 3rsest navy hut one in tho world, aitd by many regarded as tho most t-fli"elent navy In tho world. And jvtTre havo barely begun if tho pro srammo of tho military contingent Is a to followed out. Of tho last con nrrss President Roosevelt demanded ifonr battleships and oven tho poace aWo and mildest of senators wore jenniaded to suggest tho desirability af two. What view Judge Taft will Uslto remains to bo seen. But If ho Ibafsts on a steady development of ftfitf navy above Its present olllcloncy St -trill mean millions upon millions Sot military expenditure as tho per manent policy of tho country. ' Tho problem Is now boforo con gress but when new taxes nro lm SWMort It will ho boforo tho people TStnr far doos Oregon for Instauco, Hrap&w to B '" encouraging a SwHcy of permanent and growing Wtwdou" Indebtedness to further en Barjjo tho navy and army? SWEATS FOR CIIAMIXADE CON (TElrT, JANUARY 27, ON SALE AT "'. J. BUTLER'S OFFICE, O I WITH THE TOAST AND TEA 2 GOOD EVENING. A The love of books Is a love i r which requires neither JustI- V. ' fication, apology, nor defense. V? X LANGFORD. KL'EP YOUR PLUCK! When you acknowledge you're down and out, You're Licked.' But so long as you swear that you ( won't give in .That you'll hang-Oil and bang-on I until you win, 'No matter how hard you were cuffed and kicked, Xo matter how sadly your faith was tricked If you just remember what brought you low -. And keep away from the undertow, jit's only a matter of Holding Tight Before vou're back in the big world fight! But the man who pines and the man who whines, I Who skulks away from the skirmish Hues, Who hasn't the Grit to swing and hit, And Slug his way, never counts a bit, He Isn't worth bothering over a min ute He's Out of the game and never was In It. A man who Is really a man keeps his Luck So long as he keeps a good che3t ful of Pluck. Selected. Along about 43, look around for bargains In spectacles. About the only heirloom most peo ple know anything about Is the mort gage. A man who has been In an ama teur entertainment never hears the last of it. A boy's Idea of a useful Christmas present is one that will make a good deal of noise. It has been decided that "swell poople" is ungrammatlcal. It should be "swelled" or "swollen." Nothing makes a Coos Bay woman more angry than to realzlo that her husband doesn't care If she forgives him or not. "I was very fortunate," said a Marshfield woman this afternoon. "T made eight calls today and only found one woman at home." In order to havo creases In his pantaloons a man must have two ialr3 at once, and this is asking a little too much during hard times. If a girl refuses a young man and ho then promises to go to the devi' because of her cold heart, and keep" his promise, the girl Is lucky, having escaped an unpleasant journey. The Coos Bay man who goes to work early may think he Is the early bird, but before he is half way through life and has met disappoint ments ho decides he Is the worm. A Mnrshfield man appeared on the street this morning with egg on his face. "Ho must bo a millionaire," some one said. Tho man heard tho remark and knew it was intended for him. Ho started to rub It off. "Don't do that," said a bystander in alarm; "glvo It to me." When wo hear from a milkmin that ho has delivered an extra quan tity of cream at a woman's house, wo know there Is to bo a party nt that house. Hero Is another news sign: When wo see a young mnn In a barber shop getting his head sham pooed, It Is a sign ho Is either golu away on a trip or Is about to bo mar ried. DO YOU WANT A BOAT? Parties contemplating building boats should call or write for our prices boforo placing their orders. Porsonnl Inspection of our work In vited. Boat house nt Poney Slough Brldgo, North Bond. Coast agents for tho Ecllpso motors. Parks Boat Company, North Bond, Oro. I DoTTltfs CarbolUed Witch Hazel Balvo is especially good for piles, but It is also recommended nearly every where for arythlng when a salve Is needed. It Is soothing, cooling and healing, Bo sure to get DeWltfe Witch H'tol Salve when you ask for It. We sell and recommend It Sold by LOCKHART & PARSONS. How One Doc.'or Successfully Treats Pneumonia. "In treating pneumonia," says Dr. W. J. Smith, of Sanders. Ala., "tho only remedy I use for the lungs Is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. While of course I would treat other symp toms with different medicines, I hare used this remedy many times In my medical practice nud hare yet failed to find a case where it has not con trolled the trouble. I hare used It myself as has also my wife for coughs and colds repeatedly, and I most willingly and cheerfully recommend It aa superior to any other cough remedy to my knowledge." For sale hv .TOWN PREUSS. ; I ELECTRIC BELLS. i I Lamps, Annunciators, Gas Lighters, I Burglar Alarms, etc. All sorts of .wiring skilfully done. We keep a I stock of ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. that is particularly up-to date. And can meet every requirement of the modern Electrician. Oregon Electrical Supply Co. A' STREET, .MARSHFIELD SIMPLE REMEDY FOR LA GRIPPE Racking la grippe coughs that may develop Into pneumonia over night are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. The sore and inflamed lungs are healed and strengthened, and a dangerous condition is quickly averted. Take only Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package. For salo by RED CROSS PHARMACY, John Preuss, Prop. YOU GET the very best Meat and Poultry if you do your marketing here. Our large .tock gives yon n great variety to , select from and OUR PRICES nro always nn inhU'd attraction. Fine Legs of Lamb, Choice cuts of Beef, Veal and Pork. Sanitary Market Hall & Richards PHONE 100! uo not rorget that DeWItt'b Little Early Risers are the best Dills made. They are pleasant little pills that an easy to take and are prompt and gentle. We sell and ro.ommend tuotn. Sold by LOCKUARJ Ji PAR SONS. t LUNCHES. t Everything for a whole- some and dainty luncheon t To be served here or to take Home, t CORTHELL'S t DELICATESSEN. ? aiip. T?ni7PT?N n .. . . ., 7 REAL ESTATE I a i a i a and INSURANCE 'C Street, between Front and a R roadway. Phono 005. Lowest ratoa on Fire Insurance 1 Free Employment Agent. ------a--n--a-a-n- M FINANCIAL :irst Trust ad S100,000 Capital, Fully Paid STANDS FOR CONSERVATIVE BANKING Pays Interest on Time and Savings Deposits Tht officers and the entire directorate r cltlieni of Marshfield and rlelnlty who own and control the capital stock Whoso avery Interest and suceeM mean!" th success of this community. W olloit your business and aceounts. mnrccToiis. JOHN S. COKE STEPHEN C. ROGERS. HENrXT SENGSTACKHN, M. C. HOR.TON, WILLIAM GRIM"S3. OFFICERS. JNO. S. COKE, President. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. M. C. HORTON, Vice President and Manager. 'I- t ; v t Flanagan k Bennett Bank MARSHFIELD, OREGON. Paid Up Capital n:id Undivided Profit JST.'.OOO Asvts Over Half Million Dollars. Does a general banking business and draws on the Bank of Cali fornia, San Francisco, Cal., First National Bank, Portland, Ore., First National Bank, Roseburg Ore., Hanover National Bank, New York, N. M. Rothchlld & Son, London, England. Also sell exchange on nearly all the principal cities of Europe. Accounts kept subject to check, safe deposit lock boxes for rent at 50 cents a month or $5 a year. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS S4- 4.'4VH44 ? THE FL'iST NATIONAL BANK . OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL BANK AVells Fargo Nevada Xntionnl Bank, San Francisco, Cal. The United States National Bank, Portland, Ore. Tho National Park Bank, New York, N. Y. The Corn Exchange National Bank, Chicago, 111. The Hank of Scotland, London, England. The Credit Lyonnais, Paris, France. Draws Drafts on In addition we draw drafts on all principal banking centers in Europe, Asia, Afrlc, Australia. China, Japan, North, Cential and South America. Personal and commercial accounts kept subject to check. Certificates of Deposit Issued. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. STEAMERS CALIFORNIA AND OREGON COAS T STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Steamer Alliance E. D. PAHSONS, Master. COOS BAY AND PORTLAND SAILS FROM PORTLAND SATURDAYS, 8 P. M. SAILS FROM COOS BAY TUESDAYS, AT SERVICE OF TIDE. F. P. Baumgartner, Agt. H. W. Skinner. Agt, Couch St. Dock, Portland. Oo. Marshfield, Ore., Phone 441 4'W't''l'44V44t.I4.4.Mt.4.i.4.s. Portland & Coos Bay S. S. Line 1 S. S. BREAKWATER I pj. Sails from Ainsworth DockPortland, Wednesdays at 8 p.m g ijj sans nom Coos bay 5-auraays at Service of Tide. S Q r"P SAILING BETWEEN SAN FRANCISCO AND COOS BAY, CAR RYING FREIGHT AND OMBUSTIULES ONLY. W. F. Miller. Ast. V5H5H5gre5g5ESa5ZCT.515a5E5Z5EgaCTa5H5ulr Steamer M. F. Rj SAILS FROM COOS BAT FOR TUESDAY. No reservation held after the arrival of the ship unless ticket Is bought. F. S. DOW, Agent, K ' ,1, .,.. ,t. .,i, - .j. - .1. ..l.-.t..,t, ...i.. I. ,i , iii.t - - Steamer Wilhelmina LUDYIG CHRISTENS!, Uastaa. Satllnc for Bandon every Monday. Wnr fti t-tr..ti , Cha Thorn owmer, or H. W. Skinner, agent. ,,.,,,.,. ,.VT.,., rt-.t. .,!,.,,,.,, 5ESHSaSlSZ5HSHSB52SiI?aSHSZ5HSHST-3 Masters and McLain f ; : General Contractor' Ouildirg Material and Beaver Hill Coal Office: Broway & Queen St Phones 2011 - 826 j HIGH GRADE MEATS .1 i i- - . the dehcious taste and flavor that All orr meats are th rlmtnAat a,a .. All orr meats are the choicest w ran R. H. Nobl.r.r5aSe CITY MARKE" C J Front SLreeU, Mtrihfisld Oregoi Savings Bank JNO. F. HALL, W. S. CHANDLER, DR. C. W. TOTTER, PORSEY KREITZER, smvxaeaH - .' .'"v'i't,Wt t A. A ft vm a Phane Main 51 .VI 1 ffi SAN FRANCISCO EVERY VUEUUN K - .il .,1, g,.a.i , , , ... . . - - - - - - --- rv - '! - iy ,i.-t.4i,.a, ,t,.t,.,I, . . ,,.,.: HSssHssrasHSHSEresKP-reaaiJF STEAMER FAVORITE E nJ"?,!llr' da"!. betw.en lJt aid K tralnJ " Uar,kell Leave Bnadoa . ..Q:4.9t. V r - . . - H "" nOOK ...Its p.M. Lere CoqiIl. ..:Ij5.. g Leaves ConlJU . ..4:h.b,. " morning ; reach Bandon at loon. People Si K on Coaullle rlrer can spend orer tkree ffi C honralnMarahfleld and reach home tke H COQUILLH RTVBR TUAXH- H Kl POItTATinv m ui ;5H5?gaFgs.25g!rznsi5TOagie5irg a:nbofcodrrt,bee, koww I appetizing, can onlv be tucceitlva of I goes with every pie of uicf ? w" wB I n..,.. ' c' w reu nrrwtu. fione 1941 Business Directory Doctors. Dlt, II. K. GOLDEN Physician nud Surgeon 202-03 Coos building. Office hours: 10 to 12 m. 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. Plionea: Office 1051 Residence 105. DR. A. O. BURROUGHS Homeopathic Physician Caronlc Diseases a Specialty. Reaideac and oftlco, corner 'C and flecend Strrota, Mnrsliflcld. D R. GRORGE W. LKSIiIK Osteopath!'; Phydcian Ortdutte of American School of Osteopatbt KlrkdTllle, Uc ' 7 Office Iloiiri: m to4p m. Other Hour nj Appulntmnnt. Offlceovpr First National Btut i'kon 1611. Marshfield. Or. DR. GEO. E. DIX Physician and SorEeoK New Flanagan & Bonnntt Bank BldB Phono 1fil Residence Phone 1655. Dlt. J. W. INGRAM Physician and Surgeon Office 20H-200 Coos Building Phones Offlce 1621: Residence 1623 DR. A. L. HOUSKWORTH Pliyxicinn and Surgeon. Offices Becond floor of Flanagan & Bennett Bank Building. Office hours 2 to 4 p. m.; 7 to 8 p. m. Phone: Office, 1431: Residence, 143J M RS. NETTIE nOVEL Midwife Obstetrical Nursing With E. W. Kammerer Pnone l'f4 Lawyers. FrancU II. Clarke J icob M. Illukb Lawrence A Llljequst CLARKE, BLAKE IjTL.IEQ.VIST, ATTORNEY8-A T-LA W United States Commlssloner'p. OrJc Trust Building. Marsnfi aid , Or. J W. BENNETT, Office over Flanagnn & Bennoti Banr Marshfield, . Oreico f mis & COKE, Attorneys at Law. Marshfield. Oregon. IBIWII 1111 I 1 IIMIIMH.iMin i , Miscellaneous CW. MERCHANT, Electrician Wiring Guaranteed and Done at Reasonable Rates. Shop: South Marshfield, Phono 1033 W 8. TURPEN Architect. Over Chamber of Commerce MARSHFIELD, ORE. MARSHFIELD TURKISHBATHS 210.213 Coos Building. Hours: Ladles, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m, except Saturday Gents, 7 p.m. to 1 a. m., except Friday. Phone 2141. TURKISH BATH $1.00. C. L. BUTTERFIELD. T'ron. HOTELS The LATTIN Hotel Guy O. Lattin. New arU modern throughout. Ratoa $1 per day. $0 per week. Free baths, newly famished. Phono 2005. Next to cor Sheridan and Queen Ato. Marahfleld, Oro. Everything Back But the Dirt Marshfield Hand & Steam Laundry I TH0MAS0N & HANSON -DEALERS IN- t 'Hay Grain and feed' Free Delivery Phoa 1751 Temple , Wilson UNDERTAKING PARLORS. Funeral Bupplies in general. Licensed embalmor with lady assistant. South Broadway. Telephones: OFFICE 2101. RESIDENCE 3108. K u