The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 18, 1909, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    Successful Dok-
Experience "" '" ln ",o
r largo cities after
testing nil itdvcrtl dug methods aro
now using the dully papers acla
Vol. III.
No-161.. .
Want Ads. GK1 AVHAT Y0U
ii "in- "u. WANT WHEh
it iHHKirifrii
Matter Taken Up In Federal
Court In New York This
Morning Causes Stir.
Action Thought to Be Result of
President Roosevelt's Mes
sage Denouncing It.
(By Associated Press.)
NEW YORK, Jan. 18. The na
ture of the proceedings Instituted
against the TCew York World and
the Indianapolis News, because of
their criticism of the methods by
which the purchase of the Panama
Canal was made, was not disclosed
in a brief hearing In court today.
Wm. McLaughlin, sporting editor of
the World, and J. Angus Shaw, sec
retary of the Press Publishing Com
pany, were -subpoenaed to testify be
fore the federal grand jury In an
action not described In the subpoe
nas. It Is believed to be the out
come of Roosevelt's message to con
gress ln which lie protested against
the linking of the names; of Charles
a P. Taft, a brother of the president
elect and J. Douglas Robinson, the
President's brother-in-law, In the
criticism of the canal purchase. The
attorneys for the newspapers ob
jected to the form of subpoena ask
ed that they be quashed. Brief ar
guments were heard and the court
adjourned until this afternoon when
further argument will be heard by
Judge H. C. Ward.
"Want to Know Details of Libel Pro
ceedings. (By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 18.
A resolution was Introduced by Sen
ator Rayner of Maryland .calling on
the Attorney General for Information
concerning the bringing of a suit
for libel against certain newspapers.
Rayner asked an immediate con
sideration eaylng that his only pur
pose was to get information wheth
er this suit had been ordered,
whether It was brought at the insti
tution of the President under v."
statute, by whom it was ordered, and
by what power and authority the
courts were bdlng used to furthei
this suit. The resolution went over
until tomorrow under the Senate
rules, objections to its Immediate,
adoption having been made by Sen
ator Lodge.
How Saint Rarbnra Cnme to Re the
Patron of Artillerymen.
LONDON, Jan. 1G. The festival
of St. Barbara, which was celebrated
recently, recalls the singular fact
that a woman is the patron saint of
How this came about Is thus ex
plained: St, Barbara was the daughter of a
wealthy heathen named Dloscurus,
.io, In order to -keep her from the
outside worid, shut her up in a
tower. Returning one day from a
journey, he found that, despite his
precautions, his daughter had be
come a Christian. He compelled her
to appear before the Prefect, who,
after much questioning and exhort
ing, condemned her to death by
beheading, and her own father car
ried out the sentence. On his way
home he was struck by lightning and
his body consumed.
In the course of time this legend
caused St. Barbara to come to be
regarded an the patron saint for
protection against thunderstorms
nnd fire, and lator, when artillery
was invented, by some curious ana
logy, s the patron of artillerymen
and miners,
If you want what you want when
you want It you want to get it by
putting your want in tho want col
umns of The Coos Bay Times.
Alliance About Twenty-Four
Hours Late As Result of
Columbia Being Frozen.
Ice ln the Columbia River, which
has been causing vessels much
trouble for the past couple of -weeks
has delayed the Alliance about
twenty-four hours and in conse
quence she will not reach Marshfleld
until late this evening or tomorrow
morning. Her wireless instruments
are now working, and Agent H. W.
Skinner received word that she had
been compelled to remain ln Port
land until C o'clock Sunday morn
ing, the pilots being unwilling to try
to take her down through) the Ice
during the night.
Breakwater Sails.
The Breakwater sailed Sunday
with a large passenger list. In addi
tion to a good cargo of miscellane
ous freight, she carried about three
hundred tons of coal.
The Bieakwater outgoing passen
ger list was as follows:
Mrs. A. Anderson, P. M. Hall
Lewis, Mrs. Hall-Lewis, W. A. Mc
Gln, W. J. Peek, Mrs. Peek, S. I.
Towers, F. J. Baker, W. C. Walling,
C. Fensler, D. Shaefer, W. Ii! Sip
per, W. E. Hamlngton, F, folles, A.
Rudy, P. W. Smith, G.-W. Holsman,
Willard Gould, Mrs. Gould, C. Bur
gess, A. Norburg, J. C. Mills, E. E.
Clawton, P. Johnson, Paul Sterling,
Mrs. Paul Sterling, H. F. Witzel,
Mrs. H. F. Witzel, T. NIshlmura,
and Chas. Berg.
Mrs. Sarah Clarke Wilson Sue-
cumbs After Long Illness
Funeral Tuesday.
Mrs. Sarah Clarke Wilson of Em
pire, a well-known pioneer of Cobs
Bay, died at her home late Saturday
after a prolonged Illness. She was
eighty-four years old.
One son, George Wilson, and two
daughters, Mrs.. Jetty, and
Mrs. Rozell of Empire, survive. Her
husband preceded her in death sev
eral years.
Mrs. Wilson was born In New
York In 1825, and was eighty-four
years, two months and ten days old
at the time of her death. She had
resided on Coos Bay for many years.
With her husband, she first made her
home on a ranch at Rocky .Point,
but a year or so ago moved to Em
The funeral services will be held
from the residence in Empire at 2
o'clock Tuesday afternoon, the Rev.
J. E. Burkhart officiating.
Mrs. Wilson was a most estimable
woman, her particularly lovable na
ture causing her to be known as
"Grandma" Wilson, and hosts of
friends will mourn her loss.
(By Associated Press.)
SYDNEY, Australia, Jan, 18.
Tho government has decided to pro
hibit in fighting and the use of
gloves under six ounces ln all fu
ture boxing contests. Legislation on
the subject will be introduced, Mean
while, the police are empowered to
eaforce the regulation.
Oregonians Flock to Legisla
ture to See That Statement
No. 1 "Pledges Are Kept
Rumors of Break Circulated
(By Associated Pres3.)
SALEM, Ora., Jan. 18. In anti
cipation of an active movement on
the part of certain Republicans to
undermine the force of Statement
No. 1, and thus bring about the de
feat of Governor E. Chamberlain for
United States senator tomorrow, a
large "number of people are arriv
United States Supreme Court
Sustains Heavy Fine Im
posed by. Texas Courts i
Moyer Loses Case.
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 18.
The Supreme Court of the United
States affirmed the decree of the
state courts of Texas imposing a
fine of ?1,G23,000 on the Waters
Pierce Oil Company of St. Louis, and
True Boardman and Miss-Virginia
Eames of Keane Co.,
Are Married.
"A microbe lingers In a kiss they
Ah, yes, but he nibbles ln a pleasant
sort of way."
Is there a matrimonial microbe?
That should prove an interesting
problem for scientists and Indica
tions are that Coos Bay offers tVe
finest field for research along those
lines of any section of the country.
Just now, It is ln the throes of a
matrimonial epidemic and the mi
crobe theory seems readily accept
able. The latest victim is True Board
man, the handsome young actor with
the James Keane Company.
Mr. Boardman has traveled all
over tho United States from the
"Great White Way," in New York
City where the roar of the Atlantic
may be heard, to Market Street, San
Francisco, where the Pacific after
rolling through the Golden Gate
loves the dock at the foot of that
famous thoroughfare In the Western
metropolis. He has been with some
of the best theatrical companies In
the country, and met some "of the
most fetching and fascinating wom
en ln the country both on and off
the stage. Sometime since he met
Miss Virginia' Eames, a charming
young actress, they travelled with
gome of the best companies on the
road and later appeared together .In '
a vaudeville sketch on the Orpheum
circuit. Of course, they held each
other In high esteem but not until
they arrived on Coos Bay did the
matrimonial microbe get In Its dead
ly work. When they were hero one
week they both agreed that wedded
life was the only one worth living.
The date for tho ceremony was set
for Sunday, but by muutal agree
ment they fooled their friends and
Saturday afternoon at 4 oclock Jus
tice Pennock pronounced the words
that made True Boardman and Miss
Virginia Eames man and wife. Miss
Eames' mother and Miss Neva West
and other members of tho Keane
Company were present and Saturday
evenlng'they appeared on the stage
and played their parts as usual,
Miss Eames Is pretty and talented
and has already won recognition on
the stage. During her appearance
here she has made lior way to the
hearts of theatregoers by her charm
ing manner and clever work.
True Boardman has appeared with
ing In the capltol today with badges
"Statement No. 1, the people's
choice," and this people's lobby Is
watching every move of the opposi
tion. The Republicans will hold a
caucus tonight with Ormsby Mc
Harg of Chicago and Ralph E. Will
lams, National Republican Commit
teeman for Oregon, in attendance.
It Is reported that five Statement
No. 1 men are expected to break
their pledge to the people on the
first ballot tomorrow and go over
to the opposition, but the members
themselves Indignantly deny that
such action on their part Is oven
ousting it from that state on the
charge of violating the Texas Anti
trust Law. The company is said to
be owned by Standard Oil.
Tho Supreme Court of the United
States today also decided against
Former President Moyer of the
Western Federation of Miners In the
damage suit brought by him against
Former Governor Peabody of Colo
rado on account of Moyer's Impri
sonment on . tho governor's orders
because of his alleged connection
with the riots In Tellilrlde, Colo., In
Terrific Rains-Almost' Tie Up
Railroads Entering San
(By Associated Press.)
flood conditions In California are
greatly Improved. The railroads
are recovering except between Sac
ramento and San Francisco where
the main line was washed out and
the repairs will require several days.
The heaviest rains In many months
have fallen near here and caused
terrific damage.
W. P. Gordon Who Opened Sherman,
Clny mid Company' Branch Here
Accused of Serious Offense.
Lee Bethel of the Sherman, Clay
and Company Piano House of Port
land, today had a warrant Issued In
Justice Pennock's court charging W.
F. Gordon, the firm's representative
who has been on Coos Bay for some
time, with embezzlement. Mr. Gor
don left here last Tuesday, supposed
ly for Portland, but not a trace of
him has been secured since then
although he Is thought to be ln San
Francisco. Mr. Bethel says that Mr.
Gordon has taken money paid him
for the firm and used It for himself.
Mr. Bethel also says that Mr. Gor
don was sent here merely as an
agent and that ho was not instructed
to open the music store In the Coos
building as he has done,
some of the best actors on the Amer
ican stage and for some time has
been leading man with a number of
strong companies. The San Fran
cisco Examiner, In speaking of his
appearance there, said: "True
Boardman, the leading man, is a
good actor, versatile and well
trained and In point of appearance
ho Is striking enough to take the
place of any matinee Idol In Ameri
ca." While James Crawford, the
well-known critic on tho Call, said
of him: "True Boardman Is Inspir
ed to tho extent that ho can make
you forget he is not Herschell May
all." Their friends will all wish that
tholr married life may continue as
happily as It has begun and that
fitrho and fortune may ho their
Get what you want by using a
Times want ad.
uflLiruniim w
Walter Lyon Urges Naming
and Numbering Streets
Denies Portland Story.
In a letter to Mayor E. E. Straw,
Walter Lyon urges that the final
steps for naming and numbering the ton to -the Portland Journal aa
streets of Marshfleld be taken at I nounces that Walter Lyon has sc
once as ho says an Inspector of the cured the rel'ort of Co1- W. H. Hola-
. . , , . . bird who was sent to Coos Bay by
United States Postal Department TT , "
E. H. Harriman and presented It
will shortly be on Coos Bay. to ar- ' t th. nlvprR nnd Hnrlmr Onmmlt-
I range for starting the free mail de-
livery here. Mayor Straw will prob-
ably have the matter taken up at
the regular session of the city coun- " ' '
I , wired to mall a copy of tho report
,cll Tuesday evening. City Engln- n ,g known tbnt Senator.
'eer Sandberg is now completing the Bourne was anxious to have this re
new map of the city according to port submitted to congress and the
the system which was adopted by a 'local officials of the Southern. Paci-
I ... ... r-, nt, i fie aro said to have enlisted Mr.
committee consisting of Dr. E. Mm-' , , , ...
, Harrlman's assistance In ilio
Igus, Wm. Grimes, J. W. Snover, Wll- . ,n BPnlIrn an ..,.. fnr
son Kaufman and J. M .Upton.
The securing of free mall dellvorj
here will be a decided boom to
Marshfleld and the city council will
undoubtedly do all ln Its power to
, hasten it. " The receipts of the local
j office are over $2,000 more per
'annum than the amount required to
i secure it.
Wns Correspondent's Fault.
Soon after the Oregonian came
out with the statement that "Walter
Lyon of Portland," was registered
j in. Chicago, Col. Grimes wrote a let-
ter to Mr. Lyon twitting him about, Drain to Coos Bay. Holablrd was
it. Mr. Grimes received a letter highly optimistic, saying:. "The
from Mr. Lyon yesterday in which harbor is one of the best on the
he states that the report- is incor- coast. When the channel Is deepen
rect. He says, "I was In Chicago ed by lengthening the jetty It will
December 22 and 23, and stopped at have thirty feet pf water at even.
the Great Northern and registered high tide,"
from Coos Bay. I always register- (""Holablrd's report was given tor
ed from Coos Bay or sometimes Lyon by Harriman on Lyon's urgent
Marshfleld, Coos Bay. I will pay request. Holablrd reajly paints a
anyone's expenses to Chicago and highly colored picture of the" won
back If they can show I registered derful resources along tho line from
from any other place." Dialn tq Coos Bay, mentioning tho
Mr. Lyon Is pleased with the pros- cedar and fir as the "best on earth.'
pects for securing aid for Improv- He says coal underlies 1,500
ing Coos Bay harbor and channel. j square miles, "one acre of which is
(equal to 18,750 cords pf wood."
CUCUMBER-ORANGE IS j The country jB t00 ricll ln na.
LATEST FREAK PRUIT tral resources to be kept down."
Holablrd says.
Bay Stnto Gardener Produces Strnngo , , . .. . TT . ..
J a The fact that Harriman gave out
Combination By Transferring .. TT , , , , , . .
J " the Holablrd report, !& accepted
Pollen of Blossoms. , , , .. . .
,by many here as meaning that ho
WORCESTER, Mass., Jan. 18. . .,,. , .i
.w ioiu v, ., uu. Ipurposes building and that Harrl-
An orange-cucumber or cucumber-i now beUeves tno roa(1 mU
orange as the name has not yet been ' Jnterest on $5i0oo,000, which,
decided, Is a freak combination rals- ho ga,d tQ the Mnrshflola peoICt
eu uy iiowaru a. niu, a cucumuer
grower of Gardner, which ho Is cul
tivating as a now dish to tickle tho
palates of the exacting diners.
I The new fruit or vegetable result
ed from an experiment tried several
I weeki ago by Mr. Hill. At that time
an orange tree was in full bloom In
his cucumber hothouse, at the same
blossoms of the cucumber vines first
appeared. Mr. Hill transferred the
pollen from the orange blossoms to
several cucumber flowers,
I The first appearance of tho fruit
I was the same as that of an ordinary
ilnfant cucumbor, but as tho fruit
grow tho result of tho Inorcu'atlon .
became apparent. Tho cucumber in
stead of lengthening out remained
round like an orange, with the
orange bloom scar, but the skin was
that of a cucumber with tho same
corruptions, Whon ripened tho now
product assumed a bright orange col
or and from a distance appeared tho
Isame as an orange.
With tho seeds from the best spe
cimens, Mr. Hill Is growing a num
ber of vines and thinks that the new
fruit will become established . and
prove a favorlto, as tho tnsto of tho
fruit will bocomo established and
prove a favorite, aB tho tasto of tho
orange and cucumber blend In an
cxcpllent manner and make a p. eas
ing combination.
E. H. Harriman Permits Its
Use In Endeavor to Secure
Walter Lyon Said to Have Se
cured It From Railroad
A special dispatch from Washing-
tee of congress to strengthen Cooo ,
Bay's claim for an appropriation,
n a meager portion of the re-
tinft la rrtimr nnrl TIT T .itnti Vit irtnn
Coog Bay The .Portland Journal
report follows:
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18. Waltaf
Lyon, secretary of the Marshfleld,
re- Chamber of Commerce, is here
to urge an appropriation for Cooa
Bay. He has presented to the rlv-
er8 an(l harbors committee, amou
other matters, a statement by. Will-"
Ian H. Holablrd to E. H. Harriman.
whom Harriman sent to look oyer
the ground and report on the trafllc-
poas'blllties of a branch road from
would warrant him ln constructlns
Local Railway Piles Recti to Water
Front Along Bay and Coal Bank
An old deed was recently filed for
record at Coqulllo that recalls soma
Coos Bay history. It was for tho
tract along the Bay south of Mills
Slough and taking ln some water
front near the mouth of Coal Bank
Inlet. In all there Is about twenty-
eight acres In tho tract. Tho deed
was, from C. II. Merchant et ux, to
the Coos Bay, Roseburg and Eastern
Railway and Navigation Company.
When the railway was -built, E. TJ.
Dean Lumber Company In which Mr.
Merchant Avas Interested, agreed to
glvo tho railroad considerable land.
In Itallroad addition besides a cash
bonus of ?10,000. When settlement
time came, Mr. M Proliant and others
of the couiimny demurred on tho
cah bonus and It was finally rfgreed
to glvo the land tho deed for which
haB Just been .filed for rucord In
place of te money. Tho tract Is the
one op vl'lch tho depot, shops,
yard , coal bunkers, etc., is located.