rpy s&&?!Frrr j.Ht " -S- WJ w-AJ--vy-". n ; m ' fl w 'J I i i ii If- COOS BAY TIMES An Independent Republican news ,aper published every evening except $3unday, and Weekly by he Coos Uay Time Publishing Co. Entered at the postoffloe at Marsh- Ia, Oregon, for tr nsmission S&rough the mails as second class email matter. "4L O. MALONEY. . .Kdltor Ptid Pub. PAX E. MALONEV Now Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES. In Advance. DAILY. fine year 5.00 lx months . . $2.50 Xjdta than 6 months per month. .50 WEEKLY. CJsne Year $1.50 - Address All (' mnuuiilcutlons to COOS BAY DAILY TLUES Marshfield - - Oregon "' The policy of tlie Coos Bay Tilths .sri'A be ftepubllcau in politics, with iSiQ Independence of "'hich Fresl.lout Roosevelt Is the leading exponent. TO REFORM THE MAX. The Newark, N. J., clergyman who Jfens discovered that wicked husbands nay be successfully treated for tho Fiabit of staying out nights and kln y Ired vices by series of wifely lec--.tures conducted while the patients Tire asleep, has contributed much to the happiness of nations. To women whose husbands are willful and diso bedient, with a shameless propln Haulty for the club, he has a message o hope. Do not despair of making a model of domestic virtue of the most recalcitrant man, the preacher Tirges women. Every woman can re . Iorm her own husband at home, and without the aid of drugs, brooms or the police. .Tho new method of reducing hus- toands to the desired state of docility Involves only a little patience and a lew carefully chosen words. Telep athy is the basis of the new idea. A woman who would subdue her hus "band must, first of all, permit him to go to sleep. When he admits by heavy breathing that he has passed into a somnolent condition, it is the wife's cue to begin quietly remon strating with him about the sinful ness of his ways. Mhe effect of this treatment, at -'"first, says the preacher, will not be t jliscernable in the patient's manner tif living. But, after a time, into his 'inner consciousness will creep a prickly sense of shame for his past sailsconduct and a desire to do better an the future. In a period of time stinging from two weeks to six months, governed by the degree of -the husband's normal cussedness, he will become a veritable delegate of impropriety. The preacher says that (comploto subjugation would Inevita bly bo tho result of an active mind's ! working nightly upon a torpid mind, -"which Is a reasonable enough theory. Both husbands and wives ought to approve this system: tho latter be cause it would afford them unlim ited opportunities to reproach their mates for shortcomings; tho former becauso the dally complement of con--nubinl lectures would bo reserved -antll sweet sleep has rendered the "human sensibilities impervious to .acrid words. HEATHI AND RICHES. Now Yorkers, and particularly those who "love to stroll up and down Fifth avenue on a pleasant Sunday, watching the constant parade of humanity, on foot and In splendid -automobiles, along that fnmous thor oughfare, had an object lesson Sun day that may keep some of them tthinking for days. According to a dispatch from tho sbig metropolis, a well-appointed car riage drew up before a Tlfth avenue Souse and tho footman hopped down to help out the occupants. The first o stop out was a man, tall, gray nnd Btoop-shouldered, who lenned heavily n tho arm of tho footmnn as ho olowly descended from tho step to ho ground. Slowly and painfully ho mndo his way into tho house with ilie assistance of another servant. Many of tho passersby stopped to watch tho performance, and It Is reported that they had only ono commont to make: "Well, with all that money he can't buy health. It's b'otter to havo your health than -seiches." lAsldo from tho bromldtc character of this comment thero is little to -loommond it. Of course, It is bettor rto havo health than riches, but why -tfhould this bo said In a tono of pity ot a man who perhaps has enjoyed .ooth health nnd wealth for many ryears? Old ago nnd disease come to all of us, and tho man who in his declining years has money and no health is still bettor off than tho man wrhn has neither and drags out a nils- Msrablo existence In somo charltablo Institution. c Truo, money cannot purchase health; but It can, If properly used, Jnolp its possessor to stavo oft the inevitable for a longer time than can the man who is compelled to toil day in and day out for a mere pittance. Money is not to be despised. It may bj ca.led the root of all evil, but In the hands of a well-balanced man, whose brain and heart are right, It can become a power for good and secure health and long life for many who would otherwise be doomed to early graves. PRAISE DR. MINGUS. Ills Action Prevented Dredge Losing Rig Street Contract. It was discovered today that if It had not been for tho patriotic spirit shown by Dr. E. Mlngus tho other evening, the retaining of the dredgo Oregon on Coos Bay and keeping up the improvement of tho harbor would have been endangered. A largo por tion of tho fund subscribed by tho citizens to secure the dredgo has al ready been used and it is necessary to have more funds. To get these, it was arranged that the dredgings should be sold, principally to tho city for filling streets below grade. In order to do this legally the city had to ask for bids for the work and the bids had to be accompanied by a certified check for five per cent of the contract price. When tho bids were about to close Tuesday evening, It was found that through a misunderstanding the Chamber of Commerce or others interested had not provided the certified check. There was no timo to bo lost, so Dr. Mlngus gave his personal check to insure the performance of the con tract and In consequence the work was secured for the dredge. This will mean about $3,000 for paying the operating expenses of the dredge. Business men and citizens generally who have learned of Dr. Mlngus' action aro praising him highly for it. NEWS OP COQUILTiE. Events of Interest In Valley As Told IJy The Herald. A. son arrived to bless the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johnson, Jr., November 29. John W. Coldwell, a former well known resident of Coqullle, died re cently at Lodi. Cal. M. O. Hooten fell from a roof on which he was working several days ago, and sustained some very severe bruises. Jacob Prewett, an old and highly esteemed pioneer citizen, died at Myrtle Point Friday, and was bur led at Bandon Sunday. Claude and Paul Ford, after an absence of four months traveling with a theatrical company, returned to Coqullle last Saturday. Thoy In tend remaining Indefinitely In this section. Accoidlng to Captain O. WIren, keeper of the Bandon light station, tho rainfall for the month of No vember amounted to 4.41 Inches, against C.07 Inches for November, 1907. Clias. Lyons was in town, since our Inst Issue, and again ablo to walk after tho injuries iuflicted by Sam Hunter at Bandon two weeks ago. Tho case will be aired boforo tho grand jury next week. Mrs. W. A. Bean returned from Porter Thursday where sho had been to see her mother, Mrs. . E. Mar tin, who hns lately suffered another light stroke of paralysis, but was Improving at laBt accounts. Tho new tugboat which was built at tho Heukendorff shipyard for use on tho Columbia Itlver was ta kon down to Bandon last Wednesday and will bo towed to tho Columbia very Bhortly. Sho Is a very preten tious looking craft. Joe Bledsoo expects to depart for Los Angeles, Cal., In tho courso of a fortnight, there to spend tho win tor with relatives and friends. On tho way down ho will tarry at Ber keley for tho purpose of visiting his vonerablo mother who Is now 93 years of age and In moderate health. W. II. Schroeder, tho Jeweler, was tho victim of a lamontablo mishap which to ono of his physical condi tion was of material seriousness. Ho was standing In front of Barker & Co.'s Jewelry establishment when a racing dog collided with ono of his crutches, throwing him violently to tho sidowalk. No bones woro broken, and tho gentleman Is recovering from his painful experience. Christmas crockery Just tho thing for a Christmas present A big lot to choose from at tho COOS BAY CASH STOKE. "Undo Josh" FIUDAY, Decombor 11 at MASONIC Opera Houso. THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, I jw. Getting it in the D 8 ' nave some specials 0C&(&O$0&Oi GOOD EVENING. h Tlfo rarest of all gifts Is a X truly tolerant, rational spirit. In all our gcttings let us strive to get this, for it alone is true X wisdom. $ M ' LE CONTE. Only a few more notes, Only a finer tone, And lot the -world bows down Before a singer's throne. Only the same old thoughts Clothed with a sweeter sound. And lo! a poet's brow With laurel-leaves Is crowned. Only a finer ear, Only a swifter skill, ' And lo! the artist plays On human hearts at will. Only a tint or line, Only a subtler grace. And lo! the world wes mad Over a woman's face. ANON. Tho Week Before Christmas. If I go near a closut door, To git some things I keep Inside, Ma comes a-runnln' 'crost the floor. ' Before I've got it opened wide, i An' slams it shut quick as kin be, An' laffs In such a funny way, An' shakes her head an' sez to me: "Now don't you go In there today." I dunno why she's actin' so, But if she hears me on the stair, She toilers me around as though She thought I'd git in mischuff there. An' under ma's bed wunst I see Some packlges piled way up high, But w'en I ast her what they be, j She sez 'at I'll know by an' by. An' if I pull a drawer clear out, I To find my knife er rubber ball, Nen ma is sure to give a shout I An' come a-runnln' through tho I hall, An' shut that drawer an' lock it tight, An' hide the key away somewhere, An' scold mo hard an' say 'tain't right Per mo to peek around In there. Today somebody rung the bell, An' ma sho hustled to the door, But w'en I come sho give a yell, An' sed I needn't look no more. "It's nuthin' that you want to see," Ma laffed, an' nen sho runned away To hido it quick, nen sed to me: "Now you go on out doors an' I don't boo why they treat me so; You bet they's sumthin' in the air, Bccuz ma sho won't lommo go Upstairs er hardly anywhere. An' if I peek behind a door, Er look Inside a drawer, then goo! I'm mighty sure to hear ma roar: "Hero, Willie, you Jest let things bo!" E. A. BRININSTOOL. Tho straight and narrow path is not a favorite thoroughfare with crooked people. It is enough to mako a man get his hack up when he is asked to shoulder tho responsibility of others. "According to this paper," observ ed the Head of the houso, "an Ohio ott - Ji Jt I J :i With' the Toast and Tea I tx yo&&$Gmm$&om'fAi . OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER that vou ought to see. ZSZ3?ZZ!Z2r3ZXZlS!353& man has lived a year on beer alone." "Well, that's as it should be," re joined his wife who is a well-known temperance advocate. "Any man who lives on beer ought to be com pelled to live alone.'' I "Jf I were to kiss you now would you have me aritstvd?" "What would be the use? Any jury would acquit you." "How many ribs have you, John ny?" asked the teacher of physiology. "1 don't know, ma'am," giggled Johnny, squirming around on one foot. "I'm so awful ticklish I never could count 'em." "Talking about Inventions," said Frank Parsons, "I have a little ma - chine In my place that would make me a millionaire if I" could keep It going all the time." "What Is It?" eagerly Inquired Jake Goldle. - "A cash register," retorted Par- snns. She was a State Normal student, While he was a Varsity man; And during the summer season They gathered a coat of tan Which caused unlimited wonder- Knocker1? cried, "What disgrace." For each of the pair was sunburned on opposite sides of the face. NORTH BEND NEWS The Wllhelmlna came in yesterday from Bandon. Tho North Bend mill began oper ation yesterday. Mrs. C. F. Bengston of Marshfield, was shopping in North Bend Wed nesday. Tho Presbyterian church and Sun day school are preparing a Xmas program. Mrs. A. Iteichert spent yesterday shopping and visiting North -Bend friends. Mrs. C. A. Johnson and daughter, Miss Selma, were North Bend shop pers Wednesday. Mrs. C. A. Sehlbrede and Mrs. F. G. Gettins werelhe guests yesterday of Mrs. M. E. Perry. Tho EureKa arrived early this morning from Portland and left be fore noon for Eureka. A small raft of logs was brought down a short time ago from the Ward Camp for the North Bend mill. The Redondo having the Chehalls In tow, made a quick run from San Francisco, making the trip In 43 hours. Mrs. A. E. Seaman and daughter, of Marshfield, spent yesterday shop ping and visiting friends In North Bend. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Haley will leave in a short time for Tacoma, Wash. Mr. Haley who Is a lumber Inspector will ongngo in woi'k there. Mrs. M. E. Alexander, who has been at tho Mercy hospital for over a month, has so far recovered as to bo ablo to bo removed to Mrs. Bol sters where she will remain until 11, 1C08. r.ai!ir.-rprrSiym,'M-J,iKiLi'J.mrWSE Bring your neck around and treat it to a natty tie; it deserves it don't you think? Big 'Line f Holiday "Goods i For your inspection, drop in, it costs you nothing to look, makshfikld, - - :: - - . - - :: - :: - - :: - , Cramer Stock Com l at Masonic Saturday and In the 4-Act Comedy Drama Southern Jack Rose" S'eats Now on Sale at Butler's V ' i "f H n X u , -8-H-B- - - 8 - 8 - a:; - 8 - 8 - - 8 - 8 - I -8 - t: - a - n - 8 - - 88 - - K - K - 8 - n i " t: i 8 :: Let Us Help You Select That i :: t ;r i 8 I 8 8 n i n i a t i 8 8 In tho Coos Bay country, nothing is more appropriate or more appreciated than something that will contribute to tho pleasure of hunting, fishing or camping expedition. We havo made a study of the needs for these purposes and our long experience here en ables us to furnish just what i3 needed and the best to be had. Remember that when you buy of us you get quality for prices as low as others sell Inferior goods for. We havo a complete line of goods that will delight any hunter or nimrod man, woman or child. Among them are tho following: POCKET KNIVES HUNTING AXES RAZOR STROPS SHELL RAGS FIRE ARMS HUNTING HVTS KISII POLES FISHING TACKLE PUNCHING RAGS ROXING GLOVES "XI rMr 15 $'J&yiWg2& 8 -8-8-8-8-8-8 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - strong enough to be taken to home. her The Reynolds mill on Pony Inlet, will begin operation on Monday aft er being closed for some time. A number of mills havo been at a dis advantage on account of scarcity of logs. Jesse Tyrell, who spent several weeks with relatives at North Bend, will leave tomorrow for Klamath Falls in hopes that the change of climate may benefit his health, bo being troubled with asthma. FACTS BRIEFLY TOLD. The Danube river was frozen to tho bottom In 1236, and remained so frozen for a long time. A recent English Invention is a portable circular saw resembling the street outfit of the scissors grinder, which may be moved up to stationary timber to cut it. By wireless telephony two French naval officers have succeeded in hav ing conversation, songs and even grnirr-nasaaa ESSgsggzagi - - - - - - - 4 - - a - - n - :: - ti ll I I :i i :: n i 8 I 8 8 8 t 8 8 e 8 t 8 I i 8 8 8 8 I 8 t 8 8 8 8 8 ( 8 I 8 i a i M Opera House Sunday Nigh 88 - 8 - - H - tt - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - n - 8 - 8 - 88 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - : - K8 - - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - i .8 8 t 8 I 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I t 8 I 8 8 I 8 ( 8 8 t 8 t 8 8 I 8 8 I 8 ( HUNTING KNIVES RAZORS, SAFETY RAZORS POCKET FLASKS SHELL CASES HUNTING COATS POC1CET FLASH LIGHTS FISH LINES FLY ROOKS FOOT RALLS AIR RIFLES twwh?iv .1 8 - 8 - S - 8 - 8 - H - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 whistling heard perfectly at a dis tance of ninety miles. A cable Is to bo laid between Ger many and Brazil, with a branch to the German West African colony. There were 24,300 more pupils la the public schools of New York City last week than there were during the corresponding week of a year ago. By a new adaptation of the va cuum cleaning machine a horse can be cleaned In less than one-fourth the timo that the ordinary curry comb and brush take. A movement is on foot to introduce trackless trolley lines in Ireland. The first probably will be from Donny brook, near Dublin, to Bray, a sea side resort. See "UNCLE JOSH" and enjoy a good laugh Friday. Xmas presents Try the GUNNER. j Seats now on sale at W. J. Dut ler's for "UNCLE JOSH." Lower floor, 50c; gallery, 35c sw 1 W.)WWiw iiw