THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 1908. --::-::-::-- ::-::-- - - :: - . - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - i v rilMil T v a 'J :: -n-a-a-a Mr. H. B. Eaklns, of tlio Commercial Warehouse Co., Los An geles, Oal., U. S. A., writes: "Now that we have had two good rains to test our Malthold roof, we have desire to express our satis faction in the knowledge that we have a covering over our head that does not leak. "We write you regarding our pleasure In this matter from the fact that wo had fully expected more or less trouble, as we did not believe It possible that so large a roof surface could be covered with any material and stand tho test of a first rain, but there was not a leak due to defective roofing." T he Paraffine Paint Co. C. E. NICHOLSON, iW':'W44f& a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a I A hundred gallons for a dime; Any faucet any time- I Water hot always clear With a Rund Water Heater near a You get hot water right away; Sick or well night or day I Automatic naught to fear With a Rund Water Heater near l The Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co. f ? MARSHFIELD AND NORTH BEND J a-a-a-a-a-asa-a-a-a-a-a-::a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- WALL PAPER AND PAINTS LINING TACKS BRUSHES STAINS DEADENING FELT DRV PASTE TINTING COLORS VARNISHES ALCOHOL SHELLAC Agent for Johnson's Dyes and Wax Finishes. Coos Bay Paint Second and 'C Streets, - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rubber AT Norton & COOS BAT ACADEMY OF MUSIC ELMER A. TODD, Director Art of Expression Mrs. Rebecca MBMMmMBW MOMHOU M .1111 ftllttWggaHM HW garten Miss Lucy Sherwood Horton. Classes in Harmony, Coun terpoint and Vocal S'ight Reading. New O'Connoll Building, 'A' and Second Streets. Phono 1955. 7... , .. t CITY FRONT PLANING MILL I Y Contractors attention. Call and window, door frames, and any kind i NORTn FRONT STREET - H - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a i "!i j rsary Saturday, November 1 4th is my first I anniversary and to show the people of Coos Bay my appreciation for ? their liberal patronage during the t past 12 months, I will give 10 per cent g off on all purchases made that day and to further express my thanks 1 1 will have a spread of cigarsfreeto all those who visit my Tog Shop. Drop in fellows, lets have a friendly meet t and let ow troubles be forgotten. aa - a - a - awt - a - a - H - a - a - a - B - o --- San Francisco California Local Distributor - a - a - a - a - a - a - aa - a - a - a - : a-a- i a a a i a t ? a a a a a a a & Wall Paper Co. i Across From New Hotel. 1 - - - - - - - - - --- Stamps Hansen -FACULTY- Piano Mr. Elmer A. Todd MisB Lucy Sherwood Horton Lusc-Stump. Musical Kinder - . - - - - - - - - - see us and get our prices on of mill work. PnONE 020 NBm - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a i a a a :: i MAESIIFIELD, ORE. a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - a - A Well Managed Farm is the best source of wealth now adays. The experienced farmer is the man of substance and influence. And there is no healthier life than his. Invest your money in a farm and you will feel independent. Wo have a choice selection of Farm Lands to offer to the wise purchaser. They are in the most suitable local ities and are very tempting bargains. Title Guarantee Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTAOKEN, Manager. a-a-a-a-a-a-a-si-M-ii-u-a- it- if Grocery Delivery Schedule X FORENOON. " First City 8:30 i South and West 9:15 a T Second City and Broad- a ft in.Ar. AFTERNOON. A a Ferndale 12:45 First City 1:30 , U': South and West 2:15 ? f Second City and Broad- y way 4 o'clock a THE FAMILY GROCER H T PHONE 071. Front St. Mnrshfleld. t IIMWHHMWIIiMiriHIMnii1TIMamwM I ' , GOOD THINGS t to Eat t Ready For The t Table t at t CORTHELLS DELICATESSEN. LUNCHES SERVED, t t t t t t t t Temple , Wilson UNDERTAKING PARLORS. Funeral supplies in general. Licensed embalmer with lady assistant. South Broadway. Telephones: OFFICE 2101. RESIDENCE 2103. PARKSIDE POULTRY RANCTI Empire, Oregon. JOnN W, KING, Prop. Eggs from thoroughbred Buff Orpington chickens for oalt l.5 to tn.oo for setting nf 15 WWfel COOS HAY TIDES. The following tables give the hours of high and low tides for every day this week: NOVEMHEK, 1008. 7IGH WATER A. M. P. M. Date. h. m. ft. h. m. ft. Monday . . 9 0:49 6.0 12:28 7.8 Tuesday . .10 1:34 5.7 1:04 7.6 Wednesday 11 2:20 5.2 1:42 7.2 Thursday .12 3: OS 5.0 2:22 .6.6 Friday . . 13 3:59 4.8 3:04 6.0 Saturday . 14 4:48 4.8 3:53 5.4 SUNDAY . 15 5:41 4.8 4:54 4.9 LOW WATER A. SI. P. SI. Date. h. m. ft. h. m. ft. Monday 9 6:31 2.0 7:14 -1.1 Tuesday . .10 7:09 2.5 7:55 -1.0 Wednesday 11 7:51 2.8 8-36 -0. Thursday 12 8:34 3.3 9:17 -0.2 Friday . . 13 9:25 3.6 10:02 0.3 Saturday . 14 10:24 3.8 10:48 0.8 SUNDAY . 15 11:34 3.8 11:37 1.2 WEATHER FORECAST. (By Associated Press.) WESTERN OREGON. Fair tonight and Thursday. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ond- ing at 5 p. m., Nov. 10, by Mrs. E. Mlngus, special government meteorological observer. Maximum 52 Minimum 41 At 5 p. m 51 Precipitation none Wind, Southwest; cloudy. Tug Hunter In. The tug Hunter came down yesterday from Gardiner to take back a cargo of supplies. ChniiKe In Saloon. M. C. Peder son has purchased the interest of his partner, Frank Bowron, in the Union Saloon and will continue the busi ness alone. Sells His Ranch. Frailk Fox, en gineer on the Roscoe, who is well known here, has sold his ranch on the Siuslaw to J. L. Houghton of Til lamook for $1,500. Young Apple Tree Hearing. Phil. Wilbur has several fine Red Russian apples on exhibit at the Chamber of Commerce, the product of a tree at his home which was set out about three years ago. The tree Is still small', but this year bore quite a number of fine apples. Now Houses nt Coquille. Wm. FOR SALE English setter, "Hand some Jim" 95308, winner two first prizes Portland, by count Rego -Tirpnils Judith. Address Edmund Craft, Langlols, Oregon. FOR RENT Six-room house, West Marshfleld, $15 per month. P. O. Box 364. WANTED Cedar and flr piling, 30 to 40 feet long. Masters & Mc Lain. Phone 2011. LADIES Stamping done. Good stock stamped linens for sale. Mrs. Brlggs, Broadway. Phono 1761. WANTED Carpenter. Inside work. Apply City Front Planing Mill. WOMAN WANTED At Corthell's Delicatessen. LOST Bloodhound pup, tan with white spot on neck. Reward for return to J. C. Doyle at Going & Harvey's. LOST Two ostrich plumes on Sher man avenue, North Bend. Finder return to Mrs. L. M. Perry's Milli nery Btore and receive reward. FOR RENT 2 stores, 2 flats, six room dwelling by Titlo Guaranteo and Abstract Company. FOR RENT Nicely furnished light housekeeping suite and ono fur nished bed room. Also a few un furnished rooms, both single and en sulto. Rent reasonable, no children. Enquire at Room 3, Rogers' building, cor. 'C and Broadway streets. FOR RENT Furnished room on Sheridan street, close In, $6.00 per month. Call Phono 1751. WANTED Nurso girl at once. Ap ply Mrs. J. E. Oron. FOR SALE Cheap Ono largo air tight stove) suitable for largo room or bir -Also rah roister. In quire of Merchant & Kammerer. Candlln of Coqullle, who Is in Marsh flcld, says that the fine new residence which Geo. E. Peoples is building there is expected to be completed so that the fnmily can occupy it on or before Thanksgiving. Bert Folsom has the lumber on tho ground for three new cottages just across the street from it. Undergoes Opera I ion. Mrs. Hay ter of Bandon, who underwent an operation nt Mercy hospital a few days ago, is getting along nicely. Dr. Gale who Is attending her says the operation was entirely successful. Wireless Station Nearly Done. The new station of the United Wire less Telegraph Co. on Knob Hill will probably bo completed today. Manager Jessup said that they hope to send and receive their first mes sages tonight. Declare Dividend. The East Marshfleld Land Company has de clared another five per cent dividend, making a total dividend of forty-five per cent in less than a year. W. U. Douglas just sent the dividend checks to the stockholders. Charter Rc Islon Committee. Messrs. Grimes, Mlngus nnd Hall, the committee of the charter revision commission to determine upon the plan of procedure will meet this aft ernoon. Tho revision or drafting of the now charter will be reshed from now on. Tnken Suddenly 111. S. A. Bishop of San Francisco, and head of the Bishop Lumber Company was taken suddenly 111 while coming to Marsh field yesterday. Ho was attacked by rheumatism and a complication of ills. He Is at the Garfield hotel. His condition Is not serious. New Landing Planned. It Is pro posed to construct a floating wharf at the castslde ferry slip to bo used by the smaller boats plying between the bay and inlets. This will afford safe anchorage while the owners attend to their business up town, after which they can return on the ferry to their launches. ' Horses For Mine. The Alliance brought in eleven horses from Port land for the S. Y. W. C. R. R. Co., the new owners of the Llbby mine, etc. The horses will be used at tho mine here. The company is planning to put in an excellent delivery ser vice wherever its coal is sold which will necessitate a large number of teams and drivers. Open New Cnmp. Tho Smith Powers Logging Company Is arrang ing to open a new logging camp on tho tract of timberland back of Isth mus Inlet, near tho holdings of Mrs. Kruse and J. L. Ferry. In order to bring tho logs to water, a railroad is being constructed. It is estimated tliat .there is about 120,000,000 feet of logs on the new tract. Miisicalo Friday Evening. Tho monthly "at Home" of tho Coos Bay Academy of Music will occur next Friday evening, between 8 and 10 o'clock. The music will be furnished by the young people, several pupils from different departments having prepared to take part. All lovers of music aro cordially invited to attend these lnformnl entertainments. Sustnlns Injury. Ed. Kronholm Is laid up with a bad wound on the knee which may possibly result In leaving the limb stilt. A few days ago, ho attempted to step onto a moving car on the now road which the Smith-Powers Logging Company Is building up from Isthmus Inlet. He had an ax in his hand and it swung against his leg, tho sharp edge penetrating far into tho kneo. Nnsbiirs Interested. Councilman Claude Nasburg who was appointed by tho council to adjust tho claim of tho'Lapp estato for damages for tho opening of Cedar- street, has. no tified tho council that ho cannot longer servo in that capacity as he has property Interests similar to tho Lapps and that ho may want to enter a claim against tho city for damages also. Councilman Sncchl and Savage will probably act now. STOCKING SALE. On FRIDAY and SATURDAY, November 13 and 14, at Mrs. Elrod's NOTICE. My wlfo Tllllo Gllardi having loft my board and bed, I will not bo re sponsible for any debts contracted by her. JOHN GILARDI. SAVE flvo to 25 por cent on your meat bills by getting a coupon book at tho Sanitary market. Steamer BREAKWATER sails from Coos Bay for Portland SAT URDAY, NOVEMBER 11, nt 2 P. M. iffififi' i Personal Notes 1 SHERIFF GAGE is in the city today on ofllcial business. MRS. McINTOSH of Millicoma, was a Slnrshflcld visitor today. MRS. KINNEMAN of Eastside, spent' today with friends In Marshfleld. B. W. HOLCOMB, the Ten Mile rancher, is in Marshfleld on busi ness. MILO PEARSON of Lakeside, was a. business visitor in Marshfleld yes terday. C. C. CARTER, the Myrtle Point logger, is in Marshfleld today on business. H. DOLLAR and S. A. Bishop arrived in the city yesterday from Flor ence. Mr. Bishop is president of the Bishop Lumber Company of San Francisco, and is in the coun ty to look over its resources and future prosperity. H. DR. GEORGE E. DIX has returned fromSpokane, coming In overland. He was called there as a witness "In" damage suit against the Hill lino, he. says but W. F. McKeo says tnat another kind of court de manded his attention in the north-,, ern city. JOHN HERRON has returned with, his string of racers after having made the circuit of the Interior states. Ho only did fairly well on the trlii. He returned via San Francisco, While away, he picked up a new mascot, a thoroughbred English bull terrier. MELCHER NELSON and wife, aro expected here via the Roseburg stage, and it is understood that they will make their future homo on Coos Bay. Mrs. Nelson will bo remembered as Miss Mildred Rog ers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Rogers. Since their marriage several months ago, they have re sided in California. LIQUOR DEALERS MEET v AND DISCUSS BUSINESS Coos County Protective Association Holds Rcgulnr Session In North Rend On Tuesday. The Coos County Protective Asso ciation, an organization which has been in existence since early in 1908, held its regular monthly meeting yesterday afternoon In North Bend. Tho organization is composed of liquor dealers and members with allied Interests. The meeting of Tuesday was attended by twenty members from the several corners and cities of the county. Tho free dom formerly accorded the liquor traffic in coast counties, including Coos, has in the past year been cur tailed in this county until restrictions are ns severe hero as in any part of the state. Tho Protective Association was formed for tho purpose of bind ing tho dealers In Coos county into an organization to compel strict obedlenco to tho provisions of the? liquor laws. That this purpose is being fulfilled is best evi denced through tho absence of pro secutions for violations. The meet ing of yesterday was said by mem bers present to have been tho best meeting tho association has over hold and tho deslro for tho public, to understand their position towards good government and strict obser vance of tho law was a leading feat ure of tho mooting. Tho noxt reg ular monthly meeting will bo held in Bandon on the fourth of December. CHANGE COQUILLE TRACKS. City and Local Railway Consider Negotiations. F. J. Schroeder and son, Frank, drove over from Coquille today to consult a physician. Mr. Schroeder reports that in regard to tho city purchasing tho waterfront nnd giv ing it to tho Southern Pacific rail road for a right-of-way, nothing has beon dono yet, except that General Manager Mlllla and engineers have gone over tho route. It will cost tho city about $20,000 to buy the right-of-way and while tho property ownors on Front street and tho rail road company are desirous of mak ing tho change, It is not thought likely that anything will bo dono by tho city. CITIZENS LEAGUE NOTICE. Nominations will bo mado at mooting Thursday, November 12, 1908, at 8 p. m., at Finnish Hall. All members aro earnestly requested to attend, ; , O. A. JOHNSON, Chairman. F. M. FRIEDBERG, Secretary.