E3 t f&fTpff TALK ABOUT TALKING. YOU CAN TALK TO THOU SANDS OP rEOPLE EVERY DAY BY PUTTING YOUR "WANT ADS" IN THE TIJIES. KEEP UP TO DATE UY READING THE COOS DAY TIMES. THE DAY'S NEWS TOLI) ACCURATELY! AND CONCISELY. MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED TRESS. Vol. III. THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1908. No. 99. (taia iMn mtwB W. E TAFT EL PRESIDENT BY LANDSLIDE REPUBLICAN VICTORY IRE SWEEPING TH IK 1904 BRYAN AND DEMOCRACY GO DOWN TO ONE OF THE GREATEST DEFEATS THAT PARTY HAS KNOWIHN RE CENT YEARS NEW YORK GIVES TAFT 202,000 PLURALITY. GREATER NEW YORK FOR TAFT OHIO GIVES TAFT ABOUT 50,000, ILLINOIS 170,000, IN DIANA 18,000 AND NEBRASKA MAY GO AGAINST ITS HOME CANDIDATE CANNON REELECTED. SrfWWWSS HOW THE STATES VOTED YESTERDAY Alabama . Arkansas . California . Connecticut Delaware . Florida . . Georgia . . Illinois . .. Indiana . . Electoral Vote. Taft Bryan 11 9 10 7 3 5 13 27 15 13 3 10 (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Nov. 4. Election returns from throughout the United States at early hours this morning show William Howard Taft of Ohio, elected president by 298 electoral votes and 13 doubtful. There is practically no change indicated in the House of Representatives. The United States senate retain its present Republican majority. Indiana has gone to Taft by' from 15,000 to -18,000. Bryan apparently carried Nebraska although the Republicans still clahn the state. Ohio has gone to Taft by 50,000 to 70,000, although the returns are very slow. T.ft carried New York City by about 11,000, the first time that' city has given its vote to a Republican candidate since 1896, when McKinley had a small plu rality. Taft received a greater plurality in New York state than did Roosevelt four years ago, the indications being 202,000 for Taft against 175,000 for Roosevelt. Hisgen, the Independence candidate, received about 28,000 votes in Greater New York. The indications are Democratic governors election in several middle western states that gave their presi dential vote to Taft. The Republican plurality fell off in the middle west to the surprise of Republican man- Iowa Idaho Kansas Kentucky Louisiana . Maine Massachusetts . Michigan Minnesota Maryland Montana 3 Mississippi Missouri New Hampshire ...... 4 New Jersey 12 13 9 C 1G 14 11 By Associated Tress. OYSTER BAY, Nov. 4. On what In all probabilities Is his last trip to his home town while he holds the office of Presideit of the United States, Theodore agers. Speaker Cannon was re-elected to congress. Missouri returned to the solid south'. Pennsylvania gave Taft about 250,000. Illinois gave Taft about 170,000. Indiana looks like 15,000 for Taft. HITCHCOCK CONGRATULATES. Republican Clmirmaii Wires Taft nnd Sherman. By Associated Press. NEW YORK. Nov. 4. Chair man Hitchcock has wired con- gratulatory messages to Taft and Sherman. He says Taft's majority will bo greater than Roosevelt's four year ago. (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Nov. 4. Complete returns from 2539 districts In New York state outside of Greater New York give: Taft 482,224 Bryan . . . . 320,233 HERALD'S ESTIMATE. New Yoili Paper Says Taft Has 300 Electoral Votes. (Br Associated Pross.i NEW YORK, Nov. 4. The Herald says that Taft has 30G electoral votes and his plurality in "New York state will bo more than 200,000. "LITTLE RHODY" FOR TAFT. Carries State Uy Probable Plurality of 20,000. (By Associated Press.) PROVIDENCE, Nov. 4. Lateit returns Indicate that Taft's plurality In Rhode Island will be about 20,- 000. A TAFT LANDSLIDE. Minneapolis Paper Says Taft's Major ity Greater Than Itooseielt's. (By Associated Press.) ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 4." The Minneapolis Journal claims it is a landslide for Taft and that his ma jority will be greater than Roosevelt's. NORTH DAKOTA, TOO. Brjan Gets a Frost In the Northern Pnihlo State. (By Associated Tresa. ) FARGO NORTH DAKOTA, Nov. 4. The returns received-by tho Re publican state committee show that (Continued on Page 4.) New York . . . . North Dakota . Nevada North Carolina Nebraska . . . Ohio Oregon Oklahoma . . . Pennsylvania . Rhode Island . South Dakota . South Carolina , Tennessee . . . . Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington . . West Virginia . Wisconsin . Wyoming 39 4 8 23 4- 4 34 v 4 4 10 18 3 12 13 3 & 12 18 12 Total , In doubt. Colorado . . . . 302 175 ROOSEVELT AND SON VOTE EARLY YESTERDAY . Roosevelt returned to this little village to cast his vote for W. H. Taft as his final act to support his warm personal friend. Mrs. Roosevelt and tho Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., aocom- panicd him. Theodore, Jr., cast his first ballot. A large crowd was at the station to welcome the party. In their usual cus- torn they formed In lino and passed beforo tho president, and shook his hands, many present- lng bouquets of flowers. Later In the morning, President Roos- evelt cast ballot No. 141 and his sqn No. 142. Tho President patted his son on tho shoulder after he voted. President and Mrs. Roosevelt started on a spo- clal train for Washington soon afterwards. ALL VOTE FOR TAFT IN TWO PLACES (By Associated Press.) LOS ANGELES, Nov. 4. The first precinct In Los An- geles county to report Is located at Santa Monica and has but one vote registered. It was cast O for Taft. Complete returns from Corn- noda, a North Island precinct, noar San Diego give Taft 2. Tho same precinct In 1904 gave Roosevelt 2. A LANDSLIDE FOR TAFT, A TIDAL WAVE FOR BRYAM w W :WJmmli ill " NEW YORK CERTAIN. MASSACHUSETTS BY 100,000. ." I Woodruff Wires Taft His Plurality AVill He 200,000. (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Nov. 4. State Chair man Woodruff has wired Taft as fol lows: "Your plurality In New York state will be more than 200,000. Congratulations." 'PENNSYLVANIA LANDSLIDE. Latest Returns Indicate Rig Major ity For Taft. (By Associated Press.) BOSTON, Nov. 4. Latest returns indicate that Taft will have r. ma jority of more than 100,000 In Mas- schusetts. Draper the rlopubllnn candidate for goveinor Is l by about 75,000. Indications That Tnft Carries State Uy ilOO.OOO. (By Associated Pr6ss.) PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 4. Re turns received at Republican head quarters hero Indicate that Taft will" carry the state by moro than 300,-000. LISTENING TO THE ELECTION RETURNS AT THE MILLICOMA CLUB mfwm mMwt Wm wm &fmm. mm-