1H ES3SSJ55 THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1908. "4 '' t'WH 3 T -H-H---H-4-a-4-ji--H-Mj,4,J:tj,J,j:utJjJ,,:,4n I a SALE NOW IN FULL BLAST at from 40 to 60 of VALUE :t 1 JWCJU HUffrf JjTTffB 333BKijZ3E u lv NEXT TO BREAKWATER. OFFICE fBBiaaj ALE OPENS FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 21 AND LASTS 16 DAYS. $50,000 worth of the finest and newest fall merchandise, consisting of Men's Suits, Pants, Overcoats, :: :: :: r it : :: I :: I :: I :: a I T i a 4 T a 1 3: t 3: T a a :: i ? a a I :: n a i a ? ? I I ? :: Cravenettes, Underwear, Sox, Suspenders, Shoes, everything men wear; Boys' White Under wear, Hose, Shoes, Ladies' White Skirts, Waists, Coats, Hose, Shoes, Girls' Shoes, Hose, also everything in Bedding Read every price Bring this ad with you Make us prove the following prices Every article positively guaranteed satisfactory or your money back Store open every eve ning until 8 o'clock We will buy every man, woman or child a ticket to the fair Let us tell you how to get them READ - EVERY PRICE - READ We positively guar antee to save you on every article purchased from 25 to 50 per cent Men's Suspenders 20c for all 23c suspenders. 33c for all 50c and 75c suspenders. Men's Sox Wool, cotton and merino hose, 8 l-3c for regular 15c values, 10c for merino hose regular 20c value ; 20c, 3 for 50e, for all avooI regular 35c hose. 25c for the best of 35c and 50c value. Men's Wool Shirts 1.25 for regular $2.00 value; 1.45 for regular 2.50 value ; $2.00 for reg ular $3.50 value. Men's Cravanettes and O'Coats $9.85 for regular $16.50 values ; $19.85 for the best that money can buy. Sold in all clothing stores at not less than $35.00. Men's Suits 1000 men's suits, consisting of the best and highest standards. Counter manded orders thrown back on the market. Found and bought by us at 50c off of value. You will never haye the opportunity to buy a new fall suit at these prices. Do not miss this sale. We will "save you from 3.00 to $10.00 on every suit you buy. Sizes from 34 to 46 bust. A few sizes of our 10.00 suits at $4.85. -7.50 for your choice of dark or medium colors up to $15.00 suits. 11.50 big lot of single or double breasted black or blue, or fancy worsted. No other store would at tempt to sell these suits for less than 20.00. Every one hand tailored. $14.85 for the'finest in the land. Fin est silk, sateen or double warp serge and Italian cloth lining, the latest and most fashionable goods that the world offers. Worth to $27.50. 1 ,000 Pair Odd Pants The most expensive and highest grade lot of pants ever sold. Sizes to fit everybody. 95c for a big lot of 1.50 pants; $1.35 for all $2.25 grades ; 2.33 for all $3.50 grades ; 3.85 for pants that all regu lar clothing stores sell for $5.00 to ' 6.00. The most unparalelled movement of fine wearing apparel for Ladies ever seen in Coos County Supply your needs for your self and family at a saving of more than one-half Let us give you a free ticket to the big Coos County Fair. Great Sale on Household Sup plies. Get what you want now for the Winter LADIES SUITS. Elegant silk lined garments in plain tailored and new Butterfly suits. This season's latest models. Values n r " $35 to $45 15.00 LADIES COATS. Long black and Castor Coats, all wool Kersey. Values $15.00 to $20.00 Ladies' plaid and plain colors, voile skirts, prettily trimmed with bias folds. Values $3.50 to . crtt $5.00 IM.5U Elegant Panamas, voiles, poplins, etc. All the up to date materials and makes. A big line worth $, A 0 c $7.50 to $12.50 $.o; 35 Dozen handsome lawn waists. Heavy embroidered fronts. Not one worth less than $1.50 All go Beautiful Lace Trimmed "Waists in dainty patterns, worth & rtrfc $2.00to $3.50 Jp I .UU Handsome Net Waists; ecru and white; beautifully trimmed. Val ues $7.50 to $9.00. AttlierQC New Store .tyd.OO Ladies percale and chambray wash shirt waist suits. To clean up our stock we will close them all , m c out. Values to $2.50 to $3.50 JC 50c Saving Prices Ladies' Muslin . Underwear 25c Ladies' lace trimmed muslin drawers, worth 50e to 75c at Ladies' corset covers, handsomely trimmed. Values 50c to L 75c 20C Ladies' night gowns. Yoke of tucks and embrodiery. You pay Ats 85c to $1.25 elsewhere. Here , 4UC Ladies' white skirts, deep flounce of embroidery, worth $1.75 to, $2.50. We sell them Blankets, good 10x4 cotton blaukets, worth $1.50 65c Best linen finished sheets, extra heavy muslin. Worth 75c. . .3UC Eeavy wool blankets, 10x4 g, . sizes, values $2.50 to $3.50. $ I . J Handsome full sized bed spreads ; everyone worth $1.50OC Elegant Marsailles pattern spreads, extra heavy; would cost you $2.50 to $3.50 elsewhere. At the . -. New Store $ .JV 500 pairs lace curtains, all kinds; and sizes ; white and ecru. The great est curtain values you ever saw. We are going to close out our entire line to make room for immense shipment coming. $1.50 to $2.50 values 75c $2.50 to $4.50 curtains $1.25 $4.50 to $6.50 curtains $1.85 Let us show you. Good crash and Turkish towels, reg. 10c and 15c values ... .3C "Big bath towels ; the 25c and 0 r 35c kind. Here 2 for J JC Beautiful linen table cloths. Hand some new patterns. Every . one worth $2.50 to $3.50, ,q I.tfJ Ladies' handsome lace hose; the kind you always pay 25c for. We sell at 2 pairs for ' 5DC Children's hose; the regular 15c value ; 2 pairs 15c Suit Cases All leather cases at the price of paper ones. $4.95 for a regular $7.50 case; $6.50 for a regular $10.00 case. 95c Special Notice We will pay every Customer's way to the Fair, Everybody come th the greatest fair ever held in good old Oregon. Make the store your home while in the city. Packages checked free for every body. Store open every evening Men's"Shoes 2,000 pair all kinds, every pair guaranteed at a saving of from 25c to 50c. $1.25 for all sizes in regular $2.50 oxford or high shoes. $1.75 for men's vici kid, box calf, blucher or bal cut; the best of $2.50 values. $2.20 for several styles of men's dress shoes; $2.85 for all the best makes of $3.50 and $4.50 shoes in cluding the Tilt Kennedy shoe. Boy's Shoes $1.25 for boy's shoes, sizes 2 to 5, regular $2.50 values. $1.75 for the best o boy's shoes. Girl's Shoes $1.25 for giiTs regular $2.00 values. $1.65 for girl's regular $2.75 values. Ladies' Shoes 90c for ladies' $1.50 oxfords. $1.25 for ladies' patent leather regular 2.50 values. $1.85 for ladies' low or high shoes, the best of $2.50 values. $2.95 for the finest of ladies' patent colt, regular $4.50 values. Men's Underwear $5,000.00 stock of men's underwear at, from 50c to 75c on the dollar. The largest stock you ever picked from. All sizes, all new stock. 25c for sev eral kinds of men's regular 50c val ues. Nothing but shirts in this lot. 45c for regular 75c values; all sizes drawers or shirts. 75c for the best of $1.00 values; 90c for all wool; never sold for less than $2.50 a suit. $1.15 for all wool, all kinds of regular $1.50 values. $1.25 for the finest of $1.75 values. Shirts ,, The best of work shirts; 35c for all sizes in men's 75c and $1.00 values. 50c for 50 dozen of men's 'dress shirts, the best of $1.00 values; $1.50 for all lands of men's silk shirts, regular $3.50 values. Men's Overalls 40c for all 75c overalls. 65c for all 85c overalls. 75c for all $1.00 overalls. Men's Sweaters $1.50 for regular $3.00 values. f it it I i it i i it t it f :: it i it i i it ! it i i it I it f it i t it it it 1 t i -? ? ? ? I i t n I it I n :: I 1 Iiin-8---H-n,u":,nt,uuttwnn