THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1 908. GALLS HALT OK TICHENOFJ IS SI LEFT Business Directory TR.R MGTH Uoctor.x. M lira; M She Clmnges Abodes nnd Soils Fur niture So Often Tlint lie Asks For Divorce. CINCINNATI, Aug. 19. Louis Cotty'B wife haB moved bo many times that he thinks It Is now his move. Today he moved the court to grant Tilm a divorce from Mario Cotty. Thoy were married In 1900 In Cov ington, but made their home In Cin cinnati until August, 1903, when, according to Cotty, his wife disposed of all their furniture and moved to Chicago. He followed her and fur nished a home there. On March 1, 1904, he says, she disposed of their "household goods in Chicago and came back to Cincinnati. Hubby followed and Immediately busied himself es tablishing a new home for her. About twelve days later she changed her mind and decided to return to Chi cago, so she disposed of the furniture and went back to the Windy City. Cotty was soon on the scene and leathered a new nest. In September, Mrs. Cotty tired of ; the nest, so back to Cincinnati once j more for her, after disposing of the Chicago nest feathers. She remain ed in the new home furnished by Cotty In this city for one year, and then the longing for Chicago became too great. Cotty did not follow her on this last trip. He says she is still there and refuses to return to him. He is an engineer. The couple have no children. . MAD ELOPES TWELVE HI Arknnsns Mnu Holds Record For Runaway Marriages. FOItT SMITH, Ark., Aug. 19. Bill Sago, an inmate of the county farm, has just eloped for the twelfth timeiln the last ten years. The per petual bridegroom has been deserted by all of the 11 predecessors of his present bride, but his matrimonial experience has never proven a deter rent to new entanglements except for short periods. Sage never obtains a divorce. As a rule ho picks out a woman, usual ly' a co-lnmato of the county farm, who has a littlo property, and the pe riod of their bliss Is not Infrequently measured by the life of her estate. After each abandonment, Sage swears that ho is through with wo men, but his remorse Is not usually longer lived than are his honey moons. Ho has been charged with bigamy, but has never been prose- cuted, probably because of tho be- lief on tho part of couuty officials that ho would be able to establish a uefenso of mental irresponsibility. DISLIKE "COFFIN NAILS." -Cigarette Smoking Guise For DI- (vorco. COLUMBUS, O., Aug. 19. "That Is sufficient," said Judge John M. Broderick, of Bellefontalne, as evi dence adduced by Mrs. J. W. Smith in her suit for divorce showed that Smith was In tho habit of rising In tho night to roll and smoko a ciga- rotto. "Divorce will bo granted. Tho cig - aretto habit proved In my court will bo a sufficient ground for divorce." EXORCISED HIS WIFE'S "DEVIL" WITH A CLUB By and By His Wife Wearied of tho "Treatment," Left Him and Drought Action for Divorce. NEW YORK, Aug. 19. Samuel Phillips, a Pntorsou tailor, Imagines that his wifo Bessie Is occasionally possessed by an evil spirit, at which , nniuo of God is spelled with four let time It has been his habit to exorcise ' tors in at least seven languages? tho aforesaid spirit with a club. ,' Hero thoy aro: Latin, Dous; Greek, Whon Mrs. Phillips tired of this Zous; French, Dleu; Scandinavian, manner of driving out devils sho left , Odin; Arabic, Alia; Germnn, Gott; Phillips and Is now suing for a di-' Japanese, Zaln. Tho old English vorco on the ground of "constructlvo spoiling was Qode, desertion." Sho accuses her husbaud of cruol treatment. In his answer Phillips declares that ho loves his wlfo, and nsseis that tho trouble Is all duo to an iwi! spirit that besets him and makes it self manifest through his wife. Phil, lips In 1900 spent n month in tho Morris Plains Insane Asylum. STEAMER FIFIKLD SAILS Ban Francisco, Friday. August II p. in. For passage, npjtly to J. Fluaagau. lhune 5!, for 21. W. IT Former Coos Bay Mini W. O. W. General Organizer. PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 19. Frank D. Tichenor, a former resident of Salem and Portland, has been pro moted from the position of district organizer of the Woodmen of the World for Eastern Washington to that of general organizer for Oregon, Washington and Idaho. His head quarters will be in Portland. The new position was recently created. Heretofore there have been five or six district organizers. Now there will be but two general organizers, covering the five states. Peter F. Gllroy, of San Francisco, will have charge of the California and Nevada district. Mr. Tichenor held his form er position for years, with head quartors at Spokane. Just before he left that city to come to Portland ho was presented with a loving cup by members of the lodge In Eastern Washington. Mr. Tichenor was raised near Port Orford and is well known on Coos Bay ICE CREAM JAILS HUBBY Wm.iil..'. llnv Ills Wife ii Gallon n ,. ... - . Day, He Said. CLEVELAND, Aug. 18. Because, he chose imprls.onment rather than supplying his wife's demands for Ice cream, Joseph Smok, of No. 4307 St. Clair avenue, was sentenced to the , workhouse four months and fined $200 , and the costs of prosecution by Police Judge Manuel Levlne. j .Mrs. Smok caused her husband's arrest on complaint that he struck , her when she asked for money to buy j Ice cream. He told the court consumed a gallon a day and money from his pockets and trunk to buy it. she took his "You can go to the "wprks" or buy her ico cream," ruled the Judge. "A woman is entitled to ice cream occa sionally." Smok chose the 'works ,' saying: I'd rather go to the 'works for a hun- dred years than live with an ice cream fiend." ' BURIES JEWELS WITH DOGS. Duchess of Manclfester Interred Pets On Father's Estate. I CINCINNATI, O., Aug. 18. In cased In a costly little ens'ket, on J which there was a silver plate In- scrlption, the remains of a canine pet of tho duchess of Manchester during! her Klrlhood days were unearthed j f,.om beneath an 0j(i a,,j,ie tree on ' the snacIous grounds, until several years ago occupe,i by Eugene Zlm- merman, in Mount Auburn. It was then recalled that tho duchess, be foro her marriage, was a lover of dogs, and when her pets died she had them Interred beneath her fa vorite tree on her father's estate. Tho church of tho Holy Name was erected on tho Zimmerman property recently. One of n team of horses attached to a scraper employed In I sloping a small embankment west of , tho new structure, sank several feet. an,i investigation showed that the animal's weight had caused a small 1 coftln to collapse, j The littlo casket had been lined j with oxpenslve Bilks. Only the skelo- ton of the dog remained. Following Ith0 discovery of the dog's grave it wns ,ournotl tlmt sovornl other pets of tho duchess woro Interred near ,ho B'" B"ot' mn- yenrs ago. and , tl,nt tl,ore ls expensive jewelry In the caskets. ( , SPELLING NAME OF GOD. I Havo you over reflected that tho ------ Steamship Fifield JENSEN, MASTER. SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10TII, a P. M. Unoxcolled passenger accommodations. Fastest boat on tho run. JOHN W. FLANAGAN, Agent PHONE 3, MARSHFIELD, ORE. J. II. JOHNSON." Bandon, Ore. THOS. 11. JAMES, North Bend - - - - - - - - - - - - - BED TO WED Girl With Appendicitis Accepts Nurse As Husband. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Aug. 17. Charlotte Keith, a pretty New York girl who was stricken with ap pendicitis a few days ago, and has been in a serious condition, arose from bed long enough to go through a brief marriage ceremony, which made her the wife of William Phillips of Doston. The young couple came here on their vacation, and the girl was strucken with appendicitis. Mr. Phil lips gave up the pleasures of the beach to care for his sweetheart. "Let's get married, anyhow," said he. She nodded assent. The Rev. Dr. Henry Fisher, a visiting clergyman, was called in and tied the knot, while hotel patrons witnessed the bedside wedding. The honey moon will be spent on the hotel piazza, as the bride is not "strong enough to leave. THE BREAKWATER sails for Portland Saturday, August 22, at 8 a. m. HOT MEALS will be served at the fair grounds during the fair, at 2 Be. during fair week. COOS BAY. ROSEBURG it EAST- ERN RAILROAD & NAVIGATION COMPANY. TIME TABLE NO. 3. In effect July 20, 1008. Dully ovccpl Sunday. South Marshheld . Southport . Summit . . 'Junction . . Beaver Hill Coqullle . . . "Johnsons . Schroeders . 'Norway . . . Myrtle Point No. 3. P.M. .Lv. 2.00 2.25 10.20 2.45 No. 1. A.M. Lv. 8.00 8. IS 5.25 8.30 8.45 8.50 8.55 9.05 Ar. 9.15 No. 4. P.M. Ar. 6.00 5.40 5.25 5.15 3.10 3.20 3.27 3.35 . .Ar. 3.45 No. 2. A. M. .Ar.10.45 10.30 10.20 10.15 North Marshfield I Southport 'Summit . , Junction . Beaver Hill Coqullle . , Johnsons . 10.00 5.00 9.50 4.30 9.45 4.20 9.40 4.10 'Schroeders 'Norway . Myrtle Point Lv. 9.30 Lv. 4.00 Flag station; stop on signal only. W. F. MILLER, Agent. Masters and McLain - ' General Contractor's Bail Ii t I Material and Beaver Hill Coal ; I t Office: Broadway & Queen St Phones 2011 -826 IT'S TUB K-SOWS HOW WHICH EN AHI.CS US TO 'EXCEL OTHERS Ga- den Cily Ta 'oring Company TWISS BROS PROPS. Work called for and delivered promptly. French dry and steam cleaning of ladles aud gents garments a specialty. Satisfaction or no Charge. Over Club Cigar Stre. Marshfield. PHONE M 01 i . Eighteen year's experience has taught us a motto "Tako r our time and do our work ' right." L. j.'tost Contractor nnd Builder. Prices consistent with best work Marshfield, Oro. parkside poultry ranch' Empire, Oregon. JOHN W. ICING, Prop. Eggs from thorpughbred Buff Orpington chickens for sale $1.50 to $5.00 for setting of 15. ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - In a bank lies, first, In tho ability and. experience of its officers, "Th men behind tho gun;" second, Its board of directors who ad Tle with and direct tho officers; and third, the Capital. LlIlRKAIilTV In a bank Is Its willingness to furnish funds to depositors to assist them in carrying on their legitimate busl aess. Our raotto is: "STRONG AND LIBERAL" Look us up and if you find us de serving, glva us your business. First Trust and Savings Bank ; OF COOS BAY Capital Fully Paid $100,000.00 Officers nnd Directors. John S. Coke, Pres. William Grimes, W. S. Chandler, S. C. Rogers, Henry Sengstacken, Dr. C. W. Tower, Dorsey Kreltzer, cashier. Judge John F. Hall. M. C. Horton, Vice pres.-manager. Flanagan & Bennett Bank f MARSHFIELD, OREGON. 4 - Tnld Up Cnpltal and Undivided Profits $75,000 Assets Over Half .Million Dollars. Does a general banking business and draws on the Bank of Cali fornia, San Francisco, Cal, First National Bank, Portland, Ore., First National Bank, Roseburg, Ore., Hanover National Bank, Now York, N. M. Rothchild & Son, London, England. Also sell exchange on nearly all the principal cities of Europe. Accounts kept subject to check, safe deposit lock boxes for r,ont at 50 cents a month or ?5 a year. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS n-8-Ha--tt-mt-H-----u- :: THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY 0. B. HINSDALE, President John Preuss - Vice Pres. W. S. McFarland - Cashier R. L. Kauffman, Asst. Cash. i - B - B - B - B - B - B - B - B - B - B - B - B STEAMERS. CIIAS. THOM, Owner. 4 Streamer Wilhelmma I Ll'DVIG CIIKISTEXSHN, Master. Eails from Coos Bay every Monday for Bandon and Coqullle j River Points, at service of tide. Freight only. For full Informa tion Inquire H. W. SKINNER, Gan'l Agt,. PHONE 1 11 MARSHFIELD, ORE. J. E. WALSTROM, Agent. GlIO. T. MOULTON, Agent. Bandon. Ore. Coqullle, Ore. !..$.---.:..-- ;.-..t4 THE Steamer M. F. Plant SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO, AT 2 P. M., FRIDAY, AUG. 21. FROM MARSHFIELD. No reservation held after tho arrival of tho ship unices ticket la bought. F. S. DOW, Agent, MARSHFIELD, California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company Steamer Alliance :. W . OLSON. Mastwr. COOS BAY AND PORTLAND SAILS FROM PORTLAND SATURDAYS, 8 P. M. SAILS FROM COOS BAY TUESDAYS. AT SERVICE OF TIDE. F. P. Baumgartner, Agt. H. W. Skinner Agt. n-,T, ci- rrMr Pnrtinnd. Ore. Uarshflnld. Ore.. Phon 441. Portland & Coos bay b b. Line S. S. BREAKWATER Sails from Portland Wednesday at 8 p. m. Sails from Coos Bay Saturdays at Service of Tide. S. S. CZARINA SAILING BETWEEN SAN FRANCISCO AND COOS BAT, CAR RYING FREIGHT AND COMBUSTD3LES ONLY.' 1L. W. Shaw, Agt. Phone Main 34 Captain O. E. Edwards. Tlmo-Tablo. Leaves Allegany, dally at 7 a. m. Returning Leaves Marshflold 2 P. m. Tor terms of charter, towing, transportation or freight, apply on board. C T F?pWARDf, Owner. aSErsiKnsZKSHIfcSHSESrHiTlSESaS ALiLK. 1 STF.AMF.R FAvnRITF Hi Br i B B B t B t B B B B B B B F0REIGN EXCHANGE WE ISSUE DRAFTS PAY ABLE IN OTHER COUN TRIES. WHENEVER YOU HAVE OCCASION TO SEND MONEY TO FOREIGN LANDS IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEKD IT THROUGH THE FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF COOS BAY. - B - 3 - BB - B - B - Btt - B - t:B - B - B - t ::------ B-H-B-a-a- VVAAAAA ------- t't -- -- OREGON A. St. Dock STFAMFR FAvnRITF iwu injif uniiy uuiHt'i'ii ituimou una Comiille connecting wlu nil .MurxhllciU train Leaves Bandon', .. 0:45 a.m. Li Leaves Bnndon . . . 1 :20 p. in. j Leaves Coquillo. .,0:15a.m. L Leaves Coquillo ...4: 00 p.m. G iniYi'iurc icnviiiK .nnrciuiit'id in me I morning reach llandon at noon. People HI on Comiille river can spend over three In noun in aiurbiiueiuunu rcacn luimo 11 hAinn ritiv. COQUILLE RIVER TRANS PORTATION CO. :'?5SHSEff-J.5'd5d5rl.,IHriT.lXSZSESasZ,ir!tnl i Li DR. A. C. BL'RROCGIIS Homeopathic Physiclnn Chronic Diseases a Specialty. Residence and ofilce, corner 'O' nnd Second Streets, Mi.ibhlleld. D U GEORGE W. LESIJIS Osteopathic Physlciaa Oraduate ot American School ol Osteopath Office Hours: f a.m. to 4 p. in. Other Hours bj ..,-lw....u.v.... vmiviii.llBUIIIg UIUCK Phone 1611. Marshfield, Oro D R. GEO. E. DIX Pliyslolnn and Surgeon New FlanagHn & Bennett Bank Bldg. i-none ibt. DR. J. W. INGRAM Physician and Snrgoon. Office 208-200 Coos Building Phonos Office 1621: Resldonco 781. DR. A. L. HOUSEWORTH PhyMiclnn nnd Surgeon. Offices second floor of Flanagan & Bennett Bank Building. Rc&Idence, two blocks north of Crystal Theater. Office Pban 1431. Residence Phone 656. M RS, NETTIE HOVEL Midwlfo Obstetrical Nursing With E. TV. Kammeror Phone U f 4 Lawyers. Fransls II. Clarke Jacob JI. lllake Lawrence A. Llljcqutst CLARKE, BLAKE & LILJEQVIST, ATTORNEY8-AT-LAW United States Commissioner's Office Trust Building. MarshOeld, Oro. W. BENNETT, Office over Flanagan & BonneU Bank Marshfield, - - Oreiron OKE & COKE, -" Attorneys at Law. Marphfleld. Oregon Miscellaneous MARSHFIELD 210-21. 1 Cc TURKISH BATHS Coos Building. Hours: Ladies, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., except Saturday Gents, 7 p.m. to 1 a. m., except Friday. Phono 2141. TURKISH BATH $1.00. C. L. BUTTERFIELD, Prop. W. S. TURPEN Architect. First Trust A Savings flank bldg M.VKSHFIKIJ), OKK. NATIONAL IMU'LOYMENT OFFICE, Room 214 Coos Bldg. Phone, Mavshfleld 814. WM. WICKENS c III Bits H MASON Photographers. Coos Bay Monthly Bldg. Marshfield, Oregon. M R. ALBERT ABEL, Contractor for Teaming of all kind Phone 1884. MUSICAL WILHELM G. HOLL, RQSIDBNT TUNHR Maaos tuned aai repalrod. AH vrork earnnteed. With XT. R. Uale Mui Co. M ABLB OLARB MILLIB Yoeal Instruction. Italian and Gtrnwin Dlctlom. Stutll, Phoaa 511. ELMBR A. TODD, Director Cos Bay Acadamjr of Mule, Voice, Piano Pipe Organ. Harmony U., from beclanlrg to graduation, fllngtrs ooaihed 1 sijU diction and interpretation, for opera oratorio or concert work New O'Comiell Building. Marshfield. r1,. i ... .1., ..... i flood Herse ana Vehicles " HEIVBR, MILLER & CO. Livery, Feed nnd Sale Btablo. Wood for Sale. 3d and 'A' Sts. Phono 1201 Mrfld. The LATTIN Hotel Guy O. Lattln. New nnd modern throughout. Rate. SI iter day, $0 per week. Free batln.. newly furnished. Phone 2005. Next to cor Sheridan and Queen Ave. Marshfield, Ore. NOTICE. There will be a regular cab for Marshflold, North Bend aad Llbby. Prompt attention to all calls from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. Day ptone: Bianco-Cigar- Storo 781. Night phone: Helsner ' Miller LiTary. 1201. f anKziSiM,'" ' at"" tfuTft" il..i-q" - jfc.-A. 'iff " " ' BBBBBBBBBBBPlif SSBBBBBB) BBBJRBVBBfcflBBBB L-ifciWKt. .23A