'-SWWFW' " 3SJP(8WWPflWI!WIIPPi','r mfmji 'iwt vwyinjigianotiiym . . J3T . 'j'miWB'lllHU -fei " ff . THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MAR$HFIELD,,OnGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1908. v. fte,v. v 4 - ; ,-r m f.i THE COOS BAY MES OFFERS MANY GRAND PRIZES, TO BE GIVEN AWAY IN ITS POPULAR VOTING CONTEST f! Tflww.T.WItfSW I E it Ml&TSk it A T L. V.d ''Hdirffl THE COOS BAY TIMES announces a popular voting contest that will eclipse anything of its kind ever conducted in Southern Oregon First Grand Prize a $400 Gabler Piano, to be given away to the most popular secret or fra- ternal society, lodge, school or young lady receiving the largest number of votes under the conditions named else where Second Grand Prize a Solid Mahogany $7500 Talking Machine Third Prize a Full paid $7500 Scholarship in the Miller-Cleaver Business College, at North Bend Fourth Prize a $5000 Lady's Tailor-made Suit Fifth Prize Lady's or Gentleman's Gold Watch Sixth Prize Gentleman's Tailor-made Suit, made to order for winner 7th Prize a magnificent Library Table Other Prizes may be awarded during the progress of the Contest, but these are the ones now purchased, and every one will be given away on votes cast by subscribers to the Daily and Weekly COOS BAY TIMES. Remember, these Prizes have no strings to them. No money is required from candidates and subscribers pay only regular subscription rates. Votes are not sold under any circumstances, but are Given Away. Old subscribers, as well as new subscribers, may vote. FREE PRIZES FREE PRIZES Read Conditions & Nomin r Favorite Value of Special Ballots subscriptions to the coos hay times in advance. Votes. DAILY. Dally Tlmea, one month... Dally Times, three months. Dally Times,. six months... Dally Times, ono year Dally Times, two years... WEEKLY. Weekly Times, ono year... Woekly Times, two years. Old Now Subscribers Subscribers .$ 50 .?1.50 . ?2. GO .$5.00 .10.00 .$1.50 .$3. 00 50 150 300 GOO 1,200 150 300 100 300 GOO 1,200 2,400 300 GOO It will bo noticed that on all new subscriptions double votes will bo Issued. Old subscriptions will recelvo one-half as many votes as new subscriptions. In all cases where ballots are issued subscriptions must be paid in advance, except where there Is an amount duo on back subscription and it may bo paid up and at least ono month in advance to receive votes for tho entire amount. The full amount of money must be paid at the time. In addition to tho votes given on subscription there will bo a coupon published in each issue of tho Dally and Woekly Times which when cut out and filled in will count as ono vote. These ballots must be cut out of tho paper and mailed or sent to the Times office before the expiration of tho dato printed on each coupon. I A new subscriber must bo ono not at present receiving The Times. Stopping tho paper and starting it again or transferring tho subscription from ono member of tho family to another does not count as a new sub scriber. HALLOTS CANNOT HE HOUGHT;THEY MUST HE CUT FROM THE PAPER OK SECURED HY SUBSCRIPTION. Subscribers living anywhere may vote for any candidate In any dis trict. VALUE TO NOMINATIONS. Tho Times will give to each person making a nomination which proves to be that of tho winner of any of tho prizes of this contest, ono year's subscription to tho Daily Times. Any person has tho privilege of nomi nating ono or more candidates. Nominations should be mailed to the Times Contest Manager. Candidates can bo nominated at any time but it Is a great advantage for candidates to have their name in the first list published, so that friends may not agree to work for someone else not knowing who are entered In thocontest. It absolutely costs no thing to nomlnato a candidate Tho Jlrst list of candidates will ho pub lished in Tho Times Tuosday, August 4. Nomination Blank Write plainly. It is advisable to use this blank, but nominations can be writen on any paper. Coupon is printed for convenience only. Fill out this coupon and mail at once. I Nominate. A ddress District No. As the Most Popular Candidate in the COOS BAY TIMES Contest. Signed A ddress. Date, 1908. Each nomination sent in will count FIVE votes if sent to THE COOS HAY TIMES Contest Manager before August 15, 1908. THE TIMES reserves tho right to reject any objectionable nominations. Who May Enter this Great Contest Any Secret or Fraternal Society, Organization, School or Lady is eli gible for tho First Giand Prize, providing conditions set forth below are complied with. ; Any Person is eligible for tho District prizes. Socloties or Lodges are not eligible for any but the Grand Prize. Every candidate must be regularly nominated on tho blank printed on this page or similar one. Candidates must reside in the district or territory from which nomi nated. No candidate will bo permitted to transfer votes to another after leeching them for themselves. The right is leserved to withdraw the offer in any district where only one candidate is nominated or voted for. Ballots sent in for names not properly nominated will be destroyed uncounted. A ballot will be printed every day during the life of contest. Tills ballot will count one vote. All ballots will bo dated, and will be void unless received at the Times ofllco or on or before the expiration dale as printed. All ballots must be sent direct to the Contest Manager of tho Times, postage fully prepaid. No employe of the Times or member of any employe's family will be eligible as a candidate. Any successful candidate shall have the right to name a substitute subject to our ap proval. Tho decision of tho contest manager as to the award of tho prizes shall be final and conclusive. In accepting nominations all candidates must accept and agree to abl de by tho above conditions. In case of any contestants receiving tho same number of votes and there is a tie, the winner will boidetermined by lot. Contest Opens TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1908 Contest Closes c D , OCT. 31, 1908 AT 9 P. M. HEMEMHEH, EACH DISTRICT WILL RECEIVE ONE PRIZE, REGARDLESS OF THE VOTES CAST IN ANY OTHER DISTRICT HOWEVER, NO CONTESTANT WTT f nv CE1VE MORE THAN ONE PRIZE. ' " The winning of theso rangniflcont prizos is not a question of money. It Is tho result of extensive acquaintance, loyal friendship and enthusiastic co-operation. Several Lodces and hundreds of young ladles have mnny warm frlonds who will unito in nn effort to win the beautiful $400 piano for them tho time is short In threo months from tho fir t b lication of the names of candidates, prizes will be won. Bo a winner. You risk nothing and may gain much. Think how much It is worth to win $400 piano or another valbl" prizo and sololy as tho result of votes of admiring friends. You can if you will bo one of the fortunate winners. Tho Coos Bay Times has done Its part. The rest if"0 and your frlonds. ' you Tho piano will bo awarded to the Lodge, Society, School or lady receiving tho greatest number of votes in the five districts. The other prizes ono in each district th ' son stnndlng highest In each district will receive a prizo first cholco going to tho one having tho largest vote, second to next largest and so on down. 6 Per" First district will Include Marsufleld and Eastslde, second district tho city of North Bend and Empire, third district will Include all the city of Bandon fourth dist It ulo tho town of Myrtlo Point, fifth district Includes the town of Coqulllo and each district will includo allterrltory tributary to tho various towns. ' cludo IH .-- FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CALL ON OR ADDRESS CONTEST MANA Ct n? rto i JLw CC COOS BAY TIMES MARSHFIELB, OREGON izmmFi L milllM i"" ' f jzsm J A. V