The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 29, 1908, Image 1

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MMWWl I ll l II m I ll mm
ONIiT A HOUND proposition a
I AS "THE BEST pilots are aahert.
en h nnnn1 ,hn .oil t fill TflU' ll
meritorious article or a deserving
about th dangers of "waBtlng-aoW
In advertising" are those, who have
never advertised at all or else adror
tlsed without any system and In
haphazard way. Newspaper adver
tising properly done Is never wastedi
Using and these will always be
"made," promoted and established by
publicity. A thing that does not
"need" publicity, or thafwould'not
thrive under It, Is open tp 'suspicion.
Vol. III.
No. 17.
I M)?ranr a bound propositioTa"' ' Pfcfti'n HBR.a,
Qijpoa &jj wtmm
IU M'tlN
iiiuuvvii limit
Mrs. Russell of Cincinnati,
Slightly Injured by1 Small
Woman Was Standing On
Deck Directly Below Presi
dential Candidate.
(By Associated Press.)
CINCINNATI, Ohio, July 29. The
steamer Island Queen with W. H.
Taft and the notification committee
and guests on board during her trip
up tho Ohio river last night was fired
upon by a man from a shanty boat
moored on tho opposite side of the
Mrs. Russell of this city, who was
standing on tho hurricane deck di
rectly under the seat occupied by the
presidential candidate, was struck In
the face and breast by a number of
small shot. She was not seriously
injured. Very few on board knew
of tho occurrence and Taft was not
told of It.
V. If. Taft Made Honorary Member
if Steam Shovel Organization.
By Associated Press.)
CINCINNATI, Ohio, July 29. W.
H. Taft will leave tonight for Hot
Springs, Va. He said that ho felt
no effect whatever of the exertion of
notification day. Mr. Taft was made
an honorary member of tho Steam
Shovel Union today by a committee
of that organization.
G. Winthrope Sands, Step-Son
of W. J. Vanderbilt, Slain In
(By Associated Press.)
PARIS, July 29. O. Winthrope
Sands, a stepson of W. J. Vanderbilt,
was killed In an automobile accident
near Poissy today.
Sands was riding with his chauf
feur when the automobile left the
road, struck a tree and overturned.
SandB and tho chauffeur were pinned
under tho wreckage. The gasoline
tank exploded and the wreck caught
fire. Sand's and the chauffeur were
horribly burned. Tho chauffeur Is
still alive but probably will die.
Sands' father, Samuel Sands was
killed in the famous Meadowbrook
hunt some years ago.
Jack Sears Dies at Ills Homo In
Myrtle Point.
(Special to The Times.)
MYRTLE POINT. July 29. Jack'
Sears an old time resident of this
place and one of the pioneers of Coos
county died at his home here yester
day. Mr. Sears is well-known among
all tho old time residents of this sec
tion and news of his death will be
received with regret. His only rela
tive In Oregon Is a niece, Miss Ber
tha Koontz, who has been making
her home in Myrtle Point, having
come here from tho east. Ho also
has a brother somewhere In tho east.
He left considerable property which
it is thought will go to his nlqco.
The funeral occurred this morning
at 10 o'clock and was largely attend
ed. nui" a Big Lot by tho Seaside for
935.00 on level ground, near the
Beach at Beautiful- Bandon. See
Bennett's land office or Stutsman &
L. "W. PLANZ has Just received a
lino of gents furnishings, collars,
cuffs, socks, shirts, etc., et.
iiulu un
Make Speeches at Only
Few Central Points During
the Race.
(By Associated Press.)
LINCOLN, Neb., July 29. The
first authentic outline of V. J.
Bryan's campaign plan was secured
today from one close to him. A few
prepared speeches will be made at
central points, nearly all before the
first of October. During the month
of October he expects to remain at
homo to assist In the educational
work of the campaign through discus
sion of public questions in the form
of interviews, signed articles, letters,
etc. Much satisfaction is expressed
by Bryan over the response made to
his appeal to the Democratic news
papers of the country to ppen sub
scription lists. He said today that,
the fund had already considerable
in it and is growing steadily.
Telegraphs Imitations to Regatta to
Taft and Bryan.
(By Associated Press.)
ASTORIA, Ore., July 29. The
Regatta committee anticipating that
Taft and Bryan will come west dur
ing the coming month, have teleg
raphed invitations to them to visit
the Astoria regatta.
Two Reported to Have Been
Slain In Battle Near
Mexican Border.
(By Associated Press.)
EL PASO, Tex., July 29. A spe
cial to the Herald from Del Rio re
ports an engagement of Mexican
troops and the Revolutionists oppo
site from Comstock, Tex., In which
two American residents of Mexico
were killed, American troops are
said to have been dispatched from
Dol Rio to the scene of the fight.
t i i .
(By Associated Press )
CHICAGO, 111., July ' 29. The
First National Convention of the In
dependence League party finished Its
labors early today. The National
Committee was authorized by the
convention to fill all vacancies. The
following candidates were nominat
ed: For president Thomas Hlsgen of
Massachusetts. w-
For vice-president John Temple
Graves of Georgia.
W. R. Hears! was elected chair
man; Nelll of Indiana, and Howard
of Alabama, vice-chairman, and
Charles Walsh secretary, by the Na
tional Committee of the Independ
ence party.
PIANO, First Trust and Saving
Bank building. 1
Proposed Retaliation For Rule
Governing Freight Tariffs
Will" Seriously Affect Coun
try.' (By Associated Press.)
CHICAGO, 111., July 29. The Record-Herald
says that tho trado of
the United States with 'the Orient,
Australia and New Zeland, amount-
Western Federation of Miners
Announce Results of Annual
Election of Officers.
(By Associated Press.)
DENVER, Colo., July 29. Moyer
was received president of the West
ern Federation of Miners, receiving
233 votes to 88 for Flynn of Butte.
Mahoncy of Butte, was reelected
vice-president. Denver was selected
as the next meeting place. President
Moyer announced that the policy of
the past would be the policy of the
Ernest Mills of Greenwood, B. C,
was elected secretary and treasurer
by acclamation.
Attorney General Bonaparte
and Forces Agree to Take
Immediate Steps.
(By Associated Press.)
LENOX, Mass., July 29. Attor
ney General Bonaparte has announc
ed that the would-make a statement
late today as a result of a conference
relative to the proceedings against
Standard Oil Company. It was
learned that the conference unani
mously decided to tako Immediate
steps for a retrial of the Chicago re
bate case in which tho $29,240,000
fine was set aside.
Miirshfiiid's Star Shortstop Will Re
turn to Home in Pasadena.
Carroll Owen who has been play
ing shortstop on the Marshfield base
ball team will leave Thursday for his
home In Pasadena, Cal., to.spend the
remainder of his vacation. He is
planning to go to Yale next year.
His departune will be greatly regret
ted by all the fans and members of
the team as he has not only been a
rattling good player but has also
been a good fellow.
; G. Gaffney and Taylor who have
been playing with the North Bend
jteam, left this morning for Shasta
where they expect to join another ag
gregation. , FARMERS ATTENTIQN! When
you want that hay baled address W.
'A. Gage, Allegany.
Fresh Empire CLAMS at Ellerby's
Fish Market.
Don worry ring up MOTHER'S
any time you want a CHICKEN
DINNER or a spring fry.
Wo have for sale on reasonable
terms, 880 acres of land close to tldo
water and about 12 miles from
Marshfield at tho low price of $G,00
per acre or $5,280 for the tract. Tho
land Is partially Improved with small
house and orchard, and Is well adapt
ed for stock and fruit.
See Title Guarantee and Abstract
Ing toover $250,000,000 annuallyand
of Canada with the same countries
have been dealt a severe blow by the
transcontinental railroads deciding
to abandon a large portion of this
business. The action was taken in
pursuance of the threat against the
Interstate Commerce Commission
Rule No. 8C, requiring tho railroads
to publish the Inland proportion of
their Import and export rates and
not to change these rates without
duo notice,
Mikado's Minister of War Ex
presses Hope That Taft Will
Be Elected.
(By Associated Press.)
"TOKIO", Japan, July 29. General
Viscount TerauchI, Minister of War
arid 'Acting Minister of Foreign Af
fairs, in an Interview exclusively
granted to the Associated Press to
day, expresed the keenest desire for
the .maintenance of peaco and the
continuance of friendly relations with
all powers. He regards America as
Japan's real friend and In event of
the election of W. H. Taft, believes
that the bonds of friendship will be
drawn even closer because of his
lengthy Interviews with Taft.
Rev. Paul Peter Rhode Con
secrated at Chicago Today
In Presence of Divines.
(By Associated Press.)
CHICAGO, July 29. Prelates,
priests and laymen from all parts of
the United States are here attending
the consecration today of Bishop
elect Paul Peter. Rhode. Chicago's
new auxiliary bishop and tho first
Polish-American priest in America1 to
be elevated to tho episcopate of the
Roman Catholic Church.
Geo. Beale transacted business In
North Bend yesterday. . -
Mrs. I. Freeland and daughters of
Gardiner, have gone to Glasgow to
visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaughan, who
have been visiting at McMlnnville
are expected home soon.
Mayor L. J. Simpson and wife,
who have been at Sunset Bay return
ed to North Bend Tuesday.
Mrs. Byler and grand-daughter
left on the City of Panama to make
their home In Seattle with Mrs. By
ler's son-in-law, Frank Granger.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Watson of Co
qullle, are spending their vacation
with Mrs. Leonard Masters at Sum
ner. Mr. Watson is the deputy
county clerk and ho finds the office
work very confining.
The Conference Association of the
United Brethren church haB returned
Rev. R. Summerlln to North Bend
anothor year. Rev. Summerlln will
not have 'charge of any of tho out
side field this coming year but will
confine his attentions to tho
work In North Bend.
Captain Robt. Marsden of tho Che
halls, which is at North Bend now,
has been an employe of tho Simpson
Lumber Company for the past forty
years. Mr. Marsden has holdings In
different vessels and thinks some of
retiring but findB It hard to break
away from tho llfo of tho sea.
You will find the BEST LINE of
City Council Takes No Definite
Action, Though Other
The refusal of Contractor S. E.
Brown to raise the city hall for $130
If he had to receive his pay In city
warrants brought up the proposal to
bond the city and take up the out
standing warrants at the council
meeting last night. In tho discus
sion, It developed that It Is be-
coming more difficult than ever to
cash city warrants even at the ten
per cent discount. Mayor Straw said
that he had one that he couldn't
cash and City Clerk Squire was In a
similar predicament. Most of the
councilmen declared that the city
should float a bond issue sufficient
to retire the outstanding warrants
but no action was taken. Council
man Nasburg said that the next time
the council fixes the tax levy, they
will provide for sufficient funds to
meet all necessary current expenses.
After deciding that tho current ex
pense fund could tako care of the
?130 needed to get the city hall
raised, the bonding proposition was
Take Cine of Ovorthr.ft.
In the acceptance of the final re
port of John F. Hall, the retiring city
treasurer, the question of taking care
of the overdraft of $1,515.G1 on the
North Front street Improvement fund
last year came up. Councilman
Lockhart suggested that this be done
by taking that sum from the current
expense or general fund to make
good the loan from tho Second and
Cedar street fund and that when the
extra assessment on North Front St.
Is collected, the current expense or
general fund be reimbursed. He said
that under the extra assessment, all
North Front street property that had
not paid It had been bid In by the
city at the tax sale and that unless
tho owners settled, the city would ac
quire title to It within a year. The
council adopted Mr. Lockhart's plan.
Change Paving.
All of the property owners of
those portions of First and Cedar
streets now being paved except W.
P. Murphy and Mrs. McLeod present
ed. a petition to the city council ask
ing that the material be changed
from crushed stone to plank. Mr.
Murphy Is out of the city but Is
agreeable to the change. Mrs. Mc
Leod has a suit In the courts object
ing to the work done by the city and
would not sign. The council decided
to make the change as petitioned.
Change Ferry Slip.
Tho council ast evening decided
to grant D. Campbell's contention
concerning tho ferry slip on 'X'
street. If the ferry slip was
placed according to the new survey
of the street, it would cut off about
peven feet on the southwest corner
of Mr. Campbell's lot and not allow
him anyj sidewalk along the remain
der of the property to the water
frqnt. As a condition of making tho
change, Mr. Campbell will be re
quired to pay for the piling driven
on the portion of the street granted
him, Tho change in the slip will re
quire additional dredging and the
quiro additional dredging and the drlv
Councllman Nelson was authorized to
have this done.
Council Proceedings.
The Marshfield city council last
night transacted the following busi
ness: Awarded D. W. Small the contract
for grading and grubbing Flanagan
street to Nevada avonuo for $3,095
and Masters and McLain the wood
work on tho same street for $1,320.
Received petition asking for arc
light at Park and Laurel and reforred
It to light committee to be placed
after streets aro Improved.
Recolved letter from Mary L. How
lett remonstrating against tho Im
proving of Chestnut street, hotween
Third and Prospect, Mrs, Howlott
claiming that her buildings hayo boon
(Continued on Pago G.)
Notifies Parties Who Have
Filed On Lands of Oral
Herbert Lockhart and Wife,
and J. H. Flanagan Affected
By Move.
The United States government has
instituted contests against a num
ber of parties who have recently
filed on federal lands In the Coqullle
valley near Myrtle Point, claiming It
under the coal land act. Among:
those whoso claims are contested are
Councilman Herbert Lockhart and?
his wife, Louise C. Lockhart, and J-
H. Flanagan of Marshfield. Each.'
had filed .one 1G0 acres for which
they were to pay the nominal sum
of $2.50 per acre.
The details of the contest are not
known except that Benj. Eddy of the
United States Land Office at Rose-?r
burg, has notified the parties con
cerned that the government ha In
stituted the contests and that L. A.
Liljeqvlst, United States land com
missioner in Marspifield, has been
commissioned to tfrke oral deposi
tions in the contesfs on certain dates.
The United States wlfl be represent
ed at the hearings by a special at
torney or attorneys.
Must Prove Coal Claim.
Under the contest, it will be ne
cessary for the parties concerned to
prove that the land In question is
more valuable for the coal deposits:
than for agricultural, timber or
other mineral purposes and that they
are not trying to secure land valu
able for other purposes under the
conditions of the coal grant' provi
sions. Among those who have been no
tified by Mr. Eddy of the govern
ment's contest against their claims
and the dates fixed by him for the
first oral hearings In the contests
Herbert Lockhart of Marshfield,,
August 4.
Louise C. Lockhart of Marshfield!,.
August 5.
Jas. H. Flanagan of Marshffera",
August 4. (
Alta E. Carter of Myrtio Point,.
August 5.
Samuel D. Pulford of Myrtle Point,.
August 3.
Cecil C. Carter of Myrtle Point,.
August 3.
For some time, the government
has been active In seeing that tlle
land grant conditions are strictly
carried out.
Meeting of Subscribers to
Fund Called For Thursday;
The following call was Issued to
dayi All subscribers to the dredge fund?
for the Improvement of Coos Bay are
called to meet at tho Chamber oV
Commorco hall In Marshfield tomor
row, Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Tho purpose of the meeting is to de
cide upon how tho money shall be
dlsbursed. It Is the plan of the com
mittee to apportion a vote for every
$5 subscribed and It is urged that:
every subscriber bo present In porsont
or by proxy.
8315.00 Will buy you a lot ffOxIOCTi.
near Ocean Beach at Bandon. Seo or
call at Bonnett's land office, qr Stuts
man & Company.
11 1
j i