i "V t v JW'1 1C5 1't ri V5I r -P I If . V ) H -1 1 a . .a ! ft.-; I I?.: HI v i lV r, fa- M et 8 Personal Notes TOM NICOLLS spent yesterday In the Coqullle Valley. GEORGE DEAL of South River, was In Marshfleld today. MRS. THOMPSON of North Lake, Is a Coos Bay visitor today. FRANK FORD and wife aro spend ing a few days at Ten Mile. MRS. FRANK BOWRON of Ten Mllo, Is a Marshfleld visitor today. MRS. J. J. CLINKINBEARD of Da niels Creek, Is In Marshfleld. GEORGE HITCHCOCK and wife, of Bandon, aro Coos Bay visitors. MRS. WM. PIPER of North Coos River, spent today shopping and visiting Marshfleld friends. MISS ELEANOR HELM of Marsh fleld, Is spending a few days with Mrs. Tom James at Ton Mile. FRANK SUMNER, deputy post master, and wife, have gone to Al legany where they will oamp for a few days. MRS. J. E. LYONS will leave today for Grays Harbor, Wash., on a business trip. She expects to be absent about a week. T. J. LEWIS, Chas. McKnlght and Win. Holland returned last evening from Ten Mile where they spent Sunday at Mr. Lewis' bungalow. MISS ALICE B. McCORMAC came down from their summer home on South Coos River today to spend a few days with Mrs. E. Mingus. ItALPH BAKER and mother of Portland are here for a short visit at the W. S. McFarland home, Mrs. McFarland being a sister of Mr. Baker. G. A. BROWN of the Smith-Powers Logging Company, returned yes terday from a business trip to Portland and other northern points. J. D. BEAKEV, special organizer of the Woodmen of the World, who has been doing sovie special work hero, and wife and son have gone to Portland. F. J. HAYES, Frank Cameron, Bill Gordon and son, and Bert Lynch returned from their hunting trip up on the Sixes, and report game very plentiful. M. W. McCLEOD and wife, Mrs. Jos. Schilling and two children and James Stoddard are spondlng a few days at Ten Mllo, occupying tho Bennett cottage. HARRY H. COHEN, who has been employed by Magnes nnd Matson for tho past six months, lias gone to The Dalles, Oregon, where ho expects to make his future home. MISS HELEN SIMPSON is taking a vacation from her duties at Noris Jensen's ofllco and Is spending it at tho home of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Alex. Simpson on Haines Inlet. MRS. JANET ESCOTT, tho only dole gate from the Marshflold Lodge of the Dogreo of Honor to tho meet ing at Portland, has returned home. Sho reports a very enjoy able time and an extremely bene ficial session. B. B. NORRIS who has been cover ing the Coos Bay country for sov eral years for Dunham, Canigan and Haydon Company of San Fran cisco nnd who is well known hero has written that ho has been trans ferred to a California territory and will not bo nblo to get up In "ithls section again for some tlmo. AMONG THE SICK. John Akmnnn is reported improv ing. Itollle Barrio Is recovering from his recent illness. August Farley has practically re covered from tho sovero Injury to his arm. Dorsoy Kroltzor Is rapidly recover ing from his attack of inflnmmntory rheumatism and will be nblo to bo out In n day or two. THE DKSCJHPTIO.V OF THE PHIZES IX THE TIMES POPULAR VOTING CONTEST WILL APPEAR IN TOMORROW'S PAPKR. WATCH FOR IT. If quality counts for anything tho O. K. CHOP HOUSE certainly hae SHE HEST COFFEE on Coo3 Bay. THE ML Tattle of the Town Uttlo pvuM of fact rttcd tfm Mia kff of gMslp flying tip and down tho town. COOS BAY TIDES The followlne tables give the hours of high and low tides for every uay this week: JULY, 1008. HIGH WATER Monday. . 27 Tuesday. . 28 Wednesday 29 A. M. P. M. 11:47 1:12 1:39 2:07 2:31 6.7 5.7 5.8 5.9 6.0 0:22 0:55 1:29 6.G 6.3 6.1 Thursday .30 Friday .. .31 IKW WATER! A. M. P. M. Monday . .271 6:041-0.9 6:11 6:49 3.2 Tuesday . .286:391-0.8 3.2 3.1 2.9 2.7 Wednesday 291 7:091-0.5 7:23 7:54 8:26 Thursday . 30 7:371-0.1 Friday . . 311 7:59 0.2 LOCAL TEMPERATURE RK- PORT. For twenty-four hours end- ing 5 p. m., July 27, by Mrs. E. Mingus, special government meteorological observer. Maximum 69 Minimum 65 At 5 p. m 45 Preclnitation none WImd, Northwest; claar. Homer In Soon. Tho Homer loft San Francisco today and Is due at Coos Bay Thursday or Friday morn ing. Ranch to Ho Sold. Negotiations are pending for tho sale of the Eno gren ranch on Coos River, and It is likely that a deal will be closed In a day or two. It Is one of the best known ranches in this section. Many Deer nt Ten Mile. Hunters report that more deer are being killed at Ten Mllo this season than In a number of years past . Win. Noble secured a line big buck, Frank Bow ron one and a number of others have secured one or more apiece. Will Rebuild Flyer. Tom Law horno has purchased tho hull of tho steamer "Flyer" and will have the vessel rebuilt for the Maishfleld North Bend run. He will have the work rushed and hopes to get tho vessel in commission within a com paratively short time. Council to Meet. Tho Marshfleld city council will meet this evening and take up a number of street mat ters. The committee from the South Marshfleld property owners organiza tion will be present and urge tho council to hasten the work on the proposed sewage system. Diirett K peeled Here. R. T. Du- rett who was recently granted a fran chise to Install an automatic tele phono system In Marshfleld, is ex pected here In a day or two. Ho has not written concerning the develop ment of his project so no one here knows of his Immediate plans. Coos Hay Fruit. Mrs. Anderson Wright of Sumner, has left a box of tho largest currants ever seen on Coos Bay at tho Chamber of Commerce. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hilborn who reside near tho Cieamery, have also left a number of line peaches with Sec. Lyon, showing that the fruit can bo successfully grown hore. Home Fiom Camping. Mrs. F. C. Butch returned today from Chas. Stauff's homestead In tho Sand Hills where she has been chaperoning a party of young folks for the past ten days. "Tho Camp of tho Pines" has been broken up after one of tho most onjoyablo outings Immaglnable and all tho members will be home this evening. Have Fine Trip. P. Hennessey nnd his son Dolbort, M. A. Sweetmnn, Mr. Morton nnd Mr. Holland of Lib by, have returned from a short stay at Three Mllo on tho coast. They ropoit one of the finest of times nnd one day's hunt in which Mr. Hennes soy, Jr., made one shot and got a flno deer. Mr. Holland not quite so good n shot made four shots to get . WOLCOTT'S u The Sign of Quality Fresh California fruits and I vegetables, the beht tho mar- ,J ket affords, fresh today front tho Miutli nn tho "Plant," It also n luriro hhinmeut of jj northern groiin fruits on the jj A "City of Panuiua." A y .. . , v V C. W'WOLCOTT V THE FAM1L.Y GROCr.lt " Fiont Strvet lMioiiq.071 A COOlAY TIMES. yABSHEggURESOMJtUESDAY, JULY the ono he killed which was a fine buck also. P. Hennessey and Mr. Sweetman were looking after some business Interests also, Mr. Morton and Sweetman took four hours on the beach in which they got a very fine collection and a large number of fine agates. Sweetman, Hennessey and Morton say the deer stacd shy of them on account of their superior marklandship. Mr. Hennessey, Jr., Is but 15 years of ago and is very proud over his first deer. Home From Ten Mile. Miss Ma mie Mahoney and her guests return ed last evening from a most delight ful week's outing at her ranch at Ten Mile. Among the members of the party were Misses Evelyn Anderson, Nora Tower, Mrs. Adams and Jay Mahoney. Jay demonstrated his ability as a marksman and provider for a larger family by killing two fine buck deer, providing all the venison desired. Itnnsford to Asylum The Coos County Board of Insanity Commis sioners have committed A. S. Rans ford of North Bend to the state hos pital for the insane at Salem. Rans ford has lived in a small house on the county road near North Bend for many years and recently had been suffering from the hallucination that a certain clique were "after him." Ed. Johnson filed the charges against him. liny in Curry County. ""here has been n line hny crop this yrar, and the weather has been just right for curing It properly. Hay en previous to the 1st of July has often been ruined by rain, but there Is no risk after the fifth. July is the hay month, and it Is well to remember it The risk is great in June, and there is some In August. These brli'f ob servations are based upon an experi ence in this climate for over forty years. Port Orford Tribune. Want Red Men to Come. Walter Lyons of the Chamber Sec. of WANTED A young man to work at Staffords. WANTED Reliable young man who is acquainted with Beaver Hill for one day's work, good wages. United Stores Company. PKRMAXKXT POSITION FOR THE RIGHT .MAX OR AVOMAX IX MAKSHFIEL1). WANTED A resident manager foi the National Protection Legion for Marshfleld and vicinity. A sick and accident Insurance paying $15 a week for sickness or accident and cash dividends of surplus each 5 years. Pleasant work and good payment. Address at once A. R. McLean, district manager, Grants Pass, Oregon. I WANT your price for painting my house on Fourth street, with Pion eer lead and pure boiled oil. A. P. Owen. FOR RENT 3-room suite. Inquire first house north of Marble Works. LOST Ladles' hunting case gold watch, evening, July 24th. Suitable reward offered for return to Times. FOR RENT 3 Sunny rooms on 'A,' near Third St., $10 per month. See Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. FOR SALE One bed, two com modes and stove. Apply 'J' Times WANTED A girl for houso work. Phono 2271 or call at O K res taurant. FOR SALE Restaurant and fixtures. Address 'A' Times ofllco. WANTED Plain sowing of all kinds. Children's clothes a spe cialty. Addross P. O. Box 285. WANTED Furnished rooms for housekeeping. Call 'D' Times. WANTED Some one to build for a rental proposition, paying 15 per cent or 20 per cent on cost price. Cost Price not to exceed $5,000. For furthor information, call on Stutsman & Co., Real Estate. FOR SALE Tho kull, boiler and -gino of tho sttaaer "Flyer." Ap ply Simpson Lumber Co. FOR RENT Four S-room flats in the 0'Connell bulldlnc on 'A' street. Apply Hall & Hall. DHFREE'S River Ranch Allegany pUtted into ono and 5 aero trusts. Make beautiful summer koines or farms for profit. Conro Bros. & Billings. Inclusive agents, Marfld. Commerce, has wired an Invitation to tho Great Council of the Order of Redmcn of Oregon, which is now in session at Medford to hold the 1909 meeting on Coos Bay. Geo. N. Far rln, the great sachem, who went to Medford in advance of tho other lo cal delegate found even a stronger sentiment In favor of Coos Bay as the next meeting place than he expected and it is believed that this place will win over Its competitors with ease. Piny Baseball. The Ten Mllo team defeated the Schofleld team by a score of sixteen to four, Sunday. Tho Schofleld team protests against Ten Mile running in Tom James of North Bend as a pitcher, Tom's spit ball having them guessing all the time, oven though Jay Mahoney, whose prospective career in the big leagues was nipped In the bud several years ag by a large negro pitcher hitting hint who-prcslded as umpire couldn't get accustomed to Tom's speed and al lowed the Schofleld batters six strikes apiece. CHEAP RATES AGAIN. The colonist rates from all points In the east to all points in Oregon commence September 1st and con tinue until October 31. Every com-, merclal organization and every citi zen of dregon should begin to make these rates the subject of every let ter that goes out of the state. The fare Is $30 from Missouri River points, St. Paul, Duluth and Win nipeg, $33 from St. Louis, and $38 from Chicago, with proportionate rates from every point In the United State3. Coos Bay people having eastern friends should write and remind them of this opportunity to visit and in vestigate this favored section. The other fellow is still here, ivhere do you eat? The O. K. CHOP HOUSE, of course. Ralph Davis of this city, was struck in the face by a cable at tho asen camp yesterday morning and severely hurt, but not seriously In lured. Ladies! Do you know that we do all kinds of rcpniiiiig and iiinl.e alterations, in ladles suits, skirts, nnd garments of ill kinds thus securing a perfect lit. Wo have recently added a Ladles Tailoring department In charge of nu expert fitter from Portland. Cnll and sec us. THE FAXTATORIUM. 'C Street. In Palms Old Stand. MARSHFIELD STEAM LAUNDRY ND DYE WORKS All strictly hand work. The dain tiest and most delicate garments laundered without damage. Guarantee not to shrink flannels All Goods Handled By Us ?Icnded Free. Wc Call For and Deliver Free. Flue work a specialty. Gle us a trial order. J. D. HIDBARD, Proprietor Phone 2291 Fourtli and Queen Sts., Marshfleld. :tVnixrmUSJia&i.tr', " eumun GOLD MOULDED RECORDS tfWSM lliyBtr'-flrtil Unnui a -ssr ing Machineasj Reasonablejas you'ean obtain it Besides you take no' risk press or jfreight tojDay chines andnRecords. W. R. Haines Music Co. 28, 1908 lff A CULINARY NOVELTY. Surprltet to Tompt Palates That 8loh For "8omothlng Now." Olives may be a cultivated taste, but to the trained palate they offer endless novelties when used in clever combina tions. The modern cook holds the olive In gentle regard nnd with Its aid pre pares many n surprise to tempt palates that sigh for "something new." Olive sandwiches, which nre tiny ovals of thin bread spread with butter, then with equal parts of grated celery and chopped walnut meats put together In pairs, with a stoned olive pressed into the top. are popular at teas. RuHslan sandwiches are mnde by chopping ollvea flue nnd Just moisten ing them with mayonnaise. Cut thin slices of bread In narrow strips. Spread the olive upon half the pieces, spread ing the others with cav'are. Press to gether In pairs. Stuffed otlvcs .have the stones remov ed and replaced by any salplcon or forcemeat preferred. A variety Is pro duced by stuffing them with some sa vory butter, such as lemon butter, np ple butter, etc. They are separated from the stone spirally, as one peels an apple. The stoned olive Is then roiaea about tho filling, which should be about the size of the stone, until It resumes Its original shape. A Bad Leaning That Way. At Emerson's dinner table one day there was mention of n woman well known as a Hon hunter, and In speak ing of her Mrs. Emerson used the word "snob." Mr. Emerson objected; the word was too harsh; he didn't like that Igly class of words beginning with "sn." His wife inquired how he would characterize the lady. "I should say" very slowly "she Is a person having BTfeat sympathy with success." Hardware Prices Just compare our regular prices on STOVE S, HARDWARE, DISHES, SPORTING GOODS and PLUMBING GOODS with any iirm in Coos County that is selling out at cost or giving 10 per cent for cash, and see which is the cheapest place to trade for Standard Goods. WE KNOW WHAT GOODS COST AND OUR PRICES ARE ilner's Hkiildmg CEMENT BRICK LIME, PLASTER FIRE CLAT FIRE BRICK SEWER PIPE M DRAIN TILE and TERRA COTTA GOODS WHOLESALE and RETAIL SEE US FOR. t NORTH BEND HARDWARE & SUPPLY North August On Sale Today Remember --, We Scarry every domestic Record aIM3 made, always in stock. $100 ;j We will forfeit lars ($100.00) if we are not able to mm give you an Edison or Victor Talk- of breakage in transit Write today for prices Marshfield, Qregon.;, ORDEB NliW BOAT. Powerful Small Crnft For tho Co qtilllc River. In conversation with ono of tho officers of the Coqullle River Trans portation Company, Wednesday, ho Informed the Sentinel that it would be nearly two months before tho new" boat is launched as they aro wait ing for the now 100-horsepower compound condensing englno and tho boiler which they have ordered from Frank P. Wlllard & Co. of Chicago. The craft when completed will bo tho finest and ono of tho swiftest in the county. Capt. O. R. Wlllard has purchased the interost of Capt. E. D. Steller In the Wolverine and Is now tho solo owner and master of that neat lit tle boat. Mr. Steller and family passed through this city Monday on their way to Riddle where they will visit friends for a few months. Coqullle Sentinel. Oh, Wlint Joy! "Cured at last! Oh, what Joy to think that I have at last been cured of that awful bowel trouble," aro the words of A. C. Butlor of Cold Springs, Texas, who suffered off and on for twelve months with a disorder of his bowols, and finally, after al most giving up in despair, was cured by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. No ono need suffer from colic or diarrhoea, for this remedy always gives prompt re lief. For sale by JOHN PREUSS. ALWAYS RIGHT Hardware Material PLUM' ING SUPPLIES FIRST CLASS PLUMBING and TINNING SHOP IN OPERATION FAIR. PRICES CO. t Bend, Oregon. Records Forfeit One Hundred Dol any place on earth and have no extra ex and catalogues of Ma n I a?rr'3