ft-" rrrrv" 11 ' u i ift I I fc.N i th f $ ' 1' yi- . COO BAY TIMES An independent Republican news paper ipubllahed every evening except Sunday, d Weekly by XhoCos By Times Publishing Co. Entero at the Dostofllio at Marsh eld, Oroeon. for transmission through tlio malls as second class fmall matter. M. O. MOLONEY. . .editor nnd Pub. DAN E. MALONEY News JSOitor SUBSCRIPTION RATES. In Advance. DAILY. One year 5-00 Six momtks ?2-50 .Less tham S months per month. .50 WEEKLY. One Yea J1-50 The policy of the Coob Bay TIjiub mill ha nonnhllnnn In nnlltics. with the Independence of which FresiJont Aoosovelt Is the leading exponent. Adarese All Communications to COOS RAY' DAILY TIMES Marsiifleld Oregon Traminnnn iw ! ! kmji muiimi" ii i i" COOPERATION IS URGED. What Coos county needs more than anything else Is a trunk line of rail road, and If the various towns of the county would get In and work to gether wo could accomplish the de sired end with comparative ease. What Is for the Interest of one part of tho county Is good for the whole county. People In other parts of tho west are working on this plan and are succeeding admirably. Coos Bay needs a railroad, so docs the Coquille valley, and if Harrlman does not get busy and build one, then negotiations should be opened with some other company. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Is building to tho Pacific coast, and if they were apprised of tho great resources of this country they could no doubt, be Induced to push a road into It, at a very early date. A railroad Is what ive neod and a railroad is what we must have if tho best Interests of the country are to be served. Let the Coos Bay cities, Coquille, Myr tle Point, Bandon and the entire county get to work and we will soon accomplish what wo desiro. The coming meeting in August, at Marsh- fleld, at which time tho project will lie discussed, should be attended by business men from all over the coun try, and a united effort made to in duce a railroad to como this way. Bandon Recorder. TEOPLE OF OREGON ARE PRO GRESSIVE. Galveston, Texas, Los Angeles, 3al., Des Moines, Iowa, and other cities have adopted the commission plan of city government. That means that three or five men govern tho city Just as three or five men govern a county and do it suc cessfully In Oregon. In addition to the commission plan tho cities above named and other cities have adopted tho "Oregon Idea" of Bolf-Eovornment JJHi Whilo wo ure told tne p'eoplo of Oregon are going crazy over new ideas, Borne of the above strong Re publican cities have gone crazy too. For Instance, Des Moines and Los Angeles are strong Republican cities and are rapidly growing progressive cities. Wo copy what follows from a 'beautiful pamphlet advertising the :lty of Des Moines, and commend it to communities mnklng new char ters: Tho 'Des Moines Plan" of muni cipal government Is the most advanc ed form of government by commis sion. It has attracted world-wide at tention, and its practical application will be watched by mon of affairs In every city of Union. Under tho "Des Moines Plan" the entire government of tho city Is vested In a commission of five. One of this number Is tho mayor, and tho entire body consti tutes tho council. The function of government Is divided Into five parts, each commissioner being tho head ot one department. Tho mayor Is tho oxocutlvo of tho department of pub JIc affairs by virtue of his office The five departments are named as fol lows: 1, Department of Public Affairs. 2. Department of Accounts and finances. 3, Department of Public Safety, 4. Department of Streots and IPubltc Improvements. B. Dopartmont of Parks nnd Pub lic Property. Tho Initiative, referendum and re call aro combined with government toy commission in tho "Des Moines Tlan." By tho Initiative, tho voter way forco tho onnctmont of legisla tion doninnded by a majority of tho olectorato, ovon though opposod by tho governing body. Tho referen dum makes It possible for tho elect ors to check tho unwiso oxpondlturo nf juibllc funds, tho granting of fran chise, or tho adoption of an ord inance until such action Is approved by a majority of tho voters, The lm. u, 4 4 . ... i i -i i J U I i - ' ( jflra - - y ' With the Toast and Tea ,,. riiHnti'iiiiiiiiiiniii ii'ifi.Jifi?Gft 3 GOOD EVENING. AGFtO-DOLCE. ONE kiss from all others prevents mo And setH nil my pulses astir And;burrn on mv llpi nnd torments me JTIs the kiss thnt 1 fain would give her. ONE kiss for nil others requites me, . ..Although It Is never to be. And sweetens my dreams and Invites me Tis the kiss thnt she dare not give me. James Russell Lowell. TRIFLES rru: IET that wander at will where the wnrka of the Lord are revealed Little guess what Joy can be got from a cowslip out or tne nem. Lord Tennyjon. THE CRY OF THE DREAMER. AM tired of planning and tolling In the crowded hives of men. Heart ui-firy of building and spoiling. And spoiling nnd building again, And I long Tor tlio clear old river, Where I dreamed my youth away, For a dreamiir Mvpb forever, And a tollur dies In a day. I nm sick of the showy seeming Of n life thnt Is half a lie. Of the fncet lined with scheming In the thront that hurries by Tiom the sleepless thoughts' endeavor I would so where the children play. For a dre.unrr llvis forever. And a thinker dies In a day. I can feel no pride, but pity For the burdens the rich endure. There Is nothing sweet In the city Hut the patient lives of the poor. Oh. the little hands too skillful And the child tnlnd grown with weeds. The daughter's heart grown willful And tho father's heart that bleedsl No, no! From tho street's rude bustle, From trophies of mart nnd stage, I would fly to tho woods' low rustle And the meadow's kindly page. Let mo dream as of jore by the river And be loved for tho dream alway. For a dreamer lives forever. And a thinker dies In a day. '' ' John Boyle O'Reilly. An Oregon lawyer asked a witness If the lady In question was his wife still. Ho refused to answer the ques tion until the attorney had divided his interrogation. She was his wife, but slio was not still! Foolish Man. Tho Summer Girl is getting ripe, And she Is very fair to see; But everywhere the Summer Man Is Just as green as he can be. THE COOS RIVER GIRL. A little fellow who had just felt the hard side of the slipper, when the tears had dried somewhat, turned to his mother. "Mother," he asked, "did grandpa spank father when he was a little boy?" ".Yes,, answered his mother im pressively. "And did his father whip him when ho. was little?" "Yes.'' "And did his father spank him?" "Yes." A pause. "Well, who started this thing, any way?" A Misfit Adage. When asked to pay a little bill Tho average man doth fret, Because, while time Is money, It will not pay th6 debt. THE BILL COLLECTOR. Rules for a Man Who Would Slurry. Learn whether she Is selfish. You can toll this in three ways by the manner in which she listens to what you say, by the way she accepts what you do for her, and by the difference between tho way she treats you and the way she treats others. Is she fickle? If she talks about light things she isn't. Deep, she Is. Is she extravagant? Study the way in which she protests against your spondlng money on her and al ways arranges matters so that you can't help but do it. Is she a bad housekeeper? Watch tho way she dresses. If she is splc and span she Isn't. If she isn't then she Is. When you have satlsfiod your mind that sho Is all of these things marry her at once, if you can get her, for tho following reasons: First, because if sho really loves you she will change. Second, because if you lovo her It will bo so much more Interesting. Third, because you are probably mistaken about her, anyway. Judge My landlord came in tho other day and remarked that ho would havp to raiso tho ront. I assured him thnt such an action would please mo bacausojt kept mo pretty busy trying to ralso It nnd I would bo willing to assign tho job. When he told mo however, that ho meant to ralso tho rate I raised a protost but being a Coos Bay boostor I had to last provision tho Recnll is tho most important of the trio. While tho commissioners nro olected for a doflnlto term, their tonuro of otllco may bo terminated at any tlmo. Thus tho governing body Is always directly and Immediately rosponslblo to tho governed. 7.THE DAlLY(raOS BAY TIMES, MARSHe5STUESDAYJULyK 1t8 I admit that this was tho best place rn earth to Hvo and stand for lt know it pays to be a booster uui what I am wondering about now 1b If it doesn't pay the landlord more than It pays the booster. How Mnnngcr Bedllllon Feels. When the home team wins Pa grins, An' he don't say the steak Is as tough as a hide, An he dont say the pie doesn't feel gool inside, An' he don't find a fault In most every old thing, An' grumble this town's gone tc blazes, by jing Naw, he Isn't cranky at all, but just grins When tho home team wins. But pa gets the blues When they lose He growls about boneheads and' mutt an' all that, Says ma cooks as bum as those 'ham- fatters bat, An' says if he only had his way he'd fire If he didn't clean kill that doggoned umpire, An grumbles his troubles near drive him to booze When they lose. '-"i Exchange. A grouch costs more than you spent the night before acquiring It, aud that's ulways plenty in itself. The person who really expects to be disappointed isn't You need to have plenty of friends if you liao a perpetual grouch, and then you can annoy them in relays. The man with rollers isn't the only fellow on a skate. Why Is it that last season's hat is always so horridly unbecoming to my lady? There are plenty of people who know how to earn an honest dollar who hate like the mischief to do it. Keeping up appearances is undoubt edly necessary until a disappearance becomes Ulcerative. He Is a great man who can always please a woman and himself at the same time. Sunburn would be dreadfully painful If It were not fashlonuble. Don't feel so bad when the other fel low gets what you want; It makes him feel so good. Piling It On. When a man marries, his troubles begins; That Is the time he gets paid for his sins Later the trouble Appears to him double When he Is told by the doctor, "It's twins." j i Only Thinks. "He thinks he can play golf." "Funny." "Yes." "I know a lot of people who waste strong and fertile imaginations In like manner." Couldn't Qo Wrong. "Do you think it is wrong to beat the street car company?" "Yes, I do." "But why Is It?" "Because I am never able to." "Baseball Is a funny proposition," observed the umpire. "It has differ ent effects upon different people. J Some fans aro tempted to an apoplec tic display of voice during a game. Others," hero ho unconsciously duck ed his shoulders and side-stopped, "get rid of their enthusiasm by throwing pop bottles. I know one woman at least who became a regular attendant at tho games because she could acquire a heavy coat of tan In tho bleechers and glvo tho Impres sion to her friends that sho had been away to tho beach. And I know an other llttlo lady who wouldn't think of nttending a ball game because they brought out her freckles. "Yes baseball Is a funny thing. Ono of tho saddest casses I know about Is that of a Marshflold young man. Ho was rational enough appa rently until ho got to hitting the hikes down to tho baseball park. I guess tho long wnlks down thero In tho sun and worry over tho Ice cream season must have affected him. Or may bo It was some of that heredi tary Insanity that recent murdor trials have mado popular. But any way whatover tho causo, he hnndod mo this today that he calls a 'Sonnet nn TlaanVinlt Ain't It florro to BfiB SU .-.MUX..... ... V w .-ww - your friends go that route7 Lomme read It to you." The umpire then made a home run of the following: Tho umpire dons a mask to see more clearly The difference 'tween fouls and 'strikes and balls, And to the grand stand petulantly calls The tabs which are but his opinion merely; The pitcher ties himself into a knot, By this contortion seeks to fool the batter, Yet dauntlessly before the plate the latter Meets the whirling, twirling spiral with a swat; Tho fielder, with his mitten poised unerring, Nonchalantly nabs the fly and nipr the joy Of the fan who'd just prepared him self to crow; While for fear the copper might look round, not daring To express his feelings freely, tin small boy Through a knot-hole In the boarc" fence views the show. "Yes sir," concluded the umpirt : A Pair of Pants Free : V KMPJIMW-Wi IM-tll-l IIL IT T WWHMT9U SCI 5 During the dull season we ; J are offlerlng a special Induce- J I ment with some of our suits of J J an extra pair of pants free. J Suits to order, $2jManj up l I HAVE YOURCLOTHES J I MADE TO ORDER : J Isn't It better to get exactly J J what you want at a reasonable ; prica than the "ready-to-wear" I that never fits. Here you can J select not only tho cloth and ; pattern, but the style you pre- ; fer, the pockets of the kind and number you like, and get what you order. T Al L.ORING LAKESIDE INN Ten Mile Lake Now open for guests. European nlnn. Special accommodations for families. Good table board. Special rates to parties. Postoffice and telephone ac commodations. Everything new and first class. Arrangements may be made in advance or call at houos when you arrive. C. L. RIchekers, Mgr. H. Barnes, Sec'y and Treas. -RICHEKEHS-BARNES MFG CO, Manufacturers of FINE FURNITURE Myrtle AVood Novelties Port Orford White Cedar Chests Electric AVood Fixtures and Modern Kitchen Cnbincls Factory, Front St. 'Phone 926 MARSHFIELD, ORE. P5i i Z "Z2 ? riwF-. W. R. Haines Music Co r9 Twenty different styles and names of prominent pianos t,o select, from. Piano Uming, repairing and refinishing. Wilhelm G. Holl, Resident Tuner. References: W. R. Haines Music Co, Marshfield, Oregon. Chickering & Sons, Bosotn, Mass. I- n V.nMnw vnlro that EOUniled HkO m t UlS.fII v. tnr00 Btrlkes, "that young man was h,g mother.s' prldo and a credit to , nprginE the family boforo he got to perusing the rhyme book. "But enough of this, as the saloon men would say after the first day of GET ON THE INSIDE of a Cluett Shirt bought of Geo and you will al ways be in style, that is if you buy your Hats, Shoes, Ties and Socks from him too for he has the togs you want. 8 8 8 "I r v If ' .'ii' -i,, j iw ....-Mtfl Jjf QT MARSHFIELD, OREGON. Perry, Montgomery & Co. 8 8 Will open I . . This Store will be the Best, on the Oregon Coast i 8 8 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 8 By Best we Mean The Best Furniture The Best Eloor Coverings The Best Draperies At the Lowest Possible Prices. We will cater to All in need of Medium and High Grade Furnishings Our Opening Notice will be Published in a few days. 8 t 8 t 8 8 I 8 8 I 8 8 8 PERRY, MONTGOMERY & CO. - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 of the rapatttlon that hai bun mad for th. OABLXB PIA50. Over 48,000 of tatio artlitio planot navt been lold, and they aro all In no In good condition to-day. You don't wiih to buy a piano every year or ovta overr tea ten yean. Tho OABMB PIAH0 will outlait a generation. Distributers of Southwestern Oregon. Sunday closing. There Isn't a patent medicine In tho whole euphonious galaxy that enn euro the poetry habit when it gets a full Nelson on a man." The umpire shook his head. It was back to the bench for thnt young man. The umpire smiled. Ho had Injected a happy look Into his eyes. STAY ON THE INSIDE of an E. K. Strauss Tailor made suit It costs no moro nnd you got the style pattern and quality. Good rum knows, see what ho has to say. j i 8 8 8 I 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 I 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 t 8 8 I 8 8 8 8 very soon, 8 8 8 I 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 8-8-8-r-8-8-8-8 WE ARE PROUD zou will hare a piano to mention la yonr will If you pnrehaie a GABLER.