j&tmESEStStiz 1r i THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, ORLHONDAY, JULY 27, 1908. jTjxrn- -- ---. .-. O 4 t..........,.,j j , .j.j , 4 ..., , , j: Going & Harvey's Great Micl-Summer Cut-Price Sale of House Furnishings Lace Curtaius, 13 off Willing 'HIP 1 Artloom Portieres h, flBftttVW This sacrlflco includes every pat tern wo carry nnd wo display over one hundred styles and designs. Can you afford to miss this opportunity? wmmmmm $3 50 values for .$2.10 $4.00 values for ij!2.tr ?i.00 values for s:t.5( $G.OO values for $1.25 $S.00 values for $0.00 $10.00 values for .$7.50 Big Dresser Special $11.00 Special It will pay you to get acquainted with us. We are the largest com plete house furnishers In Southern Oregon; we therefore can give you tho widest range to select from. It has always been our aim to have our prices the lowest and In all cases to have our quality tho very best for the price, as wo carry only dependable lines, for we wish to have It said that: Going & Harvey Quality Goods are the ery best. . yi str .":r v.?i ill Kitchen Cabinet All during this week we will sell Hardwood dressers with French plate mirrors that have formerly sold from $14.50 to $15.50. Your ... choice for only J1 l.UU y . i 'WZMf - -v - "- i r-iST I ii iilfTHTl j,a. Buffets and Sideboard Vr? - VOIU(IU-nTTOK Reg. $10.00 Value $?.50 y a i Wo have some elegant putterns In the Mission and Golden Quartersaw ed Oak, all the very latest designs. $12.50 value for $.0.75 $15.50 value for $11.75 $1S.00 value for $14.00 $30.00 value for $25.00 $40.00 value for $:$0.00 The advantage of trading with us Is manifold. You wish to furnish a house; why run your feet off all over the country trying to get some fur niture here, dishes there, stoves elsewhere, etc., etc., when you can get the very largest assortment of complete house furnishings here. We guar antee to furnish a house complete less than any one else; if not, mo re fund your money at once, and a $20,000 stock Is the surety. We also have a liberal, dignified credit system for those who wish to take ad vantage of it. Goods on special sale excepted. GENUINE LEATHER COUCH, $25.00 $33.50 $33.50 GENUINE LEATHER COUCH, $25.00 DEPENDABLE FURNITURE GUARANTEED RANGES ARTLOOM TAPESTRIES JOHNSON ENGLISH CROCKERY 1847 SILVERWARE COOKS LINOLEUM -------"-------------------------o-------------------------' ----...... . r STarSHB3 WITH ROD AND GUN This splendid weather makes every one long for the woods, its shady nooks and streams. Your vacation will prove monotonous without a few new books and magazines, wo have a complete lino to select from. 8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-, WOLCOTT'S The Sign of Quality NORTON & HANSEN 4'W4''I''',i''? " i 2: f i t SS&L lrTsJCoili I mm 'M ff Remember "Diamond D" or flome-Made BREAD you should ask for COOS BAY BAKERY 4 MA fl f 8 it 8 8 i 8 also a t This is the time of year to Cook With Gas and use Electric Flat Irons The Cobs Bay Gas Electric Company Marshfield and North Bend, Oregon ABSTRACTS TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. iflOne 143 Henry Sengstacken, Mgr, 8 8 8 I 8 I 8 t 8 8 8 ? 8 I 8 Y C. W. WOLCOTT 8 THE FAMILY GROCER Front Street Phono 071 -8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8 GOODS BOUGHT, SOLD AND EX CHANGED AT THE New Second Hand Store Next door to Ilrown's Drug Stpre, Front Street. Mnrshfleld , IT'S THE KNYV HOW WHICH EN- ARLI3S US TO EXCEL OTHBRS Fresh California fruits and vegetables, tho best the mar ket affords, fresh today from tho south on tho "Plant," larco shipment of j northern grown fruits on the "City of Panama." 8 i iir sx I tt WI0 I WANT your price for painting my house on Fourth street, with Pion eer lead and pure boiled oil. A. P, Owen. LOST Ladles' hunting case gold watch, evonlng, July 24th. Suitable rewiu d offered for return to Times. FOR RUNT 3 Sunny rooms on 'A,' near Third St., $10 per month. See Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. FOR SALE One bed, two com modes and stove. Apply 'J' Times T I Tattle of the Town T i .y LJfctls grains of faot silted from I tho chaff of gsslp flying up t and donn the town. COOS BAY TLDES Tho following tables give the hours of high and low tides for every day this week: WANTED A girl for house work. Phone 2271 or call at O K restaurant. TWISS BROS PROPS. 'Work called for and delivered 'promptly. French dry and J steam cleaning of ladies and gents garments a specialty. Satisfaction or no -Charge. ' Over Club Cigar Storo. Marshfield. Phone ii FOR SALE Restaurant and fixtures. Address 'A' Times office. WANTED Plain sewing of all kinds. Children's clothes a spe cialty. Address P. O. Box 285. WANTED i Furnished rooms for housekeeping. Call 'D Times. FOR TABLE USB TRY Welnhard's Bottled Boer MARSDEN'S LIQUOB HOUSE' Phone 481 Orders Delivered Free. NOTICE. There will be a regular cab for Marshfield, North Bond and Llbby. Prompt attention to all calls from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. Day phono: Blanco Cigar Store 781. Night phone: Hoisner & Miller Livery, 1201. HERE'S YOUP GOOD HEALTH Welnhard's Beer .WARDEN'S LIQUOR FOUSB. Phone 481 Orders Delivered Frco WANTED Some one (to bujld ifor a rental proposition, paying 15 per cent or 20 per cent on cost price. Cost Price not to exceed $5,000. For further Information, call on Stutsman & Co,, Real Estate, FOR SALE The kull, boiler and om gino of tho steamer "Flyer." Ap ply Simpson Lusiber C6. FOR RENT Four C-room Mats in the O'Cosnell buildias a 'A' street. Apply Hall Hall. DEFREH'S River Raack Allegany platted into one and 6 acre tracts. Mako beautiful suaimer koines or farms for profit. Conro Bros. & Billings. Exclusive auemta, Marfld. JULY, 1008. HIGH WATER' A. M. P. M. Monday. . 27 11:47 6.7 Tuesday. . 28 1:12 5.7 Wednesday 29 0:22 6.G 1:39 5.8 Thursday .30 0:55 C.3 2:07 5.9 Friday .. .31 1:29 C.l 2:31 6.0 LOW AVATERI A. M. P. M. Monday . .27! 6:041-0.9 6:11 3.2 Tuesday . .286:391-0.8 6:49 3.2 Wednesday. 291 7:091-0.5 7:23 3.1 Thursday . 30 7:37-0.1 7:54 2.9 Friday . . 31) 7:59 0.2 8:26 2.7 field. The silver is handsomely en graved with Mrs. McCormac's name and that of the donors. Fred McCor mac who made the trip with his mother also returned with her. Causes Wires to Buzz. One of tho high tension wires of the Coos Bay Gas and Electric Company Is ground ed somewhere at TCorth Bend and as a result of the induction, the wires of tho telephone company are wlzzing badly. Both companies have a num ber of men at work trying to ascer tain the point of trouble and hope to get It fixed up this week. 4 WUATHKU FORECAST. 4 (By Associated Pross.) TTWTBRN OREGON. Fair tonight, warmer south- west portion. Tuesday, fair westerly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RM- PORT. For twenty-four hours end- ipg 5 p. ro., July 26, by Mrs, E. Mjpgus, special government meteorological observer. 4 Maximum 67 Minimum 44 4 At 5'p, m 02 Precipitation none Wind, Northwest; clear. Gets Fine Deer Head. Mrs. Hoi comb of Ten Mile, has presented Mrs. L. R. Robertson with the head of a flno buck which Mrs. Holcomb recently shot. The ton-point horns are still In the velvet and tho head which is now being mounted, wilt. shortly grace the Robertson home. It was brought here by Mrs. Robertson who with tho children and Mrs. A. L. Houseworth spent last week at Ton Mile. Rates SI per day: board and room. Week rates, $0. Phono 2005 Modern throughout LATTIN HOTEL Guy O. Lattin. Free baths Newly furnished Next to cor Sheridan and Queen Ave. Marshfield, Oro. A Times Want Ad will sell it for you. Rev. D. W. Thurston Remains. Tho Rev. D, W. Thurston pf tho First Baptist church, yesterday announced to his congregation that he had de cided to remain in Marhsfleld for an other year at least, much to tho gra tification of the members who had voted a week ago to extend the call to him to remain. Honor Mrs. McCormac. Mrs. J. T. McCormac and Mrp. Fannlo Hazard who have been attending tho state convention of tho Degree of Honor at Portland, roturned today. Mrs. McCormac retired as Grand Chief of Honor and was presented many tokens of appreciation by tho various subordinate lodges of tho state. Tho most appreciated of all was a beau tiful sliver tray presonted by Mascot Lodge, Degree of Honor of Marah- Fixup Will Move. Jones & Mit chell proprietors of "Tho FlxUp" clothing storo on Front street, havo closed a ten years lease for the Max Timmerman building on Front street until recently occupied by Mrs. A. E. Payne with her millinery and dry goods storo. Tho building will be entirely remodeled and a new front put in, after which they will movo Jntq the enlarged quarters which thoir growing business demandB. Dr., Golden Hero, Dr. R,. E. Gol dqn and wjfo and baby arrived in Marshfield this morning to locate. Dr. Golden, who Is a, son of Supt. Golden and was raised in Marshfield,. has been practising medicine la Washlngtop and while quite success ful there decided to return to Coos Bay to permanently locate. Ho will bo associated with Dr. J. T. McCor mac in tho practlco hero. They will bo warmly welcomed horo by their numerous friends. MOTHER Is now in a position to glvo you a CHICKEN DINNER any old time. You have tried tho others, a trial with us will convince you that tho O. K. restaurant is tho only PLACE THAT PLEASES PARTICULAR PEOPLE. You will find the BEST LINE of PIONIO goods at SACCHI'S. U ' , -.- 'Oah JKtfiMt t.