The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 27, 1908, Image 1

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    '-. . r . . - -' ' EVfrf
H ONLY A BOUND proposition, ft1
I meritorious articlo or a deeorrlne
U venture -will bo benefitted by advor
1 tlalncr and these will nlwava bo
"mndc," promoted and eutablished by
publicity. A thing that does not
I "need" publicity, or that would not
thrive under It, Is open to suspicion.
Vol. III.
MM 4 A W A iii dusjl' pnois aro osnere, J a H
J vl II I l" rrlI I I IT I I I I I tHI in advertising" are those who haTO M I iVM
jfcj0T E- J"rmr''l B W'WV'' fa never advertised at all or else advor- ijPj ,gg
4T tlsed without any system and In a JhrJK in 59P
J haphazard way. Nowspaper adver- Jk. I i.'j -fM
a Ltlslng properly done is never wasted. . wf'l Hb ' Wkx
No. 1 I' IH
Accepts Invitation to Be Pres
ent When It Arrives In
Delegation From Northern Ore
gon Will Come Here During
According to tho inspector in
charge, the dredge will be completed
by August 5. Ten days aro allowod
for equipping with provisions, men,
etc., and for trial test. It should be
ready to be taken In tow about the
15th of tho month. An additional
amount of piping has been ordered,
and it will have enough to carry the
dredgings 4,000 feet. The new
dredge Is a fine piece of machinery
with wonderful power. It can hand
le 6,000 cubic yards of ordinary
earth in a day. In soft mud it will
handle 7,000 to 9,000 yards. A sys
tem of fencing to hold the silt and
mud Is used whereby anyone who
does not deslro his low land filled
can have It left a kind of hole In the
Sec. Walter Lyon of the Chamber
of Commerce brought the above In
formation with him on his return
from Portland today. Ho is greatly
pleased with the outlook of affairs in
general and whilo in Portland and
other northern cities found great in
terest in Coos Bay, many expressing
their intention of coming hero soon
to look the country over with a view
of locating or Investing:
Senator Fulton to Be Here.
Slaking all allowances, tho govern
ment dredge should be In the bay by
tho opening of tho Fair. Senator
Fulton has been Invited to be present
upon the arrival of tho dredge and
to attend the Fair, and has accepted
tho Invitation.
Foreign Ships.
T. S. McGrath of tho McGrath
shipping firm, would have been hero
by the last steamer but for his be
ing called away to the Sound. He
will bo here within a few days to
make arrangements for wharfage and
warehouse facilities. His vessels
have an average draught of 23 feet.
The District Fair.
The coming Fair and commercial
congress is attracting considerable
attention on tho outside. The pres
ent indications are that there will
be an aggregation of horses and other
live stock that will mark an era in
tho stock business of southwestern
Oregon. Independence, Polk county,
will send down four racers. Reams
of Seattle, will have a string here.
Fred Merrill of Portland, will ship
some from his stables. A. C. Ruby,
the importer, will have stock at the
Marshfleld Fair. Roseburg will bo
over In full force with horses and
cattle. Tho time is at hand for
overy citizen of Coos county to put
his shoulder to the wheel In making
an unparalleled success of the Fair.
It means much for this section.
A Novel Plan,
Of no less Importance Is tho com
mercial congress to bo held In con
junction with the Fair. A week be
fore the congress opens, a delegation
will start from Salem and hold a se
ries of booster meetings, having the
final one here. Representative B. F.
Jones, Col. Hofer, Oswald WeBt of
the Railroad Commission, and Attor
ney General Crawford will be among
tho delegation. Tho second meeting
will be at Albany, next at Eugene,
then Cottage Grovo and Roseburg
coming from tho latter place to Coos
Bay. At each point, tho party will
be Joined by other boosters and the
prospects are that tho commercial
congress will be one of tho memor
able development meetings of the
taken a position as chief operator
in the Marshfleld exchange of tho
Pacific States Telephone Company,
succeeding Mtes Delia Chapman
who leaves for a vacation. On her
return, Miss Chapman will bo Iden
tified with tho accounting depart
ment of the exchange.
School Board Will Place $50,-
000 In Securities Tomorrow
The Marshfleld school board will
meet at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning
to close the sale of the $50,000 is
sue of bonds, recently voted for the
erection of a new high School here.
Part of tho bids were opened Satur
day but owing to a delay In the mails
all of the bids didn't reach here In
time to make the award then and
adjournment was taken until tomor
row. The contract for grading the site
for the building has been awarded to
E. G. Perham for twenty-nine cents
per cubic yard. There was only one
other bidder, D. W. Small who want
ed thirty-one cents per cubic yard
and a fee for removing the stumps.
The contract for the heating and
ventilating was awarded to the W. G.
McPhcrsou Company of Portland for
Marshfleld Takes Pretty Game
Sunday After Hard
Standing of the Clubs.
Won Lost centage
Marshfleld G 2 750
Coqulllo 5 3 C25
Bandon 4 4 500
North Bend 1 7 125
In one of the best games ever seen
In Marshfleld, Bandon lost to Marsh
field yesterday by a score of 3 to 2.
Bandon scored one run in the first
of the second and one in the first
of the eighth while Marshfleld scored
one In tho last of the second and two
In the last of the eighth. Bandon
played an errorless game and all but
two or three of Marshfleld's errors
were excusable ones, although one of
Bandon's scores was due to them
In the pitcher's battle, Thiele had
considerable the best of it even
though his support was not quite as
gilt-edged as Bandon gave Jordan.
A three-bagger between center and
left by Causley In the eighth that
came might near being good for a
home run on account of bad throws
from the field by McKeown to Owen
and in turn by Owen to McCutcheon
was the long hit of the day. The hit
that did the business for Marshfleld,
though, was a pretty drive by Kelly
In the eighth when the bases were
full, bring In the two winning
Eighth Fenturo Uniting.
The eighth was tho feature Unlng
of the game, a little vaudeville stunt
being introduced that added ginger
to the game. Causley started
things early In It for Bandon
by landing a pretty three-bagger. He
reached third about the tlmo that
the ball did but it was a bad throw
and McCutcheon seeing that he
couldn't get It before It reached the
ground attempted to fall on It, fear
ing a bad bounce. As he fell, he
landed on Causley who was sliding.
The ball rolled on past but Thiele
was there. McCutcheon didn't get
up as quickly as some of the Ban
don fans thought that he should and
thoy rushed to third, accusing him
of holding Causley. For a moment
It looked as though there would be
trouble but It passed over. Schofleld
who followed Causley at tho bat
struck out. R. Meyers was up and,
hit a slow one to third. McCutcheon
(Continued on page 4.)
Black Man Who Expected to
Live Easy on Hidden Theft
After Prison Term to Get
Life Sentence.
(By Associated Press.)
KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 27.
The postofllco officials have obtalhed
positive proof that Charles Stevens,
the negro arrested at Los Angeles I
Saturday, charged with stealing a
Steamship Arrives From Port
land With Large Number
After Good Trip.
The Alliance arrived from Port
land at 10 o'clock last night after one
of the best trips she has had down
this year. She had a large passen
ger list and a fair cargo of freight.
In the freight cargo was a large log
ging engine to bo used by E. M.
Ward of North Bend in clearing the
timber he recently purchased from
Major L. D. Kinney. The Alliance
will sail for Portland at 12:30 Tues
day. Among those who came down on
the Alliance were:
Sister M. Aquinas, Sister M. Agnes,
J. H. Mallan, T. W. Ward, Mrs. T.
W. Ward, Mis. Escott, C. B. Pad
dock, J. II. Chapman, W. B. Curtis,
E. A. Anderson, A. W. Myers, Mrs.
A. W. Myers, Mrs. A. A. Baird, Mrs,
A. M. Fox, R. E. Golden, Mrs. R. E.
Golden and child, Mrs. J. T. McCor
mac, Mrs. S. H. Hazard, Fred. Mc
Cormac, Helen Chandler, Helen
Doble, Daisy G. Dake, J. W. Leiman,
Mrs. A. D. Pardue, A. D. Pardue, El
mer Vlers, M. E. Trousback, Vernon
Trousback, D. Preston, McEllck, M.
E. Grosbek, Mrs. D. Miller, Jesse L.
Miller, F. M. Watts, N. E. Blood,
Mrs. N. E. Blood, W. M. Haskins,
Jno. J. Brower, Mrs. Louer, Mrs.
Rogers, Ruby Rogers, J. A. Clark,
P. Strain, J. T. Raymond, Mrs. J. T.
Raymond, Mrs. J. F. Bode, G. A.
Brown, Mrs. A. G. Brown, C. L. Fox,
B. P. Boland, Th. Gospirtz, F. Kul
hara, Leo. Schultes, Elmer Shaefelt,
G. Linn, Jos. Johnson, Mrs. J. C.
Chapman, W. E. Mudge and twelve
Mnny to Portland.
The City of Panama sailed late
yesterday, for Portland with a fair
cargo of freight and a large number
of passengers. A delay In loading
caused her to remain over Saturday
night, although she was scheduled to
sail late Saturday afternoon, and
yesterday she struck a shoal going
down the Bay, causing more delay.
Among those who sailed from here
on her were the following:
A. J. Tolniie, Wm. Candlln, Alon
zo Miller, Jas. O'Toole, Emily Brad
ley, Wm. Bradley, F. W Weldon,
Mrs. F. S. McArthur, Miss Ruth Co
peland, J. W. Fowler, C. E. Wagner,
G. W. Holllster, Dr. A. S. Bower, Le
land Kelly, Jno. Kelly, H. J. Schafer,
J. H. Ballen, Mrs. Walter Young,
Mrs. Bulger, Lloyd Bulger, W. A.
Powell, Mrs. Powel, Mrs. W. A.
White, J. B. Campbell, Mrs. Camp
bell, R. W. Covll, J. H. Smith, W.
G. McPherson, H. G. Davies, D. M.
Kern, P. G. Conley, H. Cohen, R. B.
West, Mrs. Anna Cahlll, Mrs. M. Lu
clndin, Mrs. A. J. Jackson, Reynolds
Jackson, A. McCormlck, L. M. No
ble, F. O. Helming, L. Helming, D.
J. Beakey, Mrs. Beakey, Jno. Beakey,
Jennie Hager, S. C. Dozler, Mr. Ba
les, Mrs. Bales, Jno. GUlen, Geo.
Young, Frank Llngren, Geo. Haynal,
C. M. Holcomif, M. Soloman, C. Ec
konburg, Joe. Bowen, Jno. Smith,
Mrs. Doblns, Miss Doblns, Mrs. A.
Raines, E. E. Williams, Mrs. Byler,
Miss Byler, Henry Hyatt, Louis Sto
ger, F, C. Billlps and J. W. Carl
son. News of Shipping.
The Wilhelmlna will make her
first trip from Coos Bay to Bandon
tomorrow. Chas. Thorn, the owner,
will make tho trip on her.
The Czarina arriyed in today
from "Frisco with a fair cargo of
freight and will leave tomorrow or
next day. ""
mall pouch containing $50,000 from
the Union Station here three weeks
ago, is the right man. After a se
vere sweating, the inspectors have ob
tained evidence which it Is believed
will lead to the recovery of the great
er part of the stolen money. Stevens
will possibly receive a life sentence.
Stevens, It is said, hid the money so
that he could get It after his prison
term would probably expire, he only
anticipating Ave or ten years im
lll-Fated Minnie Kelton Breaks
Away at Astoria And Is
(By Associated Press.)
ASTORIA, Ore-., July 27. The
schooner Minnie Kelton is now a to
tal wreck at the outer end of the
Jetty. She broke away from the bar
ges last night and started over the
bar with the tide. After reaching
I rough water, she broke away and
went on the sands in a position
which renders salvage Impossible.
She was wrecked off Newport several
weeks ago.
Committee Will Formally Ap
prise Him Tomorrow of His
(By Associated Press.)
CINCINNATI, July 27. W. H.
Taft began a busy day early today
with political conferences and com
mittee meetings in preparation for
the notification tomorrow. He will
confer with the state committee later
in the day. Early trains brought in
many members of thewnotiflcation
committee. Tho city is busy putting
on a gala appearance.
W. R. Hearst to Sound Key Note of
New Party.
ssajj pajupossv XfT)
CHICAGO, July 27. Delegates
continue to arrive today for the Na
tional Conventlon'of the Independ
ence League party which will be call
ed to order at 8 o'clock tonight.
Thomas Hlsgen of Massachusetts, and
Milton Howard of Alabama, seem to
be the leading candidates for the
presidential nomination.
Charles Walsh of Iowa will be per
manent chairman, W. R. Hearst of
New York, will act as temporary
chairman and in his speech will
sound the key note of the party's po
Newton Crowd Calls For Speech
While Ho AVas Dressing.
(By Associated Press.)
DES MOINES, la., July 27. When
W. J. Bryan awoke today he found
General John B. Weaver, who in
1892 was the Populist Candidate for
president, on board the train and
the two were soon engaged in a poli
tical conference. At Newton, Iowa,
a large crowd gathered about the
car and called for Bryan. He was
only partly dressed but putting his
head out of the window, said "Good
morning, nsntlemen." Ho expressed
regret that he did not know a speech
was expected or he would have been
up to say a few words.
Notice Is hereby given that tho reg
ular semi-annual examination of ap
plicants for Stato and County papers
will bo held in tho Court House at
Coquille, Oregon, beginning August
12, 1908, and continuing three days.
Dated this 24th day of July, 1908.
Co. Superintendent.
Miss Thetta Stevens Loses Life
While Boating Near Port
land Sunday.
(By 4 woclated Press.)
PORTLAND, July 27. The body
of Miss Thetta Stevens of this city,
who was drowned while boating yes
terday was recovered today. Miss
Stevens was a student at Whitman
college and was spending her vaca
tion in Portland with her parents.
International Peace Conference
of Society of Friends Meets
In London.
(By .Associated Press.)
LONDON, July 27. The Seven
teenth Universal Peace Conference,
organized by the Society of Friends,
assembled hero today. Over one hun
dred societies in sixteen different
countries are represented. King Ed
ward and Queen Alexandra received
the delegates at Buckingham Palace
at noon.
Mrs. Paul Sterling of Coquille, Re
ceives Sum From Uncle.
DRAIN, Ore., July 27. The Drain
Nonpareil says: "Paul Sterling and
wife of Coquille, visited their rela
tives in Drain and vicinity last week.
They have just returned from Baker
City, where they had been on busi
ness connected with the settlement
of the estate of Mrs. Sterling's uncle,
Mr. Way. Being the only heir, the
entire estate, worth about $20,000,
was left to Mrs. Sterling. About
$15,000 of this is In real estate in
Baker City and the balance in cash.
Their many friends congratulate
them upon their good fortune. Paul
Is the S. P. railway agent at Co
Mrs. R. B. Hunnicutt of Bandon, Is
a guest at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Duncan.
Mrs. Reames of Jacksonville, Ore.,
is a guest at tho home of her sister,
Mrs. R. G. Gale.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Richards and
Mrs. Richards' father, D. M. Gamble,
have left for their homo In Brook
field, Mo., after a two weeks visit at
the Gamble homo in North Bend.
Mr. Gamble is an uncle of tho late
Wm. Gamble and is halo and hearty
despite his eighty-four years.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received by the Recorder
of the city of North Bend until 10
o'clock a. m., August the 11th, 1908,
for furnishing and laying a high pres
sure flro mahi along the water front
and on Sherman avenue, according
to the plans and specifications In the
office of the City Engineer.
A certified check for 5 per cent of
the bid must accompany each bid.
Tho city reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
City Recorder of North Bond, Or.
PIANO, First Trust and Savif
Bank building.
The other fellow is still hero,
where do you oat? Tho O. K. CHOP
HOUSE, of course.
Warship Ordered to South
American Country to Protect
Diplomatic Relations Are
Broken and Result In
(Br Associated Press.)
WILEMSTADT, July 27. Tho
Dutch warship Gfllderland with Min
ister Do Reus, who was dismissed
from Venezuela by President Castro,
on board arrived here today. The
Gelderland was ordered to Imme
diately proceed to Venezuela to pro
tect Dutch interests there.
Great Joy was manifested when it
became known that the Venezuelan,
consul, Senor Lopez, who took re
fuge from the mob In the German
consulate had taken passage and sail
ed for Port Gabello arriving there
Sunday morning. A strong guard
escorted the consul on board the
steamer and remained until the de
parture. Every precaution was.
taken to protect the consul and with
the exception of a few Insignificant
bruises caused by stones thrown at
him ho was not harmed.
Plat B Contractor Released
From Custody at Gold
The charge of larceny against M.
H. Tuttle, Plat B contractor, who was
arrested at Gold Beach, Curry coun
ty, for the alleged larceny of a wagon
belonging to J. D. Stewart of Plat
B, has been withdrawn, Deputy
Prosecuting Attorney L. A. LHJeqvist
after hearing Mr. Tuttle's version of
the affair over the phone decided not
to Insist on his being brought back
to this county for trial, Tuttlo having
agreed to surrender tho wagon.
There were other extlnuatlng and pa
thetic circumstances. Some credit
ors of Tuttle's have gone to Gold
Beach in hope of adjusting their
Portlnnd Man Who Recently Vlsltedrt
Coos Bay Sues.
Charles A. Warren of the Warren'
Publicity Company of Portland, wha
recently visited Bandon, Coquille and
Marshfleld, has Instituted suit against
tho Portland Railway, Light & Power
Company for $10,000 damages. On
Juno 2G last, while Warren was rid
ing from Portland to Fern Ridge, .
where he lives, he was assaulted by
Conductor Nelson in a dispute over
the payment of fare. Warren waB se
verely battered during the encounter
and next day the belligerent con
ductor paid a fine of $10 In tho Jus
tice Court.
Tho Annual Teachers' Institute for
Coos County for the year 1908, will
convene at Myrtle Point, August 18
20. Among tho Instructions from
without tho county who will attend'
and assist In tho sessions of this
meeting, will bo Stato Superintend
ent Ackerman, Superintendent R. F,
Robinson, Prof. Jones and Profr
Traver. An excollent tlmo is anti
cipated for thoso who will attend.
Every one Interested in the educa
tional advancement of tho county
should arrange to bo present,
Co. Superintendent
If quality counts for anything tho
O. K, CHOP HOUSE certainly haa
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