The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 11, 1908, Image 1

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I ADDISON WROTE: J, ah dR fnu 1 1 p - 5ft i ST I i mCXm 'flh?ld ?ot ,et i : I
i flnn a rnnttnr itirl i-nmnuno Vi X K M B H H JH IVfi TJBf IB rH 9flHH 5 Bit HI B L un H r3 El HLST ?2 9H.f B'' Hut tuClr pOlOUfDAS H
hlsh " tntuna nf innn i i n a F'K. i j R H H IB K Ipni & BPB . H .i& vIV r lB Hi H Li KT J H i unllHput tnstr IiOnEY-B AGS, too. j H
i 4npppit ' nnd ,(lrn i tiiVf ' li i S-fc?0&BF dB&J? SQ$5& Jsik Bp" MftVJ'y fcJyoB. tSi'y SB! B& Rg UjyJBy JMJBy Jo nlHt, Wit III &(lRf SUlOTQ ft 81111 pIG 4 J
concealed and of ton scarcoly con- "- TF , JP J? : tj iW & emil-tnklnj'hp fSMniroiit''S of C I
I coaled at all In "Times" advertising. -. 1 ' f snSwvents 1 I
, . . t e . .. . . MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED I'lE8h Vj j ' $'
- i- ' '
T. Lundy's Store on
Street Looted of Diamonds
and Valuables. '
Thieves Cut Hole .Through
Wall, Blow Safe and Escape
With Booty.
(By Associated Press.)
Some time during the night and In
the best police patrolled., district of
thls city, thieves entered the jewelry
store of T. Lundy at 74 4, Market
street, robbed it of .diamonds,
watches and other jewelry amount
ing to ?50,000. ,
Entrance was made by cutting a
hole through tho part(tfon cthat sepa
rate the store and a candy shop.
This was done without disturbance
and while the lightB were burning in
both stores, a hole large enough for
tho thieves to crawl through was cut.
Once inside tho safe waB bored Into
and a charge of nltro glycerine gave
tho robbers access to the vault which
they cleaned out. '
Tho robbery was discovered pj
policeman McDonald and a watchman
in that neighborhood.' '
Two months ago an attempt was
made to enter the same stoe,
The Times planned to Issue a six
page paper today, but an accidont to
the typesetting machines that for a
time made issuing any size paper
doubtful compelled making the paper
only four pages. .
loses to ,lnckf"'AicFrlHiiVILIii.8txth
Hound at Colma Today.
(By Associated Press.)
Tommy Brltt was knocked out In the
sixth round of what was to have been
a twenty-round bout between ho and
Packy McFarland at Colma this
afternoon. Jack Welch was the re
feree. Odds were in favor of Mc
Farland In betting.
Kmvuii Who Shot .v. rwiii Advisqr
li'ltf bj San rraivl.'" Com Is
l-'or Crj n
(By Associated Press.)
Whan Chans, the Korean who hhot
and killed Durham wnite aiovens,
tha American adivsor to the Korean
counoll of state, was held to answor
the oharge of murder In the superior
btugo Company's Boat Sinks Near
The steamer Eva, operating be
tween Scottsburg and Gardiner on
the Umpqua sunk tho day before yes
terday near Scottsburg. The boat
ran onto a snag. Everyone got off
In good shape. The accident delayed
the passengers nearly a day.
(By Associated Press.)
NASHVILLE, Tenr... April 11.
The Supreme Court of Tennessee to
day hold that the Standard Oil Com
pany was a monopoly, doing business
In opposition to the anti-trust laws,
and issued a decree that it should
withdraw from the state.
Good house and 14 lots In Rail
road Addition, mostly cleared and
in garden and under fence. Good
corcrete well and other Improve
ments $3500,00
Entire block close to business 14
Jots $4500,00
7 good lots In R. R. Addition
.nrly all cleared $1500,00
House and 40 foot lot in West
Marshfle'.d on level ground, east
front $1200,00
2 good level lots In West Marsh
field $850,00
Good level lots in Bay Park, on
installment terms $G0 to $100
2 beautiful building lots on Rai
nes avenue $800
See us for real estato of every de
scription. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO.
Ac-oss from Chamber or Gommerc'o.
Pormclla Lnko
SmTdcnlv DJsnnncnicd.
Enstsltlc is Rising.
SM11 there is a chance to get In
n ground floor Lots soiling from
$C,5 to $250. See Title Guarauteo
and Abstract Co., Henry SengstacUen,
We will store your goods for lc
cubic foet. Bay Side .Paint Co.,
North Bend.
Market TTirr New Hotel Briquetting Plant Eccaritric Prof. 0. L. Triggs of - Couple Leave' on .Different l
'Bi'lM llnr'vllK1 ana -uiean up" uay inings umcago, marries hormer h SHI-S h HhS Ships Under- Assumed
m u m u m h e i b h c m 1 . vt . H ' aHaKuacuaHMnnitni v
v UaaliL- iiii I JPJbP tui ft n .: i '-'"' !-!.. '..:r !J n-i:J ': I I J 8 fi (I BBS 8 B I F 8 81 ..'.
State and District Republican
Gatherings to Select Na
tional Delegates May 14.
(Special to The Times.)
PORTLAND, Ore., April 11. The f
Republican Convention, state and
congressional, will be held in Port-
'?n(1 Mp J4th- he state conven-
Hon will choose four delegates at
large to the National Convention in
Chicago. The district conventions
will chobso two each.
Each county will have one delegate
at large to .the state convention and
In addition thereto ono for every
twenty-flvo votes or major fraction
thereof cast In June, 1906, for su
preme Judge In fh'e county.' ""
(By Associated Press.)
NEW YORK, April 11. The Re
publican State Convention-at which
four 'delegates and alternates at large
to the National Convention at Chi
cago in June, will be elected, met In
Carnegie hall today andt after per
fecting a temporary organization by
electing former Lieutenant Governor.
M. Linn Bruce as temporary chair
man, listened to his speech adjourned
until 3:30. m. It is expected that
the delegates will be instructed to
use every honorable means to bring
about the nomination of Governor
Hughes for president. The platform,
It is expected will (declare for revision
of the tariff to tmeet existing eco
nomic conditions.
MJLWa'uKe'e,. April' 11. The
Wisconsin delegation to the" Republican-National
Convention will stand;'
LaFollett'e 25, and Taft, one. -' "
Alliance in Monday. Agent L. W.
Shaw received word today that the
Alliance would sail from Portland
tnls afternoon and reach Coos Bay
early Monday.
Mny Lncnto Here. Wesley Smith
of Michigan is on Coos Bay looking
for an opportunity to enter into a
profitable business Investment. Mr.
Smith is a master mechanic and
should find ample field for his work.
Confidence Is. the. Coos. Bay
watchword in Our Harbor, Our Tim
ber and Our Coal and in McArthur's
Prescription Pharmacy, always a
competent druggist in charge at Mc
Arthur's. Bank's Moving Delayed. Owing
to the marble steps and tile entrance
to the new home of the Flanagan
and Bennett Bank not being quite
ready for use, it has been decided
to postpone moving until a week
from tomorrow.
Ccnic-iit Man Here. N. J. Cousins
and family of Winneconne county,
Wis., have arrived on Coos Bay and
expect to make their home here.
Mr. Cousins Is an expert in cement
construction. At present, they are
staying at the home of Mr. Cousins'
brother-in-law, C. J. Van Zile.
Coal Demand Declines. F. S.
Dow today received advices from San
Francisco that the demand for coal
there is falling off. Ho has been or
dered to hold back shipments fo- the
time being and as a result t'ie F. M,
Plant will leave Coos Bay light this
Rnnclier Movc to Town. E. J.
roffelt, who has been a rancher on
Coos River for. twenty-six years has
sold his farm and moved to Nortn
Bend where he has bought a home
on Mead avenue and spend the rs-.
mainuer oi nis aays in quiet retire
ment. Building Nearly Finished. Sunt.
Pprham of the now building of the
First Trust and Savings Bank, an
nounced today that the quarters for
the bank would be ready for use injllzlng the great deposits of lignite
about thirty days, or May 11th. The
remainder of the building will be
ready for occupancy about the same
.Mother is Dying. Luther B. Ham
mock, an employe of tho North
Bend Harbor, has received a message,
announcing that his mother Is ill at
Knox City, Tex., and cannot recover.
Owing to the great distance, Mr,
Hammock has decided that it would
bo useless for him to attempt to
reach her bedside.
F. S. Loop Here. Tho stam
aahooner v, s Loop reached Coos
Bay from San Francisco today. Cant.
Levlson reports a good trio. Tho
vpssel will load from the Johnson
mill for tho south. Tho vessel is
owned by th.e F. S. Loop Lumber
Company of Ran Francisco but was
bul't on Oooh Bnv undar the supervi
sion cf Captain Levlson.
Title Guarantee and Abstract Com
pany are gonoral agents for Eastslde
.mUJtortLiAtmi ii fir HiliiitttA uws--jaMCfiiW JSA
s Coos Bay Hotel Company an- Oi
nounees that Tlie,Chandler jvill
be" started witliiii Tew" weeks I
and rushed to completion.
' A N. Club agrees to take
O charge of Marshflold's "Clean
Up" day and aid in beautifying
city. ,
Installation "'of experimental
plant to determine whether or
riot Coos Bay coal can be br!-
quotted, thus, if successful, en-
abling the rapid development 0f
., the coal Industry, advocated by
Francis H. Clark and unofficial-
ly indorsed by Chamber of
Commerce. '
" ' '" O
The above, In brief, outlines the
accomplishments towards a greater
and better Coos Bay that, were "an
nounced at Friday nignfs meeting
of the Chamber of Commerce. -They
were enthusiastically indorsed by the
large audience present.
Especial interest was taken in the!
proposod "Clean Up" day which will
inaugurate a campaign for "Marsh
fleld beautiful." It waB agreed that
the ladies of the ' Artistic Needle
Worker's Club, generally known as
the A. N. W. Club, Bhould take
charge of the affair, MrB. J. T. Mc
Cprmac, Mrs. Flanagan and. 'ilrs.
Frances Hazard, for the club, accept
ing the offer of the Chamber o? Cpm
m6rce. It was understood that the
women of the A. N. W. Club should
have general supervision - of - the
"Clean up" day program but that
the' Chamber or 'Commerce, city of
ficials and In fact everyone ih Marsh
Held shall cooperate lh making, the
event a success. At the next- meet
In'g of. the Chamber of,' C,ommercef
tho club's plans for systematizing
the work Willie announced, the wo
men h'o are1" taayg'.rcliaa' W't&er
worjfranv me various. qipericLs .into
wjalcb: the clty'VIn1 b'divlded 'and, the
data doslKna'ted. "MkyorfE.fc. Straw
will" 'probably ylssub ' & "proclamation
declaring the day, or part of, it, a
legal holiday in torder that all may
participate, secretary waiter Lyon
announced last night that4S. H. Bell
had contributed $30 towards the
fund that will be necessary to defray
incidental expenses of cleaning up.
Other contributions will be secured
for this purpose.
The New Chandler.
Senator J. S. Coke announced to
the meeting that the construction of
The Chandler hotel was an assured
fact that would be realized within
the course of a few months and that
construction would begin within a
short time. He said that the meet
ing of the directors of the Coos Bay
Hotel Company, which- had been held
just prior to the Chamber of Com
merce meeting, had practically de
termined to engage Bettes, Hend
ricks and Tobey of Portland as tho
architects to prepare the plans and
specifications for the building. A
preliminary draft of the plans had
been submitted to the directors and
were approved. The idea, he said,
is to erect a flve-story building, 5 Ox
100 feet. This is only one-half the
size of the site which the company
has purchased and will leave room
for enlarging the hotel as soon as
the business warrants it. It is pro
posed to closely copy the Cornelius
hotel at West Park and Alder streets
in Portland.
Mr. Cbke also announced that E.
D. LaChance of Hibbing, Minn., who
has been in the city, had practically
been engaged to operate the hotel.
Mr. LflChance will expend about
$18,000 in furnishing the hotel,
making it one of the finest in this
section. Mr. LaChance is an ex-
nerlenced hotel man and comes high-
ly recommended In addition to the
recommendations furnished by Coos
uay people wno are personal ac
quaintances of himself and wife.
To Briquette Coal.
Francis H. Clark in a brief address
outlined a great possibility for Coos
Bay. that is the develonlne and uti-
coal here by the briquetting process
Mr. Clark has investigated the propo
sition and ho feels quita certain that
It can be made a success and if so,
he says that it will he one of the
most vital factors In developing Coos
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON, April 10. A sub
committee of the Sennto committee
for the District of Columbia today
made a favorable report on tho hous
bill to prohibit betting at tho Uon
nings raeo track. Chairman Carter
of the Committee will report the
bill to tho Senate Monday.
Sengstackens Addition represents
more aotivity than any other spot on
the bay.
Take notice of the class of build
jng8 which are being built In Sengs
tacken addition
n'if im nl'nHnin
., fBy Associated Press. J
CHICAGO, Apr., 110. LflYlggi,
I in 'i:ci l r'i'ottiii oil Engl -s'' I (or-
O-.atiiiP in the Unlvdtsity of Chicago
and who proclaimed John D. Rocke-
feller a greater .genius than Shakcs-
r- e "hi Lortsfellow'a'ntf' said the
iuttfr are over rated, according to
information 'rece'lved last night has
been mar.rled at Turlock, California,
to Miss Ida Bell Cox, of Canton,
Ohio, a member of the 'class taught
by him In the University of Chicago.
Later she was engaged In settlement
work in New York and Philadelphia.
Triggs' connection with the Un
iversity was severed because of his
He testified at tho trial In which
he. was tjlvorced from his former wife
that he did "not. regard marriage con
ducive, to, good morale.
Former Attorney General Will
"Speak in Behalf of State
, mentMo. 1 and Cake.
C. M. Idlerrihn of Portland, former
attorney general for Oregon, reached
Coos Bay toddy, via Drain, "and will
speal. tonigh't at' the Odd Fellows
hail lnbehalf of Statement No. 1 and
the'candldacy of H. M , Cake for Unit
ed Suites senator from, Oregon. It ,1s
likely; that Dr. E".,.Ml.nguBi-.state com-
1ms out -as It will he1 One of the first
opportunities luatno peonie o(-ruiu3
section nave naa to near a aiscussion
of Statement No, 1...
, Mr. Idlemari says that ho Id quite
certain tha't -Statement No. 1 will win
and also that Mr,. Cake will win the
Republican indorsement for United
States senatdr.' Mr.. Idleman also de
clares that Statement No. 1 and "Mr.
Cake will carry Multnomah county,
which the supporters of'Senator Ful
ton and the opponents of Statement
No. 1 have considered cinched for
them. ' ,,
Hunter's Cabin on North Inlet Said
to Have Been Sacked by
Vandals Recently.
Ranchers from North Inlet who
wore in Marshfleld today, said that
the Hunter's Cabin on North Inlet,
owned by the Rod and Gun Club, had
been broken into and ransacked.
No definite information concerning
the extent of the loss the club will
sustain was obtainable but an inves
tigation will be made at once and an
effort made to secure and punish the
Mnny-' Leave Coos Bay for Northern
Points Czarina and V. M. Plant
The Steamshin Breakwater sailed
this morning for Portland 'with a
heavy cargo and large passenger list.
The Southern Pacific's steamship
Czarina is expected in tonight from
San Francisco and will henceforth
ply between here and Frisco in tho
fuel and combustible trade only.
The M. F. Plant is expected in to
night from San Francisco.
The Eureka, which ran on a sand
pit at Pony Slough yesterday, is still
fast but will probably get off late to
day. The Breakwater's passenger list
for Portland today was as follows:
C. E. Cowdln and wife, C. R. Mil
ler, Mrs. T. Richard, Mrs. A. T. Reed,
F. B. Wire. W. II. Miller, Miss A'ler
ton, Mrs. J. B. Scoggin, W. H. Fox
ley, Mr. Sororey, Jas. Parller, R. M.
Lewis, G. II. Ruske, J. H. Williams,
E. D. Smith, M. Moron, G. T. Newell,
C. Fisher. W. A. Reinor, Henry Men
de, D. Johns, Mrs. E. J. btarr, II. C.
Breckenrldgp and wife, T. Robinson,
Jog. Weldvogel, Mr. West and wife,
Mr F W Is J H. Mltchel', A. A.
Hale, E. M. Monulin i, A. E. Grlce
and wife. Wlllard Grice, Mrs. Wilt,
Mrs. H, Temple, E. D. LaChnnco, A.
C. Brown, Geo. P. Goodwin, E. Mad
den, H. A. Bov'or, M. L. Glass and
wife, Mrs. A. Condon, Thos. Vlgara
and wife, Miss Laura Vlgars, Miss
Vlgars, Master Vlgars, W. Gllmartln,
O. J. Loveitreen, S. Crleknt, J. Co'
mar, A. Peterson and II. Sledlng.
An Mister Snap, 5 acres on Isth
mus Inlet, 277 foet waterfront, 38
fopi. of water at low tldo, 2 miles
from center of town, $1,400, See
Stutsman & Co. for real bargains in '
real o tate.
'"" -
I 1 I HV 1 ll i R fBl 1 1 I
mmm h ll .... .
" Til K TnyiPHT Hun ht Oi" unif nnunm
. .... . ....w nampc -n nv nnnv
Unusually Dry Spring and
Light Snows Increases Dan
ger in Timber Regions.
(By Associated Press.)
SEATTLE, April 11. Tho un
usually dry spring and light snow lu
tho mountains make timber land
owners and logger's fear that they
are In danger of tho worst forest
fires since 1900., Today the timber
land owners organized a Forest Flro
association, the incorporators being
representatives .. of tho large timber
land owners.
Action Begun at Coquille Again
st Rights of C. A. Smith's
, Road in Marshfield.
Attorney V. U. Douglas In behalf
of certain property bwnerB on Sher
idan street, Marshfield, has filed suit
at Coquille attacking, the franchise
granted to'tlie, C, A. Smith Lumber
nnd Manufacturing' compuny to
build. .oWn' and. onerate ox narrow.
gunge railway Hh.rDUglt" the- Streete-
OC Marshfleld; and -particularly On
Srtorldanstreet. ,
Ire action attacks the franchise) in
general, claiming that the building
and operation or said railwayi Is in
jurious 'to the property-owned by tho
Tho in-tlon will probably bo set for
hratlng at tho coming term of court.
Mrs. Elizabeth Minot entertained
the Sewing Club Wednesday after
noon. Refreshments were served.
Tho Degree of Honor entertained
at cards Tuesday evening. Refresh
ment swere served and n delightful
time was enjoyed by all present.
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Norton will
leave on tho F. M. Plant tomorrow
for Pleasanton, Cal., to visit friends
and also to see tho Pacific squadron
when It comes up tho coast. They
will bo absent a few weeks.
Mrs. James Flanagan gavo a
launch party Thursday afternoon In
honor of tho Misses Nann and-Ado-line
Smith, daughters of C. A. Smith,
who are spending a few weeks on
Coos Bay. A delightful time was en
Joyed. Tho weather permitting, tomorrow
will witness, a largo, number of
launching parties of Coos Bay peo
ple Tho delightful weather of tho
past week has inspired all with tho
beauties and enjoyment of boating
and as tomorrow will offer tho first
opportunity for most of them, It will
be taken advantngo of.
Tho A. N. W. Club was entertained
Thursday afternoon by Mrs. I.- Lando
at her home. An enjoyable after
noon was spent. Progress in the ar
rangements to securo a public drink
ing fountain to bo placed In tho
down town section was reported by
tho committee In charge of which
Mrs. J. T. McCormac is chairman.
Miss Gonevievo Songstackon entor
tained at bridge whist and dancing
Wednesdny evening. Among, those
who enjoyed Miss Sengstackon's de
lightful hospitality were Misses May
Bennett, Kathleen Bonnett, Alice Mc
Cormac, Nellie Tower nnd Maude
Painter and Messrs. Harry Butlor,
Frank Lamborton, Walter Butlor,
Geo. P. Goodwin, W. F. McKee and
ilort DImnilck.
Invitations have boon Issued for
tho marrlago of Miss Mildred Rogers
of South Coos River and C. M. Nel
son of San Francisco which will ho
solonmlzed at tho homo of tho brldvs
parents, Mr. aril Mrs. Herbert
Rogors, Easter bitnday. Miss Rogers
is an accomplished young lady and
recently completed a throe-years
courso In music. Mr. Nelson Is n
prominent young buslnoss man of
San Francisco, Miss Lenh Rogers
will bo tho mail of honor and John
Kronholm of Marshfield the grooms
man. Mr. Nolson is expected to
roach hore from San Francisco on
tho M. F. Plant today.
Delightfully fascinating creations
bringing a breath of summer time
are tho Easter hats and bonnota at
.tho Clarko Millinery.
.!,., J..,,.! ,
Heiress, Children and Tutor
Leave for Genoa and Other
Simply for "Europe."
(By Associated Preris.')
NEW YORK, April 11. Madamo
Anna Gould with her children and
tutor sailed for Genoa and Naples on
tho steamer Friedrich Dor Grosso to
day and about tho same hour Prlnco
do Sagan,.who has been paying as
siduous court to Mme. Gould, sailed
for Europe on tho steamor St. Paul.
Mme, Gould was registered bb Mi33
Annette Chapin, and the Prince reg
istered as E. D, Godges.
Plans arid Specifications ' for
Building Will be Completed
Within Thirty Days.
At a meeting of tho Marshfleld
school board this mprnlhg, the con
tract for preparing plans and specifi
cations 'for the new $S 0,000 Marsh-
peTd,-' school bulldlngJ-rsvaar'fi,wafp&
to- ueqnes, HonariCKS ana T.ouy on
Portland. The plans and 8peci.ficu .
tions will bo completed so that (hOj
contracts for the construction of tho
building may bo awarded in about
thirty days' and tho structure rushou
to completion.
As tho same firm of architects will
prepare plans for tho now $75,0QQ
Chandler hotel, a member of tho firm
will come to Coos Bay and give hla.
personal supervision to the construc
tion, thus Insuring bettor work on
both buildings than might have
otherwjso been obtained.
Dr, J. T. McCormac, J. W. Bonnett
and W. B. Curtis, tho members of
tho board, also mado arrangements
to purchase tho four-acre tract north
west of the cemetery just as soon as
tho owners can deliver a deed. This
will cost $12,000. Tho $15,000 Is
suo of bonds will bo placed soon by
tho board.
Jury Refuses to Hold on Charge of
lumping Board Bill at Bianco
After a threo days legal battle bo
foro Judgo C. L. Pennock, a Jury in
tho case of tho Stato of Oregon vs
C. P. Doran brought In ,a verdict of
not guilty lato yesterday afternoon.
Mr. Doran was accused of attempting
to "Jump" n board bill of about $480
which ho owed tho Blanco hotel of
Dorian Is nn Insurance agent
formerly resided in Marshfleld and
during his stay hero boarded at tho
Blunco. Recently, ho moved to Ban
don without adjusting his bill at tao
Blanco, Efforts to adjus- the mattor
wore futllo and finally resulted in tho
proprietors of tho Blanco swearing
out a warrant charging him with nn
attempt to defraud. Marshall J. W.
Carter wont to Bandon and brought
him to Marshfleld for trial.
Deputy District Attorney Geo, Far
rln prosecuted tho caso and J. IV,
Upton represented Dorian. AfLr ar
guing various logal points, tho n. it
tor was submitted to a Jury consist
ing of V. M. Ireland, E. O. Hall, F.
M. Reeder, L. W. Mouzey nnd Cnp
tuln Llghtnor who returned a vor
dlct of "not guilty."
Tho verdict applies only to tho
criminal chargu and (loos not affect
tho liability of Mr. Dorian for tho
Millicoiuu Members.
Tlioro will ho a mooting of all
monibors of tho Mllllcoma Club this
evonlng ut 8 o'clock for adoption of
by-laws and gonoral discussion for
tho wolfare of tho c'ub.
Tho rule limiting tho privileges of
tho club to members In good stand
ing and those having visitors curds
will bo strictly onforced.
By order of ,
Mat-slifleld Saloon aro orled
clopod on Sunday by order of District
Attorney Eastsldo is wlJo open si vc
duyo in tho week.
h I rift r
UUii 1 8 SHU I LL!