THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1908. $ Personal Notes f OG$$040$Q MRS. COLLVER wns shopping In Marshfleld yesterday. 4 4 & Ik A 7 I t Tattle of the Town i VV AA ? 4. u i& rfe s r o cr I C3 I , I WW X : i ' I I I I I f 1 I I jA. JOLk iL J3 JjL djf fca ljLwiJAiiHvgaaau&viavjvw.yff;yffl zrxwig.-jis3Ji TV'.'jMT.'.iiv.ii?,' r ISGS Our Lace Cor- Is one of the largest in this part of the country and fol lowing our usual method we have priced our curtains at the very lowest prices. We can therefore show you the largest and lowest priced Curtain line in the country. '' , 1 till ; r9lSfl1 Sac !' H ill s wi W&'s& ? IIS SSllS' ! , ' "" WESTIGAH "A"''5"'J A . Wtt TJ?N 1 mvh ua. iraj 1JE SEEK your business ONLY en the basis of Mutua Interest. PITf1 That are the lowest in price are the higheat UvSi3 priced in the long run. We aim to carry the BEST in each particular kind of Rug We sell the best at almost what others would charge for the cheapest. MarshfieldJ Oregon J."! : i i MOVING PICTURES ILLUSTRATED SONGS CRYSTAL THEATRE Pratt will Perform and Expose tho Famous Chair Trick TONIGHT ONLY Performance 7:30 and 845 Admission lOcents TTJTC TDTMTf Now open 7 oto 9:30 p. m 1 FIE4 IVl.rN.lV- Saturday Afternoon 2 to 4:30 Special Rates to private parties 9:30to 1 1:30 p. m. Wednesday Afternoon, Ladies Exlusively C. B. Schifflen Floor Mer D. L.Avery.. Propyl t52H2S25HSE5HSHSasaHH5E5252SH5a5E5a 5H5HSH5H5H5E5H5E5E5Z5a5H5E5ESH523 Meat is Higher jjj In the Eastern markets but wo have not advanced J prices. Read the list. K Sirloin Steak per pound. . ISPork Chops 12 to 15c jj Round Steak 10cNlce Beef for Boiling. . G to So Bj Pot Roast from. ... 8 to 10c : tQ K T Bono Steak, per pound. .15c m Prime Rib Roast 12 & Mutton Stew lc jjj ia Csty Market ti . .mi u ii vnnt.i? !. Ki-nnt and C Streets KJ Orpheum Theatre TO-NIGHT Film. Temptation. Film. The Price of a Kiss. Film. The Haunted Kitchen. Film. Costumes of Centuries. Film. Mr Hurry-up of New York. ILLUSTRATED SONGS "Way Down East Among the Shady Maple Trees" and "At tho Old Cross Roads" TKAVELLE MAGIC Admission 10 and 15 cents Performances 7:30 and S:45 p m. RASTER I CARDS WHY DO PEOPLE BUY IN SENGSTACKEN ADDITION? BECAUSE It is choice inside residence property, lots 50xJ00 with alleys, is well sheltered with a good bay view and prices of lots are reasonable. For particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Henry Sengslacken, Manager. EASTER Lggs easter dyes Faster chickens Easier VERYTHING FOR A. M. PRENTISS & CO. I Post Cauls, Novelties, General Mercbpndlsc. Front street, Marshfleld. GET YOUK A H..t.j..j.H-HnH"H'H o Minute of Your Time n ill Phone 817. To Tell You That, PRIMROSE HAMS AND BACON AND GOLDEN GATE LARD ARE.THE BEST -t- 4- Sold by ALL GROCERS and BUTCHERS ImThTi.TiiW"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!' ,M"r"!T'r,r'rT,I"I"I"I"r COLUMBIA MACHINE WORKS Cavanagh, Chapman t& Co. Geaarftl'R.epftir Work and Woodturmng, Launches a Specialty Foot of Queen AVenrie, MarshfieW oal i Wood J .. FROM .. JOHN AliliAKDSOX Hall & Anderson Agents ' MANGAN'S Undertaking New 0'Connel Bldg. MARSHFIELD, OREGON Telephones: Office 2161 Residence 2171 Chnniberliiln's Cough Kcincdy In n Class by ItscU. "As an Ideal cough medicine I re gard Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In a class by Itself," says Dr. R. A. , Wiltshire, of Gwyrinevlllo, Ind, "I ftake great pleasure In testifying to 'the results of Chamberlain's Cough i Medicine. In fact, I know of no other preparation that meets so fully the expectations of tho roost exact ing In cases of coughs and colds of , children. As It contains no opium, chloroform or morphine, It certainly makes a most safe, pleasant and efficacious remeay for the Ills It Is l Intended." For sale by John Preuss. MON'KV TO LOAX. ?1,000, $2,000 and $5,000 to loan on ital estate Address, linesunent, care of The Timed. ROOMS TO RENT. Apply at Tho Times. FOR RDNT. Part of unfurniished house. Eastside. Inquire at Store. Tilttle Krnins of fact sifted from ! tho cliafT of gossip flying up nnd down tho town. FOR SALE Full blooded Jersey bull. Apply Gambles butcher shop. LOR SALE Underwood typewriter in good condition. Inqulro at "Times" office. rOR RENT. Four rooms. Bath, hot and cold water. $10 per mouth. Phone 1221. FOR RENT House of ten rooms and bath In South Marshfleld. Ap ply A. D. Campbell, 'Phono 404. FARM for rent or sale near Marsh fleld, good Improvements. Terms reasonable. Apply at "Times" office. FOR SALE Beautiful 5-acre tracts at $00 and $G5 per acre. Owner C. H. Chandler, Bandon, Oregon. FOR RENT Nice sunny front room, double or single. $G.00 a room. Apply E. "Times." FOR RENT House of four rooms, and furniture for sale. Rent, $12. Over Royal Bakery. SITUATION WANTED. Young man wants work as clerk In storo five years experience in general storo. Residence opposite Presbyterian church. FoR RENT One G-room house and a woodshed, located in Plat B, ad joining Porter addition. Fine location. Apply John T. Olsen, North Bend. FOR SALE. In sections 3, 4, 9 and 10, township 24, 604 acres of land, good house, bearing orchards, etc. Also 4 or 5 millions old growth fir timber. Will sell the whole of Itj or In parcels to suit purchaser. Apply to C. W. Sanford, Marsh fleld, Ore. KENTUCK VALE Garden Homes, Stevens Ranch subdivides In 10 to 22 acre-tracts, $G00 to $1,000 each. Best and cheapest acre tracts on tho Bay. Guerry & Hal lister, Bank building; F. J. Monro, Bayside Paint Co. Store, North Bend. xee Acres En the Heart of Bandon 1,500 feet from the Post Ofllco with houso barn and other out buildings, all cleared and In clover, good spring and a good well close to the school ground for $3,500. Two good ranches or farms, ono $2,250 and tho other for $3,250 within 4 miles of Ban don. Address, E. E. O'akes, box 8G, Bandon, Oregon. to y ;:immiRatKTOimmmnniram ii IHMtDIATE VICINITY tt It is the P'jIU-v of this bank M r . .1 I ! ... I 41. r. i..i It UOUIUUO Us uinmuBO HJ mu "" jj H me U.iU- vicinity. In following R h this course, the bank not only :; it diilmnces itH own stability, but; promoter the highest inteiest of t tho community. H fIRST NATIONAL BANK Of ! COOS BAY, Marshfield, Ore. f O. 15. Iliiibdale V. S. McFailand K President Cashier H John Pruess R. T. Kaufman 5? t:..u Pina Anst. Pnlii('r 8:mHmwx'mtr:::::uiunuuu::::m:j (." : FINE : Easter is nearly here and only a few days are loft to prepare. If you want to take advant age of that time, and preparo beflttlngly for that occasion, It will be to your advantago to see WnATIIKK FOKKCAST. (By Associated Press.) Showers tonlglit and Satur day, southwest winds. OO O LOCAL llMHMOItATrilK UK- POUT For twenty-four hours ? ending G p. m., April 2, by r Dr. E. MIngus, local coopera- O -i tlvo government observer. v Maximum 04 o O Minimum 34 O O At G p. m 40 Precipitation none Wind, Northwest; clear. COOS BAY TIDE3 Tho following tables glvo the hours of high and low tides lor every day this week: HIGH WAXLIKI A Date. Friday . Saturday SUNDAY Monday . LOW WATER Date Friday . Saturday SUNDAY Monday , h m 25 2:02 2:37 3:17 A M. I. M. ft. h. m. : 7.4 2:02 i 7.3 2:40 I G.9 3:37 I G.o 4:37 M. 1 I. M. . in. 7:51 8:39 0:21 ft. 0.3 0.3 0.1 li. m. 7:59 8:37 9:17 .G10:0D 0.3(10:05 ft. G.4 5.9 5.4 4.8 ft. 1.5 3.3 TCiiluenn.-il Servli-i'i Tmiif'Ilt. Sor- Ioos will bo conducted at tho Epis copal church at 7:30 o'clock this evening. Uo Big Whistle. Tho Simpson mill having a chime whistle twelvo inches In diameter and three feet long manufactured for Its use. It Is said to bo the largest ono ever do signed for tho Bay. TMm.f Akk1vu. Tmlnv Thn steam ship M. F. Plant from San Francisco reached Enterprise about 1:30 this nftofnnnn Kiln will Ulllond hei'0 tills afternoon and will sail for San Fran cisco tomorrow. Eureka in Monday. Tho Eureka will reach Coos Bay Monday from Portland and will sail tho same day for Eureka, Calif. This advise was received by F. S. Dow, tho agent, yesterday. Out. for Blir Fish. Mossrb. Jack Flanagan, Burt Dimmlck, Win, IOn neriv. Robert Booth. 13. D. La Chance and W. Cortes composed a party of Marshfleld men who went up joos river this morning tor a couple aay s fishlne. A lino lino or usn stories are expected. it..ulrf Hull Tmil.'lit A number nf MnrKbnnlrt basketball enthusiasts will go to North Bond tonight to wit ness tho game betweon mo two liwrns nf thn North Bond hlch school. Tho game will be played at tho Simp son Park pavilion. Mother's Club. The regular meet ing of tho Mother's Club is being hold this 'afternoon at the home of Mrs. Marsh. The nomination and election of officers was tho principal matter to como before the meet ng. Goes to Poitland. Tho many friends of Miss Hattie Sawnders aro sorry to learn of her departure from Coos Bay tor her homo in Portland. Miss Sawnders has been In Marsh fleld for several months as tho guest of relatives and during her visit made many warm friends. Dr. McCormac Home. Dr. J. T. McCormac returned on tho Break water tills morning from a two wooks trip through northern cities. Miss Alico McCormac, who accompanied him, is returning via Eugono where sho will visit friends. She Is expected homo tomorrow. A. PERSHBAKER of Prosper has been spending several days on Coos Bnj attending to business affairs. MISS ALICE REINHART of Los Angeles Is tho guest of relatives on Coos Bay for a few weeks. D. Y. STAFFORD AND COLBY PERRY spent yesterday on Coos River fishing. GEORGE BUSHNELL of Bandon is spending tho day on Coos Bay attending to business affairs. MISS EFFIE LAWSON of Coqulllo Is visiting for a few days with frlonds and relatives In Marshfleld. AUGUST FARLEY left Marshfleld yesterday for Coos River after having been hero for several days. MRS. SEARS of this city, who has been ill for a long time, was down town today for the first tinio In one year. FRANK LAYTON returned yester day from an extended business trip to Gardiner, and departed today for his home In Portland. F. B. WILSEY of Sisson, Cnl., but formerly a residence on Coos Bay is again In Marshfleld for a few days attending to the settling 'of some property. MR. HENRY DOE of Eureka Is In Marshfleld for a few days attend ing to business affairs and seeing old friends, after leaving .here, Mr. Doe will go to Portlnnd whero he will visit for some time with relatives. MISS LUCIE GOULD has been In Marshfleld for a fow days await ing tho arrival of tlie Steamer Plant, when sho will leave for California and remain for a month as tho guest of friends and relat-tlves. A. DAWSON representing Moore Watson Dry Goods Co., of San Francisco Is making a business tour of Coos County. Mr. Dawson will remain in Marshfleld for a few days, then going to Coqulllo nnd tho river towns. D. Y. YATES of Chicago, 111., Is again In Marshfleld and will re main hero permanently. Mr. Yates spent last summer on tho bay and was greatly pleased with this sec tion of tho country. Mrs. Yates and her daughter Helon will arrlvo In Marshfleld some time during tho first of May. NORTH BEND PERSONAL CHAT TUrK. T S JCnufmaii of Marshfleld. spent yesterday with North Bend friends. Mrs. Erlckson of West Marshfleld, Is visiting at tho homo of her daugh ter, Mrs. A. Johnson, in North Bond. Locates in Bandon. J. Monahan, of Bloomington, Delaware, arrived In Marshfleld today and departed on tho noon train for Bandon whero ho has made arrangements to enter In to business. Mr. Monahan has sovor al friends In Marshfleld, all of whom aro greatly pleased at his decision to remain In Coos County. Launch New Boat. Tho launch Wolverine was launched lato yester day afternoon at tho Max Tlmmer man yard. Sho is being built for O. R. Willard and E. D. Stullor for servlco on tho Coqulllo river be tween Coqulllo nnd Bandon. Sho Is a now design and Is said to bo speedy, being equipped with a fifty horse power engine. Sho Is Gl feet long, 10 feet beam and four foot dopth. , taFi Coring ...i Cure That Cold Will You Can. Better spend the small amount a. bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy would cost you right .now than to run the risk of a cold doteloplng into pueumqnla, which may mean a big 'doctor's bill. Fer ale by Jonn Pomona Going to Pieces. Accord ing to advices recolved by local navi gators, tho Pomona, which was rp eently wrecked on a rock of Port Ross, California Is slowly being pounded to pieces. The company has given up all hopo of saving her but expect to bo ablo to got some of tho machinery out boforo It is a total loss. Whllo there aro roports that tho Ramona will bo transferred from Pugot Sound to tjio Eureka-San Francisco run, thoy havo not bpon 'ofllclally confirmed. Georgo Boalo of South Coos River, Is transacting business In North Bend today. Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Cavanagh of. Sacramento, Cal., aro visiting friends in North Bend. Charles Jensen and wlfo aro mov ing from Mnrshfleld to North Inlet. W. Ilumbort is moving his family fium tho F. Tininiorman homo to his now resldonco in Eastside. Miss Etta Torroll of Portland, who Is visiting friends In North Bond, haB been quite ill but yestorduy alio was reported somo better. A largo number enjoyed tho hall at Eckoff hall Wednesday night, music being furnished by tho Cooa Bay orchestra. The net receipts of tho Gold Bug Brownie basket ball gaino tonight at tho Simpson Park pavilion, will bo used to purchase suits and para phanella for tho girls. Miss Co Home. Miss Anna Cox, daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cox. returned on tho Breakwater from S. Mary's Academy at Beaverton, Ore., where ,shp Jms just finished a busi ness CQiirsp In stenography, typewrit ing, commercial law and bookkeep ing. Sho w.ijl tako Miss Cannon's plnco at the PettyJchn Nichols & Company's ofllco wjillo MU A. Can non takes a vacation. Deny Holding Conference. Rob ert Marsdou and Clay Moore today emphatically denied the report that a meeting of tho Jlqupr dealers of Marshfleld ahd North Bond was Jield yesterday to porfect an organization. Tho report was that tho local dealers wero to follow tho Portland plan for the protection and regulation of tho business which included raising tho price of beer from flvo to ten cents ppr glass. r TYPEWRITER PAPER 50c, 75c and Up Per Box I RIBBONS V5o anJ $1.00 NORTON & HANSEN Front Street Jlttews. ''