The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 30, 1908, Image 1

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ADVEBTISE. Systamatlc adver
tising in The Times always brings re
sults. It U tho remedy for dull or
sick business and tho tonic for grow
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NEWS. Heap up with the times
by reading the Cooi Bay Times. Loc
al, foreign and domestic news tersely
told while It is news. Then patron
ize Times advertisers and get the
most for your money.
rjwa !.!
No. 226.
Former Spokane Man Elec
trocuted for Murdering
Letters of Grace Brown, His
Victim, Recalled as Clas
sics of Simplicity.
(By Associated Pres3.)
AUBURN, N. Y., March 30.
Chester E. Gillette today paid the
full penalty for the brutal murder
of Grace Brown when he went to
his death In the electric chair with
out a sign of weakness. Gillette ap
peared fully reconciled to his fate
and In a statement by his spiritual
advisers immediately after the ex
ecution they indicated that he had
made a confession of his guilt.
The statement which Is signed by
the Rev. Henry Mcllravy and the
Rev. Cordello Herrlck Is as follows:
"Because our relationship with
Chester Gillette was privileged, we
do not deem it wise to make a de
tailed statement and simply wish to
say that no legal mistake was made
In his electrocution."
Gillette, so far as the public was
concerned, never admitted the crime.
In a carefully prepared statement
made public after his death, Gillette
implored young men to lead a Chris
tian life.
Electrocution Successful.
Tho electrocution was tho most
successful that ever took place in the
local prison, but one contact being
necessary to produce death. Pre
liminary tests of tho machinery hav
ing been made, Gillette's cell door
opened and the prisoner walked
firmly Into the death chamber. On
either side was a minister of the
Gospel. It was G :12.3 d o'clock
when the little party entered the
chamber and at 6:14.03 the current
was turned on. It was switched off
at G:15.0G. The doctors made an
examination at once and at G:18,
Warden Denham announced that Gil
lotto was dead.
Chester Gillette's case attracted
much attention In the Pacific North
west, he having been born and
reared at Spokane, Wash. He was
an enthusiastic youth and was one
of the best known young men In
Spokane. In the efforts of his
parents to have Governor Hughes of
New York, commute the sentence,
appeals were made to Spokane peo
plo and prominent citizens of Wash
ington and tho Northwest generally.
The crime for which Chester E.
Gillette was sentenced to forfeit his
life in the electric chair in Auburn
prison today, was the murder of his
sweetheart, Grace Brown, near Big
Moose in the Adirondacks on July
11, 190G. Gillette was convicted on
circumstantial evidence after a sen
sational trial in which tho pathetic
love letters of "Billy" Brown, as the
girl was familiarly known among her
associates, to Gillette, played an im
portant part. The girl who perished
in the waters of Big Moose lake had
trusted Gillette to make amends for
the wrong ho had done her by mak
ing her his wife, and her letters
which were found in the young man's
room after his arrest at Eagle Bay.
have been considered by many ao
classic In their simplicity and their
tender pleading for the right timt
was her due.
Last Letter Pathetic.
Her last letter to her lover, writ
ten a few days before her fatal irlu
to Big Moose, was particularly pa
thetic. "I have been bidding good,
byo to some places today," she
wrote. "There are so many nooks,
dear, and all of them so dear to me.
I have lived hero nearly all my life.
First, I said good-bye to the spring
house with its great masses of green
moss; then tho applo tree where wo
had pur playhouse; then tho 'Bee
hive,' a cute little house in the
orchard, and of course all the neigh
bors that have mended my dresses
from a llttlo tot up, to save me a
thrashing I really deserved."
Compelled to Itcfonn.
Gillette had been more or .less of a
rover up to the time he became fore
man In his uncle's shirt manufactory
in Cortland, N. Y. He had led a
somewhat gay life but was given to
understand upon his arrival in Cort
land that ho must conduct himself
so that his wealthy relatives might
at least recognize him. He soon be
came interested in church work,
mado many friends and apparently
conducted himself with propriety.
Grace Brown was a farmer's
daughter from South Otsellc who
worked In tho same factory with Gil
lette. Although ho did not pay
her unusual attention her com
panions were not long In rococnlilng
that she was somewhat of a favorite
with tho young foreman. He began
to call on her at the home of her
married slstter, who lived In the city,
and soon won her trust and affec
tion. The girl's confidence in Gil
lette and his promise of marriage
eventually led to her undoing and in
the summer of 190G, she went home
to prepare for the wedding which
she felt could not long be postponed.
It was during her stay at her home
In South Otsellc that she wrote him
the remarkable series of letters
which were found among Gillette's
I effects after his arrest.
Outpourings of Soul.
In these outpourings of her soul
she breathed tho poignancy of her
sorrow, and her sweetness of girlish
youth, faith and self sacrifice were
ever apparent. In her misery she
pleaded with her lover to come to
her saying that she had been brave
but was beginning to feel dis
couraged. In spite of her suffering
she thought first of all of him, and
how she might lessen any burden
that he was destined to bear.
"I am as lonesome for you as Oh,
as I thought I'd be. I don't believe
you've even missed me," she wrote
soon after her arrival home." I did
not think all the home folks would
be so glad to see me. They ate me
up, and If you ever have thought I
was spoiled, dear, I don't know what
you will think of mo when I get
back. You or any one else won't
'be able to do anything with me."
I A few days after sho wrote: "I
nave uone noining uuc cry since i
got here. If you were only here I
would not feel so badly. I do try
to be brave dear, but how can I when
everything goes wrong? I can't help
thinking you will never come for
me, but then I say you can't be so
mean as that, and besides you told
me you would come and you have
never disappointed mo when you
said you would not."
"Chester, there isn't a girl In the
world as miserable as I am tonight,"
she wrote In her next letter, "and
you have made mo feel so. Chester,
I don't mean that dear; you have
always been awfully good to me and
I know you will always be. You
just won't be a coward I know. You
must write more often, please, and,
dear, when you read my letters, If
you think I am unreasonable, please
do not mind It, but do think I am
about crazy with grief and that I
don't know just what to do."
In her next letter sho told of re
ceiving a letter from a girl friend.
"This girl wrote me," she said,
"that you seemed to be having an
awfully good time, and she guessed
that my coming home had done you
good as you had not seemea so
cheerful In weeks. I should have
known Chester, that you did not care
for me. But somehow I aavo trusted
you more than any one else. Perhaps
you don't think or you can't help
making mo grieve, but I wish things
were different. You may say you
do too, but you can't possibly wish
so more than I. I have been very
brave since I came homo but tonight
I am very discouraged. Chester, if
I could only die. I know how you
feel about this affair and I wish for
your sake you need not be troubled.
If I die I hope you can then be
Replies were Cold.
The coolness of Gillette's replies
to the girl's fervent pleadings caused
her to say in her next letter:
"I was glad to hear from you and
surprised as well. I thought you
would rather have my letters affec
tionate, but yours was so business
like that I have come to the conclu
sion that you wish mine to be that
way. I may tell you though, that
I am not a business woman and so
presume that these letters will not
satisfy you any more than tho others
did. I think, pardon me, that I un
derstand my position anu that It Is
rather unnecessary for you to be
so frightfully frank In making me see
It. I can see my position as keen as
any ono I think. You say you were
surprised, but you thought I would
be discouraged, I don t soe why I
should not be discouraged. What
words have I had from you since I
came homo to encourage mo?"
Showed Self Sacrifice.
Then further along In the same
letter the girl's spirit of self sacrifice
asserted itself and she wrote:
"Chester I don t suppose you will
ever know how I regret being all this
trouble to you. I know you hate
me and I can't blame you ono bit.
Of course, It's worse for me than for
you, but the world and you, too, may
think I am the one to blame, but
somehow I can't, Just simply can't,
think that I am, Chester.
"My little sister came up just a
minute ago with her hands full of
daisies and asked me If I didn't want
my fortune told. I told her I guessed
It was pretty well told now."
Plans were arranged by letter for
a meeting at DoRuyter and Gillette
secured leave of absence from tho
factory. He arrived at DeRuyter on
the evening of July 8th, and regis
tered at a hotol as Charles George.
The next day Grace Brown left South
Otsellc ostensibly for Cortland but
changed cars for Utlca at DeRuyter
where sho was Joined by Gillette.
On the journey to Utlca Gillette did
not share the seat with "Billy" but
chatted with other girls on the train
from Cortland and mado an appoint
ment to meet them later in tho week
Steam Schooner Lydia Sunk
by Chippewa Near Seattle
Early Today.
Fishing Boat Goes Down Almost Im
mediately After Collision Off
Point No Point.
(By Associated Press.)
SEATTLE, March 30. The steam
schooner Lydia was cut in two by
the steamship Chippewa of the Puget
Sound Navigation Co., early this
morning and Wilson Spinning of Bal
lard and Thomas Hicks of Seattle
were drowned. Eight men Including
the Captain of Lydia were rescued by
the Chippewa life boats.
The accident occurred off Point
No Point. Tho Lydia was returning
from the Halibut grounds after two
weeks fishing. The Chippewa's look
out claims that no lights were dis
played on tho Lydia but this is
denied. The Lydia was struck amid
ships, going almost Immediately to
tho bottom and carrying Spinning
and Hicks to bottom in their berths.
at Eagle Bay. At Utlca Gillette regis
tered Grace Brown and himself as
Charles Gordon and wiie, New York.
They left tho next morning. Gillette
did not pay his bill but directed that
some laundry which ho had left be
hind, be sent by express to Eagle
The couple went to Tupper Lake
registering at a boarding house there
as Charles George and wife, New
York. While at Tupper Lake, Gil
lette Inquired for a quiet lake and
Grace Brown threw herself Into the
arms of a maid who had brought her
a glass of water, and bur3t into tears.
On the morning of July 11th, the
couple retraced their journey to Big
Moose where Gillette registered at
the Glenmore as Charles Graham, Al
bany, and on tho next line on tho
register wrote tho girl's correct name
and address. Gillette inquired for
good places to take pictures and
securing a boat rowed away over the
blue waters of the lake. Gillette car
ried a suit case, camera and tennis
racquet. Tho girl's baggage had
been checked to Old Forge and she
left some of her wraps and hat at
the hotel.
Lato that night Gillette appeared
at the Arrowhead on Eagle Bay,
twf-lvo miles from Big Moose. He
had walked through the woods, car
rying the suit case and camera but
the tennis racquet wps missing. His
clothing and baggage were dry. The
next day ho went on an excursion
with the young woman from Cortland
whom he had promised to meet.
Alarm was felt in Big Mooso over
tho failure of Gillette to return with
the boat he had rented tind search
was made tho next day. Tho boat
was found lloating bottom up near
shore In a secluded part of tho lake,
with a woman's wrap spread over the
bottom. The lake was dragged and
tho body of Uraco Brown was found
about 300 feet from the shore. Gil
letto subsequently wns arrested at
Eagle Bay on July 14th.
Gillette Admitted Cowardice.
Tho trial began at Herkimer at a
special term of the Supremo Court
on November 12, 190G, and on De
cember Gth, Gillette was found guilty
of murder In the first degree and
sentenced to death. Tho prosecution
presented a chain of evidence which
the dofense was unable to break
down. Gillette, who testified, denied
none of the evidence except the
actual killing of tho girl. Ho said
sho had urged him to marry her but
that ho was not In a position to do
so at that time as he had but scant
means and his marriage would mean
the loss of his position in tho factory.
He said tho girl arose in the boat,
declaring that she would end the
matter then and there, and leaped
overboard. Tho boat was over
turned, he claimed, and altliougn lie
mado efforts to save tho girl from
drowning ho was unable to do so.
Tho evidence showed that tho water
was but a few feet deep. Upon his
failure to rescue tho girl ho said
ho had waded ashore. Ho explained
the condition of his baggage by say
ing that ho had left U on tho bank
where they had partaken of some
slight luncheon. Tho tennis racquet,
with which tho prosecution claimed
ho dealt tho girl's death blow, was
found hidden In tho woods after
weoks. of search.
Tho execution of tho death 'penalty
was stayed by an apoeal to tho Court
of Appeals on February 19, 1907,
and, on January 8th last, tho case
was argued. Tho court affirmed tho
Judgment of conviction and fixed tho
week beginning March 30th for car
rying out tho death sontence.
Gillette's mother visited Albany
and pleaded with Governor Hughes
to commute tho death sontence to life
Imprisonment but tho gorern6r de
clined to interfere.
H. C. McAllister of Portland,
Appointed Master Fish
Warden of Oregon.
Old Incumbent Endeavored To Ro
ll:! l-Juce Hut Uliicials Were
Ay.iinst Iliin.
SALEM, Or., March 30. After
many months' deliberation and dis
cussion, during which they have been
beset upon all sides by a multiplicity
of candidates and interests In the
fishing industry, the State Board of
Fish Commissioners ha3 finally ar
rived at a conclusion In the matter
ol the selection of a successor to
Master Fish Warden H. G. Van Dusen
and have announced the appointment
of H. C. McAllister, of Portland, to
take affect May 1. The appointment
was made during a closed session
of the board. The election of Mr.
McAllister was unanimous.
It has been known for the past
year or more that Mr. Van Dusen
was slated for removal, becauuse of
a conflict of Interests on the upper
and lower Columbia river over the
t-nforcement of fishing laws. Mr.
clal propagation laws for tho per
petuation of the salmon Industry, In
which Mr. Van Dusen was made the
brunt of bitter animosity between the
fishermen and packers on the lower
and upper Columbia, but tho board
had been unable to agree upon a man
suitable to all concerned until now.
Mr. Van Dusen has worked hard
to retain the position, and put in al
most entire day before the board, ex
plaining his policy In regard to the
enforcement of fishing laws. M.r
Van Dusen's shadow had scarely
passed beyond the portals of Gover
nor uuamuenain s aepariment wnen
tho members of tho board put their
heads together and settled the mat
ter. Fifteen Wanted it.
There were 15 candidates for the
job, all of whom wero given due
consideration, but the most promi
nent wero W. P. Andrus, a deputy
In the office of County Clerk Fields,
of Multnomah; former Deputy Fish
Warden H. A. Webster, of Estacada;
W. C. Babcock, of Oregon City, and
J. U. Campbell, of Oregon City.
Although pratlcally a stranger In
this State, having come to Oregon
from the East but two years ago, Mr.
McAllister Is looked upon as a suit
able man for the position, particul
arly since ho is not identified with
any of tho contending interests in
the fishing industry. He is a member
of tho Travelers' Protective Associa
tion, and his electllon was strongly
choice of the entire board and Gover
nor Chamberlain was strongly In
his favor.
L. Arnold, Motorman, Starts
Row With Conductor and
is Shot by Another.
(By Associated Press.
SEATTLE, March 30. L. Arnold,
p. motor man off duty, and drinking,
quarrelled with Conductor Kock on
the South Park car and was shot
and killed early today by C. F. Cush
man, a passenger. Arnold struck
tho conductor who Is an elderly man
and Cushman interfered. Cushman
who is a watchman in tho United
States ABsay office, gave himself up
to the police, claiming self defense.
There are two councllmen to bo
olected on April Gth, In Myrtle Point
to succeed Councllmen W. W. Will
iams and E. A. Dodgo, whoso terms
expire with this year. Four men
were placed in nomination for theso
offices, namely: R. C. Dement, J. L.
Lowellen, W. O. Cooper and J. D.
Barklow. i "ftfij
For city recorder I. E. Rose," tho
present incumbent, and V. L. Ar
rington were placed on tho ticket.
For city treasurer J, M. Arrlngton,
tho present treasurer, and E, 'ty. Her
mann were nominated. Myrtlo
Point Enterprise,
President Castro of Venezuela
Fears United States May
Try to Get Them.
(By Associated Press.)
25 via Willemstad, Curucoa, March
30. Minister Russel has advised Dr.
Jose De Jesus Paul, tho Venezuelan
foreign minister, that pouches of
official mall brought Into La Guayra
for the cruiser Tacoma had been
opened at La Guayra. Russell said
Is was very serious matter and asked
for an investigation. Paul replied
that tho opening of tho pouches was
aicidental and that only a prejudiced
mind could call the occurrence "very
serious" as the contents of the pouch
so wero not disturbed. Tho incident
of tho mall bags, coupled with the
return of the Tacoma to La Guayra
today caused great excitement In
President Castros organ, El Con
stitutional, published an editorial
entitled "What Does Roosevelt
Want?" in which It declares that
Sec. Root, under tho Influence of
Roosevelt, and Inspired by Americans
holding claims against Venezuela, Is
following a premeditated plan of
creating a conflict with this republic.
The paper also says that the United
States purpose is to raise tho flag
of conquest In South America and
that tho American Government does
not intend to recognize the finality
of tho decision of tho Venezuelan
Emperor of Japan Bestows Highest
Honor in His Power on Lute
J). W. Stevens.
(By Associated Press.!
TOKIO, March 30. Tho Emperor
bestowed today on tho late Durham
White Stevens, assassinated In San
Francisco by a Korean, the decora
tion of the Grand Rising Sun, tho
highest order In Japan. Tho Japan
ese government gave $75,000 to the
family of the murdered diplomat and
tho Korean government will glvo
about $25,000.
Over $10,000 Prize Money for
Capture of Bukley Wells'
Assailants in Colorado.
(By Associated Press.)
TELLURIDE, Colo.,. March 30.
No trace has yet been secured of the
miscreants who attempted to as
sassinate former AdJUBtant General,
Bukley Wells, of the Colorado Mlllt
tla Friday night. Tho rewards offer
ed for their apprehension now total
Robert llruco Bryan Succumbs To
Apoplexy After Heine; Unconscious
For Days,
(By Associated Press.)
Robert Bruco Bryan, State Superin
tendent of Public Instruction, died
hero today of apoplexy from which
dlscaso ho has been unconscious
slnco Friday. Tho deceased was a
veteran of tho civil war, having
served with tho third Iowa. Mr.
Bryan was tho first superintendent
of public Instruction in Washington.
rnONE 111 Tor messenger boy to
carry parcels and run errands.
Only Five Bodies of Victims at
Hanna Recovered Up to
Noon Today.
Entire Town in Mourning and
Hope of Rescuing Any One
Alive is Given Up.
(By Associated Press.)
HANNA, Wyo., March 30. Tho
bodies of only live of tho fifty-nine-miners
and mine officials killed In the
Ill-fated mlno No 1 of tho Union Pa
cific Coal Company, by two explosions
Saturday night, havo been recovered-
Tho other bodies will probably not
bo reached for several days.
Tho disaster Is ono of tho worst
that has ever occurred In tho mines
of this State. Just what was tho
cause of It has not been explained.
1 ' Tho whole town is in mourning,
tho weeping and walling of the
widows and orphans of tbo victims
confronting ono on every hand andL
presenting ono of the most piteous
spectacles that could bo encountered.
Everyone who possibly could has.
been working night and day to res
cuo the entombed men. For a time.
It was hoped that many might bo
rescued allvo but this hope has now
been given up.
Muzzle of Big Gun Blows Off
During Magdalena Bay
Target Practice.
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON, March 30. Dung
ing target practice Saturday, at Mag
dalena Bay, ono hundred and forty
liienes of tho muzzlo of ono of tho
six-Inch broadside guns on tho Mis
souri blew off. Tho fracture Is clean
and did not Indicate any flaw In the
metal. No ono was Injured. The
practico was continued.
Tho torpedo boat, Blakeley, on
gaged In torpedo practice nt St.
John's Bay, Fla., was compelled to
return to tho Pcnsacola navy yard
whero It will bo necessary to dock
tho vessel to make repairs. Tho de
tails of tho accident aro not given in
tho report to tho navy department
except that tho vessel was pierced by
a torpedo.
Knights of Pythias District
Convention Called for
Marshfield on May 20.
Tho Knights of Pythla3 of south
western Oregon, will hold a conven
tion In Marshflold May 20th, and It Is
expected that it will bo tho largest
and most lmportnnt gathering that
tho lodgo has over hold in this sec
tion. A largo number of delegates
from all of the surrounding lodges
aro expected to bo In attendance.
Ono of tho features of tho conven
tion will bo a drill contest betweon
tho degree teams of tho various
lodges, special prlzos being awarded
to the onos making tho best show
ing. Tho samo trophies aro awarded
from year to year, tho lodgo first
gnlning holding them until other
lodges wrost them away.
W, C. Chase of Coqulllo, and
others aro now nt work on tho pro
gram which will bo Issued within u
fow days.
Launch Juanlta will leave
Pioneer hardware dock at 8:3tr
o'clock overy morning for Allegany -Returnu
every ovonlnf at 4:30.
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