THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1908. PAY TRIBUTE 10 GODS BAY Many Speakers Before Cham ber of Commerce Laud its Possibilities. "Impresions of Coos Bay and estimates of its possibilities" was the general theme of half a dozen speak ers betore the Marshlleld Chamber of Commorco last night. The subject was handled in an instructive and en tertaining manner by each, and, as the majority of them were people from outside of Coos Bay, the enthu siasm which they expressed over southwestern Oregon was even re freshing to the largo audience of Coos Bay boosters present. The speakers of the evening were J. T. Lighter of Portland, It. D. Hume of Wedderburn, Judge K. I. Perkey of Boise, Idaho; Al. Rogers of an eastern firm which is endeavoring to establish a milk condensing plant in Alnrshllold, and Captain Aiagenn of the Breakwater, Secretary Walter Lyon of the organization, presided. Han-inum's Port. Mr. Lighter's address was decided ly Interesting and rather a surprise to the audience. Ills subject was "Coos Bay as an Outlet for the In land Empire." "Coos Bay Is bound to become one of the great ports If not the great port on the Pacific coast and this within a comparatively few years," Bald Air. Lighter. "Tho Coos Bay harbor is susceptible of wonderful improvement. I make this prediction for Coos Bay after several years of study and investiga tion. Portland is sliding down the scale as a great shipping point and is bound to continuo to do so. Tho causo of this Is that the Columbia river, despite the millions of dollars that havo been and aro being spent on It, is getting worse each year for navigation purposes. There Is not as mucn water on its oar now as there used to be and largo vessels will not be able to cross it. Astoria lias failed to developed as a port. Tho railroads situation has also served to work agaln&t Portlnd and Astoria in favor of Tacoma and Seattle. Recent developments in the railroad situa tion whereby Air. Hill of tho Great Northern and the Northern Pacific lines has practically shut Air. Harrl inan of the Union Pacillc, Southern Pacific and Oregon Short lino out of tho northern ports will bo beneficial to Coos Bay. It means that Air. Ilar rlnian must look to Coos Bay as his one great port for his northern lines tho point at which tho vast amount of freight brought from tho Inland Empiro by his Union Paclflc-'-OrogQn Short line must bo trans-shipped. Tho Ilill-Harriman war also means tho construction of many miles of railroad throughout Oregon. As you know, the railroad pool which has been broken by Hoosevolt and the merger suits for years provonted tho construction of railroad lines in Ore gon i emitting in this stato having less miles of railroad than any other stato anywhoro near Its population and Its productive record." Judge K. I. Perkey of Boise, Ida ho, spoke briefly, lie said that ho was a firm believer In the possibilities of Coos Bny and his confidence in its future had caused him to Invest (lulto heavily here. Ho urged all of its citizens to pull together, to bo enthusiastic boosters and eliminate tho "Knocker." Will Divide T.nml. H. D. Ilumo spoke briefly but en thusiastically of tho possibilities of southwestern Oregon. Ho said that ho was certain that tho big land holders would soon realize that they must hearken to tho volco of tho peo plo and throw open their great tracts of land for settlement. He said that his llttlo experiment of offering small tracts to settlers to start them had convinced him that thorp was groat demand for tho land. IIo said that tho productiveness of tho land horo Insurod wealth for thoso who would dovolop it. Ho said that tho railroad was certain to como soon and that a comparatively fow years would wit ness a wonderful transformation In this section. Coor Bay. ho declared, if locnted in tho old world would bo transformed Into a wondorful harbor, its sides walled up and It mndo a great shipping center. Cunt. Miigonn's Poem. Captain Magonn on tho Break water, declared that thoro was no harbor on tho Pacific coast that com pares with Coos Bay and ho expressed tho contldouco that it would bo made the most of in a fow years. Ho also recited nn original poom, entitled "Tho Scotchmnn and tho Swede," which ollclted much anplnuso. Mr Rogers said that a coudenslng jilr.nt hero wns bound to bo a groat factor In tho development of tho country in addition to paying tho people well who put It In. Tho grent nmoiint of forago which en ables tho cheap production of milk is certain to make this u great dairy center. BREAKWATER SAILED WITH MANY TODAY. Largo Number Lcne Coos Bay For Portland mid Other Northern Points. Tho Breakwater sailed today for Portland, carrylug a largo number ftom Portland. Among them were: C L. Weaver, J. A. Patanaude, C. B. Anderson, W. Allen, Airs. W. Allen Wm. Kiff, Airs. Klff, Airs. Goss, Air. Perky, Airs. Perky, F. J. Shea, G. Drullus, J. V. Woodhead, AI. Bren an, II. C. Adley, F. H. Hughes, P. Breck, A. Welnden, P. B. Galagher, AIlss Lena Larson, J. Flam, Airs. Flam, Blanche Flam, Wm. Broad fern, W. S. Page, T. B. Whiteside, F G. Thayer, Airs. F. G. Thayer, W. G Kegler, II. Saxrud, F. B. AIcFar land, C. S. AIcDuffy, It. W, Stewart, Airs. F. AI. Bllven, F. W. Weeks, Airs. Stephens, II. Bradley, A. AI. Long, C. Spofford, B. C. Priest, Kanan, S. Alahed and C. Nelson. L. A SACRED CONCERT. $ VV W 7 V Next Sunday fvrvrrFsxrTwjmmi Mjcgrajgnffij 'Tffty ?-T frTan3 R2??SK! Our New Gas Plant A most excellent musical program has been arranged for the Sunday evening service at the Presbyterian Church, corner of A and Fourth streets. This service will mark the passing of the second mile-stone by this church under tho present pas torate, which lends to it a peculiar significance. The service in detail Is as follows: Organ prelude Alarch of the Priests," Alendelssohn; Prof. Elmer A. Todd. Anthem "The Lord is Exalted," West; tho choir. Hymn "Praise the Lord; Ye Heavens Adore Him," tho congrega tion. Invocation, the Allnister. Soprano solo "Fear Ye Not O Israel," Buck; Aliss Lillian Hall. Anthem "Soft Floating on the Evening Air," Root; tho choir. Scripture reading, the Allnister. Bass solo; selected; Air. Andrew Landels. Anthem "I'm a Pilgrim," Mars- ten; tho choir. Prayer, tho Minister. Offertory. Soprano solo "Charity," Faure; Airs. J. W. Ingram. Address, H. H. Brown. Anthem "Sing Alleluia Forth," Buck; tho choir. Prayer and benediction, tho Allnis ter. Organ postlude Offertolro in C, Batiste; Elmer A. Todd. The public will note with pleasure that tho service is Interspersed with solos by thoso who have already won a largo place in their appreciative esteem. Tho choir however has only recently been organized under the direction of Professor Elmer A. j luuu, uikuuibl, Uliu una aui viuu win V bo In a sense its promioro to tho gen-1 & oral nubile. A cordial welcome Islv extended to all, but tho attention of '? strangers is specially called to thisKV 7 l VIP O Jf a5P H i I 8 will be open to the public for inspection You are in vited to call and go through the plant The erecting en gineer will be there, and can answer any questions in re gard to the manufacture and distribution of crude oil gas. We have no hesitancy in saying this is the finest gas equipment of any similar sized city in the Northwest Our plant is located im mediately back of the Porter Mill at North Bend. Parties from Marshfield can land at the Porter Ship Yard We have just let a contract with the Marine Iron Works for an ad ditional oil tank of 10,000 barrels capacity so there is absolutely no danger of our ever being short of oil for making gas Respectfully, 3IX-3y I Make Room For New Books Here is a great and unusual op portunity for the Book Lovers ot Coos Bay. We recently purchased, a largo lino of now books and found that wo have no place to put them. Then there was only one thing to do. Sell the old books. To do this we. determined to cut tho prices to a, point that would not only be temp ting but would compel you to buy. Tho cost does not enter Into the transaction. Wo aro making a price, positively Irresistible. Remember these books aro not cheap books, but the best books made. Well printed, handsomely bound and tho original prico was a reasonable price, the present price at which wo are selling Is a genuine bargain. Tho list embraces books for all classes and all ages of readers. Thero are books for children, gift books and books for tho thoughtful reader. There aro many old favorites and doubtless somo book that you havo been wanting and wishing for. Now 1? the time- to get it. SALE COMMENCES TOMORROW. READ THE LIST NOTE THE PRICE. Romain Kalbris 50c 25 City Ballads 1.25 City Legends 1.25 The Hartwell Farm 50 rni.A Tn.l.. p A- .- i t it i"o iiiuuuu auuu l.uu Settlers in Canada 50 Hasselas 25 Jack and Jill 1.50 Little Alen and Women 1.50 r' service TALK OF Til 10 TOWS. Tho Sunday Chicken Dinner at Smith's Cafe aro tho talk of the town. Ask your friends or como to morrow and you will know tho rea son for it. C Bay Gas, Electric Co. regon ... CiVV ZEsssmszissEivmsL S'SSS'X ACRE TRACTS HOMkS HOME SITESINVESTMENTS. Acre-tracts well located One aero up SI 7.1 and up. Mnu Improved now home, close In S1.H50 Now modern oottiigo 1,750 i'uie building slto Railroad addition N Fiua Jevtl block in WVut M arali field, close in; big snap ' 3,500 40 ucree on Coon River; houso and no in o cultivated bottom , , iHlid 750 Qotjd 'buy In farm, Umber, coal lands. InvoiitmontB of ovory do uurlptlon. , I. Sr Kaufman Co. ' 'Across lfrom Chnmbor of Com .. merce. SgCTMSreCTTOJgJ!Sg!SXanK 8 Un7 Mlrrs HaMa 1 WIr U a in huh ums in a ii uuh i rat te u w u n k bv bj r vm on m k . - I i v Savo $1.00 on your Fishing Tackle. i X " si.oo " Dishes. I i i x IS i " 3.00 " Spray Pump. j ? i jj " 4.00 " Carpenter Tools. $ 3 II r .... r OI..I T ' V """ . -h. 3 Hams 16 and 1?o I " fo.oo " Building Ildwre. (j i . 1 i " 20.00 " Plumbinit Job. U Z H r 1 . REEF !T. Bono Steak l"c Tenderloin " 15c a ,., , ,.-. . t Prime Ribs 12 JS Bsuxram;m'jsx..izmit--; t ,n , m Ml,. t1-- vi.s aata y Rump Roast lie Z " Shoulder , 10c No. ! WlniH'r of Second C.isli Prh ': Ail. Coiitest. v PORK ' iiiiWintii m i ill ii hi ff?BMfm,ffiyTarrgT"rTr'wr"irfr""''"" ''""-aF' ? i,eg 0f pork 13c I R X - Loln Cnon 15c . Evoi' lml'in.'ll nersmi 16 itmlnuorl wlfli (lvn nntnrnl sniisea I wi a namely as follows. j ra w-v y K Star Bacon, tho best Huvored on earth. J S SIHOND SEEINti That "(loldon Gate Lard" is tho whltost ' B , it 'Phone 1941 C and uiout liuro manufactured. A g THIRD lIKARINd What othei' poofl? liavo to say about 3 n uuin &Ur.' Co.'s product. fe 9 ....... ,., .. .. .... .... ....... ..,,.' t,. -,..-. es or I i wi mil C I'.r.lil.Ui ij mo enegi migv inuiiiK .iiroaituiii. oi t a " 1'rluirom) Haul" nud ottus'i or potatoen frlsd iu Goldon Onto lard, g t. or Eastern Star Bueon gravy. ' w ft . j) U 1'11-TH TALKINd Is when you try to persuade your neigh- jj EJ borti and frloiuU that they should also use tho host. d ft The goods to bo found at all up-to-dato stores and shop3. j f ' , G .'h'ltt1.' rrmc"rssBnm i i in nwrnrn $ -d-rrSTv U3 UiW Willi Dsx People Trade i Because wo make the prices right, buy the best meat that tho Stato of Oregon can produce. If wo cannot find it in Coos County we ship it in. Wo have just received a ship ment of the finest smoked meat that the UNION MEAT CO., of Portland affords. We sell it at Bacon 16, 18 and 22c Fresh Meat as Follows Shoulder 'Chop 12 Fresh Side 12 Pork Sausage 10c Hamburg 10c LARD 5 lb pail Lard 05c 101b pall Lard $1.30 VEAL Leg of Veal 15c Choico Cutlet 15c Veal Stew 10c SAUSAGES .Frankfurters 10c Bologna 10c Liver Sausage 10c All Fresh Homo Alado Sausages. Nice Beef Bologona 10c Soup Aleat from 3 to 7c JIUTTON Leg of Lamb- 15c Lamb Chop 15c Lamb Stew 10c Old Fashioned Girl 1.50 Under tho Lilacs 1.50 Rose in Bloom 1.50 Joy's Boys 1.50 Eight Cousins 1.50 Northern Lights 50 Trilby 1.75 South wad Ho 50 Bllthedalo Romance 50 Six Little Princesses 50 Cuckoo Clock 50 Alellichampe 25 Sketch Book, by Irving 50 Rab and his Friends 50 Classics 1.00 Danto 1.00 Voltaire 1.00 Pascal 1.00 Petrarch 1.00 Goethe 1.00 Alollcro 1.00 Alontaigno 1.00 Rabelais 1.00 Calderon 1.00 Saint Simon 1.00 Conrellle and Racine 1.00 Aladamo de Sevlgno 1.00 Classic Tales 50 Loves Aladness 25 The Usurper 50 Legend Sleepy Hollow 2.00 Sigund Slembo 1.50 Andersons Fairy Tales 1,00 Autocrat of Breakfast Table Alother Goose Teddy Bears 1.50 Ozma of Oz 1.25 Holiday Stories 50 .Tip-Top 50 Fair Inez 50 Chatter Bright Stories 1.00 Xmas with Santa Claus 1.00 John Dough and tho Cherub 1.25 Guess? 1.25 Guess Again? 1.25 Rhymes of Childhood 1.50 Alidsummer Night's Dream i nn Wizard of Oz 1.25 What of It 1.00 Alother Gooso A. B, C. Book Rhymes and Chimes From Alother Goose Tho King of tho Golden v River 50 The Adventure of a Brownie 50 Jackanapes 50 Snow Bound 50 Brilliants 35 The Simple Life 25 A Nameless Wrestler 1.00 Tattle Tales of Cupid 40 85 85 25 50 05 25 15 1.00 1.00 1 .on 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 35 50 25 25 25 25 15 25 25 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 15 25 00 (15 50 1.00 85 25 25 25 30 05 80 00 00 00 50 00 50 10 Tho Great War Syndicate Give us a trial and we will convince you that, we can please you and save youTmoney R. H. NOBLE, Proprietor "Something new" in oither home office furniture means no moro room and no moro uso for tho "old thlugs" the things that woro serv ing you only tho other day. AND THIS ALWAYS MEANS ".MORE WORK FOR THE WANT, ADS." Tho goods to bo found at all up-to-dato stores and shop3. i "IE?qT JV;,!!1 i '.l f JTC?1! Turn, to the classified ads, may find It in two minutes! -you Somewhere, in or near this city, is a piece of property which YOU SHOULD OWN which would be worth more to you than to ANY ONE ELSE and It may bt adror tUod to-day! Isn't, a, good servant .worth ad vertising for? ' , , , Lays of Ancient Romo He Giveth His Be i loved Sleep Dulces Promise Crown of Wild Olives Miss Toosey's Alission Cheerfulness An .Iron Will Good Alanners and cess Character Gray Champion Gypsys Year at tho Golden Crescent Valiant Runaways Blgelow Papers Tho Servant Girl Qucs Hon 40 25 1.00 50 30 40 50 50 50 1.00 40 40 30 50 10 25 25 30 20 15 50 20 20 15 25 20 I 25 50 20 20 t 15 25 To Make Sure Of getting tho book you want come early. Thoy will not last long at thpso prices. Yours For Rook Bargains. "THE BUSY CORNER." Lockhart-Parsons DRUG CO. 'The Busy Center" 1 '- 4 t ! tftkJi'M -- . i 4 '- ?:: - T id i i. -uaUA jf F ?Hk