The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 28, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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A-i M
Ml I
at i
ft '
able and happy for It means In
dependence and a competency.
In the Interior country, large sums
-an Ni)Err.NnF.M hi riniMCAN newwapfb tin- of money are expended In providing
-MsHEii r.vniY tvEMMi ETcEiT si-m)iy, ami Irrigation for arid lands and the land
weekly nv. 1 13 put under tribute for an Indefinite
The Coos Kay Times Publishing Co. ' period to pay the enormous cost. In
this country, it nugiu cosi quite a
Entered t the iiostolllco at Mnrlilleld, Ore
gon, for tranMnlsslon tbiough tlie mails n
second data mull mutter.
M. C. MALOXHY. . .Killtor and Pub.
DAN 13. 3IALOXHY. . . .Xcws Kditor
In Atlvaiice.
Ono Year. .
Six. months
?C no
sum to clear the bench lands, but
once cleared they would far exceed
In value and productiveness any of
the interior arid irrigated tracts.
Some corporation could make money
by clearing a large tract economical
ly, building houses on every ten acres
and making a business of settling the
same in a rational and complete man
ner. It would be a better project
than the Irrigation of the arid In
terior, and there are thousands of
such acres In this region which can
i bo purchased cheaply and which are
JLess than 0 months per month
"One Year '
The policy of the Coos Day Tinius
-will be Republican in politics, with
.iho independence of which 1'resiaent
jioosevelt is tne leading exponent.
' ?1 fertile, suitable for a great variety of
j fataplo products. But, the man who
goes Into market gardening now and
JI.jO is willing to be industrious and tem-
'. J perato is sure to gain a competency
in the Uoos liny country.
Address All Communications to
JlIni'Mifk'ld Oregon
In last evening's issue The Times
Inadvertently made a misstatement
that it desires to correct. The state
jnent was not only at variance with the
.facts but also at variance with tho
The Library entertainment at the
Opera House last evening, was a
literary and musical event which re
flects credit on the intelligence and
refinement of Marshfield. Mrs. In
gram who sang "A Gypsy Maiden,"
looked the picture of beauty and
was In fine voice. She sang with
such effect that the delighted au
dience insisted on an encoro and
would have continued to call her
to the platform If politeness had not
forbade. The Piano Duet by Pro
fessor Elmer A. Todd and Mrs. Wil
liam Lawlor, with cornet obllgato
by Mr. Hayes Howard was rendered
jsrinclples and policies of this papa
in its editorial on Statement No. 1 it ' with tho skill for which the three
jjavo what purported to bo the text ' musical artists who performed are
noted. Notwithstanding some rather
oi auuemoni ino. i in winuii n. b .....,., ,nRfl,iVJint.iL'es. such
jiubllshed that no man should be the failure to properly heat the hall,
.nominated for tho' legislature who Mr. Lawrenco A. Liljeqvlst in his
,tlld not subscribe unqualifiedly reading interpretation of Philip's fa-
to jho stntomiMit following The ' mo"B pmy "Paol d Francesca
to xho statement loiiowinb. ne )roV(jd hlnlBelf to be a trained and
.error was very evident and it is talented exponent of tho dramatic
idlfficult to understand how it es- art. At the very outset tho readers
.caped detection betoro publication. ' voice did not show its best quality,
Desiring to give the text of the fam. owing in all probability to the cool
" ., , . , , ness of the atmosphere in the hall,
ous statement No. 1 and not having Th,s (lefect continuod through the
easy access to the law the editor ; flrst two acts, but in tho last two
seized a newspaper clipping and add- j oven that, slight as it was, dlsap
ed it to the editorial thinking it Con-' l'"-el and the parts were rendered
. , .. . .... , . . f with the full tones and the just ex-
talned only the text ot the statement. , of tho born actor.
He did not read it again in tho rush Tj10 audience, however, may not
o other work and It passed tho proof gcnernlly have noticed the deficiency
reader i mentioned which, in fact, was no de
rm, ' mi, i,n i ah,mi ficlency except by comparison with
Tho Times believes In Statement q B,irnr,B,ngIy effective work done
No. 1 but docs not think that ad- In tho stlrrlns scenes of the last two
Jierenco to or unqualified endorse'
mont of it fs a test of republican'
acts. It was evident from the be
ginning that the reading was In no
The editor of the Times Is a a? nmatoi ir Performance but
republican and yields to no ono In m.ofcsslonai. Those who were pros
Jiij loyalty to its policies and prin- out who are fnmillnr with readings
.c.lples. He bolloves the party and its1 and plays of this description know
-candidates should be such that tholrlthnt this is in no snse an extrava
,, , , .. , , ,, fgp.nt statement. The reader had
jiollcies and their acts should meot 1 1Tmlo tho ,neB hs own so that n0
tho npproval of the majority prompting or even reference to notos
.of tho people. The Republican par- wnri necssarv. His splendldlv
ty is a party of tho people. It came I trained and modulated voice met nil
, . , , , , , , ,,, ,,. the needs of change from character
Into being and into power as tho e.v- iif, spx moat mltumllv- Tho rendor
jiouent of ti prlnclplo that caused ' wnJ forgotten completely in his work
.strong passions and the greatest and tho story of the unfortunate love
.divisivo strife tho country has evor1' tho hero nnd heroin was tin
known. The peopIo upheld the party j 'ncoS tho
then and In upholding It uphold tho!U1(1onco nt throughout with bated
.government and tho Union. The Ke- brepth. The stlrrli'ir srnes In such
jmbllcan party has no cause to lear , n plnv nro always difficult to render,
tho verdict lesulting ft out an appeal "wrninllv when read without the
, ., ins'ilrntion of tho stn-re trpolngs,
direct to the people. Hint is tho bas,-;.,,, t)l0 ,ogt ()f qucc9Ssfui rendition
Jc principle of Statement No. 1. The B sustained when tb nudieneo
Jenders bhould bo wise enough to passo3 Into tlm rpoho with tho actor
their appeal clear and In- '' yam-r phi ira urim """)'"
oiiuil viin liiu iii.iit n Jin. i.,i iimj-
lelligent. They should avoid fac
tionalism, hut tho people bo in
formed on the issues and abide by
ttelr verdict
vlst's work that tho scenes, whether
of love or fancy, of peace or battle,
of merriment or trngedy, were
At present wo cannot nmi "minces and tho audience a part
lect United Statessenalorsdlrcctbut ' TIl0' ti10nt,.o WPrs who lavc S0Pn
Stntement No. 1 offects this. I hat j .,, of tl0 Pnsscl,i on tho stage,
is why Tho Times favors it but It immunized in "P'mlo nnd Francosca"
lias no duarrol with tho republican , Hi., foni.-vos of "rrancesca dl Rimi
iwii!r,.u .i.i. ii v ,..... u strlv-1"1-" "'' ' !"ii on the boards
Jng for the best results. Wo can
not seo things at all times the same.
for mam jours, but thoy also recog-
nl'od tlio fact that the master ge
nius of Stephen Philip had not only
lenovated It, but had infused Into
It the beauties and tho power of his
stilendld Inspiration. Marshfield
may bo congratulated on its posses-
Living is high on Coos llaj'. Tliero slon l the talent to Interpret such
is no reason to doubt it. No doubt, I n piece, anil the possibility ot ns
it Is a slight drawback to expansion, isiMiibllng an audience capable,
but it is also well-known that where-; through cultivation and Instinct, of
over living Is high there are other appreciating it. Tho Library Com
conditions which people desire, inltleo netted for the library fund
There are, usuallj opportunities nearly $100 so that tho benefit may
whero living is high. For instance, j bo reg.uded as a financial success.
the bcarcitj of vegetables, eggs, but-
ter and those food products whleh FOR RF.PRKSKXTATIVK.
aro ranked as necessaries Is due to j 1 hereby announce myself a can
tho growth of population beyond the dldato for representative In the
supply. On Cons Hay theio are not I legislative assembly, subject to the
enough of any of these products and jttppi oval of Coos County Republican
not enouuli competitions In raising
nnd vending thoni. Truck gardeners
4iro fow In number, what they raise
they feel Independent about. They
do not trouble themselves about sell
ing it. It sells itself. It Is nbbolutoly
Jmporatlvo that market gardeners got
busy, that tho cost of living may bo
reduced and that tho wages paid by
our growing industries may bo suf
Cclent to permit tho wage-earners to
.be -satisfied.
Tho oppot Utility for market gar
jflunurs is ono which the Chamber of
Commerce and all citizens should
jnako a very prominent feature of.
If wo cannot lmvo a class of white
gardeners, tho probability is that
sooner or later wo shall seo that un
tdealrablo thing occur the infiux of
(.Chinese gardeners who will till tho
will and cheapen tho products thereof
unnecessarily. Wage-camera who
Jlnd fault with tho conditions should
-bethink themselves that if tho cost
uf Hi lug Is too high, tho chance pres
ents ItBolf to leave tho work of cum
lug wages and enter that of produc
ing things for tho wage-earnor to eat.
i'robnbly no man over came into this
section of tho country with a little
money or with n hopo that ho could
savo a little monoy but ho thought
ftie might purcuaso a, fow acres of
land and sot out an orchard, have
lionoy bees, or cows, and put In a
vegetable garden. When attended to (
properly, the llfo is healthy, profit-1
electors at the primary olectlon,
April 17, 1U0S, and respectfully
solicit the support of all Repub
licans. L. D. KINNEY, North Dend.
la dining Sunday at Smith's Cafo.
Chicken, sweet and tender tomorrow.
CATHOLIC Mass at S o'clock and
10:30. Tho Rev. Father Donnel
ly, pastor.
KIMSCOPAL. Sunday morning and
ovontng sorvlcca at tho usual
hours. W. Horsfall, pastor.
ler will preach in East Marshfield
Sunday, at 'A p. in., in tho school
house at East Side; Sunday school
at 1! p. m.
will bo held in Masonic Templo
Sunday at 11 a. m.; subject,
"Reality." A cordial Invitation is
oxtended to nil.
Red Men's hall Morning service,
11 a, m.; Sunday school, 12 a. m.;
Luther League, 6:46 i. m.; oven-
17 i
n h
From a House f Quality
ConnpSete line of Hark, Scliaffer
Marx Suites ready for i
This Season the Styles and Patterns of Fabrics in
Men's Clothes ate unusually striking. More bright
colors, more smart patterns and weaves; a stock of
Men's Clothes like ours looks almost giddy
We'll show you the new fine goods for Spring,
made in their perfect way, of all wool fabrics, in the
richest and most attractive patterns; not too lively,
nor too quiet just right
Spifoz ScfeoeEbergs High Grade
Clothing for Youths', Boy's and
Young Men
Including the popular Knickerbocker Suits
mm Wm wM
W mm Wmi
Copyright 1908 by Hart Schaffner & Marx
Cluett Shirts and fine Neckwear for Easter Shoppers
We have just received a large assortment of Men's fine Dress Shirts, made especially for Easter wear, and all wc have to say,
is, that they are the prettiest lines we ever had the pleasure of Displaying. We represent the best Neckwear Houses in the business.
Come Here For Your Real Nifty Toggery
The Real Gents' Outfitters
o A,anm'v'B ca sjwiwjw
-rf5:2Si?LU a
? rfL . ITP-w . w '. i 5 '-V u
v.; : t "w .. . , .-, ..K ru
v:iw4i'i.t..rv ". jr.rf'- ,rrAr in
naSKssn, v: .-i-i'" r
: "'T&tsbPi? --z.
! We- Carry A FuS! Line of Cigars
Tifi and Soft Drinks
Besides having the best equipped
Billiard Parlors on the Bay
Something new in Oak Dining Room Z
iauies w c nave hiusl aiiyumig yuu
may want for your dining room, from
a nice table and chair to the silverware
to set the table.
& Harvey
ete House Furnishers
4. s
IJ Bo It No
II What?
T ::
I ti
I if
Archei- c Mercer FropSo
H..IH"I11H"H"I-M"I"I"1"I"H' J-H'!
IiiK service, 7:30 p. m. Wm
Holl, pastor.
school, 9:30 a. in.; morning serv
ice, 10:30 a. in,; young people's
society, 6:30 p. in.; Union service,
7:30 p. in.; preaching tit Kost
Marshneld Sunday nftornoon by
How Dongaton.
M. Uible school, Claude Stuts
man, superintendent; 11 A. M.
Sermon: "Tho Christian's Herlt
ugo"; 3 P. M. Junior Union, Ivan
Gulovson, superintendent; C:30
P. M. Young people's sorvlco;
7:30 P. M. Sermon: "Two Kinds
ot Help." Special music at th
ovenlnc service, with C. J. Mlllls
b choir director; all, especially I
strangers nro invited to our serv
ices. You will bo given a hearty
welcomo, come. D. W. Thurston,
school convenes nt 10 o'clock.
Morning service nt 11 o'clock with
a special sermon to tho young peo
ple on "Growing Insldo." Chris
tian Endoavor service Is at 6:30
o'clock. Topic, "Progress in the
Philllplnes." At 7:30 o'clock, a
sacred concert will bo given by the
cnolr, which is under tho direction
of Professor Elmer A. Todd, or
ganist. This special service is in
commemoration of tho completion
of the second year of service of the
present pastorate. H. H Brown,
Prepare for
Easter in time.
Everything ready for
the occasion
Why not come and see what I have?
There Is something doing In tho Hat, Tie, Shirt, So::, Belt and Fancy
Vest business at my store, Get Next,
Tailor Made Suits Always.
Marshfield, Oregon
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