ADVERTISE Systematic adver tising in Tho Times always brings re sults. It is tho remedy for dull or sick business and the tonic for grow ing business. Try it and see for yourself. K (Ettpa &wxm NEWS. Iveep up with tho times by reading the Coos Bay Times. Lc al, foreign and domestic news tersely told while it is nows. Then patron ize Times advertisers and get tho most for your money. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. II. THE DAILY fJOOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1908. No. 225". mm ATTEMPT TO KILL COLORADO M WITH DYNAMITE BOMB Former Adjutant-Gen. Buckley Wells has Miraculous Escape. HURLED MANY FEET WITH DEBRIS OF HOME. Bed on Which he was Sleeping Reduced to Splinters by Explosion. TELLURIDE, Colo,. March 28. Former Adjustant General Bukley Wells, of Colorado narrowly escaped death or serious injury in his home at an early hour this morning from the explosion of a dynamite bomb placed near his bed on the outer porch on which he was sleeping as If his custom. Wells was hurled with the debris many feet from the wrecked house, the side of which was torn com pletely out. Hardly a stick of the bod remained. Wells is said to have escaped with out injury. Tho house has been guarded again st such attempt by patrols and elec tric lights. 5 General Wells is manager of the Smuggler Union Mine and his home, where the explosion occurred, is located on that property at Pandora, several miles from town, Wells ap peared in town early this morning, his head bandaged but otherwise ap parently none tho worse for his ex perience. One suspect was arrested and is hold pending an Investigation. The entire city and country police forces are working on the case. More ar rests are expected today. Wells himself telephoned the news of tho explosion to the authorities and soon the neighborhood was being scoured but no trace of the dyamlters has been found. The bomb of dynamite had evident ly been placed under the bed some time yesterday and was set off by clock work or a time fuse, but no ' trace of the machinery can be found. General Wells predecessor as man ager of the Smuggler Union, Arthur L. Collins, an Englishman, was shot to death several years ago. Steve Adams, tho alleged accompl ice of Harry Orchard murderer of Ex-Gov. Steunenberg of Idaho, is now in jail In Tellurido and waiting trial for that crime. Wells was alone in tho house last night. Ho sleeps on the porch most of the year. IVANS SEEKS Admiral Leaves Flee;t to, Take Treatment 'at California Resort. , . .- (By Associated tress.) WASHINGTON, March '28'. Ad miral Evans, 'commanding the' At lantic fleet, is on his way from Mag dalena Bay to San Francisco on board the Connecticut. Ho will go to San Luis Obispo by rail to take treatment at the springs. The Con necticut will 'return 'to Magdalena at once. This information was re ceived at the Navy Department 'by wireless today. Admiral Evans will resume command of' 'tho fleet when it reaches San Diego. It has practi cally ben decided that tho Atlantic fleet will make a short visit at Auck land, N. Z before going to Sydney, Australia. DELAY ALDRICH BILL. HEALTH CURE Currency Measure Cannot Reach Houses Until Wednesday. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, March 28. Tho Aldrich currency bill failed to reach tho houso today as was expected, owing to the fact that tho senate was not in session and, according to the rules tho biU cannot, reacn. tho Houso until Wednesday when tho sonato cgain convenes ITER ID BABES ESCAPE Mrs. Wm. Judd Succeeds in Saving Three from Burning Home at North Inlet. JUST AS ROOF FELL IN. Fire Reaches Fixtures She Had Car ried Out and Thieves Try to Rob Her. Just after Mrs. Wm. Judd of North Inlet stepped outside of the thresh hold of her burning home, after re scuing her three little children and getting her jewelry and money, the rtof of tho structure fell in. The narraw escapo of tho woman and babes was the one streak of luck in the misfortune that befell the family. The fire originated from a defec tio flue and had gained consider able headway when Mrs. Judd, who was at home alone with her chil dren, discovered it. She was bathing her two weeks old child at the time. She at once took the little ones the oldest being less than three years old, to a point of safety and began to remove the furniture to a wood shed nearby. While thus engaged, she remembered her .money and jowelry and just after securing them, the roof fell. Other Misfortunes. The wind carried the flames from the burning house to the woodshed, destroying it and tho furniture that Mrs. Judd had lugged there for safe ty. Neighbors then came to tho res cue and she and the children wero taken to the hotel at North Inlet. Twice during the night following, sneak thieves almost succeeded in getting into her room and securing her little sum of money and jewelry but Were driven off in tho nick of time by the watchfulness of the hotel proprietor. Mr. Judd is employed In a logging camp. Tho neighbors have raised tidy sum to help the family and the Simpson Lumber Company has gen erously offered sufficient lumber to rebuild the burned home. SALE RIOT Scenes and Disorder Mark Placing of Widely advertised Securities. (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, March 28. Scenes almost approaching a riot occured today on the Broad Street curb when a widely advertised mining (stock was offered for sale the first time. Over Ave hundred brokers and mes sengers who had booked orders for stock became eager to execute their commissions and fought wildly to reach tho raen'who had tho stock for sale. Men and boys wero knocked down, trampled and tho sound of con flict brought hundreds of spectators "to the scene and it was noon before quiet was restored. FIX!) CLAY BED. Valuable Deposit Discovered Near .Myrtle Point. A gentleman from tho east has been in this vicinity this week In vestigating the clay beds to ascer tain tho presence of tho required raw material for the uso of a brick and tile plant. A fine bed of clay has boen. found on tho Guerin twenty northeast of tho city that seems to have unlimited possibilities and may bo developed in the future. Tho bed coversi an'. area ot at least three hundred feet in one direction and it is thought, that it will be found of good depth. Myrtle Point Enter prise. " I Has Removed from Town and Private Business Takes Up his Time Rumors of Other Resignations and Debate Over Police Uni forms Cause Much Com ment. Ivy Condron has resigned as a member of the Marshfleld City Coun cil and while several members of the council have informed him that it will not bo accepted, ho insists that he will not attend any more meet ings. He gives as a reason for his resignation that he has moved his home from tho city to his country ranch nnd also that his private busi ness affairs take up his time. The council would have probably acted on his resignation last night only his formal resignation was not convenient. Mayor Straw has not intimated whom he will appoint for the place but a number are urging Charles Johnson, the furniture man, for the place. There have been constant rumors tho last few days of other city ofll cials resigning but so far only one has been tubmitted. A speech by Mtyor Straw in the council last night was Interpreted by some who heard it as a threat to resign If some sort of system could not bo Injected Into municipal affairs and the course of business smoothened. Mayor Straw said today that he did not mean that he was going to resign and that he Intended to retain ofllco for another six months or a year. Councilman Flanagan, whose name was connected with the rumor, said today that ho had eight months more of his term to serve and that ho did not know whether ho would bo able to servo it out. Councilman Lockhart said that he had two years more to serve but, that he did not believe that he could serve It out. His time is taken up with his private business and he also believes that he would be better able to represent his direct Interest In municipal improvements off tho council than a member of it. Uniforms arc Discussed. Last night's council meeting devel oped unexpectedly Into one of the warmest of the year. It was started by Marshal Carter appearing before the body and asking that tho city of Marshfleld purchase uniforms for himself and the two .night watchmen. Councilman Lockhart approved of tho idea, saying that ho believed that uniformed men would bo a means of Improving tho police protection, and moved that uniforms be purchased for tho men. Mayor Straw then made a speech In which he commended Marshfleld upon its excellent police protection NOT GUILTY" San Francisco Bulletin Wins in Noted Libel Case Brought by Magnate. (By Associated Press.) SAN FRANCISCO, March 28. After deliberating four and a half hours tho jury In the trial of R. A. Crothers and Fremont Older, prop rietor and managing editor of the San Francisco Bulletin respectively, charged with criminally libelling W. S Tevis of the San Francisco Water Company brought in a verdict late last night of not guilty. BOATING AT COQUILLE. News of tho Navigators There as Told in The Herald. Tho new boiler for tho steamer Dispatch Is now in place and the connections are rapidly being made. The painters aro busy and will havo their part of tho work done in due time. She will bo white trimmed In red, and will look very nice. It Is expected that she will bo ready for her run by tho first of April, or poon after. The new boiler is of much greater size and capacity than tho old ono, and when put to its full working force will raako that boat move out at a speed sho has never known. When completed a trip on tho Dispatch will bo a pleasure tho traveling public of tho Coquillo has never had. Tho new boat of Mr. G, W. Church Ill now in courso of constrution near Johnson's mill, Is now fast nearing completion. This boat is G4 feet long, 9:0 beam and 3 feet draught. Sho will bo supplied' with two HO horso power Acme gasoline engines, and is expected to mako about 15 knots per hour. Mr. Churchill is a Sacramento steamboat man of wldo experlonco and' Jlaaf cortainly shown' his skill, in tho modllhc'of this' craft. FIND EDITORS a M and said that ono of tho alms of his administration was to make It the best possible. Ho said that other smaller cities had their policemen uniformed and ho was in favor of Marshfleld doing likewise. i Sacclil Objects. Councilman Sacchl then arose and said that ho concurred with Mayor btraw in wishing tho ofllcers uni formed and wished to compliment the mayor for the efforts ho had put forth in behalf of Marshfleld, and especially in improving tho police protection. However, ho did not be lieve that tho city could afford to incur the expense of buying uniforms now, Its fund3 being too low to war rant it and, at any rate, he thought the policemen should buy their own clothes. Here Mayor Straw objected, saying that the police wero only given a "Chinaman's wage." "We are paying enough," declared Sacchi. "I havo never seen a night watchman off Front street. Tho city of Marshfleld Is willing to pay for one watchman for Front street but if more than one is needed, the busi ness houses on Front street that get the benefit should pay for the others." Hero Night Watchman Condron, wno was present, attempted to an swer Sacchl's charge that the watch men did not got off Front street in their rounds but Mr. Sacchi and Mayor Straw would not let him talk. However, after the meeting, Mr. Con dron Informed Sacchi that tho charge was incorrect but Mr. Sacchi main tained ho was right. Seymour H. Boll, manager of the Gas and Electric Companyn, who was also on nana, asked to speak a word and on being allowed to do so said that ho considered Marshfleld one of tho best policed towns of its size J that he was ever in. He believed the uniforms ought to be bought. On tho voto on Mr. Lockhart's motion to expend $45 per year for uniforms for the police, Lockhart and Savage voted in favor of it, Sac chi and Nelson against, F'iahgan and Condron being absent. Then Mayor1 Straw voted in favor of it. City At torney Farrln was instructed to' draft an ordinance permitting the city to make the expenditure and this will be presented at a later session. Delay in Sewer. A largo number of South Marsh fleld residents were present last night to urge tho building of the sower there. The problem has not' been solved yet as to how the funds are to be secured to build it but the council is endeavoring' to arrange it satisfactorily. Alice street, tho continuation of Sherman avenue, across the Inlet, was ordered opened and a forty-foot bndgo built. The grado of Prospect avenue was ordered established. City Engineer Sandberg was order ed to hurry tho completion of th6 plans and specifications for paving Front street between the city hall and C street. iiiiU nu Bolt Strikes Farm Home Near Hartland, Mich., With Fatal Results. (By Associated Press.) HOWELLS, MICH., March 28. Two women wero killed by a bolt of lightening striking a farm houso near Hartland last night. Tho vic tims were Mrs. Peter North, and Miss Carrie Ellis. QUESTION STILL UP. German Foreign OlIIco Silent Regard ing Hill. (By Associated Press.) BERLIN, March 28. Tho foreign office' was practically silent today re garding Emperor Williams' message to President Roosevelt regarding tho appointment of Professor Hill to suc ceed Mr. Tower. It lias, however, given Indication to tho Berlin news papers, that Tower is not to bn at tacked and explain that tho announ cement for tho past few days, were only Intended to mako clear that no official opinions adverse to Mr. Hill have gone through tho usual official channels to Washington. DEAD WOMAN FOUND. Boston Woman Murdered in Ceme tery. (J3J,I poiupossv U) ARLINGTON, MASS., March 28. Two boys found tho body of n woman in a pit Jn St. Paul's cometary, Tho throat was cut and other ovldoncea of murder wore found. Sho had been dead but afew hours. Seo JOHN S. HAYS' ad. in want ' 'cplumnv It, means raqney 'for- you i 4 RY I ICUTIIi ui uunm 10 KILLED MED II Representative Haflin Wounds Two on Washington Street Car. RESULT OF ALTERCATION. Southerner's Ire Aroused by Arro gance of Black Man Victims Will Recover. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, March 28. Louis Lundy, a negro, was shot by Repro lentativo Haflki of Alabama, last night following an altercation on a street-car. Ho will recover. Thomas McCreary of New York, who was ac cidentally shot by Haflin, is only slightly Injured. Haflin appeared on tho floor of the house today n trifle pale. He was surrounded by a number of col leagues and later ho retired to tho cloak room. ' It is said that Haflin's iro was aroused by tho arrogance of the negro, tho warm southern blood of the congressman prohibiting him ac cording tho equality on which tho blackmen in Washington insist upon. PETTIBONE IS Official of Western Federation of Miners Critically III in Southern California. George A. Pottlbono, the leader of the Weatorn Federation of Mlneis, who gained so much notorloty In con nection with the slaying of ox-Governor Steunenberg of Idaho and with the alleged misdeeds of that organ ization, is lying at the point of death in Southern California. This in formation was conveyed in a letter to Judge K. I. Perkey of Boise, Ida ho, now on Coos Bay, from Vice president Moyor of tho organization. Judge Perkey was ono of tho minors attorneys in the famous Steunenberg case. "Mr. Moyer wroto mo a few days ago that he had just received a mes sage calling him to Pettibone's bed side," said Judgo Perkey last oven Ing. "There Is no hope for Petti bone's recovery. "Pettlbone and Moyer havo both been given tho worst of It, Infamous stories being told and circulated about them. Of course, tho great war that has been going on In Idaho and other western points between labor and capital, has stirred up a bitter feeling and is a problem that is difficult to settle. However, things have calmed down nnd you don't hear much about it any more. "There Is a, general belief that tho death sentence of Harry Orchard will bo commuted. A strong effort is be ing put forth In his behalf by tho element who think that ho told tho truth about tho plot and with this, and tho recommendation of Judgo Wood, who sentenced him to death, for clemoncy, lie has a strong chance of securing mercy." Judgo Perkey is quite heavily in terested on Coos Bay, having bought proporty hero some yeard ago. Ho to a former Iowan, having graduated from tho Stato University of Iowa and been admitted to tho bar at Des Moines. However, ho lias resided in tho West for many years. Ho was accompanied hero by Mrs. Perkey. They will return to Bolso today, but will return to Coos Bay in May for a moro oxtonded stay. MORE CANDIDATES IN FIELD FOR OFFICE. Petitions of Several Filed With Coun ty Clerk for Primaries April 17. Petitions wore filed this weok with County Clork Watson by tho follow ing porsoiiH who desiro to run for ofllco at tho April election.: M. J. Krnutz of Gravol Ford for rounty commissioner! K. II. Hansen, Gravol Ford, assessor; Geo. N. Farrin, Plat B, representative These candidates uro all on tho republican ticket while J J. Lamb of this city has filed his potitlon for county tronsuror on tho domooratio tlckot. Coquillo Sentin el.. , WEATHER FORECAST Western Oregon. Showors tonight ,or'f Sunduy, ...LleM frost -tonight. .South to east winds. ! . CONGRESSMAN SHOOTS IGRO NEAR DEATH i BOW THROWING New York Anarchists Get ire Deadly Work at Gathering1 of Unemployed There. ALLEGED BOMB FATALLY HURT- Effort of Police to Disperse Thrower Disorderly Crowd of 10,000 the Cause. (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, March 28. Two men were killed and a numbor of per son injured this afternoon when what had been a fairly peaceable meeting; of the unployed developed Into an n:chlstlc demonstration and a boml. was thrown nnd exploded. A crowd, numbering probably 10, 000 had gathered In Union Square to take part in tho meeting. Many wo men wero in tho gathering and sever al speakers of local promlnenco haul been announced to make addresses. A force of 150 policemen most ot them mounted, were on duty. As tho big crowd assembled, tlw police noticed a number of red flags and that a number of persona, ;woro red hats. At some signB of dlsordor; tho police started to disperse those whp were responsible, Little pr no resistance was offered and the, square? was almost cleared of tho throng; when ono man engaged in tho dem onstration rushed swiftly into the?, square, throw bomb ,whlch landed near the Union Square fountain and in tl)o rear of whjch a squad qf ppllcp was stationed. . A cloud of smoke followed a loud, report and a number of persons wer seen to fall. The police reported two killed and a number injured. Tho crowd, Including many sight seers became panic stricken. Iollg Silverstelu, 30 years old, is. accused by tho police of having: thrown tho bomb. Tho other dead is Erwln Rassky. Many arrests havo. been made. Later, Silverstein confessed to the deed at tho hospital, saying ho diet It "becauso tho cops beat him up." He is literally torn to pieces and can not possibly survive. BAND0N MILL BIG PROJECT Promolor Frank J. Marshall Says it Will Be Ono of Largest In dustries in Section. Frank J. Marshall, promoter of tho proposed paper and pulp mill at Baudon has given tho following in terview to tho Bandon Recorder con cerning tho project: "There Is no longer n scintilla oC doubt ns to tho outcome of this pro ject. Wo have practically all tho funds subscribed, and there is littles to do but to proceed with the work. I Have takon $10,000 of stock my self and am anxious to take moro at a future date. I shall leave for Nev ' York very soon to piirchaso tho nec essary machinery. DUrlng my ab sence the board of directors will seo to tho erection df wharf and build--Ings on tho purchased sito near tho shipyard abovo town. "Will our Industry prove, a big, ono for Bandon? Well, it assuredly will a big ono for all Southern Coos and Northern Curry. Wo should om Jiloy about fifty people in tho miIiBr not to mention tho number of mou who will And work in cutting and hauling tho wood pulp, for we muBt have dally no less than fifty cords ot flr, hemlock and spruce. Tho abun dnnco and cheapness of pulp mater ial In this locality Is tho principal fac tor considered, for you must remem ber that eastern mills Import their pulp from Germany and Norway and yot mako an excellent profit. No vonturo, as I seo it, could bo more romunoratlvo In this section thaa a paper and pulp mill. Look at the Oregon City mills, and they manu facture tho cheaper papers whereas, our speciulty shall bo tho finer grades such as are 'not now mado anywhoro on this coaBt. Whon tho Oregon City mills wero built tho shares wero worth $100 each. I Yery mmA doubt If you can touch them today for $1000 each. We aro golug right ahead with our proposition regard less of any attempts by tho paper trust or others to dofoat our plana,"" IOE CRKAM AND CAKE served all day Sirnday at Smith's; Pnfo ' "' "". -ft-1