The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 06, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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"Shady Side" Asks If Paper
Believes Coos Bay Women
Need Stimulants.
His Compatriot Vents Views
By Submitting Excerpt
From Shaw.
Tho TlmeB is in receipt of two
communications of mild protest, as
the result of its Leap Year article
published in last Saturday's issue.
One, "The Bachelor's Defense", is an
excerpt from one of Bernard Shaw's
books. The Times presumes that tho
sender felt the excerpt so fully ex
plained his own, and possibly other
bachelors, views and feelings on tho
subject of marriage that an attempt
to wield his own pen in the matter
would be superfluous. The excerpt
is worded in the brilliant, sparkling,
opigramatic style whish distinguishes
tho writings of this English genius;
but the Times has a very persistent
Idea that refuses dislodgement even
by this strong ilood tide of argument
to the contrary, that should Bernard
Shaw, steepped though ho may be in
pessimism, cynicism and skepticism
toward conjugality, sail into Coos
Bay during 1908 and becomo tho
objective of any of its femininity ho
might discover, when he had regained
consciousness, that his finely drawn
arraignment of love, matrimony, and
woman in general had been "shot to
pieces." Enter Bernard:
. "The Huchelors' Defense."
"Marriage is to me apostasy, pro
fanation of the sanctuary of my soul,
violation of my manhood, sale of my
birthright, jmameful surrender,
Ignominious capitulation, acceptance
of defeat. I shall decay like a thing
that has served Its purpose and is
done with: I shall change from a
man with a future to a man with a
past; I shall see In tho greasy eyes
of all the other husbands their re
lief at tho arrival of a now prisoner
to share their ignominy. Tho young
men will scorn me as one who has
sold out; to the young women I, who
havo always been an enigma and a
possibility, shall be merely some
body elso's property nnd damages
goods at that: a secondhand man at
best." Bernard Shaw.
"Shady SIdo's Side."
"To tho TImo's Matchmaker, Sir
You will little realho what consterna
tion you have set afoot among tho
eligible men on Coos Bay. Arc you
so little versed in "affairs" that you
candidly believe tho marriageable
"Women of Coos Bay need your stimu
lus to set them on tho hunt? Do
you not know that, without your soli
tude, wo men are continuously on
guard against saying things which
might bo construed as approaching
a declaration! Mr. Matchmaker, tho
women of Coos Bny, while they mny
accept your assistance as their right,
feel there is no call for aid. Ask nny
marriageable woman, if you doubt
this statement. Sho would tell you
sho has methods of her own upon
which you ennnot Improve; sho would
enumerate countless proposals, nioti
in their unthinking moments, have
inndo and afterwards regretted; In
lior egotism sho would inform you
thnt mnrriago Is tho last of her con
siderations and tho lenst likely to
bring her happiness, which is every
woman's daily and ultimate hopo.
Sho would tell you thoro nro no ac
ceptable men on Coos Bay; that all
men nro allko, selfish, bombastic,
crude, with no romauco or pootlc
fancies and no convictions regarding
tho duties and obligations of marrl
ngo. Sho would clto you to tho many,
many married Don Juans of Marsh
Hold and North Bend and ask you,
would you recommend hor to risk
such a future ns their wives nro lead
ing. Subtlo arguments for a woman,
yet only omployed for effect. Show
mo a marrlngeablo woman on Coos
May who hasn't her snaro sot nnd I'll
show you u woman any bachelor
would bo glad to cultivate, regard
less of eventualities,
"Would you havo thoso now freo
nnd unfettered, without a thought of
matrlinony, pursued with relentless
vigor by tho wiles and machinations
of Coos Bay femlnlnty? Would you
marry a man off ngntust his will and
condemn him to association with ono
woman forovor? Tell, us, Mr. Match
maker, what thoro Is about mnrrlngo
to recompcnBo a man for giving up
single blessedness. As wo nro, wo
go whoro wo pleaso, when wo pleaso,
and do that which we cuooso and
Sen Gull Sees Him, Seizes Illm Then
Makes Attempt to Carry Him
Whether the eruptions in Wall
street have affected tho prosperity of
sea gulls is not known but millions
of tho hungry birds are reported
off tho coast und they attack every
thing in sight with ravenous rapa
city. Their latest attempt at sus
tenance is reported to havo been on
tho last trip of the steamer Alliance
to Portland when one of tho larger
birds spotted Freight Clerk Al
Courtenay and sought to abduct him
as a leap year prize. The gull grab
bed tho freight clerk's ear and then
started to fly off with him. Its
hold was not broken until nearly
beatan to death.
The strange story was related by
several passengers who went up on
tho last Alliance. They say the cold
weather along tho coast must have
made food 'scarce becauso the sea
gulls would readily eat from the
hand. It was after having been fed
several pieces of meat that one bird
nabbed the kind hearted tar by the
lobe of the ear and tried to steal
him away.
Tho birds came in flocks of thous
ands and at times fought fiercely
for a roost In the rigging. Follow
ing the steamer for miles told up
on tho endurance of some of the
birds and experience had taught
the mthat they could just as well
Tales of The Week as Told By The
Editor of tho Tribune.
Knapp's hotel has been literally
overrun of late. If It empties one
day it fills the next, and one wonders
where they come from, and where
they go to. If he doesn't build soon
ho will havo to lodge them In the hay
mow next summer.
Mr. Langworthy and his son Cal
wero In town Saturday night, on
their way to Coos, both having been
down on their homesteads on tho
head waters' of Greg's creek. Mrs.
Langworthy will soon be down to re-
sldo on tho place.
Blue prints of township maps
showing all vacant lands, GO cents
each. For reliable Information con
cerning government land, write to
Frank E. Alley, Abstracter, Roseburg,
John Deadmond having spent a
week or so at Marshfield, returned to
his cozy homo on Port Orford Lake
last Saturday. lie returns in better
David McKenzio and his sister
Florenco havo returned from their
visit to Coos Bay, and attended the
mooting of tho Woodmen Saturday
night, and also tho show.
Charles Crow, our most noted
otter hunter shot a largo sea otter,
near Capo Blanco last week, tho skin
measuring over 7 feet nnd is worth
a pile of money. No hunter's trophey
equals a sea otter, and a thrill of
getting ono by a good shot Is tho
nemo of a hunter's exaltation, which
oven Roosevelt hns not yet felt.
John II. Wilkinson, ono of tho old
est of Curry county pioneers, died
at Knapp's In Port Orford on Wed
nesday, January 22, 190S, ago nearly
8G years. Ho was born in Henry,
Echo county, Virginia, March 1, 1S22,
and came to Curry county In Feb
ruary, 1851, whoro ho resided con
tinuously excoptiug for a few years
near Myrtlo Point in Coos county.
Il6 was in tho Roguo river war, and
was, wo believe In tho fort at tho
mouth of tho river whilo It wns oc
euplcd. Ho has no known relatives
on this coast, nnd leaves no estate.
Ho wns burled Thursday In tho Port
Jrford cemetery.
answer for our actions to our own
"Were we married all this would
bo transformed Into sorvility nnd
ubjectness. Wo would forthwith bo
conio ns other benedicts who wear
tho yoko of domestic tyrany; wo
should loso that freedom of spirit
dominant in and prized by every man
beyond everything olso. Wo Bhould
bo dragged Into society and mado to
conform to its hollow pretenses, its
shams nnd mockeries of truth, Its
overlustlng boredom nnd silliness,
and thereby loso our solf respect,
Tako thought of what you pro
pose, through It may bo Intended ns
a Leap Year joke. Wo bachelors ro
cognlzo nothing ns trivial or humor
ous which has to do with u mnrrlge
ablo woman. Far from It, Glvo us
liberty or glvo us freedom." (Shady
Si Jo.) , , .. ,,
Manager Henrdc nnd His Chocolate
Eagles Will Make Their Bow
To Bnyltcs.
Tonight is the night of nights in
Marshfield; for that eagerly antici
pated and long looked forward to
Eagle Minstrelsy will this eve hold
down the boards at the local play
house. Promptly at 8:30 tho gong
will sound, and Manager Hearde and
his merry black face wights will bo
revealed, after weeks of waiting, to
Coos Bay folks. Then of course will
follow merry quiffs and quaffs and no
doubt many a nudgo will pass
among the audience as, "that's a hot
ono on you Bilf," is heard.
The sale of seats for this evening's
entertainment has eclipsed anything
in tho history of the ticket office. The
troupe will play to a gathering of
Coos Bay en masso. Manager Heardp
when interviewed refused to give ont
advance warnings but those on tho
Inside are winking wisely and faint
wispers are heard that there will bo
many eye-openers tonight. Lucy
Long will be but one of many special
ties and surprises in store for this
Dally Koal Estate Report Furnished
By Title Guarantee nnd Abstract
Co. Henry Sciigstnckcii,
January 29, 1008.
Flanagan Estate et al, to
Mary Black, deed. Lots 1, 2,
and 3, Bunker Hill Add. to
Marshfield $10.
Simpson Lumber Co. to Ab
raham Van Zile, deed. Lots
12 and 25, Blk. 42, North Bend ?5.
M. B. Zimmer, Trustee, et
ux, to H. L. Lyman, deed. Lots
17 and 18, Blk. 17, Idaho Add
to North Bend $250.
Bennett Trust Co. to Frank
Roberts, deed. Lots 1 and 2
Blk. 22, South Harbor ?1.
Bennett Trust Co., to W. A.
Roberts, deed. Lots 2 and 3,
Blk. 24, South Harbor ?1.
Simpson Lumber Co., to S.
P. Jensen, et al, deed. Lots 21
and 22, Blk. 45, North Bend $5.
K. I. Perky, Trustee, to Hen
ry L. Lyman, deed. Lots 1 and
2, Blk. G and Lots G, 7, 8 and
9, Blk. 13, Bolso Add. to
Marshfield $300.
February 1, 1008.
D. S. Cameron, et ux, to
Maud Miller, deed. Lot 1G,
Blk. 10, Edmonston First Add.
to Marshfield . $50.
U. S. of A. to Ernest L.
Dingley, patent. Lots 3 and
4, and SWft of NW, Sec. G
Twp. 2G, R. 10.
L. D. Kinnek, et ux to,
W. Haydon, deed. Lots 11 and
12, Blk. 72, Coos Bay Plat B $G00.
W. G. Lawhorn, et al, to C.
Knudson, deed. Lots 7, 8 and
19 and 20, Blk. 2, Flagstaff $10
January 28, 100S.
Bennett Trust Co. to Taylor
Siglln, deed. Lots 1G, 17, 18,
19, 20, 21, 23, 13, 14 and i5,
Blk. 23, South Harbor $10.
Emma Nasburg to Bennett
Trust Co., deed. Lots and Blics
In Nasburg's Add to Marsh
field $10.
Hattlo Picklns and hus. to
P. L. Swearlngen deed. Lots
1 and 2, Blk. G5, Coos Bay
Plat B. $10.
L. Powtherer, to C. M. Slui
onton, deed. W& of NEi
nnd E of NW, Sec. ?.),
Twp. 25, R 12. $.
John S. Coke, et ux, et nl,
to A. E. Cavanagh, et al, deJ.
Lots 11, 12 and 13, Blk. 2S,
Coos Bay Plat B $10
Chas L. Trabert, et ux, to
Chas. A. Smith' deed. SD',4,
Sec. G, Twp. 2G, R. 10 $10.
Chas. L. Trabert et ux, f.j
Chas. A. Smith, deed. SV,
of N, Sec. 24, Twp. 2G R. 10 $10
Chas. L. Trabert et ux, to
Chas. A. Smith, deed NE&,
Sec. 2S, Twp. 2G R. 10 $10.
Chas. L. Trabert et ux, to
Chas. A. Smith, deed. Lots
1 and 2, and S& of NE, Sec
G, Twp. 2G, R. 10 S10.
Fred A. Kribs, to Chas. A.
Smith, deed. NV6 of SV. Sec.
11, Twp. 24, R. 11 $10.
Fred A. Krlbs, to Chns. A.
Smith, deed. N, Sec. 34,
Twp. 2G, R. 12 $10.
Fred A. Kribs, to Chas. A.
Smith, deed. SWV4. Sec.
34, Twp. 26, R. 12 $10.
Fred A. Kribs, to Chas. A.
Smith, deed. SEi Sec. 34,
Twp. 2l3, R. 12 $10.
Fred A. Krlbs, to Chas. A.
Smith, deed. W'. of NW
nnd S& of NE, Sec. 36, Twp.
26, R. 12 $10.
Fred A. Krlbs, to Chns. A.
Smith, deed. NH of Sft, Sec.
24, Twp. 26 R 10 $10.
Manager Avery Says lthik Will Re
Thrown Open on Saturday of
This Week.
Followers of the faclnatlng sport
of roller skating wll be pleased to
learn that they can once more in
dulge in their favorite pastime. Man
ager Avery of the Marshfield skating
rink announces that it will be thrown
open to the public on Saturday eve
ning. Music has been secured nnd
tho skaters will glldo around to its
rythmatlc strains. Tho rink has been
in tho hands of carponters for some
time and the interior ha been com
pletely changed. Tho old floor has
been covered over with standard
skating rink flooring, 2 inch ma
plo boards. There are no seats on the
rink floor, instead a raised balcony
runs half way round the rink. The
new floor has undergone a process of
planing and rubbing until It now
presents a surface smooth as glass.
On account of another engagement
Manager Avery was unablo to secure
the services of the Coos Bay Orchest
ra and was compelled to annul the
opening ball.
He Is 50, Weighs 230 nnd Hns Red
Hair, But He Doesn't Like to
Work nnd Is in the Way.
ST. LOUIS, Mo. Feb., 5. Mrs.
Sofrona Travis has become so in
terested in the "Lonelies" club and
so disinterestd in hr husband, Ca-
sius, that she wants to give him up
to some Miss Lonely. Sho has writ
ten the following to the secretary of
the club: I
"Dear Miss Lonely: I see you want '
a husband. Now if you will call at
No. GS16 Old Manchester road I
have one I will give you. He is a
large man, 2 30 pounds, height six
feet, red hair and gray oyes. Yours
Cassius is a carpenter and when
he works hard, according to his wife,
he makes $5 a day.
"No, It is not a Joke at all," said
Mrs. Travis. "Cassius is a good man,
and if he would work hard I could
not want a better. But when ho does
not work he is in the way.
"He is 50 and I am 40, and I can
support myself. Cassius said he liked
the photograph of one of the girls in
the club and I told him I was going
to write her that she could have him.
He thought it was a joke, but it is
not. He knows I will look after him,
and so he keeps on hanging around.
Now, if some Miss Lonely were to
infatuate him I could lose him easily
"I was married to him two years
ago. My first husband got a divorce
from me because he was suspicious
of Cassius, who was boarding at our J
house. In about two years Cassius
will come Into a fortune of $S000.
That Is probably the reason ho feel
Fresh home made candles at the
A classified ad. Is AN INSTRU
MENT OF SERVICE: perhaps the
most Important one in modern lifo.
Has your want advertising been
confined to one or two classifications?
Why not enlarge the scope of your
Today's nds. should render quick
service to tho man who seeks "help
of any sort."
Dancing School Every Monday
And Thursday Evening at
Private Instruction from 3 till
5 p. m.
Will bo organized from Pupils
Taking Instruction in Elocution
and Dramatic Art
Special Attention to Children's
Class in Dancing nnd Elocution,
Seo mo at the Hall on Mondays
and Thursdays; Afternoon and
Prof. O. P. Smith.
The C. B., R. & t R. R.
and Navigation Co.
TIIE O. B R. & E. It. K. & N. CO.
Subject to change without notice.
No. 1.
Daily, ex.
No. 2.
7. 9:00a.m,
Lv. 9:45a.m.
Ar.10 :20a.m.
Myrtle Pt
Trains to nnd from Beaver Hill dally.
W. P. Miller. Assnt.
The Motor Scow Transit
Makes schedule trips between Marsh.
field and North Bend Monday, Wednes
day nnd Saturday, Leave North Hcnd
t 8.0o a, m.and Marfhrteld at 10: JO a.
in. Leave orderi with,
Thos. U, James. Agent
To-night is
The Night
Don't Miss It
Get the Happy
Go to The Great
F. 0. E.
Minstrel Carnival
Z Dig
At the Masonic Opera House
n 1 1
mm mm
Eight Room Residence.
Handsome Home Which
Copyright, 1007, by Glenn
ra.r- v
I k,tchemS iwa-6 I
r Bc& p .iiiMii-i"
Vl r g TIT Iclo Ft
iL D HAU (-Hi-
FbrrnwRoori 9
n isTiBu j ly
IT piazza I
This hnndsome house has eight nice rooms, besides bathroom and recep
tion hall. Tho almost square design utilizes every bit of spaco and provider
nn attractive fcxterlor. This house may be constructed In frame for $4,000.
In brick veneer it will cost $5,200. Both prices quoted escludo the cost of
plumbing. GLENN L. SAXTON.
!Ji$Mjr --Yrb
tf . V " tt irw
I v Si5?s?ijpj5Jif
marsnnem 5Katmg lUnk Q
Opens Sat. Eve., Feb. O
May Be Either Frame or
L. Saxton, Minneapolis, Minn.
IP ""I IF-"""
lip j fc i on 8
tj Oman fl rJH CKAMBEB 1
I JfiEAT R0ttM M
I guarantee better work at lower prices,
than can be had elsewhere. Do not order
monumental work until you havo
F. M. Stewait, Prop.
Corner 3d & D Sts.
Main 1731
. mm
-iii&&i-L ..