tw THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1908. WRTHES ID OF (Continued from a private manner only, but the unex pected and unusual attack which Mr. Bell makes forces mo to establish my Btandlng before all tho people as a man In whom they may rightly place confidence. Here are some letters from people who have known me and It Is an easy matter to verify their authenticity and statements: Treasury Department Offico of Director of the Mint, Washington, D. C. To whom it may concern: I have known tho bearer, Mr. M. C. Maloney, for about twenty years and ho gave me very capable service as manager of the Port Dodge Evening "Messenger" and afterwards manager of tho Des-Molnes "Register. & Lead er." I csn vouch fully for his In tegrity and general business capa city. GEO. E. ROBERTS. Director of U. S. Mints. Mr Roberts has since resigned and Is at present president of the Com mercial National Dank, of Chicago, having succeeded Mr. Eccles when that gentleman passed away. Department of Justlco Office of the Solicitor of the Trea sury, Washington, D. C. I wish to say that I have been well acquainted with Mr. M. C. Maloney since ho was a boy. For years ho had charge of tho business of the Fort Dodgo Messenger company, which published the lead- , Ing daily paper in Fort Dodge, and In fact the leading paper of that re gion of country. Ho also held a very responsible position with the Des Moines Register and Leader, the principal Republican paper of tho state of Iowa. I wish to bear testimony that Mr, Maloney Is an energetic, capable, and always reliable young man. I would trust him, and rely on him, to any extent. With tho exception of tho timo I have been Solicitor of tho Treasury, I have been a resident of Iowa since 18C9, and am familiar with business matters there. I have no hesitation In saying that Mr. Maloney Is the best newspaper man in certain fields that I havo over known. I bolievo ho can get more business, and satisfy the patrons of a paper better than any other man of my acquaintance. Very respectfully, MAURICE D. O'CONNELL. United States Senate, Committee on Pacific Railroads. Fort Dodgo, Iowa, To whom It may concern: It gives mo great pleasuro to say that I havo for many years been ac quainted with tho bearer of this letter, Mr. M. C. Maloney. During his residence In Iowa ho was con nected with Important nowBpapers, In responsible and difficult positions. Ho wns the business mnnuger of tho Fort Dodgo Messenger and after wnrds connected with tho Register- Leader, ono of tho important dally newspapers of our Btate, published In Des Moines. Ho hns tho roputatlon of a good worker, thoroughly honest and capablo. Ho wns popular In tho community In which ho lived horo, and his friends wish him abundant success, wherever his lot may be cast. Vory Respectfully, J. P. DOLLIVER. Wahkonsn Investment Company, Real Estato and Loans. Fort Dodgo, Iowa. To whom It may concern: I, tho undersigned, havo known M. C. Malouoy at least 10 yoars and know him to bo honest, upright nnd reliable In all his dealings nnd worthy of confidence and credit with any ono lio may havo business relations with. JOHN LAUFERSWEILER. Fort Dodgo Savings Bank. Fort Dodgo, Iowa. To whom It may concern: This is to certify that I havo known M. C. Malonoy for somo tlmo and know him to bo nn honest and enp ablo man and woithy tho confidonco of all. CHAS. D. CASE, Cashlor, Ft. Dodgo Savings Bank, 1 "' rf Iowa Savings Bank, Fort Dodgo, Iowa. To whom it May Concern: This will introduce Mr. M. C. Ma loney, wbom tho undersigned has known Intimately for several years. Ho 1b active, energetic and a man of excellent Judgment. Ha la thoroughly L H HUB T Pago one.) honest and you may rely on any state ments ho may make to you. Very truly yours, D. J. COUGHLAN, Cashier. The Fort Dodgo National Bank, Fort Dodge, Iowa. To whom it may concern: This will Introduce to your favor able notice Mr. M. C. Maloney with whom I havo been well acquainted for the past twenty years. It gives us pleasure to recommend Mr. Ma loney to you as a thoroughly reliable business man, and ono in whom you may placo entire confidence. Our business relations oxtendod over a period of many years and were always pleasant and wholly sat isfactory, and wo are always ready to extend a reasonablo line of credit to Mr. Maloney on his own signature. Very resp., J. T. CHENEY, Cashier. The First National Bank, Fort Dodge, Iowa. To whom it may concern: We have been acquainted with Mr. M. C. Maloney during tho several years that he was connected with the management of the Fort Dodge Mes senger and arc pleased to say that his relations with this bank were al ways satisfactory and that wo are satisfied that he Is a young man of good business ability, industrious, and energetic in all of his undertak ings. Wo shall bo pleased to learn of his success. Very truly, E. H. RICH, Cashier. Tho above letters will aid in In forming tho peoplo of Coos Bay as to tho previous reputation and char acter of tho present editor of . the Times. They are not published boast fully although I am proud to have earned my right to their possession. When Mr. Bell seeks to discredit my work in an effort to bo a factor in tho development and enterprise of this splendid stato the people have a right to proof of my fitness to be accepted as worthy of their confi dence. I regret sincerely the neces sity of such a display but I never havo dodged an issuo and Mr. Bell cannot mako me do It now. I de sire to stato without reservation that this is tho final reference that will bo made to tho editor's personal character In this controversy. Here after tho discussion will be confined exclusively to tho merits of the ser vice which tho Coos Bay Gas & Elec tric Co. renders tho public of Coos Bay. Tho great wealth centralized In tho Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co. will in no wise deter tho Times In voicing tho sentiment of the great body of common people in demand ing that their rights bo considered and protected. Tho Times proposes to bo, and will bo as long as tho pres-' enc editor retains control, the un- purchased and unbribed representa-1 tlvo of the Interests of this entire community as against tho selfish in terests of any corporation or aggre gation of wealth that seeks to fasten Itsolf upon them without rendering adequuto return for tho advantages that accrue because of utilization of public utilities. Tho Times has con fidonco in tho peoplo of Coos Bny and desires tho peoplo of Coos Bay to hnvo confidonco In tho Times. Tho editor of tho Times Is no "self seek er" or "grafter." Ho has certain well defined ideals as to tho policy and conduct of a newspaper and theso policies will bo rigidly adhered to regardless of tho temporary loss of patronngo. This fight Is tho fight of tho public for better sorvlco and tho Times is only tho champion of their Interests. It Is proud to bo such a champion nnd asks no moro honorable tltlo and will In tho future ns In the past coufino itself strictly to meriting such a placo by Its position on all public questions affecting-tho Interests of nil tho people. Ladles See tho Bargains in tho Coos Bay Cash Store window. Tho should markot "not-needed-uow" things bo taken to tho want nd. If you havo an Interesting want ad. in tho pnper todny you aro talk ing, by proxy, to a big audience Evory low priced nrtlclo In a store Is "an advertising urgument" nnd should havo Its place in a convincing ad. You will add ut least ten per cent to your "interest In lifo" by acquiring tho ad. reading and ad.-answerlog habit. M CELEBRATE THEIR 25TH ANNIVERSARY Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W. Uernitt Receive Many Beautiful Gifts of Silver From Friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bernltt cele brated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary at their homo on Pino street in Marshfleld Monday evening. A largo number of beautiful and ap propriate silver gifts were presented to Mr. and Mrs. Bernltt. Tho evening was enjoyably passed with music, cards and dancing. Refreshments of sandwiches and salad with dessert of cake, Ice cream and punch were served tho guests. The following persons attended: Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Elckworth, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harkensee, Olllvant, J. and S. Ber nltt; Misses, Susie and Jennie Elck worth, Anna Johannsen, Wanda Stephens, Minnie Harkensee, Nellie and Martha Bernltt and Mrs. Klahn. EMPIRE IS HOME OF BRIGHT LITTLE GIRL Little Edna Hansen Graduates From High School With Fino Record. Empire offers a prodigy in learn ing, age considered, in the person of little Edna Hansen, now but 13 years old. Edna is the daughter of Chief Engineer Ed. Hansen, of tho tug Columbia and on Tuesday she was awarded a diploma by County Superintendent Bunch as graduating from the Empire school with an aver age of 85 In all her studies. Coos Bay offers that record to tho whole state of Oregon to equal. All Coos Bay shares with Empire in the honor of being the home of such a bright girl and hopes the future years may bring the full reward of these years of early promise. CORPORATIONS DISSOLVED Several Concerns Terminate Their Official Career. Governor Chamberlain has Issued his proclamation dissolving among others the following corporations for failure to pay the required yearly license and comply with the laws of tho state for two consecutive years: 10,444 Bell Investment Company, The. 10,591 Coos Bay Development com pany. 9,840 Coos Bay Furniture, Veneer & Box company. 9,93 G Coos Bay Lime & Cement company. 10,438 Coos Bay Mining, Milling & Transportation company. 9,739 Corvallis Creamery com pany of Oregon. 10,485 Coos and Coquille valleys Railroad company, The. 10.4C7 Consolidated Copper com pany, The. DEADLY SIX, SAYS CARDINAL. For Women to Instruct Neighbor on Race Suicide. NEW YORK, Feb. 5. In a copy righted interview printed in tho World Cardinal Gibbons declares that "any woman who instructs her neighbor or friend who is a wife how to avoid the responsibilities of motherhood is talking a great re sponsibility and committing as dead- py a sin as complice of If she became the ac a murderess. In fact, this sort of thing Is murder of tho most cowardly kind." Tho cardinal declared there is too much talk on this subject, and says a wife who listens to It destroys not only her own happiness, but that of her husband. He then said: "Wo man is the pattern of virtue, alike as maiden, wife and mother. Sho ex hibits the virginal modesty becoming tho mnld, tho conjugal fidelity and loyalty of tho spouso and tho untiring devotedness of tho mother. This Is tho typo of woman America needs. In her we find great forco of will without pride or lmperiousness. Wo find moral strength and heroism in tho perfect woman without tho sacrl- flco of femalo graco and honor j n heroism of silent suffering rather .'than noisy notion. "Now , It Is quite ordinary to hear of ladles, gentlqwomon.dnughters of somo of our country's best men, mounting tho rostrum to hnranguo their audiences. Is It any wonder that n feeling of sadness creeps over ono thnt such things should bo?" Tho cardinal declined to discuss Bmoking among women, saying: Tho thought Is too disgusting to discuss." A classified ad. Is AN INSTRU MENT OF SERVICE perhaps tho most lmportnnt ono in modern life. Has ypur want advertising been confined to ono or two classifications? Why not enlarge tho scope of your advertising? See the largest line of pretty and comic valentines In tho city at tho Coos Bay Cash Storo. Today's nda. should render quick service to the man who seeks "help of any sort," jW Ono of is recognized purchasers. k U W. Watra (g)DIDITEVESTIKE ( that your advertising space would become again as valuable to you by tho uso of a few appropriate cuts. 1 am now m it position to get them for you the same days as ordered. ROY.. E. IAWH0RNE Dancing School Evory Monday And Thursday Evening at ODD FELLOWS' HALL. Prlvnfe Instruction from 1 till 5 p. m. DRAMATIC CLUB Will bo organized from Pupils Taking Instruction In Elocution and Dramatic Art Special Attention to Children's Class in Dancing nnd Elocution, See mo at the Hall on Mondays and Thursdays; Afternoon and Evening. Prof. O. P. Smith. The C. B., R. & E. R. R and Navigation Co THE O. D., R. A E. R. R. A N. CO. TIME TABLE. Subject to change without notice. No. 1. Dally, ex. No. 2. Sunday 7. 9:00a.m Marsh'd Junction Coquille Ar.l2:30p.m Lt. 9:45a.m. Coquille Lv.ll:S0a.m. Ar.lO:20a.m.Myrtle PtLv,10: 45a.m. Trains to and from Bearer Hill dally, W. y. Miller, Aga. The Motor Scow Transit Makes schedule trips between Mank field and North Bend Monday, Wedaes day and Saturday, Lemft North Bend atSiOoa, m.andUarthfield at 10:4 a m, Leave orders with, Thos. B. James, Agect (WoWp tho contributory reasons why tho GABLER PIANO ns one of tho Standard may bo found that since its inception it lias been mado under tho supervision! of members of tho Gnbler Family nnd embodied in it nro ccr-J tain improvements found in no other piano, it is not merely n combination of wood, fclta and metals; but it Is tho knowing' how to combine them, in order to produce tho highest musical J results, which lias mndo tho Gabler a piano by which a great) many others nro measured. THE GABLER is a work of creative f art. Don't fail to investigate tho interior when considering at piano purchase. Our warcrooms aro always open and we will! take great pleasure in placing yon on our list of discriminating! K. HAINES MUSIC Sole Representatives I"I"I"I"I"H"I"l"I"I-I"I"I"l-i-H-rH''HH" Not a But a m'mm Every Day of the Year Our spring line of HATS, SHOES, MEN'S CLOTHING, and all lines of GENTS FURNISHINGS 'are arriving daily ' Wo never had a larger or better line of HATS than this year, in T fact in each line we are stronger T5e BAZAR "TEi House Between Front and "liSi 'M-M-H-M-I-H-M"!"!"!'-!"!''!''! it gutmtttmtmtmmammmmmmttmm nnn xnnr tnomo n uuiiu juui "sumo ui pnuiie yuur uraers Tor BEAVER HILL COAL "Best Coal on Coos Bay." For sale by Masters & McLain, Sole agents 3.t0 For Ton at the Yard, $0.00 price oa bcotv load lot. Phon. 2011. mmtmmmimmmmnmimmmmmmmmmtnm I COLUMBIA MACHINE WORKS j; :; Gnral Riir Work and Weodtura. Laaaches a Spelfr Foot f Ohm AvMue, Morshfield in the fact CO.' ,IJ"I"I,,I"IV Sale than ever before. of Quality" Broadway on C Street. - H - I I I I I I -I-I--I 1"IM-M"Hh mtmmmmmmjmtmtaiiiiittmimimt nWnn ....- i r W. Per Ton Delivered, Special Promnt TVOI n ... I i w I ' I I '"M""lrl'rJT-'-ru"jvj.ririnn - ' Xtuv 4 w gMBfcgMiiiiijijagBB5BEBBsiBar5iniBi5Kiw jW V