The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 05, 1908, Image 1

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Advertisers get good returns from
announcements placed in Tho Daily
On tlto current events of the
world's progress by reading Xlio
Daily Times.
I ,'VM'm
No. 182
Coos Bay Gas and Electric Co Replies
Request For Better Service With A
Villainous Personal Attack On
The Editor Of The Times
Seeks to Divert the Attention of the People by
Foolish Charges and Personal Abuse The
or Its Editor Has Nothing to Retract and
Secrets to Withhold From the People of
Coos Bay.
Tho editor of tho Times asks tho
kind indulgence of the readers of this
paper for engaging in a little per
sonal talk. Tho editor of this pa
per does not believe in personalities
in a newspaper discussion nor is
lie so egotistic as to think that the
people of Coos Bay are interested
in his private affairs. Seymour II.
Bell, manager of the Coos Bay Gas
& Electric Co., has thought it ad
visable to divert tho just criticism
of his corporation and its methods
into personal channels by an unman
ly and damnably false attack on the
editor of this paper. Ho seeks to
cloud tho Issue and throw dust Into
tho people's eyes by this method In
stead of meeting the issue fairly
and in a manly manner. Tho per
sonal character of tho editor has as
little to do with the service that the
Coos Bay Gas & Electric company
render tho peoplo of Marshfleld and
North Bend in return for their hon
est dollars as tho steamer "Flyer"
has to do with the Japaneso fleet.
Tf la p.iav tn sun tlirnnirli Mr. Bell's
wf little game. It is as transparent as
glass. The very sun slimes tnrougu
it. If ho can by duplicity, decoy the
peoplo from tho single issue of an
honest and efficient electric light
and power service into considera
tion of personal abuse ho will have
gained his end. Ho builds his house
of hope on tho flimsy foundation
that because tho editor of the Times
is a new comer, a stranger here, he
is particularly susceptiblo to an at
tack on Ins personal character and
his integrity. Becauso he is a stran
ger and because ho is perfectly agree
able to a comparison of personal
characters with Seymour H. Bell the
editor of this paper will depart from
a life long rule and talk about him
self in the columns of his own paper.
Because- also he is In earnest in his
efforts to prevent the Coos Bay Gas
& Electric Co. from bulldozing and
browbeating this community Into ac
cepting a fourth rate service for a
first-class price ho is willing that
tho peoplo should know who and
what ho" is so that they will under
stand when Seymour H, Boll seeks
in a cheap and falso diatribe to fool
and deceive them by diverting their
thoushts from tho issue which is
under discussion, namely tho defect
ive and deficient service of tho Coos
Bay Gas & Electric Co.
First that tho public may have, a
fair and full understanding of the
controversy wo will briefly outline
its inauguration and progress. Soon
after assuming control of tho Times
the writer was impressed with the
inefficient power and light service
of Coos Bay. Tho linotype machines
are operated by electric motors and
often as many as three or four times
a day tho power would suddenly
shut off leaving tho men and ma
chines idle. Several times at night
in tho business and editorial rooms
candles wero brought into requisi
tion to furnish light. Every busi
ness establishment in this city and
North pend has had tho sarao annoy
ing, inconvenient and expensive ex
perience, A mild protest against
such service waB penned and pub
lished. Mr. Bell says be does not
object to "honest criticism." This
criticism was both mild and honest.
Now mark what happened. About
soon tbt following day Geo. Blau-
chard stormed into tho Times office
and wanted to know wnat the Times
meant by attacking the electric light
and power service He also wanted to
know who was responsible for the
attack. He desired further to say
that tho Coos Bay Gas & Electric
Co. was spending $300 or $400 per
year with the Times and that fact
should entitle them to consideration.
Ho did not think they should be
criticised when they wero willing to
spend that much money in the col
umns of this paper. Mr. Blanchard's
whirlwind attack was met with the
mild assurance that there was noth
ing malicious in tho criticism pub
lished and that It was tho honest
opinion of tho editor who alone was
responsible. He was also Hold that
if he considered the criticism unfair
that tho columns of the Times wero
open to him free, without money and
without price to answer the same.
He was even invited to sit down and there and then and it would
bo published without cost. That
doesn't sound much like graft, does
It? Thero wero witnesses present
at tho time. Mr. Blanchard, who Is
manager for Mr. Bell, met this with
another storm of wrath to the effect
that the money they wero spending
with tho paper should entitle them
to silenco or compliments. Ho was
then told in plain English that when
he bought advertising ho did not sub
sidize the paper and that as long as
it remained under Its present control
all tho money Mr. Hewitt and Mr.
Bell possessed could not buy its si
lenco on matters of public concern.
Ho went away to return two days
later and announce that the longer
It was thought of the more outrage
ous It was considered by tho Coos
Bay Gas & Electric company that
they should spend their money for
advertising and thon be criticised In
tho editorial or news columns of the
paper and they proposed under such
conditions to withdraw all their ad
vertising and other patronage. This
was plainly almost coarsely stated.
A short tlmo later Mr. Bell called a
representative of tho paper and dis
continued tho subscription of Mr.
Hewitt. This withdrawal of patron
age has been tho only answer made
by tho Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co.
to tho honest criticism of the Times
until yesterday when under the head
ing "The Coos Bay Gas & Electric
Company Refuses to bo Grafted"
they printed In the Coos Bay News
nearly a quarter page of vile and
contemptlblo Insinuations in a per
sonal attack on tho editor of the
I am a firm believer in high think
ing, right living and plain speaking.
If Seymour H. Bell by insinuation
and innuendo intimates what ho dare
not openly assert, that in any man
ner tho criticism of tho Times has
been animated by other motives than
that the people of Coos Bay should
be given a good service, before all
honest men in tho world I brand
is a short and ugly word but It Is the
only one in the English language
with which to designate an assassin
of character whoso ideals do not com
prehend anything above the gutters
of greed in which ho wallows.
If Bell Intimates that thero was
any effort to coerce the Coos Bay
Gas Biectrla Co. iato advertising
lie is lying and he knows ho is lying
mid tho man who wroto it knew it
was u lio when he penned it. It Is a
barefaced, bold lio thnt bears its con
demnation on its face, becauso the
company was advertising rcgulnrly in
tho columns of tho Times when this
paper printed its criticism and it was
only becauso it DARED TO PRINT
THE TRUTH about tho company's
service that the advertising was with
drawn. '
It is true that I have taken an
option on tho Times but it was an
honest option, honestly and openly
taken and Is in a fair way to bo hon
estly closed. When It is I will buy
tho Times with my own money hon
estly earned. I camo to Coos Bay
to honestly purchaso and pay for
what I secured. I did not como to
cajole and coax and with booze, bluff
and buncom wheedle out of the peo
plo franchises or anything else worth
thousands of dollars for nothing and
then give in return tho poorest pos
slblo service.
I may not have the ability to edit
tho sort of newspaper that meets
with the approval of Seymour H. Bell
but I thank God I have sufficient
ability to write my own statements.
Tho published statement that the
Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co. never
issued one dollars worth of stock
that was not paid for in cash I do not
care to discuss at this time, for I do
not know, but I do know that this
statement is widely at variance with
well circulated and commonly ac
cepted reports to tho contrary.
I am not rich by comparison with
Mr. Hewitt, whose man Friday Bell
is and who could possibly buy all of
Marshfleld and have money lef. Mr.
Boll's charge that I am poor by such
comparison is true. If lack of great
wealth is a crime I plead guilty.
But I never made any pretense to
tho contrary. That's one reason why
I was careful in negotiating tho pur
chase of the Times. I could not af
ford to be as reckless with my money
as Mr. Bell is with his money at
times. And so Mr. Bell because he
found that I was not so constituted
that "I would crook the pregnant
hinges of tho knee that thrift might
follow fawning" would seek my de
struction. Because I was poor as the
people of Coos Bay are, Individually,
he would crush me. If I had taken
an option on the plant of the Times
ho would discredit It and mako it a
poor Investment by withdrawing "his
patronage and seek to influence
others. If negotiations had gone too
-r ho would further embitter thj
pill by other assaults on my char
acter, credit and standing in the com
munity. So bo it. Let tho lines be fairly
drawn. Let the peoplo understand
that Mr. Bell has not only capital,
but seeks to mako capital out of an
other's lack of It. Noble, manly trait
in the good and gracious Mr. Bell.
If he cannot control he will crush.
Good? Why ho is angelic. In fact
he sleeps at night with his face in
tho pillow and crocked ice on his
shoulder blades to keep the wings
from sprouting. Ho is investing his
money here for tho 'benefit of tho
dear people. He does not expect to
mako any money for years but just
to help out Coos Bay ho will dump
his money into the trade channels
of this city with tho reckless ex
travagance of a drunken sailor. His
only desire is to help tho dear people.J
How wrong It is that such a benefact
or and such a corporation should
bo criticised. Why wo should hold
a weekly pralso service just to glvo
thanks for tho kindly benefactions
of this Pacific philanthropist. And
the Times, why it should bo boy
cotted and banished for daring to
lift its volco in protest.
Mr. Bell calls tho Timoi a cheap
paper but thank God it is not as
cheap as Mr. Bell and his corpora
tion. It was not so cheap that he
could buy its silenco with his dirty
dollars. If tho editor of tho Times
Is poor he is not so poor that all tho
money of the Coos Bay Gas & Elec
tric Co. could purchaso for one fleet
ing second his right to do his own
thinking and speaking his own mind.
Mr. Bell says that his corporation
is attacked by an "Itinerant knight of
tho pen, who risks no capital and
spends only his time." I am a strang
er here. Tho people of Coos Bay
do not know mo. They havo accept
ed mo on trust. I would bo falso to
every instinct of gratltudo if I did
not seek to merit such confidence by
establishing my right to their faith
in my honesty and honor.
When I came, however, I brought
certain credentials from thoso who
have known mo almost my wholo
life long. I expected to use theuo in
(Coatlnued ok page )
Women of Wosdcraft Answers
Challenge of Times in
Form of Ball.
North Bend Organization Deserves
Unstinted Praise for Its Support
of "Tho Cause."
To tho ladies of tho Women of
Woodcraft, Ottilia Circle No. 401,
the Times respectfully begs permis
sion to extend Its deepest felicita
tions of appreciation and good will
for' their cooperation in mak
ing the initial movo of the
"Grand Leap Year Campaign" of
1908, for which tho Times sounded
tho advance in its issue of Saturday
last. Mayhap the cooperation was
unsconcious; if so tho Times would
further Impose tho indulgence of the
Women of Woodcraft by paying a
tribute to those powers of originality
and perspicuity which their action In
getting up tho Leap Year ball de
notes. That this most novel and unique
affair will be one of tho long re
membered events in Coos Bay so
claldom is a foregone conclusion.
February eighth, nineteen hundred
and eight, is the announcement,
which those so fortunate as to be
honored, note on the front cover of
the Invitations. Further down Is the
place, Eckhoff hall, North Bend; but
like all things feminine the gist and
kernal is discovered in the most un-
looked for spot. At the very bottom
of the front insido page giving one
an Involuntary Impression that it
feels a trifle -shy -at being tho first
harbinger of the new order of cus
toms Is the notice, "Admission,
Ladles $1.00 Gents, Free."
Tho invitations caused much
speculation among tho ranks of the
Coos Bay bachelor brigade yester
day afternoon. In ono particular in
stance a bachelor was congratulat
ing himself at being among the elect
when a friend threw cold water on
his happy feelings by asking him
what young lady had selected his
company. At the time of going to
press thls question remained unan
swered. The bachelor It is said is
in a state of profound study trying
to figure out If tho forms of feminine
etiquette as applied to the males for
1908 render them liablo to social
ostraclzation if they appear at a
dance without a female escort.
The Coos Bay orchestra will fur
nish music for tho Leap Year ball.
Thero are twenty-four dances sched
uled on the program. Tho following
ladles compose tho floor committee:
Mesdames, J. J. Burns, C. S. Winsor,
N. G. Hames, and Miss Ida Gamble.
Fruit Growers Have Started a Cam
paign of Plaining and General
Cleaning Up.
Tho agitation started by the
Marshfleld Chamber of Commerco re
cently for better fruit, is manifesting
results In tho way of marked activ
ity among tho fruit growers. Ono
accustomed to tho negligent appear
ance of Coos river orchards would
not recognize them now. A general
pruning and cleaning out campaign
has been in progress, completely
changing tho aspect of the orchards.
It was stated this morning that
somo of tho orchards could even now
compare In appearance with thoso of
tho famous Hood river. Tho new
spirit among Coos river orchardlsts
has called forth an urgent demand
for the services of pruners. Today a
fruit growers' meeting is in session
in Myrtle Point and a number of
growers from the Coos river district
aro in attendance.
(By Associated Press.)
Tho torpedo flotilla Joined tho
battleship fleet at this port yes-
terday afternoon.
Yes, business is Qood If your ad
vertising is "good." ..
Will Not Come To Oregon to
Answer Charges Made By
Francis J. Heney.
(By Associated Press.)
PORTLAND, Feb. 5. A spe-
cial .dispatch to the Evening Tel-
egram from Washington says
Fulton has changed his mind
about returning to Oregon to
answer the charges of Heney.
Numerous telegrams from the
business interests of Oregon
asking him to remain In Wash-
ington in the Interest of legisla-
tion have caused tho change of
Choking With Smoko Sho Sings
"Glory For Mo" Wlillo Audience
Is Dlspcrced Safely.
(By Associated Press.)
DETROIT, Feb. 4. Choking with
smoke from a fire that crackled In
lite rafters and in front of her, In
the Kercheval avenue Methodist
Episcopal church last night Missr
Eva Ludgate, a young woman evan
gelist from Chicago sang" Glory for
Me" while the audience got out safe
ly. Ho calmness averted a bad fire
panic. The flro was caused by defect
ive wiring. Damage $500.
Gei'iiian-Ainericnii Bank of Portland
Absorbes Defunct Institution.
(By Associated Press.)
PORTLAND, Feb. 5. Circuit
Judge Gantenburg today approved
tho absorption of the Oregon-Trust
& Savings Bank, which failed August
20, by the German-American Bank of
this city. Hereafter tho Oregon
Trust will exist only as an open ac
count in tho affairs of tho German
American and for tho next two years
Receiver Devlin will continue as cus
todian of this account.
S. Circuit Judge Appoints Two
Receivers and Two Masters.
(By Associated Press.)
PORTLAND, Me,, Feb. C. Receiv
ers for the Eastern Steamship Com
pany, the Metropolitan Steamship
Company, and the Consolidated
Steamship Lines of Maine, also two
joint special masters were appointed
by United States Circuit Judge Put
nam today.
Dccreo Granted Nullifying Her Mnr
riago to tho Earl.
(By Associated Press.)
LONDON, Feb. 5. Sir BIrrell
Barnes, president of the divorce court
today granted tho Countess Yar
mouth (Miss Allco Thaw) a decree
nullifying her marriage to tho Duke
of Yarmouth. The case was practi
cally undefended. Tho countess was
present but the Earl was not In court.
President of Lunacy Commission Vis
its Him at Mnttcawan.
(By Associated Press.)
NEW YORK, Feb. .C Dr. Allan
Ferris, president of tho Lunacy Cam
mission visited Thaw yesterday at
Matteawan. Ho said Thaw was vory
nervous and excitable but that on
such short notice It was Impossible
to como to any conclusion as to his
permanent mental condition.
(By Associated Press.)
TOKIO, Feb. 5. Tho appointment
of Viscount Slnzo Aokl, ex-ambassador
to Washington, as privy council
lor will be officially announced tomorrow,
Says Former District Attorney
Hall Conspired to Graft
Government Prosecutor .Makes Open
ing Argument In Trial of Jolm
11. Hall.
(By Associated Press.)
PORTLAND, Or., Feb. 5. "United
States Attorneys are doing politics In
stead of their duty and are appointed
by rotten United States senators," is
the way Francis J. Heney character
ized some of the government officials
in his opening argument in the trial
of Ex-United States District Attorney
John H. Hall today. Heney declared
Hall had ample evidence on which to
proceed against the Butte Creek com
pany but failed to do so and he ac
cused Hall of conspiracy with W. "W.
Steiwer, H. H. Hendricks, C. B.
Zachary and others to maintain un
law fence In Eastern Oregon.
Progress Club Will Celebrate
Birthday -of George
For tho benefit of tho Marshfleld
public library fund the Progress club,
Coos Bay's literary organization, will
on tho evening of Washington's birth
day, February 22, give a Colonial
ball. This step was decided on at
the regular meeting of tho club yes
terday afternoon at the homo of Mrs.
Percy Levar. Though no details havo
as yet been arranged it was decided
yesterday that all who attend tho
ball shall wear attire of the Colonial
period. The same will apply In part
of tho danco program, tho minuet
and those other graceful steps of
tho days when knighthood was in
flower. The following ladies wero
appointed to form a committee on
arrangemnets and take complete
charge of tho preparations for tho
affair: Mesdames, E. G. Flanagan.
H. S. Tower, M. C. Horton, D. Y.
Stafford, G. W. Kaufman, J. W. In
gram, I. Lando, J. M. Upton.
Charles Lamb wns taken as tho
subject for tho meeting of the pro
gress club yesterday afternoon. Tho
feature of tho meeting was the paper
prepared by Mrs. G. W. Kaufman
on the life and literary career of the
noted English literature. The paper
was a thorough and comprehensive
review and denoted careful and deep
thought In tho preparation. Follow
ing this other selections from Lamb's
essays and poems were read.
In honor of George Merldith'S'
tho celebrated English writer, 80th
birthday tho Progress club yesterday
voted to send him a letter extend
ing congratulations from an organi
zations, whoso literary Interest
form for It a link of common fol
lowship with tho English nuthor.
The circumstances surrounding, the
extending of congratulations will
render them decidedly out of tho or
dinary because of tho fact that tho
Progress club of Marshfleld Is tho
most westerly literary club extant,
Coos Bay being about threo miles to
tho eastward of Point Blanco tho
most westerly point on tho Pacific
(By Associated Press.)
Financial difficulties in all parts
of tho world resulted in such a
curtailment of orders for loco
motives that ten thousand em
ployes of tho Baldwin Locomo
tive Works are laid off. Tho
full working force now Is about
19,000 men.