The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 04, 1908, Image 1

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    -?" WTWiffny, ,9
On tlto current events of tho
world's progress by reading Tho
Dally Times.
, f.
Advertisers get good returns from
announcements placed in The Daily
No. 181
Crown Prince Luise Phillipe Is Also Killed
and Prince Manuel; Who Succeds
King Carlos Is Wounded
Affair Is a Direct Result of Aggresive Political Agitation and
There Is Report That a Portugese Republic Has Been
Proclaimed and a Provisional Government Has
Been Established.
LISBON, Feb. 4. King Carlos and Crown Prince Luise
Philippe were shot to death by a party of regicides as they drove
in with Queen Amello and Prince Manuel from Villa Vicosa In
an open carriage Saturday afternoon. The regicides were lay-
ing in wait for the carriage at the Prado Commerclo. The queen
was unhurt but Prince Manuel was shot in the arm and face.
Tho police guards killed two of tho conspirators and captured a
third. The tragedy was the outcome of political troubles.
Late King and His Son Will be
Laid to Final Rest on Feb
ruary 8.
Attention of Whole World Fo
cused on Little Country's
Outbreaks of Anarchistic Vio
lence Shakes Country to
Condition of King Manuel, Shot nt
Sumo Time is Reported to bo
Improving Rapidly.
1 fBv Associated Press.) '
LISBON, Fob, 4,Tha con-
dltion of King Manuel, who
was shot In the arm and face at
th'o t'imb his father and brother
were shot, Is improving. It has
been announced that the funer-
als of the late king and crown
princo will be held February 8.
A number of changes in tho ;
cabinet aro announced.
Spnln Takes Profcnullons.
MADRID Feb. 4. Heavy
detachments of soldiers aro on
duty night 'ana'day on the Span
ish frontier 'for use In emer
gency trouble In Portugal. It Is
reported that King Carlos'
Hfo 'insurance was J222.000.
(By Associated Press.)
LISBON, Feb. 4. Changes In the
Portugal ministry are so rapid that
It Is difficult to tell the final com
position of the cabinet. The minist
ry of yesterday was supplanted by
another today. Only three of yes
terday's cabinet being retained and
later a third ministry wan announced.
Martial law and bh9Dbs 8011-
Feb. 4. Reports have been re-
celved that a Portugese repifblic
has been proclaimed at Oporto
and that a provisional govern-
ment has been established in that
stltutlonal guarantees was proclaim-
ed yesterday evening. The municipal
authorities are taking steps to pre
vent a recurrence of disorders.
Marquis De Soveral, the Portugese
minister to Great Britain has started
for London. In view of existing treat
ies between Portugal and Great Brit
ain there is belief in some quarters
that Great Britain had much to do
with the retirement of Franco from
office. This move on the part of the
minister is regarded as significant.
A strict censorship of the outgoing
telegraph news Is maintained,
Cuuso Is roiitlcai.
LISBON, Feb. 4,- A political out
break of annfdhlstlc violence has
shaken this country to its foundation.
Arrests are being made by
the wholesale. All suspicious persons
are under-pollce surveillance. Up to
4:30 this afternoon thore was no re
currence of disorders, Tho Lisbon-
Portugal frontier is belnK closely
guarded to prevent tljo escape of sus
pects. Strict Censorship prevails on
all Outgoing telegrams.
Premier gults.
Premier Franco has relinquished
his power and a now cabinet has been
formed with Admiral Ferrlera do
Amaral as president In the place of
tho late dictator, Franco. Ho agreed
to the step as calculated to pacify
hostile public opinion at a time when
only a spark was needed to Inflame
tho whole country and hurl It head-,
long Into revolution. Nevertheless,
It Is beltoved that Franco will still bo
tho "man of power," but his official)
prerogatives at least will be shorn of j
real authority. Tho open session of
tho now council was held today. King
Manuel II appeared before the ratnlst-.
ors and In a voice vibrant with emo-
tlon said, "I am yet without experl-j
ence either In science or In politics.
needing and believing In your patriot
Ism and wisdom."
Threats in Russia.
the Russ, in daring style draws a
.. - - ... ... ..! '
thinly veiled parallel on eonuiuono
In Portugal and Russia asid warns
the coTenmeat almost la so Many
words of tho danger of a similar
event here.
New King Is Popular.
BERLIN, Feb. 4. A Darmstaeder
Bank private dispatch from Lisbon
says tho new king Is very popular
and tho army loyal. Alarming ru
mors say the dispatch should be re
ceived with greatest caution.
Protecting British Subjects.
GIBRALTER, Tho British cruiser
squadron departed today steaming
west. It was first reported going to
Lisbon but it is understood now the
squadron will not go unless tho situa
tion In Portugal takes an unexpected
turn, jeopardising tho lives and prop
erty of British subjects.
Peace Restored.
LQNDON, Feb. 4. Official ad
vices say there Is nothing in the
situation in Portugal to create fur
ther disorders.
No Revolution.
LLISBON, Feb. 4. The minister of
war Issued a statement today declar
ing that rumors that a revolution
had broken out in Oporto and else
where was absolutely untrue.
Ten Thousand Moors Killed and
160 French Lose Lives in
LONDON, Feb. 4. A news
agency publishes a dispatch
from Tangier of a battle be-
tween tho French and Moors
near Settate, Morocco in which
ten thousand Moors were killed
and wounded. French lost 160
Senator Tillmari Introduces
Resolutions Relating to Land
Grants in Oregon.
Wants Suit Begun to Recover Lands
in Pacific Railroad Grants.
Fulton Objects.
WASHINGTON, Fob, 4. Senator
Tillman proposed resolutions direct
ing the government to institute suit
for recovery of lands in tho Pacific
railroad grants In Oregon whoro pro
visions of tho land grant acts ha,ve
not been compiled with. Also a reso
lution calling upon tho president for
information concerning tho action of
tho department of justice in refer
ence to the Pacific railroad land
Objection was mado to immediate
consideration of the resolutions and
Senator Fulton advised that they go
to a committee so that a conforonca
could be had with tho department of
justice which he said Is taking ac
tion looking to tho restoration "to the
public domain o'f tho lands in ques
tion. The resolutions woro therefore
referred to tho committee on judici
ary. Some mighty nice people are
buying In Sengstacken's addition
which frill mean some good houses
this spring. '
Try a Want Ad.
Interesting Program of After
Dinner Speeches Is An
nounced for Event.
Will He In Nnturo of a Celebration
of the City's Fourth Natal Day
Prosperous mid Progressive.
The preparations for the banquet
being tendered by the North Bend
Chamber of Commerce to the out
going and Incoming administration
of that prosperous and enterprising
municipality are going forward with
tho usual North Bend enthusiasm.
Tho occasion is tho fourth anniver
sary of the city's birth and will in
a measure partake of a birthday cele
bration with four largo and brilliant
candles in the city's birthday cake.
The banquet Is announced to be
given at the North Bend hotel ion
Thursday evening February 6 and it
is desired that all favored with in
vitations be in their seats not later
than 9:30.
The following program of after
dinner speeches is announced:
"North Bend In Perspective"
Mayor Simpson.
"Marhsfleld Also". .. .Mayor Straw.
"The Has Beens" .Geo. DeMandlgo.
"Babes In Lawmaking"
". Sylvester Johnson.
Song Mrs. E. L. Robinson.
"North Bend In 1920"
Major L. D. Kinney
"Greater Coos Bay"
Walter Lyon
"Fpur Years of North Bend"
Col. F. H. Brlgham
"Tho Ladles". . .Archibald Whisnant
Song Mrs. J. W. Gardiner
W. P. Evans, president of the
chamber of commerce will officiate
as toastmaster and that Is guarantee
of an Inspiration alike for guests and
Reception Committee. '
The reception committee will be
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Evans, Mr. and
Mrs. M. G. Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. J.
H. Gardiner.
Chicago Annrchfots Aro Displaying
Unusual Activity and Aro Thought
to Be Dangerous.
(By Associated Press.)
CHICAGO, Feb. 4. "Never in tho
history of Chicago havo anarchists
or other enemies of law and order
been more dangerous than at pres-
net," declared Chief of Police Shlppy
last night. "The polloo are watching
their movements closely. You never
know when they aro going to break
out," said Shlppy who pointedly crit
icized Municipal Judge Torrlzen who
had suggested that two men arrested
for posting red placards unlawfully
advertising anarchistic meeting be
released without penalty.
in: i - .
'w i
Get-Rich-Qulck Scheme Separates
Many From Their Money.
SEATTLE, Feb. 4. A number of
Seattle persons havo been caught In
a "get-rlch-qulck" schome promulgat
ed by promoters who aro said to have
headquarters at Rosoburg, Or. Under
promise that they could obtain val
uable timber lands from tho Califor
nia & Oregon Railway upon payment
of a small sum, well known persons
in this city havo subscribed sums
ranging from ?25 to $100 to cover
the Initial expenses In the scheme.
The scheme has been branded as
worthless by tho general land offlco
at Washlgton and Investors warned
against Investing where there Is no
hope of, return.
Read the Want Adi.
Property Owners Voice Objec
tions to Douglas Street as
-Ferry Slip.
Fire Department Also Enters
Complaint and Asks for Ex
clusive Quarters.
Chief Nichols, speaking for the
Marshfleld Fire Department, outers
n plea for department quarters and
asks for immediate action
Eugeno O'Connell objects to the
dedication of Douglas street for a
ferry and says tho property owners
Will go into court if necessary.
At tho request of a petition from
property holders improvements on
naurci nnu mnnagan streets win not
bo carried out.
Committee - appointed to confer
wltlrO. A. Smith realtlvo to tho im-
proving of Eddy street.
Mayor Straw will go to Portland to
suiuy tiint city s mctnous oi Handling too many people 0n tho other Bldff
its municipal affairs. not onj. from Eastslde but from tbe
different Inlets that are anxious for
Last night's session of the Marsh- a means of transportation to Marsh
fleld city council developed Into a field. Twenty feet Is as much as i
meeting of protest, tho city fathers needed to effect a landing and I don't
assuming the character of tribunal, see that It will work any Injury to
Into whose ears tho assertions of tho property. I think this council will
different protesters wero poured.' make a mistake If It allows this op
Chief Nichols, of the Marshfleld fire portunlty to pass by. An approprla-
department, opened this feature of
last night's meeting when, as the se
lected representative of tho members
of tho organization, he earnestly de
clared that the Marshfleld fire depart
ment, as It is now conducted, is han
dicapped and retarded to tho point of
Inefficiency should present conditions
continued unremedied. He explained
how all tho lack of organization was
duo tho fact that the members of the
department had no official home, no
quarters which they could control
and In which they could take pride
in maintaining. Ho showed how
the members could not feel the
zealous cooperation and patriotism
to tho department and city which
are tho distinguishing characterist
ics of departments ln cities whero
the matter of excluslvo quarters
dedicated to tho use of tho city's
firemen Is observed. When tho chief
had concluded there was a general
feeling that stops should bo taken
to conserve tho Interest of Marsh
field's fire boys. As the council do
sired, howeVer, to Inform ltso)'f
more fully on other matters pertain
ing to fire departments in other
cities it was decided to defer action
until next Monday night when tho
quarters and other questions will be
disposed of.
Eugene O'Connell spoke objecting
to tho Marshfleld and Eastsldo ferry
landing at the foot of Douglas
street. Mr. O'Connell gavo two rea
sons for his objections: first, ho bo
lleved a ferry landing would work
Injury to tho wharf from a ship
ping standpoint; second, ho owns
property In tho vicinity. Opening his
speech ho went Into tho city's his
tory and told how ho was ono of tho
property owners who at ono tlmo
wished to dedicate tho wharf to tho
city with tho understanding that
tho city would keep It up. "And,"
said Mr. O'Connell, "two of tho
members of tho city council scoffed
at mo and said It was a burlesque
for me to expect tho city to keep
up tho wnterfront.
"If wo dedicate Douglas street
as a ferry boat landing we will have
no wharfage loft. Tho city's ship
ping will havo to go either up or
down tho bay. Not only that but
when yom assign that trt to the
county court for a ferry landing
it passes out of your hands forever.
It will be but a question of tlmo
until It will bo under control of -a
corporation. But I havo been talk
ing from the standpoint of the city's
welfare. I have another object of
my own. I own a lot along side tho
proposed ferry landing. Now if tho
town takes that street and deprives
me of my rights I am Injured. Not
only that but there aro others. If
this thing Is carried through we will
make a fight and the people cannot
blamo us."
Claude Nasburg then addressed
the council supplementing Mr. O'Gon
nell's remarks. Ho divulged a pleco
of news to the city when ho said that
parties wero planning the erection
of a warehouse on the ground pro
posed to bo dedicated to a ferry land
ing. The names of the parties plan
ning the Improvement were not men
tioned either by Mr. O'Connell or
Mr. Nasburg. The latter also owns
property alongside the proposed land
ing. Following Mr. Nasburg, Alderman
Ivy Condron addressed tho raeetlngll
"Gentlemen," said Mr. Condron in
Wg charact,.ristic manner, "I want
I you to understand that tho city coun-
cil , actlng absolutly square ln thl3
thlng About a month ag0 ft com.
mltteo WM nnnolnted to look Into th
f matter of a nrnnnsod fnrrv limriw
nnd Douclaa street was solented.
There was no grounds f0l. BUpp0Btas
t,.at any damatro would occur to
I ,.,.,. if . ... .i,i.t
to ,. landln t balleva vou
have gone a trlflo too far We can.
not nffor, t ,t , !ntfiPt
ovorBnadow this nronoaltlon. Thore
tlon of $2,000 by the county court 4s
not to bo thrown down. I will also
say that I do not know of any or
dinance that tho council can pass hut
what It can repeal."
A little discussion followed Alder
man Condron's talk and tho meeting,
adjourned. Prior to tho ferry pro
position last night tho council dis
posed of its regular business. On tho
strength of n petition of Laurel and
Flanagan street property owners it
was voted to discontinue) tho proposed
Improvements on thoso streets. A
committee was also appointed to con
fer with C. A. Smith relative to the
widening of Eddy street from Queen
avenue to D. Street. A petition "waff
accopted allowing permission for ther
sewer from tho now Flanagan-Bennett
bank building to tho bay
water lino . Mayor Straw announced
good news last night when he de
clared his Intention of taking up a
sort of informal course ln municipal
affairs. Ho will leave for Portland
ln about ten days and will study that
city's government methods. Alder
man Lockhart Is still receiving let
ters regarding tho handling owelty
affairs by tho different larger coast
towns. Ono was received from Ash
land and ono from Medford last
Two Women Meet Death nnd Offiel
Aro Injured.
(By Associated Prr j)'
PITTSBURG, Fob. 4.- i'wo 8tfft
cars collided on sllppoi ;jr tracks htJro
today. Two women tn.0 killed an
12 persons cut by t ,ass and tramp
led In tho panic f j,at followed.' ,,
Accorded Wi. , inception to Shar
Admiral 7 j ml ug Mtifl :
(By Assonlatod Press.) '
WASHI NGTON, Fob. 4. Roar Ad
miral Er dns cablod today that tUo ro
coptlon of the fl00t by thQ ChUgMj t
author) .ties at Punts Areuas mitfUjiJ
peopl. -we,., west j,eartlIy gracfo