THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1908. ADVERTISING PRIZE Tho following advertisements of Marshfleld merchants are printed without any designation other than a number, but as readers of tho Times aro familiar with tho business establishments of the city they should have no difficulty In guessing the names of several or all of them. To the person successfully guessing correctly tho largest number a cash prlzo of $5.00 will bo paid; to tho one guessing the second largest num ber a cash prlzo of $3.00 nil to the one third best a cash prixo of $1.00. In case of tic the contest will bo decided by-drawing at the offico of tho Times. Tho advertisements with tho correct names attached will be printed in Tho Times Monday evening. All answers should bo mailed not later thnn 12' o'clock, noon, Monday, February 3. Names of winners will bo published Tuesday evening. Address' all answers to (Mrs.) A. II. AGNEAV, Marshfleld, Oregon. No. 1. ARRIVED OX THE PLANT A swell lino o.f ladies' waists; these waists havo been carefully selected by an expert on stylo and fashion. They will bo ready for sale Monday. If you don't know where to find them watch for tho answers to this con test. Namo No. 2 AVHEN you invest in Bastsido with any judgment at all you can not help doubling your money in a reasonably short time, as consider able is in store for Eastsido in tho near future. With tho freo ferry completed and In operation and tho Eastsido National Bank opened up for business, the new city, with its commanding view, will mako a very creditablo appearance. Name No. 3 GOING GOING GOING to every day at popular prices, carpets, mattings, rugs and furniture. Can you guess whero it is? It is easy. Name No. 1 MRS. HOUSEWIFE, what Is there so gratifying as tho husband's satisfaction and the healthy glow In tho little one's cheeks by tho result of good cooking? If you know whero to buy White Spray Flour, this se cret you may always attain and will have won tho best of prizes. Name No. 5 DID you ever stop to think how much of yur wife's tlrao is spent In tho kitchen getting ready for your meals? Do you know wo handle appliances whoso, use tends to greater cleanliness, comfort, con venience and economy in the prepar ation of food? Come and get one they aro Jewels. Name No. O YOU cannot serve two mast ers, this is true in business. Our one purpose in business is to pro vide for your wants in grocery and vegetables, therefore, wo give close attention to details, wo operate our own delivery system and we guar antee satisfactory service. Name No. 7 CRAAVIi WALK RUN or get a boat and row if you cannot ride, but come and select your val entines early whllo the stock Is com plete. I have the largest stock In tho city. You will find other bar gains at my place every day In the week. Quick sales and small pro fits our motto. Name No. 8 DO you know tho kind of coffee you should drink? I will give a dollar to the person who names It. Namo No 0 A SWELL DINNER Is not complete without choice wines to go with It. Telephone us and have them delivered to your homo free of charge. The finest stock of wines and liquors to bo had in town. AVo also carry AVelnhard's and Budwelser Beers. AVatch this space for tho place to get them. Name No. 10 WELL HOW'S THIS? AVhen your lights go out and all is dark You're all out of sorts and tho dogs do bark Telephone us, your troubles we'll attend, Either In Marshfleld or North Bend, AVo carry supplies of several kinds And aim to keep our stock up to tho times. Name No. 11 Been With Yon Some Time, and we aro still doing business at the same old stand ant in tho samoold way. Carrying tho best of everything In tho grocery lino and our prices have always been right. Our motto Is to pleaso our customers by sup plying them with tho best In the market. Try us once and bo con vinced. Name, , , , i r,v- ""?". "" GUESSING CONTEST No. la If You Are From Missouri AVe Can Show You. a buy in real estate in Marshfleld that Is as good as a bunk deposit. A largo lot and six room house well finished, beautiful view of the bay may bo had from this place. Price $2,300.00. Wo want you to settle in Marshfleld but wo want you to settle right and buy something that will increase your capital In years to come, so you had bettor see us be fore you buy. Namo '. No. 13 A WAY TO HAVE Is the problem of nearly erry house wife. Prices already high aro still going higher. Something must be done. You can solve the problem now nnd start saving at once by us ing White Itlver Flour. What! Don't know whero to find It? Well guess this merchant's name or watch for it in tho answers to this conte3t. Namo Xo. 14 WITHIN this town on its best street You'll find a store that enn't be heat For quality, fit and stylo. Now Gentlemen, Its well worth your while To step In and view the style, Boys this is no bluff, Within the storo you'll find the stuff That will take tho eye of every one For the garments are all "Well done." Namo No. lr AVHERE is the best place to buy hardware? Where do you get good goods at tho right prices? Are you going to build? Who can fur nish you builder's hardware more complete than I can? None Tho Coos Bay Times will tell you, watch for it. Name No. 10 LOOK LOOK LOOK AAre carry ladies' suits and skirts which aro closing out at cost. On men's furnishings wo will allow a discount of 10 percent on Monday, Tuesday and AVednesday to en quirers. Mackintoshes, too, are closing out. Your choice for $1.50. Namo No. 17 .A Largo Bet Made Today Although they do not gamble In Marshfleld, two men placed a bet as to the butcher who carries tho finest lino of meat in town. Tho winner named tho right shop. Guess which one It was or watch for correct an swer. Name No. 18. THIS SPACE PAID FOB By a merchant too busy to write an ad. AVho is ho? Name No. 10 IF your stomach, lungs or liver, or your brain Is acting bad; If you're troubled with . your kidneys or your heart; If you havo spells of coughing or a sort of chronic hack, just call in a good doctor, and take your prescriptions to Name No. 20 HERE IS EASY MONEY This Is not a guess. It Is a cinch. AVo are after your prescription busi ness. This Is tho store that takes unusual care In compounding, purity and accuracy. We advertise that what your doctor prescribes Is given you exactly and carefully here. Now you knoW tho name. Name No. 21 Another New Enterprise for Marshfleld. A largo shipbuilding concern to lo cate hero with one of tho finest equipped yards on the coast for building and ropairing scows, barges and boats. This company will also Introduce ono of tho latest styles of gridirons for raising vessels. Good luck to tho newcomers. Can you guess who they are? Name , No. 22 STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Four beautiful residence lots for salo on easy terms. Within walking dlstanco. Como and iee us before you invest If you can't guess who we are watch for our uamo In this space Mondny night. Namo No. SlFirst Class AVork Is Cheapest. AVhen buying n home It pays to havo first class plumbing and gas-fitting done, for repairing poor work Is what costs AVe do steam-fitting and cornice work also. Come and see us. Namo No. 2." IN selecting your wines and liquors don't forget to consult us. AVo carry a full line of domestic and Imported liquors and cigars. Namo . . . t , FOUND Gold plated chain locket with small lock attached. Owner can have same by calling at Times offico and paying for this notice. AVANTED Good pianist at the Crystal Theater. Leavo namo and address at tho Times office. No Sunday work. FOR RENT 2 house keeping rooms. Sophia Matson, S. Marshfleld. AVANTED Position as assistant manageress, hotel or restaurant, by lady fully competent, ample experience. Reference A 1. Ad dress N Times offico. FARM. TO RENT OR SELL Con taining 85 acres with house of ten rooms and barn orchard and other improvements close to town. Suit able for market gardening, dairy ing and stock raising Apply at Times. SEWING AVANTED AVork by dav. Will go out. Phono 493, Marsh fleld. FOR SALE 2 log engines. Apply Pacific Tool AVorks. FOR SALE Concrete block and brick machine. Box 432. FOR RENT House, 10 rooms and bath. South Marshfleld. Large yard, barn, fine view. Apply A. B. Campbell, Phone 494. OLD PAPERS For salo at The Times office. FARMERS & LOGGERS EMPLOY MENT OFFICE 291-2 North Second Btreet, Portland, Ore. Help furnished free to employers. Tel ephone and telegraph orders given special attention. Phono 6437 Main. OLD PAPERS For salo at The Times office. FOR RENT 2 office rooms over telephone office. See R. J. Montgomery. OLD PAPERS For sale at The Times office. WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs. A. H. Pow ers, Marshfleld. FOR SALE Beautiful 5-acre tracts at $60 and $65 per acre. Owner, C. H. Chandler, Bandon. ()DIDJTEVER;'TJgIKE that your advertising space would become again as valuable to you by tho use of a few appropriate cuts. I am novt m u position to get them for you tho same days as ordered. ROY. t LAWH0RNE TIIOMASON & HANSON -DEAtfRS IN- Hay, Grain and Feed T Phone 1751 Prompt Delivery Guaranteed IMHMHMHIIUMMMMX l .J - T-- ! (WoVvJ s Personal Notes. ROBERT BUNTON, of Beaver Hill, made a business visit In Marshfleld yesterday. A. G. THRIFT, of Coqullle, Is In the city cxperting books for Frank Boutin. O. R. AVILLARD, of Coqulllo Is now in Marshfleld superintending tho construction of his boat which Is now ready for tho planking. F. M. STEAVART, manager of tho Coos Bay Monumental works, re turned this morning after a few days spent hi tho Umpqua river country. AT THE CHURCHES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Bible School at 10 a. m., Sermon; "The Lost Soul." Junior union at 3 p. m Mrs. Phillips leader. B. Y. P. U. at G:30 p. m. Evening sermon, 7:30, "Tho Hope of the Penitent." Special music at all services by tho choir, C. J. MIllls, director. Bap tisms at the close of the evening service. Everybody cordially In vited to attend. CHRISTIAN SERrICES Services will bo held in the Masonic lodge room Sunday at 11 a. m. Subject: "Love." A cordial invitation is ex tended to all. METHODIST CHURCH 10 a. m. Sabbath school. 11 a. m. sermon: "Tho Gospel Message." 3 p. m. Junior League. G:30 p. m. Ep worth League. 7:30 p. m. sermon "Christ Stilling tho Tempest." A cordial welcome will bo given to those attending these services. The pastor particularly desires to meet the strangers to our city. AV. R. F. Browne, Pastor. NOTICE Is liereUy given, that there will be a meeting of tho stockholders of the Coos RIvery Cemetery association at Hall & Hall's office at Marshfleld on Saturday, February 1st, A. D., 1908, at eleven o'clock a. m. The object of this meeting Is to raise money by assessment, or otherwise as association may deem best to im prove said cemetery by putting up a building and otherwise beautifying the cemetery all aro requested to at tend. By order of the president, J. J. CLINKINBEARD, Secretary. The Motor Scow Transit Makes schedule trips between Marsh field and North Bend Monday, Wednes day nnd Saturday. Leaves North llond at 8:0o a, in. and Marshfleld at 10:30 a. in. Lcavo orders with, Titos. B. James, Agent 4 Reduction Sale At CHAS. A. STEVENS1 Cloak and Suit noose Chicago. Oor. First & B St., Marshfleld. Sirs. M. It. Smith, Afent, The C. B., R. & E. R. R. and Navigation Co. THE O. B., R. E. It. R. & N. CO. TIME TABLE. Subject to change without notice. No. 1. Dally, ex. Sunday No. 2. 7. 9:00a.m, Marsh'd Junction Coqullle Ar.12 :30p.m. Lv. 9:45a.m. Ar.10 :20a.m. Lv.ll:30a.m. Lv.l0:45a.m. Myrtle Pt Trains to and from Beaver Hill dally. W. E Miller, Agent. F. J. nAYES Resident Optometrist. Eyes tested freo. Broken lens replaced. WORK GUARANTEED. Marshfleld, Oregon. MEET ms i: Tattle of the-Town Little grains of fact clfted from tho chaff of gossip flying ap and down the town. WEATHER FORECAST AA'estern Oregon, AVestcrn AA'nshinston, fair tonlsht and Sunday. Continued cold east- erly winds. Eastern Oregon, AVashlngton, Idaho, fair tonight Sunday continued cold. Steamer For Coqullle. Portland capitalists aro planning the purcahse of a steamer of 400 tons to ply be twwen Portland and Coqullle. Tho boat will accomodate 50 passengers and her draft, nine feet, will permit her crossing the Bandon bar at any time. Meeting Postponed. The meeting of tho Prlscllla club which was to have been held at tho homo of Miss Agnes Hutchison last night was post poned owing to the Inability of many of the members to attend. It Is thought that tho next meeting will bo held at the homo of Miss Kauf man. Fancy Dress Party. The North Bend Commercial club will on Its Ladles' night, next AVednesday eve ning, give a fancy dress party In tho club's handsome quarters In North Bend. Many Marshfleld peoplo will bo in attendance and tho affair proni Isse to be one of the social events of tho season. Art Club Meets. Tho Ladles Art club of Marshfleld met at tho homo of Mrs. C. AV. McCulloch yesterday afternoon. There was a good at tendance and the evening was passed In the usual pleasant and profitable manner. Tho club will bo entertained at the homo of Mrs. Lang, corner of 7th and G streets, on February 7. Tho Ferry Boat. The ferry boat to be used to bring Marshfleld and Eastside Into closer communication Is now ready for bids. Bert Gould, of Coqullle, has completed plans for the boat. It Is to have steam motive power and will bo a sldo wheeler with torpedo ends. R. B. Reed will havo charge of It. ATnIciitino Ball. Probably one of the prettiest affairs of tho social sea son will be tho Valentine ball to bo given by the ladles of the Bridge AVhlst club on Valentino's night Feb urary 14. This Is the second dance given by tho members of tho Brldgo AVhlst club and It will bo looked for ward to by those who enjoyed tho pleasure of the last ono. Tho In vitations will bo out next week. Now County Map. Assistant County Surveyor Bert Gould has finished a map of Coos county Bhowlng tho lot numbers, timber holdings nnd townsltes. It is ono of tho most complete maps ever made, of tho county and measures 45x60 Inches, and tho figuring and letter ing aro largo enough so that ono has no troublo to find what they are looking for. Coqulllo Sentinel. AArlll Mako Marshfleld .Home. John R. Miller was In this city Tues day looking after his boat which has been tied up opposlto town on account of the engine not working. Ho informs us that ho expects a man from Portland on the next Break water to fix tho engine, tho company claiming that there was too much compression on tho cylinders for tho first explosion to throw over. Mr. Miller and family, who left Port Or- Aro Yon in Need of FIro Protection? Como to tho Hotel Blanco and see a simple, Inexpensive extinguish er a child can operato. Freo demon stration, every residence and busi ness house should havo ono. AV. AV. Cnrland, Hotel Blanco. US MARSHFIELD, OREGON. COQUILLE CLIPPINGS. News of the AA'cck Culled From tho Columns of the Herald. Born In Coqullle, Oregon, Jan uary 27,1908, to Mr. and Mrs. V. R. AVllson, a daughter. E. E. Johnson, of Johnson' mill, started for San Francisco, tho last of the week. AV1U Stauff, of Marshfleld, arrived In town by Monday's train. J. H. Smith was down from near Johnson's mill on Monday. Ho has, ' lately built a nice large shed for his line herd of Angora goats, but Is not exactly certain whether they will pre fer to stay under the roof or on top of It. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gage return ed from Coos river the latter part of the week, having visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gage a few days. James Morrison, of Parkerburg, was in town on Friday, being on his way to the bay where ho took tho Breakwater north bound. Ho will visit Portland and Seattle during his absence. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bender, of Myrtle Point, went to Portland by tho last Breakwater. Mr. Bender will undergo an operation for an affection of tho oar from which ho has suffered for some time. Married At Myrtle Point, Oregon, today, January 29, 19 08, Vernon J. Hazen and Miss Adelia Clinton, Rov. Thomas Barklow officiating. Born In Coqulllo Oregon, Janu ary 27, 190S, to Mr. and Mrs. AVal ter Culln, a son. Born At Bandon Oregon, Janu- ary 24 190S, o Mr. and Mrs. AV. H. Smith, a daughter. AVm. Norris, from near Johnson's mill, was a passenger to tho bay by; 2 Saturday's train. Born At Bandon, Oregon, Janu ary 24, 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Kime, a son. Mrs. L. M. Noble, of Marshfleld,. passed through' Coqulllo Saturday on her way to Bandon. J. O. Stemmler, of Dora, had busi ness In Coqullle and at the bay a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Hollenbeck, who havo lived In this city for a number of years, move"d to Bandon Monday. Frank Johnson, a stranger In thl? section, Is now an Inmate of Hotel de Gage In consequlnco of a Uttlo shop-lifting, etc., In Mrs. Noslor'a store. His ball was set at $500. H. Conlogue, tho lumberman, who conducted a largo camp near Beaver Hill last season, had business In Co qullle last Saturday. AVo understand that he expects to start for his old home In the east In a short time for a visit. Chas. Hill, of near Bridge, has purchased tho Sackett lot and un finished house near tho General Hos pital, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hill, will occupy tho homo as soon as It can bo finished up and mado ready for them. R. AV. Bull, who has conducted tho Cafe In connection with the Merry land resort, resigned tho position and departed for Oakland, California Inst week. AV111 Mast, tho Myrtle Point furni ture man, went to tho Bay on busi ness yesterday. Little Dixie AVllson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff AVllson, who la suffering from an attack of menin gitis, Is much Improved. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Baxter, who were down from the mines near Eck- i.. J ,.!., n vlolt wrltli Mro RllT. 1UJ U14JUJlll U. UOIV ...v. .. j. J tor'a nnronts. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. -Mr Skeols, as well as many other rela tives and friends, started on their return the latter part of tho week. ford'a few months ago and havo been visiting In Portland and other parts of th estate, havo returned to Marsh flold whero they will mako their home. Coqulllo Setlnel. IS STILL ALIVE Rnllwny Project Is Not As Dead Aa Sorno Peoplo Think. Tho Umpqua Valley News of Rose burg republishes tho article on tho Northwestern railway and makes tho following comment: "Tho following artlclo originally published In tho Salt Lako Tribune, and later printed in tho Coos Bay Times, will no doubt Interest many o tho citizens of this locality, Its sub stance showing conclusively that tho longed talked railroad connection be tween tho east and Coos Bay Is still allvo and Is not sleeping In that quiet stato which so many thought." Fancy valentines at tho RoU. Cross Drug Storo. A Special Ranch Bargain. 200 ncro ranch, about CO acres bottom land, tho balanco can bo used for fruit and paaturo land. Good S room house, good barn, modern Im provements and farming Implements of all kinds, Jersey cows, horses, chickens and all go tor $7,000.00 For full particulars, seo Stutsman. & Co. V.