THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELDf OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1908. Coos Bay Times GOODRUM PITS YOU OUT Business Directory ith the Toast and Tea WITH SLOTHES Cntcred at the po-itofflco at it diHAeld, Oregon, for transmission tlir'fragh the malls as second class tLHtl BiAtter. FROM COLLAR- jgBUTTONS Doctors. D R. GEORGE W. LESLIE Osteopathic Physician SUBSCRIPTION RATES. In Advance. DAILY. Graduate of American School of Osteopathy Klrksvllle, Mo. Ofllco Hours: 9 ii. m. to 4 p. ra. Other Hours by Appointment. OMco In Naslmrg Mock Phone 1G11. Marshfleld, Ore. HOSE- They are all the rage in the cities and I am .)' OneCtMifer $5 00 Six mnths $2.50 Less Oi&n C months, per month .50 WEEKLY. Ono ysor $1.50 Local readers, 10c per line. 1 D It. J. W. INGRAM Physician and Surgeon. Ofilce over Sengstacken's Drug Store. Phones Office 1C21; Residence 783. w . miH Till " PERFECT PEACE. -Of WW The policy of th Coos Br.y Times will be Republican in politics, with the Independence o- which President Iuxraovelt is the leading exponent. AN INUkTKNOENTjllEl'UnMOAN KUUbl-AI'Elt PUB inT,RDVsnY EVKM.SG UXCEnlMOSU.NDAV.AND inSKELY BT Til Coos 15a y 'Times Pohmsiiino Co. Addhi:.s.s All Communications to '"?. CO0SBAY DAILY TIMES JgQ$& HUrihfldd Oregon HIGH SCHOOL OX COOS RAY. Tho people of North Bend have shown the right spirit. They believe in, education and are willing to put up their money and their credit to es .tablish the best high school west of the Willamette valley. Perhaps one of -tho reasons for this spirit of pro gress, in educational lines is that this high school, is the most 'westerly in stitution of higher learning In all Uie length and breadth of conti nental United States. That is a dis tinction not to be overlooked and North Dend has a class of citizens who may be depended on not to over look anything good. When, by an overwhelming vote, the people of North Bend voted to Issue ?40,000 for a high school they showed them selves no better than most progres sive towns beyond the conilnes of Oregon and a few strides ahead of eouiq larger Oregonlan cities. Not that Oregon lacks interest in educa tion! Far from it! She is one of the most intelligent and best edu cated of states, even if she has been (nut is) a little slow. But what about Marshilold with her five thousand ono hundred and twenty-five population? Where is the high school she voted to author ize tho school board to provide for? "Whero aro the additional equip ment, tho four years' course, tho new corps of teachers? What has the school board done? Mr. President, wo rise for Information and protest that our questions are not intended to disturb the equaminity of Marsh field's happy unruffled temper. But In tho splendid exhibition which North Bend and Marshilold aro mak ing on tho race track of municipal supremacy, it is unpleasant to see one of tuo two get ahead of tho other. T-ho esdtenient insists In seeing tho racers keep neck and neck so that they may go under the wire of con solidation together. No doubt Man-hllold's school board aro taking measures to provide as good a high school building and as good a high school course as North Bond is to have. No doubt only wo haven't hoard of It and-I'as wo said boforo" wo rise for information. So far as we' aro informed no levy has been mado to meet tho demands of pro Krctta in tho respects mentioned. Perhaps arrangements are being made for- a bond issuo to meet tho needs of tho institution. JUtK YOU PLANNING YOUR Al- VKUTISING? It is not how much goods you soil, or how much profit you make, that determines whether your year's hnsi- ucsii has boon successful. How much dead stock you have on hand at tho end of tho year Is what determines how much you havo mado. The only way to keep dead stock from accumulating is to work off youc lines In proper season by a well constructed newpapor advertising plan., Look at the fences, trees and bridge advertisements. They tiro n directory of tho dead and failures in three cases out of four Another murk of successful ad- YCi'thiiii is concentration do not scatter your advertising fund if you would gft result. It's tho aim behind tho shot that counts. And tho plan is what makes a succi'Mlul nd.urtUliiK campaign. First decide what you can or what you ought to accomplish, then llx and apportion tho appropriation and lay out the Hues along which you should work. T iii'i-liminary rarpfully-thoutjht-ont program most likely to accom plish you tlt".in -the foroseelug srepareduess which work on schodulo itt unquestionably a most import ant factor in an ocononiluully-con-Juctod, succoss-lnsured campaign. O GOOD EVENING The longer on this earth we live And weigh the various quail- ties of men Tho more wo feel the high, stern-featured beauty Of plain devotedness to duty; Steadfast and still, nor paid with mortal praise, But finding amplest recom- penso For life's ungarlanded ex- penso In work done squarely and un- wasted days. Lowell. I HAVE NOT LIVED IN VAIN If I can cheer some heart, Some tired way-worn heart upon life's rugged road; If I can buoy the feet and help to bear tho load; If I can buoy tho feet, and to the tear-dimmed eyo Of some poor bowed-down pilgrim that is passing by, And some sweet joy Impart; If I can ease some pain, Or make some palo faco brighten with a touch of light, And turn somo wayward feet Into tho path of right; If I could lend a strong hand to the fallen ono And bid him rise and start anew and help him on, I havo not lived in vain. Selected. "Everything has Its compensa tions," remarked Bill Lawlor after ho came over from the oil house. "How so?" asked his friend. "Well I'm not much stuck on the odor of this, but it saves my eating cloves." No matter how small or how largo your expenditure for advertising the investment should bo made strictly along lines first determined as best to follow. Thero aro doflnlto things to bo accomplished and usually a specified sum of money is expected to accomp lished thoso certain things. Then plan ahead, us far ahead as you can see straight; schedule your work then stick to it as long as it doesn't prove entirely wrong. In most cases it is quite possible to plan the ontlro year's advertising expenditure at tho beginning of tho year. But if this cannot bo done, by all means make plans for six months ahead, or ovon threo months ahead. Building business by advertising might well bo likened to the building of a sky-scraper or a farm house. No builder would think of starting work on a sky-scraper without having previously planned how much ground It was to cover, how big it was to bo, how much it was to cost, or without contracting in ndvanco for necessary materials. Tho satno principles aro Involed In business-building by advertising. While it Is posslblo to build a brick nt a time, such niothods aro costly and very uueortain; and when half tho Intended expenditure has beon made It will likely develop that ono and nnothor Important detail was overlooked, so that all tho work and espouse provos utter loss. Most small ndvortlsors, and a urout ninny big ouos, npglect this im portant planning ahead to their own great disadvantage. Indeed many cousplouous failures, and many more less cousplclous, aro due to tho lack of any dofinlto pro dotormluod plan of action. This newspaper offers freo con sultation as to a successful advertis ing campaign try us. De .ar In Philadelphia Record. I An exchange very truthfully re- ' marks. When a man in. search of a home or business location goes to a town and finds everybody full of hope, energy and enthusiasm over I the prospects of their city, he, too, ' soon becomes imbued with the same 'spirit, drives down his stakes and goes to work with interest. Common Thrases Explained. "Pity is akin to love." And a mighty poor relation. "Every man has his price." Ex cepting always those who givo them selves away. "A complication of diseases." What a man dies of when the doctors don't know. "Riches have wings." But the millionaires' sons usually open the cago doors. "Ignorance is bliss." It must be, judging from the happy expressions of the majority. "Lovo laughs at locksmiths." With a milliner, grocer and ice man, how ever, ho is usually serious. Vegetables for Local Market Will Be Raised On Isthmus Inlet. TODAY'S GOOD THINGS IN THE MARKET Choice steak cuts l5c. Choice rib roasts, 15c. Good steak, 10c. Plain steak, 10c and 12 c. Boiling, 10c. Mutton, pork and veal, 10c and 15c. Vegetables Green peas, 12 c. Rhubarb, 2 lbs. 25c. Oregon celery, 15c. Cal. celery, 10c. Cauliilower, 10c and 15c. Sweet potatoes, 4 lbs, 25c. t t Coos Bay will soon bo independ ent from San Francisco nnd Portland from n vegetable standpoint if Ihe plans of a Rogue river truck farmer aro carried out successfully. This gentleman is now putting in a hot houso In Milllngton, up Isthmus In let, and It is his intention to put in several more. Ho will raise veget ables of all kinds for tho Coos Bav markot. This Is the first project of Its kind In tho Coos Bay country and tho grocerynion aro hoping that h3 will meet with unqualified success. Coos Bay faces a threatened onion famino. This commodity conies from Portland and tho demand thero 13 now a trlllo nioro than the supply. Prices havo advanced in the Portland wholesalo market to 3 cents a pouud and aro still soaring skyward. The present supply of onions on Coos Bay is soiling for 5 cents n pound but on tho next shipment, if any conies, it is suro to advance a cent or two. Very little relief was af forded tho local market by tho Breakwntor. Her tonnago consisted largely of machinery and ovory other freight but vegetables. A Special Bunch Bargain, I 2 00 ncro ranch, about CO acres bottom land, tho balance can be used for fruit and pasture laud. Good S room houso, good barn, modern lm provomonts and farming implements of nil kinds, Jorsoy cows, horses, chlokons nnd nil go for $7,000,00 1 For full particulars, sco Stutsman & Co. HOT-HOUSES DR. A. L. IIOUSEWORTII Physician and Surgeon. Office over First National Bank. Residence, two blocks north of Crystal Theater. Office . Phone 1431. Residence Phono 1656. s Lawyers. Francis II. Clnrko Jacob II. Make Lawrence A. Llljcqulst CLARKE, DLAKE & LILJEQV1ST, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Times Building, Marshfleld, Ore. United States Commissioner's Office. J W. BENNETT, Office over Flanagan & BennBtt Bank. Marshfleld, ... - Oregoi C. f. Mcknight, Attorney at Law. Upstairs, Bennett ft WaUor Block Marshfleld, - - Oregoc -"lOKE & COKE, Attorneys at Law. Marshfleld, .... Oregon Miscellaneous A . II. EDDY ARCHITECT Modern cottages a specialty. Ofilce opposite Blanco Hotel, Over Tele phone Building. -1ARPENTER -i Call R. A. Corthell. For all kinds of carpenter and cabinet work. Show cases and office furniture a specialty. Phone 561 Corthell's Delicatessen. M R. ALBERT AREL, Contractor for Teaming of all kindf. Phono 1884. P IANO TUNING, By. J. F. O'Rielly, Resident Tuner. Address Rov 249. Sfiirsliflold. ELMER A. TODD, Director Coos Ray Academy of Music. Voice, Piano. Pipe OrgRn. Harmony etc., from iiorrimilnf in termination. Sinners coached in stjlo diction and Interpretations, for opera, oratorio or concert ori: New O'Connell Huildlnu, Marshfleld Flanagan & Bennett Bank MARSIIFIELD, OREGON. Capital Subscribed 150,000 Capital Paid Up 10,000 Undivided TroBts Jtf.000 Does a general banking business and draw.- ou the Bank ot California. San Frauclsc Calll., First Notional Bank Portland Or., FirM National Bank. Uoseburg, Or., Hanover Na- ilouitl Bank, New York, N. M. Kothchlld & sun, London, England. Also sell change on nearly all the principal cities of Europe. Accounts kept subject to check, safe deposit lock boxes far rent at 5 cents a mouth or I is. a year. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Steam Dye Works C Street, Ladles' nnd Gents' Garments Cleaned or Dyed Philip Berker, Proprietor. BONITA and NORTH BEND FASTEST BOATS ON THE BAY. Half Hour Schedule. i Rui Uct ween Marshfleld -nd North Bend Made in 112 Minutes. i Private I Fare: One tny, 15c; roucfl trip, 5c. ! J. A. O'KELLY, Proprietor. l iU I ah H';!e at Any Hour lioid lleano aud Ycl.l lei. HEISNEH, MILLER & CO. Livery, Feed and Salo Stable. Wood for Sale. Third & A at. Phone l'i)l Marshfleld J3!'a;rrL'-'-- - - " J- the first to get them to Coos Bay so get one while they are new and be up to the future. Wood Fiber Ties in all colors - 50c Wood Fiber Hat Bands - 50c Ladies Coat Sweaters in white and ted - . - - $4.00 jj The STEAMER PLANT SAILS FROM MARSHP ILLD Batti fr San Francisco Tuesday Jan. 28th. No reservations held ofte the arrival of tho ship unless ticket is bought. F. S. DOW, Agent MARflHFIELR, & O. HRECKENRIDGE New Owners of tho COOS BAY TRANSPORTATION COMPANY W do a general Transfer and Storage business. Orders taken hf Phone will receive prompt attention. Water Front foot of A St. California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company Steamer Alliance B. W. OLSON, Master. SAILS FROM PORTLAND SATURDAYS, 8 P. M. SAILS FROM COOS BAY TUESDAYS, AT SERVICE OF TIDE. F. P. Baumgartner, Agt. L. W. Sh'aw, Agt. Couch St Dock, Portland, Ore. Marshfleld, Ore., Phono 441. WHY DO PEOPLE BUY IN BECAUSE It is choice inside residence property, lots 50xJ00 with alleys, is well sheltered with a good bay view and prices of lots are reasonable For particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. WE MAKE GAS ENGINES AND BOATS Speed Launchti and Engine! a Specially All Claitet of Boat andEngine Repairing PromptlyAttended to Shop, b die North Bend Woolen Mill. Norh B,n d( Oregon H. R. BEVIER, Mechanical Engineer C. II. ALLGEP., Boat Builder ST. VALENTINE'S DAY A djr sacred to St. Valentin o; tho 11th of February. It was a very old notion alluded to b ,- Shakespeare, that on this Day birds begin to mate. Hence, perh aps, nroso tho custom of sending lovo tokeiu nt that tlmo. . Wo hnvo tho most complet o lino of COMIO and PRETTY VAL ENTINES to bo found in tho cl ty. Front bZ3 tBQESZ2t3EXSSB2Z2a2ZZ3mBZSZ2S2SB: i uruana oc voos JDay : b. Line BTUSAKWATBR Sails from Portland Wednesday at 8 p. m. Sails from Coos Bay Satu days at Service of Tide. C F. McColIum, Agt. -nonewain34 - - REPRESENTING STYLEAND QUALITY Steamer OREGON G. L. DEAN. Phono 1031. & HANSEN Street. i it TTwna mwrrvrm . . a cf rwv - I I I 4WL TB . . . ... iSHb. . ,"TT ,-, MM