"" . - ,,, V THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1908. l iraw H-Hhi- ,I..I..I-;-'H-'I--H--HHH-H-v-;"I''I''I'I''I"I"I"I"I"H 'mJWmiWBMBMMIMlMtfrWJimjIIUJH ULMiHU II ! Ml ! HOLD SUCCESSFU JmJmJ.jmImJmjmJmjmjmj-mJmimjjojj. 'l"!"!"!"!"!""!"!" XX 8 t "sfk TT TT" Tv irhT JT 3.4- Wkl 13 fl jff W H MfJ rl "IW Marshfleld Aerie No. 538, F. 0. E. Entertains at an Interest ing Open Session. brlof talk that added much to the evening's enjoyment. His admonition that everyone called upon would be expected to contribute a share to the evening's entertainment had appre ciably good effect and there were A BANQUET AND T0ASTS.no deserters Th eflrst speaker was the retiring president, T. J. Lewis I who spoke briefly and effectively on Ilctlriniz President T. J. Lewis Is Presented With n Life Membership as a Token of Kslccm and Appreciation. The public installation of officers and banquet given by Marshfleld Ario No. 538 last evening was one of the most successful social and fraternal nffalrs of tho season. The installation was "performed In open session under tho competent direction of Grand Worthy Past President II. McLaln, as installing officer assisted by Con ductor T. Lynch. Tho ceremonies of Induction Into office were simple' but Impressive, consisting chiefly of a declaration of loyalty to the order and fealty to tho principles of frat ernal brotherhood. Tho officers In stalled for the ensuing year were: Worthy President. Charles Howard Worthy Vice Pros. Wm. Holland Chaplain Pay. A. Mercer Recording nnd Financial Secretary L. T. Owen Treasurer N. Relchart Insldo Guard C. Aiken Outside Guard E. Winner Trustee-Long Term .. ..J. Balnea Trustees-Short Term Clinton C. Going nnd Jns. 13. Hlbbard Tho outgoing officers wero: Worthy President.. ..T. J. Lewis Vice President Geo. Ferry Chaplain A. D. Cook Secretary T. L. Owen Treasurer N. Ucichart Icalde Guard John Heron Outside Guard E. Thurman Trustees, Chas. Kronholm, D. A. Curry nnd Jas. 11. Hlbbard. On completion of tho installation services Worthy President Hownrd assumed the gavel and closed the f. orclsou with an announcement of tho banquet which wns to follow tho iog ular proceedings. Tho llniuiiict. It was n gathering of representa tive citizens of Mnrshnold and sur rounding territory thnt sat down to n banquet board woll laden with good things of which tho chef do ouvro wns wild duck. Worthy Pi'st Presl'.-nt H. McLaln acted as toast master and mado nn admirable presiding officer. Tho spirit of good fellowship and fra ternal brothorhood prevnded tho ban quet room. Tho tonst muster intro duced, each of the speakers ou his In teresting and varied program with a the growth and purposes of the or der with a short historical record of the Marshfleld Aerie. He was follow ed by the newly elected president C. Howard who surprised Past President Lewis by presenting him on behalf of the members of the Marshfleld Aerlo with a life membership card In tho order. Mr. Lewis wns deeply affected by this token of esteem and appreciation from his fellow members and In a voice throbbing with emo tion conveyed his thanks to the Aerie. Then followed a series of rapid fire entertaining Interspersed with tho enlivening strains of the orchest ra. Among those contributing by story, song or "six step" were Bob Hughes, Charles Lee, Lew Larson, Joe Lindsley, L. K. Nichols, Will Kennedy, J. Goldle, Ed. Culgan, Mr. Barnum, Watt Short, "Battleship" McNlchols and others. Altogether It was an evening long to be remembered by Marshfleld Aerie and its happy guests. Kaglc Screams. You may choke, you may throttle Thq shriek If you will But tho scream of the eagle You can never keep still. Yea! Yea! As boosters the Eagles aro birds. As a toastmaster II. McLaln is a winner. So Is the outside guard E. Winner. W. J. Rohrer, of the commissary department, was as buy as a candi date on election day. Will Kennedy isn't giving away any of tho secrets of the ginger ale ' Industry at an open session. J "Chnw" McNlchols, of tho Battle ship "Alllanco" doesn't stutter when he steps. I "What makes a wild duck wild?" Will Lawlor asked Charllo Lee. I "When an Eagle llko Charlie How nrd tries to catch It by swimming," Charllo answered. Someone suggested that Toast master McLaln would make a 'good theatrical manager for ho could pick talent so enslly. MIICE HI I 0 HEM Mil i I HIVE: PKSffly nn is ULLh Boats From 'Frisco and Port land Depart on Schedule Time for Sea. Tho Delhi and Alliance went to sea this morning at eight o'clock with many passengers and a large amount of freight. Tho latter departed for Portland on bchedulo time and tho following wns tho list of passengers: Emmett Henderson, II. Hodges and wtfo and two sons, 10. W. Bales, Captain U. Mnsson, Art Solandor, G. J. Knhn, J. D. Roberts, G. M. Part ridge, T. M. lhlcksou, John Vrles, P. Gnrnlek, Mat l'nvllck, Thomas llrokloy, Prank Gardiner, J. Sloblck, J. and J vim Uiulouch. Tho Dolhl loft shortly nftor olght o'clock with tho following pasergor list for San Francisco: Cora 11. Pierce, Mrs. Coy and two children. J. B. Davis. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chamborlln, J. V. Luo, Captain Nel son and wife. I)aid Mlllor, W. Leo. P. WlUou, H. M. Dangsley, W. W. Doyoo, W, Coy, Moasrs. Brown and Aiugsloy, Mrs. A. Diuu'kH, Mr. Kelly, Mrs. David Mlllor, Mrs. Swanson, Mrs. Sherwood, T. V. Hollldaj, G. W. Guwnn, V. K. Plerco. N. W. Sea man and A. Iugersoll. Victim of Heavy Smith Mill Waver Reavers Consciousness. I.OWKIIS lUSCOl'XT HATK. r k of Kiighind Reduces Rate to Siv Per Cent, kBsoolatd Press.) Tho Bank of i, lowred the rnto of dls- o six per cont. Jnn.S - 1 A Lveni Henry Martin, of Minneapolis, the young man who was rendered un conscious from a fall of twenty foot while working In" the C. A. Smith mill on Tuosday nftqrnoon, died at Mercy Hospital yostorday afternoon ' without ever regaining conscious neb's. i I The unfutunato man hud sustain- I ed a fractal a at the baso of the brain, ' whore it was impossible to perform an operation upon him with any I chance of saving him. Manager Oren of tho lumber com pany, kept In touch with tho un- ! fortunate victim of the accident nud telegraphed to tho boy's father In Minneapolis, but no word has yet been received from tho parent, who la iu'ih4hl v minu'iti'a rvt lita lwiva " ' ""' "" - " "I death. Tho mill management tins given order to have the remains em balmed to await tho disposition of I .dr. Marilu, of Minneapolis, when he learus tho sad news. For about twelve hours nftor the acoldunt Martin's condition remain ed unchanged until yesterday aftor uoon. Ho was a II no bpeclmen of manhood, weighing about two hun dred pounds, and It Is thought thnt only his bplondld vitality kept the spark of life within him for so long a time after tho terrible fall. ii m 4 X j j&ssa MASONIC OPERA HOUSE - WEEK COMMENCING FRIDAY, JAN., 3rd 1908 A Feast of Laughter and Music YOUNG'S MUSICAL COMEDY CO. THE In the Screaming Satire PRIDE OF W HtfMXU xuiJKr,iiM-nMkmiLM.urmi-i With Full Cast and Beauty Chorus Next Bill "THE GIR.L FROM FRISCO" FOR. SEATS PHONE 941 .t..t..t..t..t..t.A.i..M..fr.M-'r"H,T"r,M HHH--H-hHH"I"!"I"I"l"I- 'H--I-I-I-i-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-l'H IHl DAY CHANCES TOR LIVING 100 YEAR Dr. V. S. Abbot, a government statistician, has calculated on the returns for tho years lS and 1S97 that out of 10,000 born In the United States, nine may be expected to reach the century mark. Of those that attain this age, the males may be expected to live 1.2 years longer, and the females 1.5 years longer. In the year 1855 only nine pers ras out of 100,000 had a chance to reach the age of 100 years. In o'her words, the chance of attaining the century age Is ten times as great now as it was less than a cen- tury ago. Every death between the ages 15 and 30 Is a social calamity and an economic loss. Life then comes to an end just when a person is able to pay back to the community what he has received as a child when he was a drag on society, -C--4- PETTIB0NE TRIAL AGAIN DELAYED 'KILLED AS HE ludgo Wood Has Xot Yet Prepared His Instructions to tho Jury. (By Associated Press.) BOISE, Jan. 2. Judge Wood was not ready to furnish the attorneys with copies of his instructions to the jury in the Pettlboue case today and an adjournment until tomorrow morning was taken. Pettlbone's con dition is Improved. Ho returned to tho hospital after court adjourned. APPROACHED ALTAR W. J. BUTLER M"1"I"I"1"I"I"I"X"1"1"I"X"X"I"I"1"I"1"I"I-I"I"I"X"X"I"1"I"1"1"I"X"I"1-I" IP YORK Hi ft,,M . COOS BAY MONUMENTAL WORKS I I guarantee better work at lower prices, than can be had elsewhere. Do not drder monumental work until you have SEEN Me F. M. Stewart, Prop. Corner 3d & D Sts. fer"asw1 Phone, Main 1731 The Steamer ii Ihi earner ue Sails from Marshfleld Thursday Jim. 2. No reservation will bo held lifter the arrival of ship unless ticket Is bought. Sad Fate of a Butte Man As He Was About to Marry Girl He Loved. (By -Associated Press.) BUTTE, Jan. 2. E. A. Lawrence, aged 22, of Butte, who was shot by Fred Baker, of Dillon just as Lew rence and Miss Xora Baker, nged 1G, were about to step to the altar to ba married died today. The muri'or was the result of an old quarrel. F.S DOW Agent MARSHFIELD, : : : : OREGON tSZCZtSaSBESKCESESSEi: 3MMBIH'llill I'MIH'n mi j j iu-iii. ii.. m ,,i , I,..,,, M SHOW CASES and FIXTURES Plate-glass Floor Cases any shapo, nny style mado to order by tho Lutko Manufacturing Co. THE MODERN COMPANY Coy Two Story Cottage. Suitable For' a Newly Married Couple Estimated Odd Krllnws' Bulldiiig. Marshfleld ' Hi:iwl1IULf.TW.j j 'i 'i- i-vi , BBjIHifSS'' '-""""'1'"" "" "J Jm--'JTi.mjta.TJfcj.j Cost, $1,500. Copyrlaht. 1007. by J. H. Oaverman t Son, Grand Rapids, Mich. I -S FM?Wv 'i.k?s:js zm'. s8?pa vsrce wPKSHiSsaagssxfif -;ji?bkx jfflissssoffiiassaR f irivrfvr.n)ir.' . a a.i ni i i i i p.-c5 v- .mti int'fti .- riv -'ti i r i k.: u ii v mm m msmmmwm Mm Jr-fj mMJmMf r g PEUSPECTlVn VIEW. MM,., o i2ir?-fi Hwrfr a lO "i" ft 1SkI4'!' ona T I i rj "" I - h 111 "PoRCX f I M"" i m Jr Zy READ THE WANT ADS. mi-'if- 'ii i.i ' jmiMl'Hf J.I. L.llMBT t 4 t "H H fr Sometimes "Makes An Ad!" SPACE wriH-i ilH lUlii V.l iL L iikJL UlWiftb O o o o ! Pll.M' l'l.OOlt PLAN. SKCOXD PI.OOR PLAN. A little persistent clnsIflod ad vertlsliiB will And a, tenant ready for any property In this city while a great deal of placarding ana "wait-, lug' might not. Here Is a coiv two story dwelling suitable for a younp married couple. It has fairh good sized rooms, with a bedroom on the nrst tloor. which, if desired, could ho used for n dlulns room; also three chamlers above, with gooil sized bathroom. The living room nnd parlor are Intended to be nuUhed hi oak nnd chnmliers ami kitchen In Georgia plue or cypu- Tb living room Is provided with an artistically arruugwl open stairway, wli'i n n'it nt the side, and a bay window. Estimated cost complete with pluiubl- . SI "jdO. WHEN A GLAWCE at a daily advertlsemriiglves you a sense of type-crowding of "economy" of indies o,f lack of "breathing-room," you are not likely to read that ad I When, However, the first glance is inviting -when ample and even liberal space is given to the message, you are almost certain to 'read that adl ANY REASONABLY interesting display ad. is im proved very materially by this quality of "space-emphasis" this knack of nrl'.hg your message '.'stand out" -so attractively that it is both eye arresting and eye resisting, Try an Advertisement in UTe T I M E S ItCiires that Dull Trade, Feeling. mHTT4r44TH if Krt N w. -A " A ar f Vm,