1 1 nupmpiwpipwipiP ,vi gw "i 'i t f nil ItfJ 1TW t(Vft m fiijwDu'i''wBifiyi iffe JaVHU-SpiMPigafiHlQ f THE DAILY M BAY TIMES, MAfiSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1908. 3 IPLKlVMtTS fr' rswl ej Til'i I i J'1'7 IS YOUR. WANT ADS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ' t 7tUM4l ORE MANAGEMENT WEAKEST IN ITS Publicity Department 7 YOU WOULD not allow any one to persuade you to close your store for a few days or a few weeks now and then, YOU WOULD NOT think for a moment of suspend ing your delivery service for a week now and then, YOU WOULD not even try to hire clerks for an "occasional" day or two of service. BUT WHO is it that induces you to conduct your store-advertising on that plan the plan of adequate advertising now and then, and perhaps almost com plete suspension of advertising at other times? Your Advertisement Should be Busy Every Day in the Columns of WANTED Experienced lady cook at Java Coffee House. WANTED Position as first class bookkeeper and accountant. Ap ply at Times office. J. W. LOST A gold watch, somewhere be tween Marshfleld and North Bend and Bay View Addition. Pleaso leave at Times office and receive reward. WANTED POSITION Young man 28, bookkeeper and stenographer, much experience, seeks employ ment requiring the whole or por tion of his time. Most acceptable references. B. J., Times office. Dally Renl Estate Report Furnished By Title Gunrnnteo and Abstract Co. Henry Scngstackcn, Manager. ! Tattle of the Town LltUo grains of fact sifted from the. chaff of gossip Hying up und down the town. WANTED Waitress at Castle Res taurant, North Bend. HOUSE TO BENT One 3-room house well situated with bath and large attic Rent $26.00 apply to Title Guarantee & Abstract Co. FOR SALE Need money and will sacrifice about 200 acres, slough frontage, close In, (worth $100 per acre) this week is $30.00 per acre. Only buyers with cash and wanting a good improved ranch need apply. Pull particulars. Add. Box 251, Marshfleld. No agents. December 23, 1007. B. F. Wyatt to C. A. Smith Lumber & Manufacturing Co. Deed. Timber on 10 acres in SW corner of NEVi of SEVi, Sec. 16, Twp. 25, R. 13. December 24, 1007. Bennett Trust Co. to E. F. Ru banka. Deed. Lots 23, 24, 25 and 2C, bile. 23, South Harbor Title Guarantee & Abstract Co. to East Marshfleld Land Co. Deed. That part of lot 2 and NEVi, Sec. 36, Twp. 25, R. 13, covered by East Marshfleld, be ing parts of blks. 38, 39 56, 55, 54, 53 and 52, East Marshfleld December 20, 1007. Mary B. Burns and husband to Wm, H. Gamble. Deed. Lot 14, blk. 4, Plat A, Bangor E. L. Bessey et ux, et al, to Fred M. Frledberg. Deed. Parcel of land beginning 1202 feet south and 326 feet east of corner of Sees. 28, 29, 32 and 33, Twd. 25, R. 11. Freda Eymann and husband to George Inman. Deed. Lot 3, blk. 33, North Bend. $1700 East Marshfleld Land Co. to Title Guarantee & Abstract Co. Deed. NEVi, WV6 of SEVi, Called to Gardiner Dr. Mlngus left for Gardiner this morning on professional business and is oxpected , to return here again this ovenlng. Personal Notes. $10 Breakwater Leaves Saturday The steamer Breakwater left Port- j laud last night for Coos Bay and is I expected to arrlvo in this harbor $10 tomorrow morning. She will leavo Ion the return trip for Portland next Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. I Returns From New York. Mrs Lizzie Minot, who has been In Now York for the past six weeks visiting $1 friends nnd relatives, returned home jby way of San Francisco and the I steamer Delhi, which arrived in the I harbor this morning. $10 j . Gardiner Lady is 111 Father Ray I mond was called to Gardiner this I morning to seo Mrs. Wossela, of that ( town, who is very ill. Father Ray ' mond will conduct services in the $10 Catholic church of that place next Sunday, and because of his absence, oniy jaie mass win Do observed at tho Marshfleld Catholic church by Father Donnelly at 10.30 next Sun day morning. J.. ISe DAILY TIMES i FOR SALE Sunny Nook Farm, Coos Lots 2 nnd 3' Sec- 3G' Tw- 2B River; berry and vegetable ranch. R- 13' excei)t 1art o East Poi.i .,. or. .,,. i in Marshfleld on said NEVi and Paid over 25 per cent on price last year; will do better this year. Plenty building rock. Must sell by March 1st. Address S. W. Sher man, Marshfleld, Ore. PIANO Will exchange fine piano for lots In Coos Bay. Address "K," Coos Bay Times. WANTED Position as clerk in store. Housekeeper for respecta ble, widower or small family. Ad dress Mrs. A. F. B. Box 236, North ?nd, Ore. California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company. Steamer Alliance B. V. OLSON, Master. COOS BAY AND PORTLAND SAILS FROM PORTLAND SATURDAYS, 8 P. M. SAILS FROM COOS BAY TUES DAYS, AT SERVICE OF TIDE. F. P. Baumgartner, Agt. L. W. Shaw, Agl. Couch St. Dock, Portland, Ore. Marshfleld. Ore., Phone 441. i&3SSR&&&&2$$& WANTED Carpets to clean by Elec tric and Pneumatic process. Coo3 Bay Carpet Cleaning Works, '..i Broadway near depot. Phone 19 93. lot 2. Title Guarantee & Abstract Co. to B. B. Bunton. Deed. Lots 2S, 29 and 30, blk. 14, East- side. Title Guarantee & Abstract Co. to Emll F. Rubanka. Deed. Lots 23, 2 1, 25 and 20, blk. 14, Eastslde. Titlo Guarantee & Abstract Co. to W. E. Newman. Deed. Lots 27 and 2S, blk. 36, East side. Title Guaranteo & Abstract Co. to Z. T. Siglln. Deed. Lots 29, 30, 31 and 32, blk. 36, Eastside. Titlo Guaranteo & Abstract Co. to S. C. Rogers. Deed. Lots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, blk. 1 1, Eastside. December 27, 1007. Flanagan Estate et al to Flem Hargan. Deed. Lots 20 and 21, blk. 12, West Bunker Hilt Add. to Marshfleld. Bennett Trust Co. to Bennett Swanton. Deed. Lots 24, 25, 1 2G, 27 and 28, blk. 21, South FOR RENT Couple furnished rooms , Harbor. modern convenience. Call at n. e. E- L- Bessey et ux, et al, to corner Second and B Sts. or In- Bennett Trust Co. Deed. Par- Mall Comes on Train Commenc ing with tho first of the year tho mail servlco between Coquille and Marsh $500 field Is being transferred both ways by the morning trains, instead of by the county road as formerly. This brings tho mail to this city and sends $150 tho return mail to Coqulllo In morn ing Instead of tho evening and Is qulto an Improvement. Postmaster Curtis slates that efforts are being $200 made to have tho Myrtlo Point mall also carried by train. W. W. DEYOE, of Myrtlo Point, re turned to his homo this morning. MISS MARY DAVENPORT, of Co quille, left this morning for her home. R. M. SLINGSBY, of Myrtlo Point, returned to his home this morning after a stay in Marshfleld. MISS MARIE MURPHEY, of North Bend, was a pleasant visitor in Marshfleld this morning. CLEM MORGAN, of SanFrancisco, who arrived on tho Delhi, left this morning for a visit to Coqulllo. A. P. DONAHUE, of Portland, who nrrlved on tho Alliance, left thi3 morning for Coqulllo valley points. THOMAS BROPHY AND FRANK GARDINER, of Coquille, left this morning for Portland on tho Alliance. FOR SALE One lot In Caples Addi tion to Marshfleld. For particu lars apply to Mrs. Lucluda Chris man, 567 Milwaukee Street, Port land, Oregon. WANTED Team work wanted by H. E. Chance. Phone 18S5. I Receives Fine Pamphlets. Secret $100 tary Lyon of tho chamber of com merce has received a largo consign ment of tho pamphlets which liavo been printed In Portland by the $200 chamber of commerce. Thq pamphlet Is Mnrshfleld's New Year greeting to tho world, and Judging from its at tractive makoup and extonsivo and $300 interesting enumeration of tho re sources of Coos County It will re sult In an immense rush to this sec tion by tho settlor, tho Investor and tho population that makes for a largo $10 and modorn city. II. C. BRECKEXRIDGE G. L. DEAN. I.. i FOR qulro at Times. New Owners of tho RENT Housekeeping and bedrooms. Coos Bay Auction Co, COOS BAY TRANSPORTATION COMPANY We do a general Transfer and Storage business. Orders taken by Phono will receive prompt attention. Water Front foot of A St. Phono 1031. gagMttiWltiMWOTftiB a53S2SZ5HSHSHSHSHSHSHSS5HSZSS5S5HSH2SiSHSHSHSEir2 Portland & Coos Bay S S. Line BR.EAKWATCR Sails from Portland Wednesday at 8 p. m. Sails from Coos Bay Satu days at Service of Tide. C. F. McColIum, Agt. Phone Main 34 - - - A. St. Dock 15ZSHSHSHSSHSHS?5aSZSE5ESSES5ESHE3aSH5HS3HSi5S FOR SALE lS-fool gasoline boat Apply to Max Tiramerman. FOR SALE BPEt business In town. App'.v C003 Bay Auction Co. FOR SALE Beautiful C-acro tracts at $C0 und $65 per acre. Owner, C. H. Chandler. Bandon. Reduction Sale At CH.VS. A. STEVENS Cloak nnd Suit House Chicago. Cor. First & B St., Marshfleld. Mrs. M. It. Smith, Agent, WHY DO PEOPLE BUY IN - "SENGSTACKEN ADDITION? BECAUSE It is choice inside residence property, lots 50x100 with alleys, is well sheltered with a good bay view and prices of lots are r;asonable. For particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. jf&jifigfl& Cub Call Service AT ANY HOUR Good Hearso and Vehicles. IIEIS.VER, MILLER CO. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Wood for Sale. Third and A Sts. Phono 1201 Marshfleld. eel of land beginning 1440 feet south and 537.93 feet east of corner to Sees. 28, 20, 32 and 33, Twp. 25, R. 11. E. L. Bessey et ux, et al, to Martha E. Owen. Deed. Par cel of land beginning at tho northwest corner of tract sold to Martha E. Owen In July. 1 1900, being In Twp. 25, R. 11. i lsaian Hacicer et ux, to isaac u. Tower ot al. Deed. Lot 3 and 30 feet of east end of lot 5, blk. 7, North Marshfleld. Title Guarantee ic Abstract Co. Trustee, to Walter O. Pon nock. Deed. Lots 31 and 32, blk. 14, Eastside. R. C. Holmes et ux, to F. S. Supple. Deed. Lot 2, blk. 24, Ocean View Addition to North i Bend. Katherino Burnett and hus band to Alice M. McFarland. Deed. Lot 21, blk. 25, Rail road Addition to Marshfleld. Title Guaranteo & Abstract Co. to John Wall. Deed. Lots 5 tnd C, blk. 14, Eastside. December 28, 1007. Simpson Lumber Co. to Oscar Hamilton. Doed. NEVi of NWVi, Sec. 11, Twp. 24, R. ,13. East Marshflold Land Co. to A. Simpson. Deed. Lots 1 and 2. blk. 53, East Marshflold. Edward Donnelly to Mary A. Early. Deed. Parcel of land j IJornick Leaves Port Tho gaso line schooner Berwick which Is to $10 carry tho fish eggs being hold at tho cold storage plant for R. D. Humo, of i Roguo River, left tho lattor port tills morning at 10 o'clock, and AV. II. Coughell, who Is horo in tho lntorest of Mr. Hume, says that sho could ?1 mako tho sixty miles to this port , in time to ontor tho harbor tomorrow morning. Tho Berwick Is a Httlo over ninety tons register, nnd will ! bring considerable freight to this port and tako quite an amount back $10 to tho Rogue River. $10 $175 STEAMER "FLYER" BI. 1 PENDERGRASS, Master. TIME TABLE. Leaves Marshfleld 7:30, 9:00. and 10:S0 a. m., and 1:00, 2:30 and 4:00 o'clock p. m. Leaves North Bend at 8:15, 9:45 and 11:15 a. m., and 1:45 3:15 cud 5:00 p. m. Makes daily trips except Sundays, Fare. One way, 15 Mats; round trip, 25 cents. ' TlMl I QUICK DELIVERY For convenionco of Call pa trons tho Laundry ofllco will be open Saturday evenings until 8 o'clock. Phono 571 today. Our wagon will call. COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY Marshfleld and North Bend. GET YOUR Wood .. FROM .. JOHN ARLANDSON. PMONli 1331 --t Bank of Oregon Capital Stock fully paid up $50,000 Ttiat&rX a Central Banking Uutjxeu North Bend, Oregon Lots 1 and 2, blk. 42, East Marshflold. East Marshfleld Laud Co,, to John Tellefson. Deed. Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12, blk. 47, East Marshfleld. East Marshfleld Land Co., to 1 John Josophson. Deed. Lots 22 and 23, blk. 45, East Marsh $:$5 Held. East Marshfleld Laud Co., to , Wendla S. Finnel. Deed. Lots 15 and 1C, blk. 42, East Marsh ?10 flold. , East Mnrshfleld Land Co., to Mat Gutstrom. Deoil, Lots 9 and 10, blk. 42, East Marsh fleld. East Marshfleld Land Co., to Mat Gutstrom et al. Deed. Lots 11 and 12, blk. 42, East Marshfleld. East Marshflold Land Co., to $225 H Finnel. Deed. Lots 13 and 1 14, blk. 42, East Marshflold. $100 $5 East Marshflold Land Co., to beginning at NV corETAOINHRDL Alfj-cd Backman. Deed. Lots beginning at northwest corner of lot 12, blk. G, Wostorn Add. to Marshflold; thonco east 90 feet; thence south 55 feet; thenco wost 90 foot; thence north to beginning. R. L. Edmonston to Tllllo Schafor. Deod. Lots 3, 4, 9 and 10, blk. 7, Edmonston First Add. to Marshfleld. Simpson Lumber Co. to rotor Vassour. Desd. Lot 22, blk. 80, Wostorn Addition to North Bend. G. W. Temple et ux, to Thomas Vigarg. DwmI. Lot 5, blk. G9, Porter Add. to North nend. Simpson Lumber Co. to Sadie Ni Kkhlc Deed Lot 14, blk. o. Nrth Bmd Fast Marshflf Id Land Co , to Mabel C Mnstore Deed 25 and 20, blk. 30, East Marah- ! flold. East Marshfleld Land Co., to I Lei Backman. Deed. Lots 27 and 2S, blk. 30, East Marsh 10 fleld. East MarHhflold Land Co., to J. II. Mllnor. Deod. Lots 1 and 2, blk, 4C, East Marsh flold. Merchant Land Co., to John S. Hays. Deed, Lots 23 and 24, blk. CI, Railroad Addition to Marshfleld. ,P, M. 'fully to F. E. Stone. I Deed. Lots 7 and 8 blk. G, $100 ocenn Vlow Addition to North Bend, East Marshfleld Land Co., to Mrs. LIzzlo Bloom. Deed. Lots 3 and 4, blk. 29, East Marshflold. $200, $5 $5 $275 $800 $300 $250 $250 $250 $250 $300 $300 $375 $10 $10 $150, V. H. SAVINGY, of Coos River, has returned to his home after spend ing a few days in tho city visiting friends. MR. AND MRS, FRANK CARR, ac companied by Miss Nelllo Hobson, left on tho morning train for tholr homo at Coquille. CAPTAIN MASSON, of tho Werbeck Gold Mining company, left this morning for a visit to Portland on the stenmshlp Alliance. F. M. EDISON, a Portland travel ing man, who arrived on tho Al liance, left this morning for the valley oh a business trip. MR. AND MRS. JOHN PEART and i two child rem, who havo been vis iting hero from Coquille, roturnod. home on tho morning train. MISS KITTIE THOM, of Eurekn, who has been a guest at tho Blan co, left this morning on tho train for a visit to friends nt Coqulllo. MR. AND MRS. A. J. SHERMAN of Coquille, who havo been guests at tho Blanco, loft this morning for a visit up tho Coos river with friends. JACK AND CARL GILMORE, ot Santa Rosa. Cal., arrived in tho city on tho Delhi yesterday and took tho morning train for Co qulllo and valley points. MISS ROSE PARROTT, of Roseburg, who has been visiting Mrs. Got tlngs for tho past two weeks, loft this morning for Gardiner by tho Drain stage, whore, sl.o will ro sumo her duties 'as principal of tho public school In that placo. MRS GETTINS GIVES NOVEL ENTERTAINMENT Mrs F. K. Gottlns, assisted by Mrs. E. S. Bargolt Introduced a novel fea ture Into thov society life of Marsh flold when sho ontortained at a nlno o'clock brenkfast on Now Yeara morning in honor of Miss Rosa B. Parrott, of Rosoburg. Tho rooms weio everywhere re splendent with tho Christmas wreaths and grcons and tho table wns dono in tho holly, which with tho red of tho many lighted candles gavo to tho rqom tho real holiday offect. Tho guosts when seated at tho tabla wore each asked to wrlto a set of "Now Year resolutions" for hor nalgh- bor. Tho writing und reading ot tlioso caused much amusement and If theso "resolutions" aie kept Marshflold will havo somo 'modola' for tho coming year. After leaving tho breakfast room tho guosts had somo Interesting fu- turo ovonts told by Mrs. Raymond Street and tho party dispersed after listening to somo palmistry readings by Miss PUrrott. Tho guosta woro: Misses Rosa B. Parrott, Evolyn Andorson, Elizabeth Kaufman, Agnos Hutchison, Maud Payntcr Allco McCormnc, Ma'mlo Mahonoy, Ellzaboth Bradloy', aifif-' Mosdamos E. S. Bargelt, J. v, In gram, John Prouss and F. IC, Gettlns. BELIEVE In nowspapor advertis ing a groat deal more than -ypu ho llo vo In show windows your utora can always havo show windows. If you believe in luck you SEEK It and thoro may bo ox luck in one want ad. to last yo a year. "Convincing" adveJ ally put forth by tj store" tho atoro thai worth while to MfoiJw """IH -'.j r "-' affl Ml IPW "p iffwMjaRV W 'Wi "?MMaMEBNM "-T " Z - . . ! -j f