The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 01, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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l..., , ih. i l.H-H-H-K'I'H'II i t n.M-M-M-M-I-K-l-fc
Publicity Department
? i
YOU WOULD not allow
to close your store for a few
and then,
YOU WOULD NOT think for a moment of suspend
ing your delivery service for a week now and then,
YOU WOULD not even try to hire clerks for an
"occasional" day or two of service,
BUT WHO is it that induces you to conduct your
store-advertising on that plan the plan of adequate
advertising now and then, and perhaps almost com
plete suspension of advertising at other times?
Your Advertisement Should be
Busy Every Day in the Columns of
California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company.
P. Baumgartner, Agt.
tfouch St. Dock, Portland, Ore.
New Owners
We do a general Transfer and Storage business. Orders taken
by Phone will receive prompt attention.
Water Front foot of A St. ' Thono 1031.
Portland & Coos Bay S S. Line
Sails from Portland Wednesday at 8 p. m.
Sails from Coos Bay Satu days at Service of Tide.
C. F. McColIum, Agt.
Phone Main 34 - - - - A. St. Dock
tr It is choice inside residence property, lots 50x100
with alleysis well sheltered with a good bay view, and
prices of lots are reasonable. For particulars see
Henry Sengstacken, Manager.
M. l l'E.YWEKGRASS, Master.
Leaves Marshfleld 7:30, 9:00,
and 10:30 a. m and 1:00,
2:30 and 4:00 o'clock p. m.
Leaves North Bend at 8:15,
9:4f nnd 11:15 a. m., and 1:45
3:15 r:.d 5:00 p. m.
Makes daily trips except
Sundays. JCare: Ono way, 15
cents; round trip, 25 cents.
any one to persuade you
days or a few weeks now X
L. w. Shaw, Agt.
Marshfleld. Ore., Phone 441.
of the
CTfffTP,-"1-""f "' Lw"'lu"l Tii'Mffll'i'inTr'i'.'iT
For convenience of Call pa
trons the Laundry office will
bo open Saturday evenings until
8 o'clock.
Phone 571 today. Our wagon
will call.
. Marshfleld nd North Bend.
LOST A gold watch, somewhere be
tween Marshfleld and North Bend
and Bay View Addition. Please
leave at Times office and receive
2S, bookkeeper and stenographer,
much experience, seeks emplojv
ment requiring the whole or por
tion of his time. Most acceptable
references. B. J., Times office.
WANTED Waitress at Castle Res
taurant, North Bend.
,, . i.j .im. i..i ,
A.ut.oi, itvii DUUUiCU HH Utllll tWIU
largo attic Rent $25.00 apply to
Title Guaranteo & Abstract Co.
FOR SALE Need money and will
sacrifice about 200 n. an-h
, .0
frontage, close in, (worth $100
per acre) this week Is $30.00 per
acre. Only buyers with cash and
wanting a good Improved ranch
need apply. Full particulars. Add.
Box Sol, Marshfleld. No agents.
FOR SALE Sunny Nook Farm, Coos
River; berry and vegetable ranch.
Paid over 25 per cent on price last
year; will do better this year.
Plenty building rocki Must sell by
March 1st. Address S. W. Sher
man, Marshfleld, Ore.
PIANO Will exchange fine piano for
lots In Coos Bay. Address "K,"
Coos Bay Times.
WANTED Position as clerk In
store. Housekeeper for respecta
ble widower or small family. Ad
dress Mrs. A. F. B. Box 23C, North
rnd, Ore.
WANTED Carpets to clean by Elec
tric and Pneumatic process. Coos
Bay Carpet Cleaning Works, fia
Broadway near depot. Phone 19 U3.
FOR SALE Ono lot In Caples Addi
tion to Marshfleld. For particu
lars apply to Mrs.,Lucinda Chris
man, 5G7 Milwaukee Street, Pnrt
land, Oregon.
WANTED Team work wanted by H.
E. Chance. Phone 1SS5.
FOR RENT Couple furnished rooms
modern convenience. Call at n. e. I
corner Second and B Sts. or In
quire ut Times.
FOR RENT Housekeeping and
bedrooms. Coos Bay Auciton Co.
jFOR SALE 18-foot gasoline boat
Apply to Max Timmernmn.
.FOR SALE Best business in town.
Applv Coos Bay Auction Co.
IFOR SALE Beautiful 5-acre tracts
at $60 and $G5 per acre.
C. H. Chandler, Bandon.
Reduction Sale At
' Clor.k nnd Suit House
i Chicago.
Cor. First & B St., Marshfleld.
' Mrs,. M. R. Smith, Agent,
CV.') Cull Service
AT ANY noun
Good Hearse and Vehicles.
LI very, Feed nnd Sale Stable.
Wood for Sale.
Third and A Sts.
Phone 1201
1 Coal i Wood :
.. FROM ..
PHONB 13.11
- -
Bank of Oregon
Capital Stock fully paid up
TramacU a General Banking
North Bend, Oregon
wamm a i i n i i n i
1 1 aiarsnuem Aerio ', u. is. no.
!, 538 members are requested to be on
l hand at the installation of officers
for tho ensuing term on Wednesday,
Jan. 1st, 1908, at 8 p. m., and bring
a friend. T. J. Lewis, W. P.
Hahatonka Club Hold Success
full Leap Year Ball Which
Is Greatly Enjoyed.
Don't be bashful ladies
190S's for you.
The boys have had their chances;
Let's see what you can do.
Over ono hundred and twenty-
i flvo couples danced tho new year In
, , , .. . . . .. ...
last night at the Odd Fellows' Hall.
Tho occasion was tho Hahntonka
Club's Leap Year ball, and it Is safe
. ...- .
l lu buy " "lortJ unJule uauce over
I took place In Marshfleld. Joyousuess
reigned supreme amid a scene of
beauty which caused amazement on ly forward to their "blow-out" to
the part of the guests. night, when a public installation of
Evergreen, Oregon grape, ferns, the officers will take place. The ban
mstIetoe, Chinese lanterns and nura- quet following promises to bo some
orous other features made tho ball thing out of the ordinary, and all
room look like fairy land. Tho the "birds" of tho aerie are figuring
lights were dimmed by their cover- on having an enjoyable evening at
ings, the evergreens hung at inter- the Eaglo hall.
vals along tho center of the celling
to tho balconies, the lower portion ' Burial To He Tomorrow Tho fun
of which were decorated with Ian- eral of tho late James Wyatt Coffelt,
terns, amid a background, of tasteful- who died in Tucson, Ariz., will bo
ly arranged Oregon grape and ser- held tomorrow, (Thursday) at 1
rled evergreen. o'clock In the afternoon. The Alert
Tho full piece orchestra was com- will carry passengers to attend tho
pletely hidden from the merrymak- funej-al from tho bay, leaving tho
ers by grouped ferns, evergreens wharf at 11 a. in. Mrs.Coffelt ar
and grape. The announcement cards rived on the Delhi, in the
were tho center of a huge green bay this morning, In charge of tho re
wreath in the center of the dais, mains.
while "Hahatonka Club" in huge let-'
ters of evergreen decorated the en-
tire south side of tho room, and tcrcst In football is growing Instead
"Happy Now Year, 1908," in equally ot waning with tho advance of tho
largo letters decorated tho opposite winter months, and quite n number
sldo of the room. i of enthusiasts from all over the coun-
Punches were served near the or- tv llavo bcen coming to tho city since
chestra by Master Tommy Mmot, Monday in order to witness tho big
and this feature of tho entertainment amo which is being played at North
was not the least by any menns. Bend this afternoon between tho
Dancing commenced quite early In team of tho former place nnd tho
the evening and couples continued to Marshfleld eleven. While tho local
conio until after eleven o'clock team has not been hurting itself by
When the New Year was ushered in extra practice, it is still in good con
announcement was made, and tho dltlon nnd an excellent game is in
master of ceremonies, Will Lynch, prospect.
extended a Happy New Year to tho '
entire gathering. Tho dance wns Married Last Nlj;lit Miss Maud
then commenced with tho lights Brown and Robert Hazen, of Marsh
turned out, making a dark moon- field, were married last night at tho
light, and as thore were two or three hn'o of Howard Savage, who resides
bunches of mistletoe in the center of "t West Marshfleld, Rev. II. II. Urojvn
the room. It may be curmlsed that performing the cci oniony. Quite a
the year was pioperly Initiated with number of friends and relatives of
the assistance of the Uttlo god who the contracting parties wero present
is responsible for so much. t the wedding which was celebrated
One young lady was seen to hold in tho most enjoyable manner. Tho
up three fluger3 to a friend, after tho guests and hosts all Joined In with
lights were turned on, but what this their best wishes for a hnppy and
meant is a mystery, except thnt sho long life for tho newly married
had taken advantage of tho Leap couple who are well known and pop
Year, ulnr In this section.
Several dances wero continued In
the "moonlight." with just enough Stops Itunuvwiy Tciiiu. Charlie
light showing from the stage to en- Aiken, of thiB city, enmo to tho res
able the young folks to wend their cue when a team of horses bolong
graceful way around tho floor, and lng to tho Coos Bay Transportation
never was a New Year greeted with company tore east along Front street
greater ecstacy than at tho dance yesterday. His umbrella was waved
last night. threateningly at the team, and the
The dance continued until quite a horses perceiving some hugo black
lato hour, when handshakings and
Happy New Years becamo general
as the assembly broke up.
Tho .decorations well bo left In
place for the Leap Year dance of tho
Fraternnl Club, which will be held
on January 11.
, '
Xewhy GleanliiKK From the Columns
Of the Sentinel.
Jack and Charlie Sneddon and Joo
Harrison, employes of tho Peterson
coal mine at Riverton, came up Mon-
day on "their way to tho bay to spend
the holidays. Manager Chas. Adams,
of tho mine, was al&o In town, and re
ports that work on tho .promising
property will resumo early In Janu
ary. Miss Lucia Gould, of Marshfleld,
Is assisting her sister, Miss Georgia
Gould, at tho Western Oregon hospl-
lU1, I
Tho news ot tho death of Fred
Stewart of Port Orford, reached this
city last Saturday. Fred Stewart, as
he was familiarly called by all who
,Knew mm, was a son oi nun. r. A.
Stewart and a brother or h. v. stew-
art, of the Tribune, and was highly
tllOUgllt OI ly PH wno Know mm.
The editors of the Tribune have ourb(JOn p,BCcd at $2 D0 nn(, flfty.
sympathy in tnu tneir nour oi amc- ,x Blmroa woro BUi,scribed at tho
tlon and sorrow. flnJt n,eotng, Tho association Invites
Claude Bellou, the lC-year-old son tho co.0I)eraU(m of an growers of tho
of D. L. Bellou, of Romote, died last county toward ,akK t)l0 organlza
Saturday of consumption, from which Uon a BUCC0BS Your membership Is
he has been a sufferor for some tlmo. , horoby cordaiiy gollcltod. Aro you
George Gaue has recently had a ,nloroBtod ,n tll0 development of tho
substantial tramway billld loading um ndl)gtry of t,,0 c01nty and ,nay
from his coal mlno at Rlvorton to WQ count on your momi)0rshlp?
the river's odge. Dan Plymale, the Jv Q nARORLT,
Bandon contractor, drove tue spurns
for tho tramway.
Subscrlbf4f3r''tlio- Times,
1, 1908.
Tattle of the Town
f Little grains of fact sifted from
t tho clwft" of gossip flying up
nnu down tno tomi.
Mnr.slml Is Up Again Marshal
Carter was up and about ngalu today
and was feeling a Uttlo better than
he was a few days ago. Ho Is still
suffering considerably from his sick
spell, however, and Is bothered con
siderably by the fact that ho cannot
get about as well as usual,
To Clerk at Local Store H. Co
hen, of Tho Dalles, is a new arrival
In Marshfleld for citizenship honors.
He arrived on the Alliance and will
clerk In the store of Mngnes & Mat-
son. He has already made numerous
friends In this city, nnd will undoubt-
edly become popular.
i m
Kagles Ready For Tonight
Marshfleld Eagles are looking eager-
About Fooiball Enthusiasts In-
thing threatening them with destruc-
tion, almost stopped right in their
tracks. Tho horses had been stand-
ing hitched to tho transfer wagon,
and In tho absence of tho driver thoy
commenced to trot. About tho time
the outfit was nearlng C street, tho
t horses Increased their speed and
would undoubtedly have broken into
a mad and crnzy gallop. Podest-
Hans attempted to stoputhe horses
by yelling at thorn, liogs barked
and excitement became general. In
the middle of the uproar, Mr. Aiken
stopped out Into u foot of mud nnd
brought the horses to. a standstill.
Preliminary Steps Aro Taken For
Forming nil Association Co
Operation Is AhKed.
Preliminary steps wero taken In
Mvrtl Pnnt on tlln 28th of necom.
bor towur, th(J orgauIs,atlon ot tho
Coqll,0 ValIoy Prult rjrowor8. AtJ.
BOcIaton whlch w, ,loId It8 flrst
regular inootlng at Myrtle Point on
We(,nesday afternuon, tho flrst of
Jnnuaryi t0 comi)ioto tho organia-
,, shnroR in Mm nssonlatlon lmvo
Tonlporary Socirotary.
Subscrlbo for Tho Timos.
W MMWPKff itww,
f y imIBhiMi TTt
i $ Mm iinBpEhWi
r'uriH vniw 'H
ion ran o m
Happiness and Prosperity the
Key Note in the Coos Bay
New Year's day Was observed by
the merchants of Marshfleld nmi
North Bend by the closing of their
stores todny. A few of them wero '
open In the morning, but in tho after
noon nlmost every line of business
wns closed up In order to take In tho
holiday In the right splilt. Sovoral
churches observed tho day by hold
ing special service In tho morning.
Shooting parties left for various
points on tho bay to spend tho day
hunting, .whllo a majority of tho po.
pie of both cities attended the game
of football between Marshfleld and
North Bend. Dinner parties wero not
so numerous as on Christmas day, but
it Is safe to say that tho cltlzons on
Coos Bay enjoyed the day in an ex
cellent mnnner.
While tho rain drizzled down at In
tervals the Bun shono for brief per
iods nnd on somo occasions there was
neither rain nor sun. New Year's
was brought to the attention of tho
people by the numerous greetings
extended In every direction.
While a great many New Yenr res
olutions were undoubtedly made,
thero was Uttlo in tho way of disturb
ance to indicate that they wero mndo
to bo broken, nnd the day passed suc
cessfully, happily and peacefully.
Tho Times joins in Vi'itli everybody
olso nnd wishes ovorybody a Ilanny
Now Year and many of them.
Local Man Catches Chicago
Tribune in Mixup Over
Feature Story.
Alonzo Knight, of Marshfleld.
writes to correct an artlclo published
In the Coos Bay Times, taken from
the Cnlcngo Trlbuno, In view of tho
fact thnt ho was Intimately acquaint
ed with tho Colonel Wing, who was
stated to havo loft $20,000 to tho
daughter of tho woman who rejected
him. Part of tho nrtlclo published
on Saturday says:
"Faithful through llfo to tho
woman ho loved as a youth, Colonol
Isaac Wing, of Lincoln, Nob., recent
ly deceased, specified in his will thnt
his estate of $20,000 go to tho
daughter of tho woman who rejected
him. Miss Katherlnp Rlttcnhouso, a
student at tho Northwestern Univer
sity, Is tho ono to proilt by tho undy
ing devotion of her mother's suitor,
who had pabsed through ' llfo un
married." Mr. Knight has tho following to
say of tho mnnner in which tho Chi
cago Trlbuno makes up its Btorles:
Marshfleld, Dec. 30, 1907.
Udltor Coos Bay Times: "In your
Saturday Issue of Tho Times I nota
an article lu regard to Col. Isaac II.
Wing's will and tho disposition of
samo, which seems to havo passed
through a cyclono In Its construction
us to the truo and material facts.
Now in tho flrst placo, Col. Wing Is
not of Lincoln, Neb., but is n iintlva
of tho state of Malno, and has boon
an honored and respected citizen of
Bayfleld, Wisconsin, for tho last
thirty years or moro nnd whoro ho nc
cuinuluted his fortuno of not only
tho twenty thousand ho bequeathed
to Miss Knthorlno Rittonhouso, but
something over nlno hundred thous
and dollars. I am well acquainted
with all parties In quostlon, and was
associated with Col. Wing for two
yoars In tho United States land office
at Bayllold, Wis,, during tho years of
1881 and 1882. Besides a few other
minor bequests, tho rest of his cstat
wont to a married sister who rcj
somowhoro in Malno. Ho wnan
rojected shltor of Miss Rltt
mother, bilt simply a frhj
years standing, Jioi
tho Colonial I folt a
to come to) tho rj
nnd state ttei
bo; hence jjJ
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