The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 26, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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if GOIf IN
Several New Ranches Being
Established Along Coos
II Onf
Two Thousand Dollars In
Portland Awaiting a Claimant.
Blanco Lodge and Eastern Stars Will
He Hosts at a Pleasant Social
And Oilicial Meeting Thurs
day K filing.
John McGIHvery Thought to be Own
er of a Fnt Wallet Picked Up on
Portland Streets.
Is your name John McGUlvcry?
Do you know a man by the name of
John McGIHvery? In either case re
joice. The sum of $2046, all in one
roll was found on the streets of
Portland one day last week and they
can't find an owner for it. They
think he may be living In or about
Marshfleld. They have- investigated
all the McGlllvery's up there and
none answer the description, so its
up to Marshfleld to find the owner
of this Juicy roll. There "are many
men in Marshfleld who would like a
$2,000 roll just about this season
of the year and probably some who
would change their name to Mc
GIHvery or even to McGinty for a
roll half that big. But that will not
do. They want the real and only
genuine, name blown in his under
clothes, McGIHvery, and he has
$2,000 waiting him in Portland.
Here is what the Saturday issue of
the Portland Telegram says about
"the matter:
"For three hours today $2046 cash
was being hawked around the streets
of Portland in search of an owner.
Four men who bore the name of Mc
GIHvery turned down the offer ex
tended to them to make it theirs.
The unfortunate custodian was at
his wits' end over the matter, and
faced the dire catastrophe of being
forced to have the cash left on his
hands. Ho tramped the streets and
used the telephone in his efforts to
get rid of the "roll," and as night
comes on he finds himself still in
possession of it, although with hopes
of being rid of it tomorrow or the
day after.
"Incidental to all of these things
is the fact that If Diogenes or who
ever it was that went through the
streets of Athens in seprch of one
honest man were on earth now his
ciuest would have ended. K. K.
Kublt, of tho Kubll Printing com
pany, is the man.
"As ho was leaving the printing
company's plant at 10 o'clock this
morning and walked down Stark
street in the direction of the Ladd &
Tilton Bank, suddenly his eyes spied
n leathern wallet lying on the side
walk. Ho picked it up, and in open
ing it to find the address, his start
led eyes met the sight of $2040 and
some cents, in paper, gold and silv
er. It had evidently been dropped
by a man but a short distance ahead,
for tho street was well filled with
people, but Kubll had not seen It'
dropped and so he searched for the
name. This was found in one of
the compartments. It was John Mc
GIHvery. "Then followed a search for the
owner of tho bills that occupied sev
eral hours of Mr. Kubll's time. After
n canvass of all tho McGHlverys in
town to no avail, by some means Mr..
Kubll becaino possessed of tho fact
that the wallet might be the property
of a man by that name who lives
either In Marshfleld or Marshland,
Or. Mr. Kubll is now hoping that
tho owner will turn up and prove the
right to his property. To that end
ho has advertised tho find and will
turn tho wallet over to the owner
upon presentation of proper proof of
ownership and identification. The
wr"t te nt tho Kubll Printing com
pany's store, 22S Stark street."
Blanco Lodge No. 48 A. F. and A.
M. and Doric Chapter No. 53 O. E. S
will hold a joint installation of the
new offlcers of both societies at
Masonic hall on Friday evening. The
following is a complete list of the
offlcers elect of both lodges as well
as the offlcers of the other branches
of the order.
The offlcers elect of Blanco Lodge
No. 48 A. F. and A. M. are:
E. L. Robinson, W. M.
E. A. Anderson, S. W.
August Farley, J. v.
Richard Walter, Treas.
Morris Jensen, Secretary.
H. Lockhart, S. D.
A. J. Savage, J. D.
Albert Seelig, S. S.
Geo. Erickson, J. S. '
Alex Stauff, Tyler.
J. B. Tower, Organist.
The new offlcers of Doric Chapter
No. 53 O. E. S. are as follows:
Worthy Matron, Alice Butler.
Worthy Patron, Sam Marbden.
Associate Matron, Mrs. Fannie
Secretary, Mrs. Ora McCarty.
Treasurer, Mrs. Ivy Condron.
Conductress, Mrs. Edith Golden.
Associate Conductress, Mrs. Lydia
Adah. Mrs. Ida Douglass.
Ruth, Mrs. Annie Flanagan.
Esther, Mrs. Alice Schetter.
Electra, Mrs. Gussie Upton.
Marshal, Mrs. Alice Hall.
Organist, Miss May Stauff.
Warden, Mrs. Lydia Long.
Sentinel, Mr. Alex Stauff.
Pacific Coniniandary.
The officers of Pacific Command
ary No. 10 for the ensuing year are:
Richard Walter, E. C.
W. S. McFarland, G.
Wm. Ford, C. G.
W. J. Rust, S. W.
August Farley, J. W.
Ed. Jones, Treas.
J. G. LIghtner, Sec'y.
A. E. Morten, St. B.
W. W. Douglas, S. W. B.
E. L. Robinson, W.
Alex Stautf, Sen.
C. Nasburg, A. Seely, E
jelt. Guards.
Aingo Chapter 1. A. M.
The following are the offlcers of
Vrago Chapter No. 22, R. A. M.:
W. J. Butler, H. P.
Aug. Farley, K.
Martin Breen, S.
Claud Nasburg, C. H.
Sam Marsden, P. S.
C. F. McKnight, R. A. C.
E. L. Robinson, M. 3rd V.
Wm. J. Whereat, M. 2nd V.
Sam Erickson, 1st V.
Alex Stauff, S.
An Old Timer Says What One Does
Another Follows and Just Now
Chickens Seem to be Popular.
Mary's Little Hen.
Mary had a little hen
Upon her little farm,
Against the wolf before the door
It proved to be a 'charm.
Each day it laid a litle egg,
Which Mary sold at town,
And thus she bought her groceries
And now and then a gown.
The years passed on, and Mary paid
The little mortgage due,
And sent her girl to boarding school,
Her boy to college, too.
She has a nest egg in the bank,
And even keeps a cook.
And everything about her has
A thrifty, well kept look.
li. '
Proved so popular that wo have not one left to give away as announced.
We sold every single toy that e had in stock. This Is good news for our
INitrons as well as for us for it proves that every line that they handle
Saysshe to those who daily
With needle, brush and pen:
"If you would do as well as I,
Just keep a little hen."
Up-to-Date Farming
Are Popular
We have the
To give away aed anyone furnishing ticket
S. Bar-
.liver Reaches Near Record Mark
Several Thousand Lous Go Down.
(Special to Times.)
ALLEGANY, Dec. 20. The river
it Allegany is very high and eight
ir nine thousand logs have gone
lown the river and as many more
ire still in the river.
A Pretty Christinas Wedding Cele
brated at the Home of J. 1.
Stewart Yesterday.
Taxpajers of Allegany Meet and Levy
a Flic Mills Tav tor Good Im
provement. (Special Correspondence to Times.)
ALLEGANY, Dec. 20. A meeting
of tho taxpayers of Allegany road
district was held nt tho Allegany
school house Saturday afternoon for
the purpose of levying a tatf to ap
ply on building the wagon road over
tho Goldon Falls to Douglas county
line near Loon lake. A levy of five
mills was made.
The Allegany correspondent of the
Times -writes than an "old timer" ex
pressed as a result of years of ob
servation that what one person does
to make a living on Coos river, all
will do. This axiom seems to be
verified in the present rush to get
into the chicken business. Several
people seem to have simultaneously
thought that the open sesame to
wealth was to be found In the hum
ble hen. It seems as if her very
cackle sounds like the jingle of coi...
A few chickens are as cood as n
bank account and a large ranch looks
like a gold mine. Among those who
have been preparing to operate the
chicken business on a larger scale
are the following:
Ora McClay ha3 a Brown Leghorn
ranch of about 300 chickens.
Mr. Patten and J. A. Stemiherman
have two large flocks of Brown Leg
horns. S. J. Defreeze and Geo. Gould
have Barred Rocks and Brown Leg
horns. Mr. Pigeon and J. II. Price are
starting their ranch with Rhode Isl
airl Reds.
C. A. Rodlne is putting his faith
and money into the Brown Leghorns.
In addition to these every farm
yard on the river has fowls of some
may carry
Harvey Co.
i D flijMja..i:i3mi,aT3rr'?,",ra-""J' uxueoxjcek
i BLnMbmirr fl- . w.fw -i-TT.rarar'i3B.jgcs:muTrcTriTrv- i.mji-.igrc'.iffiia snx3
turer, starts tomorrow for Ooklaud,
Cal., to visit his family for a tow
days. Mr. Carr expects his wlte and
two children to accompany him to
this city where they will mul.e their
futuro home.
Principal E. E. Daring expects to
leave for Portland and other val
ley points to spend the holidays.
Miss Alice Lehnher, of Myrtle
Point returned home Tuesday from
Sixes river, Curry county, where she
has been teaching school.
Mrs. F. A. Kelley left Wednesday
on the Breakwater for Portland to
spend the holidays. She was ac-
Week's News Culled From the
Columns of The Tribune.
coninanied as far as Marshfleld bv
-1 1..41 , I I '
ueBuwimuii mm iiiuiiy are preparing ner solli N q Kelley.
to mm to tneir present supply.
A. G. Ham, who has been in the
county jail for several weeks charged
jwith burglary from a logger's
I trunk, has been released on bail and
is stopping with his wife's people on
Coos River until the April term of
Eckley Guerin, of Myrtle Point,
Little Items ol News Gathered For
''lines Readers hyi: Special Co-respondent.
(Special Correspondence to Times.)
ALLEGANY Dec. 20. W. A. Gage lett Tuesday for Kingman, Arizona,
ana wne are tne proud parents ot a where he lms somo mines, and ex
son mat arrived Thursday, December
There Is an epidemic of colds pre
vailing here in conseauenca of our
long spell of bad weather. The dis
eabo is catching, and Is called
Doctors Tyler, Maun and Granville
have all been in consultation over tho
case of Fred D. Stewart, who con
tracted pneumonia, complicated with
other features, from recent expos
ures, and now lies dangerously ill,
at our home in Port Orford, but with
favorable symptoms .as wo go to
Some idea of the severity of Thurs
day's gale may bo gleaned trom tho
fact that nineteen trees fell across
a mile and a half of road south of
Hubbard's creek. Two gangs of men
-- t t t t tt. 1 1 )tn
HULlH u..
n mi.. t.f i ... -i .. ... i
xu. inucnip nus a goou start, weign- then, Hls brother Watt. who has
ins twelve pounds. The mother and beeu thre somo two lnontns ln hopes
pects to spend tho winter developing were two (la's clearing the roads in
uns district.
Wm. Rehtz, once commissioner of
child are doing well.
Lottie Matson, of Marshfleld, is
visiting for a few days with old
friends ln Allegany.
Mr. Ham hns secured employment
ln Smith logging camp.
Everett B. Harvey, of Coqulllo,
and Miss Altn 13. Stewart, of North
Bond, wero married at tlw residence
of tho bride's parents Mr and Mrs. J.
D. Stewart, Plat C, yesterday after
noon nt two o'clock by Rev. D. W.
.Thurston of tho First Baptist church.
There wero nbout thirty guests
present, friends and relatives ot tho
family. An elegant dinner was served.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harvey expect to
make their homo In Eastern Oregon.
Tho mnny friends of tho brldo and
groom will unite with tho Times in
wishing them a happy nnd prosper
ous voyago over 'life's sea.
Subscribe for The Times.
lU-W-i Hits of News Clipped from the
At the homo of Mr. and Mrs. O. S.
Coleman nt Bald Hill, at high noon
on Wednesday, tho ISth, their daugh
ter, Miss Myrtle, was united in mar
riage to Mr. Jnmos E. Hall, Rev.
Thos. Harklow, of this city, officiat
ing. The bride Is the second daugh
ter of Mr. nnd'Mrs, Colemnn and one
of Coos County's popular teachers.
Sho has a host of friends in her cir
cle of acquaintances and Is entitled
to their sincere congratulations. Tho
groom is tho oldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. S. Hall, of Bald Hill. The
young people will take up their life's
work on the Hill ranch.
Subscribe for The Times.
Friends of Mrs. Emma Dubelle
will bo glad to know that her health
Is very much Improved.
of Improving his ill health, Is better
than when leaving here but his re
covery is not as rapid as could be
Lighthouse Cnmiiinudei' Transferred
to Golden Gate Station.
Word has been received in tho
city that Captain Nelson, of tho Coos
Bay bar lighthouse, ;ias been trans-
Week's Happenings as Seen by
the Sentinel.
Mrs. Chas. T. Cessna of Rlverton1
has sold her ranch of 120 acres to a
Mr. Gibson, of San Franclbco. forred to tho Golden Gate lighthouse,
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hammond wero and that ho will leave to take chargo
in Marshfleld tho first of the week, of his new placo on tho next trip of
this county, and an old veteran of tho
Civil War, died at the Soldier's Homo
at Santa Monica, Cal., Nov. 2nd,
Jno. R. Miller and wife and Miss
Sylvia Clarno left here Sunday and
will Fpend the winter at Portri.;nd and
Oregon City. Al Marsh drove them
up to Bandon with his four horse
team and will bring back Mrs. Marsh
and a load of freight.
Road Supervisor Ellis has had sev
eral teams at work hauling gravel on
the road near Sixes river. Work was
also being done by our northern
neighbors on the worst places in tho
famous "green timber." I
Tho friends of tho new road from
Sixes to Denmark say that it cau bo
built for ?4500 or less, and they will
that all suits nro pressed
and put in first-class condi
tion. Alterations made Hi
cessary, by a flrst-clnss (aty
or. You cannot fail to 1
pleased by buying here.
Tailor and Clothier.
SnccliI Hltlg., .Marshfleld-
ftjgslsi;;! r .sr
Cab Call Service
Good Hearse and Vehicles-
Livery, Feed and Sale SU
AVood for Sale.
Third and A Sts. Phone !
visiting friends
Al Brig!- and Nnto Ingrain, of
Gravel Ford, are building a new boat
in this city tobo used on tho North
Borr, to Mr. and Mrs. Eli Swear
inger, of this city, December 1, a son.
D. W. Kenny, who has been work
ing uear Tacoma, Wash. .the past
summer and fall, returned to Co
qulllo Tuesday and is running an
engine at Aasen's camp,
Frank Carr, the shoe manufac-
tho stenmshlp Plant. A Mr. Boyd,
of No.' 1 Bandon, Is said to bo his
successor at this point, tho change
to bo effected within a few days.
Report has it that owing to tho
death uf an assistant superintendent
of tho service at San Francisco, nn
examination -was held as to his suc
cessor and tho Golden Gato captain
secured the position, and that Cap
tain Nelson will take his place.
StfbBcrlbe Tot The Times.
meet tho challenge that It can't be
built for less timn ssnoo bv imni iiiiia miammmitttin:i!
for the former amount or less. if! m n ,j ne. .a iVnild!
a All lUriS Ul llltnvj
We use the necessary
facilities for sending
money to all parts of
the world, and without
Hanepr nr loss. .'
COOS BAY, MarshfieldW
Quito a number of burnt nlllntr
have come ashoro off Port Orford,
also somo lumber supposed to have II
drifted up from Humboldt Bay, from 2
tho Sotoyome, which caught fire at I:
sea and drifted ashore at that place. '
Will Colebrook and Will White
Bought a small band of mutton sheep '
from E. W. Jensen, which they drove
down to their ranches Monday. They 1
are in good order and will probably
"be butchered to supply Gold Beach.
Suhscrlbe tor The Times.
Subscribe for The Times.