The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 24, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Quality a Certainty $ WAN 1 All
jo other gift yiclilH so much pleaaur ns n Christinas dJnmoiul
ct there Is nothing In the purchase of which thnt needs the con-
Idcnco of the denier more. A technical knowledge of diamond
'a not necessary In Bclectiug these precious stones at this store.
y0 fully realize our responsibility in Herring you. Every article
s perfectly new not an old piece to confuse your selection.
In excellent assortment. A ring Is one piece of jewelry thnt
nany men allow themselves and then are most particular thnt
ts design and character slmild ho dlgniiled and free from any
icmblanco of ostentatious display.. Men's rings are a special fen
urc in our store, presenting a splendid assortment of styles,
pilto In keeping with the most sensitive appreciation of good
laste. Our engraving is of the highest standard and all nrticles of
Jewelry purchased hero will he engraved free.
Our stock is larger this year In every department than ever be
fore. Come see the lino line of Howard, AValtliam and other
standard grades of watches carried In stock at
Manufacturing Jeweler
)pen Evenings - ... front St.
vwvw vAvvlAA'wAvvAAfVV
LOST A black leather pocketbook
I and diary. - Finder please notify
I A Demnngeon, care of C. A. Smith
Lumber & Manufacturing Co.
,-riir- iir-iii nnr-nni-
Tattle of the Town
Little grains of fact sifted from
tho chaff of gossip flying up
und down thu town.
FOR SALE A parlor set and a din
ing room table, all in fine condi
tion. Will bo sold at a bargain.
Call at Times office no later than
Friday, as owner is going away.
PIANO Will exchange fine piano fpr
lots In Coos Bay. Address "K,"
Coos Bay Times.
' WANTED One or two unfurnished
rooms sultablo for housekeeping.
"J. L. H," care Times.
WANTED Position as clerk in
store. Housekeeper for respecta
ble widower or small family. Ad
dress Mrs. A. F. B. Box 23G, North
Bend, Ore.
FOR RENT Furnished room, 4th
St. near B, $8. Sign in window.
WANTED Carpets to clean by Elec
tric and Pneumatic process. Coos
Bay Carpet Cleaning Works, ra
Broadway near depot. Phone 1093
We are, and the very best makes at the lowest
And for hot water fir the bath and all other
purposes there is nothing as cheap and conven
ient as the Humphrey Gas water heater, Always
ready. We sell them.
We furnish both the gas meter and regulator.
The Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co.
Marshfield and North Bend.
NICE Furnished rooms over Tay
I lor's Piano House.
WANTED Young lady for office
work. "One with some knowledge
of bookkeeping and typewriting
prefered, but not essential? Ad
dress "M," care Times.
I FOR SALE Janus Hot Blast Heater,
Gulovson Bros.
Political Jockeying May Rob
Section of Valuable Acquisition.
Subject is One That Should Receive
Prompt Attention of Public Spir
ited Citizens of Coos Hay.
That all the employes of The Times
may have a better opportunity to en
joy a Merry Christmas by spending
tho day at home, no paper will bo
Issued from this office tomorrow.
The entire Times family from car
rier boys to Editor unite in wishing
each and all the readers and patrons
of the paper a very Merry Christmas
and the choicest blessings of this hap
py and holy holiday season.
Personal Notes.
December 2Sth bids for tho con
struction of a dredge for service at
various coast ports will be opened In
the office of Colonel S. W. Roessler,
at the Custom House in Portland.
This is the dredger which was and
is designed for Coos Bay and is a
matter of universal and almost
Wires Are Down The telephone
lines between this point and North
Bend wore put out of commission yes
terday by the violence of the wind.
Several men have been put to work to
discover the breaks and remedy them
as soon as possible.
Storm Coining Advisory indica-
ephocal importance to this locality, "ons receiveu uy r. a. uow point 10
It will be remembered that this nc approach of a storm which will
dredge was provided for at the last ! l0Ve rapidly Inland and cause in
ECin f mmrrpsH nn.i nt tho in- this vicinity n moderately high
WANTED A girl for general
housework one that can take en
tire charge of house prelerred.
Mrs. P. S. Dow.
i FOR SALE One lot in Caples Addl
! tlon to Marshfield. For particu
j lars apply to Mrs. Luclnda Chris-
man, 507 MUwaukeo street, rorv
land, Oregon.
It is choice msidc residence property, lots 50x100
vith alleys, is well sheltered with a good bay view and
rices of lots are reasonable. For particulars see
Henry Sengstacken, Manager.
WANTED Team work wanted by H
E. Chance. Phono 1SS5.
stance of the friends of Coos Bay for
use at this port. For political rea
sons the bill which authorized it
stated that it was for the Oregon
coast and the Washington representa
tives objected that it should be made
to Include the coast of Washington.
The purpose Is not ignored, however,
und the government's Engineers have
no expectation that It will be sent
southeast shitting to southwest winds
this afternoon and tonight.
Round to Grand Jury W. M.
Stevens, Frank Gardiner, John Nas
berg, W. H. Short and J. C. Wilcox,
recently arrested by Sheriff Gage
in connection with a raid on the
gambling dens In North Bend, ap
peared before Judge Pennock today
anywhere other than Coos Bay until l-incl waived examination being
its uses here have been exhausted. bound over to tho grand jury In the
f ie t nnt in tho ,,ni"iihnriinn(i nflsum of $250 each. With the excep-
n. m iw wvun hi. t.w . w.0. w. .. .
A prominent business man speak
ing of this dredge said today in con-
er&atiou with a Times representa-1
tlon of Short, all tho others appear
ed by attorney.
FOR RENT Couple furnished rooms
modern convenience! Call at n. o.
corner Second and B Sts. or in
quire at Times.
FOR RENT Housp'n-eiilns a"''
bedrooms. Coos !3n Auction Co
FOR SALE--IS-fooi gaeolinn boat
Apply to Mix Tlinmernian.
FOR SALE Bc3t business In town
Applv Coos 3ny Auction Co.
FOR SALE Beautiful 5-acre tracts
at $G0 and $G5 per acre. Owner,
C. H. Chandler, Bandon.
With Another Finn G. W. Shelly,
representative for this district of tho
The people of Coos Bay have a' William Clough Company, wholesale
splendid chance to satisfy their long grocers of San Francisco, has re
felt wish to have the bay dredged and j turned to Marshfield as the repre
improved at small expense to them, sentative of Wellman, Peck & Com
Exactly why nothing Is done about it pany of San Francisco. This is said
I do not know, but the government , to be the oldest wholesale- grocery
dredee to be built was intended for ' house on the Pacific coast, and Mr.
Shelly was a salesman wun mo nrm
a number of years ago. Ho made s.
trip to the Gate City on the last trip
J. T. COWART, of Coqullle, was a
visitor in the city yesterday.
MISS MAMIE KING, of Coqullle, is
visiting frionds in Marshfield.
J. N." HUTCHINS, of Hodge Creek,
is spending the day In the city
R. H. MASTERS, of Ten Mile, is a
pleasant visitor to friends in this
city today.
IN, of Co.qullle, are visiting in
tho city today. '
M. A. ERNEST, of Portland, arrived
on the Alliance this morning and
will locate on the bay.
A. J. GANTNER, tho Portland in
surance man, has returned from
the Beaver Hill, where he con
ducted business.
cepted the position of stenograph
er at the Marshfield chamber of
of the Beaver Hill Coal company,
is a pleasant visitor In tho city
today on business.
burg, is visiting Mrs. F. K. Get
tlng3. She is principal at tho
Gardiner school from which point '
sho has just nrrivod during th
first of the Christmas holidays.
. dred and sixty pounds, and expect to
cart away a large end of tho gato re
ceipts. The North Bend team hns
been reorganized and Is In much bet
tor form than when It played against
Marshfield on Thanksgiving day.
Consequently a hard fought game is
expected to put tho finishing touches
to Christmas day. The game will bo
at North Bend and special boat ser
vice will be provided to accommo
date visitors from this city.
Ccos Bay and yet the Chambers of
Joinmerco are not seemingly even
interested. The dredee should bo
built here. Whether Messrs. Simp- I of the Plant, and his old firm made
overtures to him which he accepted.
He makes his headquarters In thin
city, representing tho firm in the
country tributary to Coos Bay.
Speed Launches and Engines a Sreciahv
All Clauti of Boat and Enilne Repairing Promptly Attended to
lopt in tie North Bend Woolen Mills iictth BenJ- 0rccn
I. R. EEV1ER, Mechanical Engineer C. H. ALLGFR Boat Builder
THEY'RE '"MCCETTjitay5 ttffiff'
Everything Electrical nt
Oregon Electrical Supply Co.
New O'Conncll Bile.
. a;::.tKu-:::;::::t::J u:nttt:is::mK::m::n::::::::r :::::::::
Portland & Coos Bay S S. Line
Sails from Portland Wednesday at 8 p. m.
Sails from Coos Bay Satu clays at Service of Tide.
C. F. McCollum, Agt.
Phone Main 34 - - - - A. St. Dock
Gr j '41 Jt2 .IS-it
$1.00 Per Mont
Phone 1444
--- AND - - -
son and Smith have nut in bids to
j.uid :f here and to furnish the ma-u-ial
at a price watch makes the con
struction of It cheaper, I do not of
ourse know. They intended to do
It. There are some $25,000 available Stage Broke Down "I will show
.o pay the expenses of the dredge you that a man can travel in com
herc and somebody on Coos Bay fort and with speed on the stago lino
.should be at work in the interest of (to Itoseburg," said George Balnes to
the bay and this dredging proposi-' several friends in this city as he left
tion. The trouble is that our people I Saturday evening for San Francisco
have not got the habit of working to- i by way of the Itoseburg line. Sun
gether. One man is interested and I day atternoon at 4 o'clock, George
akes up tho proposition and pushes was ten miles beyond Sumner, where
tii i nrnP nnntlipv maii's trail, the stase had a stop of some length
then ho drops it and sulkily quits. because of a breakdown, according
There is plenty of public spirit on , to citizens from that section. Ho
Coos Bay, but It ts not united. Here may arrive at Itoseburg some time
is nno of tho projects which needs . tomorrow if he is .in lclt, and those
ZS attention, which requires united ac-.who advised him against tho route
Z&M tion, but is left to one or two indl- i'before ho left, are In ecataclos over
Vi9' viduals to attend to, if they see fit." I tho evident "speed and comfort"
rvTfl with which ueorge 13 uuvemis.
i Passengers Came Ashore Most of
I the pasengers outbound on tho Plant
yesterday from Marsnnoiu reiurneu
to the city last night, while tho ship
was tied to the dock nt North Bend.
The boat went down to the bar yes
terday but the breakers were rolling
It. with such volume thnt it would
J have been criminal to have tried get-
ting out, and sho returned to North
iflend. Many people who had beon
i anticipating a happy Christmas in
i San Tranclsco will liavo to celebrato
, on board ship, as tho boat will bo at
sea when Christmas dinner time
I comes around. Sho lott out thU
1 morning.
fcj,VW " H'fcy'i
I guarantee better work at lower price s,
than can be had eleewliere. Do not on er
monumental work until you have
F. M. Stewart, Prop.
Corner 3d & D Sts.
. - - - Main 1731
JsmUow' Bttlldtoy.
PUte-glasa Fleer' Caee
any Bhape, any style mde
to order by the Latka
MaatifactBriag' Go.
For convenience of Call pa
trons the Laundry omce will
be open Saturday evenings until
8 o'clock.
Phone 571 today. Our wagon
will call.
Marshfield nnd North Bend.
All Parts of the World 1
We use the necessary
facilities for sending
money to all parts of
the world, and without
danger or loss. . .,
COOS BAY. Marshfield, Ore. g
rfinlMrn h r HI
FBBiite Roosts Hcie. Operator.!
of BteamsMpe and other boat3 mak
ing this port have been notified that
vessels entering tho harbor must 'bo
fumigated after their arrival and
discharge of cargoes at Coos Bay.
Formerly the boats between this
point and Portland wero fumigated
at the latter place, but tho ceremony
has now to bo performed ueioro
their departure from hero in order to
abide by the government (restrictions.
as onforced by Dr. Straw, quarantine
officer of tho port. The Alliance and
Breakwater will bo fumigated im
mediately after the discharge ot
their cargoes at this port, and this
will mean a delay of about a day
instead of the delay being mado at
Portland as heretofore. Tho new ord
er of thlng3 went into effect about
a week ago.
Says That Mei chants Do Not Give
ttio Tillers of tin Soil a Square
Ileal Asks for Justice.
Editor Times:
In your issue of December 20 I
notice what you say in regard to
Importing potatoes to Coos Bay. I
wish to state that In the past four
years, I have ratBed and put on the
i l i- i n. ilwtiiDnml ! til ova
murKei m ivu.i. . .-.. -..-.- c B teanls
worth of notatces of which-I have , Ufeu'" . ...,.., ,
Football Christinas Dry
football team will try its
A new
It is
from Arago, on the Coquillo, and will
.. t -,.!.. 1 1.l flnllbt-a
soia prouuou iu u..- North nond t0!UU 0 chrBt
worth on Coos Bay for cash I was .' )tte s kjJ0wn o Ul0
always tho same answer, Take it out , cnn(U(late8 for honorB oxcot that
in trade." Tho answer is tho same to- nvnnl,,n ono Uun-
DSlhll - " .--o
n'l.rt foimnt lino n fnnrl nnnnt- lllc
Ite. and as luck will have it he can
furnish plenty for that appetite tho time was to my
credit on his
without trading his entiro output to U00iB, i couldn't pay that, so or
tho Coos Bay merchant. Thero ro'dered my g00(l8 in Portland. Tho
plenty of good spuds to be bought thQ lnumger of a
today, If the merchant will pay the ,l
cash When a tarmer sends to largo grocery company In town, who
Portland for a fow articles ot goods later got away with a thousand or
In any line thero is great excitement two of tho company's money, wont
among tho merchants. I purchased to all the grocors In town who hand
one dozen ten-gallon milk cans of tho led feed, and tried tho boycott game
Honoyman Hardware Co. saving again, but got left. There aro very
I9.C0 by tho trade. The consequence ' few goods that the farmer puts onto
was that tho Coos County Hardwaro tho market of tho world, but what
comblno boycotted the Honeyman sells to the consumer for two or
Hardwaro company and run them out j three times the amount ho receives
of tho county for Belling to an out- j for them. Is thero anything radically
stder, as they quote a man who la , wrong. about that? So glvo the poor
not a retailer. I 'pan prove the above farmer a chance and don't begrudge
statement. I also needed some shorts him what little ho can get extra by
for cow feod, On going to a leading keeping his produce for a hjBhOr
merchant to buy it, ho wanted the. markot
small sum of $7.00 per ton. profit
Just to order It, when the money at
(Signed) B. L. BES8EY.
A Coos Rlvor Farmer.
Conuilk' Floods its Bunks The Co
qullle river has become angry during
the past few days and since Saturday
morning has made a general nulsanco
of itself, hi many places along tho
river it lias overflowed its banks, and
on tho river side of Coquillo it has
made tho landing of passengers from
tho boats n critical feat. A short dis
tance beyond Coquillo tho river had
risen to such a height that three foot
of water is reported to bo tho depth
over quite a length of tho railroad
tracks, causing tho train to suspend
operations temporarily between Co
quillo and Myrtle Point. Considera
ble astonishmont is felt by tlio poo
plo along the Coqullle over the oarly
ilood, as In most jars it happons In
January and February, and Is caused
from the snow molting In tho moun
tains. Tho present ilood has boqn
caused by tho steady downpour ot
rain for tho past few woeks.
FJi-fet jMnto Is Maligned F. S.
Dow, and Captain Burtis of tho
Plant, stated yesterday that First
Officer Georgo Fltzmorris, of tho
Plant, was going to lay off duty for
a month and got married. Tho grius
with which this Information was
given gave rlso to doubt on tho part
of tho rubberneck representing tho
Times. A little lator, Mr. Dow told
Local Agont Shaw, for tho Alliance,
about the proposed marriage. Ho
winked at Shaw when ho said it,
and botli then broko into a "haw
haw," of considerable dimensions.
It was something like an amateur
minstrel show. Mr. Shaw declared
that It was not possible, but Mr. Dow
insisted that it was probable. Fitz
morrls was attending to freight be
ing put aboard ship. "Naw," Bald
he. "I ain't goln' to lay off. Stick
to tho 0I4 ship," and "Hoy there,"
ho yelled at a truck pusher, ''wliero
tbo devllqro you going, tio, I'll
stick to tjlio old ship."
Oo.toho" Palace for your swell
Junch after the ,F(reinan'B Ball Dec.
Row! a