IW8WJ'uiic'aii'liiEnK'uiJiii'"i''''"'"'l'"l,',',''''ll" ''""-" THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1907. ENgl w ?-, & & laSTitSci Coos Bay Times e AN IMlirFNIlKNT JtH't 1 I WAN NEWSI'APrit It B IISIIEI) r.VMlY EVKMNO IACF1TINU EU.NDll, AND WEEKLY BY Tup. Coos Hay Times l'uiiMsm.va Co. Tha policy of Tlio Coos B.iy Times will be Republican in polities, with the ndepenleneeof which President Roose velt is the leading exponent. Entered lit the po-tolllce nt MarshtlelJ, Ore gon, for traii'-ml-iion tlnuiigh the mulls as eccond class mail matter SUISSCIMI'TIOX IIATKS. In Advance. DAIIiV. One year ?5 00 Six months ?2.50 Less than C months, per mouth .50 W1JKKJA. ' One year $1.50 Local readers, 10c per line. Aduisijss All Communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES flanhfielJ ... Oregon 1IAIIS10XV OX COOS 1JAV. In another column of this even ing's paper The Times publishes an interview with Peter Loggio, in which that enterprising and progressive business man presents to the world fow choice boquets plucked from the blossoms of the manufacturing plants of North Bend and lormed into flow ers of speech. There is one discord ant note in Mr. Loggie's song, or to preserve the blmile a rag weed in the buquet. Mr. Loggie is a bit caustic in his criticism ol the apathy of the North Bend Chamber of Com merce. The Times cannot agree with him in his e-ncluslons and thinks it only fair to say so frankly. Mr. Loggie was one of the first g Titlemen the writer met on his arrival on Coos Bay and was impressed with him as a type of city builder that helps to make for progress. That estimate still stands. Energetic, broad guaged, big brained and brimming over with energy, Mr. Loggie Is the type of men who do things. He is a Iiuman dynamo of energy and an en cyclopedia of im'orination when it comes to expounding the greatness of the resources and the boundless possibilities of the prospects of Coos Bay. Wo think we can understand that sucli a personality, vibrating with a desire . for achievement and prompt realization of the promise of the future greatness of this harbor becomes impatient ajL times with what seems slow progress. It is nat ural that he withes to see things moving at all tlnu-s with dash and spirit. This is well. It is also good that he seek as many avenues as pos sible for the outlet of energy that will promote the wellaro of North Bend and Coos Bay. The Times thinks, however, that one of the chief requisites in the development and progress ol the Coos Bay country is the harmonizing of all the ele ments that are laboring ' for a com mon goal. The Chamber of Com merce may not bo as full of ginger as Mr. Loggie thinks it should, but It is neverthe less a splendid feature of the commercial life and work of North Bend and Coos Bay. If something more progressive along strictly com mercial linos is desired it Is excol lont to havo it, but lot it be ap proached in a spirit of harmony and feeling that all are laboring to the same end. No sooner does the average man buy a homo or a piece of property than he sots about improving it and making it what ho wishes It to be. Thoro are somo things about it that bo does not like. Naturally, as soon s ho can ho begins the task of -changing thorn. IIo does not point out its defects to hi neighbor every time the topic is brought up excopt to show the neighbor whero fco in tends to bettor things. It is with n city rb with a house If it Is not in proper condition in this or that respect, the thing to do is to remedy it. Work toward this ond without criticism will accomplish as much in one as In the other. There is something in this that will bear thinking over by all who are interested in the development of this great section. Let everyone's efforts be supplementary to hlstielgh bor's for we all desire the welfare. progress End prosperity of North, Bend, Marsh field, Empire, and nil the' cities on Coos Day. Thai's what we are here for. Let's get together! Beaver Hill washed coal J6.0Q per ton. Masters & McLain. Frosh Olyiiipla Oysters nntl frozen Toko Point Oysters, hardshell dnms, fresh fish, crabs, shrimp, nml Binoked salmon today. Tlio Empire Pish Market, near Pioneer Grocery, k--!-k u,'"l'raT" i'-. v- " ' JEiiLfajJfji jP'"ir,SjSi SlHIHL jgjjjjaaMJMgjCiJjjMMjM ! WITH THE S TOAST AMD TEA GOOD KVtiXIXG. And when a happy moment, complete and rounded as a pearl, falls into the tossing ocean of life, It is never wholly O lost. For our days are made up of moments and our years of days, and every swift realization of a lawful joy is a distinct and and lasting gain in our onward flight to eternity. Agnes Rep- O plier. YOUXCi AX1) OLD. When all the world is young, lad, And all the trees are green; And every goose a swan, lad, And every lass a queen; Then hey for boot and hose, lad, And round the world away; Young blood must have its course, lad, And every dog his day. When all the world is old, lad, And all the trees are brown; And all the sport is stale, lad, And all the wheels run down; Creep home and take your place there, The spent and maimed among; God grant you find one face there You loved when all was young. Charles Kingsley. Don't listen to the rumor monger. Avoid him. Do you burn time as other dispens ers burn money? If people are the right kind they ire never unkind. Let the knocker knock, but re turneth not the knock. Do you waste other men's time by interrupting their work? The timid men are now engaged in frightening one another. $. Some Marslifleld men can get a big head with a little glas3. Now the panic is on the run, give it a kick and keep it running. All men are created free and equal until they get married. Are you doing your full share to wards a restoration of confidence? 0 There aro some Marslifleld men vho never fail because they never try. If wishes were gasoline launches veryone on th'o bay would bo the awner of a boat. 4 Mr. McLnin says that the best way :o have the house warm is to have ho kitchen coaled. There are some people on Coos y with whom whatever isn't Is right, and whatever Is is wrong. Somo Coos Bay men are so good it a little of every trade that they uro no good at any special trade. If some Coos Bay men were only the angels their wives think thoy are, their clothes wouldn't fit because of sprouting wings. Music is said to have charms to sootho tlio savage breast, but certain Coos Bay music is calculated to render tlio peaceful breast savage. While there aro many people who protest against the omission of the motto "In God Wo Trust," from the now gold coins, it Is not probable that any will rofuso to accept them because- of it. It has boon discovered that a rabbit will expire immediately if a drop of nicotine is placed on his tongue. "That ought to teach rab bits to leave tobacco alone," re marked Herman Illllyor, as ho light ed an after dinner perfecto. Notico to Property Owners. Brick chimnoy flues must bo built at once on all buildings with! a the fire limits in accordance with ordinance. Last call. J W. CARTER, Fire Warden. Inquire for work to be dono nt the Time's olfico. Special Chicken dinner nt tho Melroso Saturday evening at D:30. Fresh Oybtorn, rtecelvod weokly at Oom Restau rant, North Bond. Sorvod any style and open day and ulsht. Also every tulns oIbo tho market affords. Snoullio Sol Sunset Salute of Uncle Sam's Soldiers at San Diego by the Sea. IN THE SUNNY SOUTHLAND K. Dow Writes llreezy Letter From The Land of Orange Ulosouis To His Friends on Coos liny. National City. San Diego Co., Cal., Dec. C. Dear old Coos Bay and the inhabi tants thereof: I saw in last evening's paper that there was a well defined storm on in Washington and Oregon. The paper added "We hope to get some of it." Now I am not that selilsh. I havo the generosity born of one who has spent several years on Coos Bay, or I might add I know hcu have enough. That is not saying I will never want any more. Simply liad a good turkey dinner and am willing to wait until I am hungry again. This sunshine suits me all right. Why this dear old southern sun of Southern California don't know any thing else but shine. It costs the government quite a sum to make it quit shining. Uncle Sam has an army post here. The chief work is to shoot the sunrise and sunset gun. The sunset gun seems to work all right for the sun drops into the ocean at once. But the sunrise gun, our southern sun, pays no attention to it. Perhaps it is because it has quite a dtart before the boys in blue shoot it, one would think. Well if I jvas shot at twice a day I would quit coming to bo shot every evening, and come up smiling every morning and resume business at the old stand, giving color to the roses, California poppy and the many flow ers In field and yard. My home in Paradise valley looks good to me. We havo six malls per day. You see the chance I havo to hear from you. The postofilce has no sign hanging in the window "The mail has not ar rived." Twenty trains (steam cars) per day. Last Sunday the electric cars, giving half hour service with San Diego, commenced running. That is going some. There is quite a boom on down here. Prices are reasonable. Lots ?2u0 to ?300 within one block of business center. They still dig clams out of the mud. Some day I expect they will try to shoot them on the wing. All same Coos B.iy. Friends here greet me with "Dow, you look fresh." Yes, fresh and green; just in out of the wet. I must admit my friends hero look dried up. But when I get dry I know whero to go. Saturday morning 9 a. m: Oregon mist has arrived. Well is that the best you can do? In half nn hour our Southern California sun has put Oregon mist out of business. "Be hind the clouds the sun's still shin ing," but it doesn't stay thero long In this land of sunshlno and flowers. I wish some of the Coos Bay people could step in and sit hero in the sun shine with me and smell the per fume of orange blossoms as It conies In the window. By the by, that re minds me, I promised to send orange blossoms when the conditions were right. C. W. Wolcott cornea first on the list. "Get busy;" there are some young ladies on the list also. It is not often I say "Take something," hut wish you were hero to havo lemonade with me. (Lemons fresh off the tree). Havo takon to drink since I arrived In Paradise. Wifo wants me to sign tlio pledge. (Too late). I have the habit. Can't lot up now. Say nil you good people come and see me In this land of sun shlno and flowera. T, L DOW. Dance to be given In the North Inlet Hall Xmns Evo, Dec. 24, 1907. Music will bo furnlBlied by Harry Benson, of Ton Mile, and Oscar Oil man, of North Inlet. Launches will leave North Bend for upper landing of North Inlet. Step right off from; boat and on to plank walk. i I Havlland and Obhihu China at'" Ouoa Hay Cush Stoe. ,." ----- $l----- -- i : get YdfjR : t M -UakeWu;;: 1,Vm : JOHN HkNDSON. t PliONC 1331. 'Ifc Ull. - IIIIHtllMIIMt Business Directory Doctors DR. GKORGH W. L1CSLIK Osteopathic Physician Orailuato of American School of Osteopathy, Ktrksvlllo, Mo. Olllcc Hours:!) a. m. to 1 p. m. Other Hours bj Appointment. Ollko in Xusliurg Work Phone 1C11. Marslifleld, Ore. DR. J. vlXGHAM Physician mid Surgeon. Office over Sengstf...uo's Drug Stor Phones Ollico 1021; Residence 78 Dr. A. L. lloiiscworth, I'hjhichui and Surgeon. Office over First National Bank Residence, two blocks north of Crystal Theater. Office Phone 1431. Lawyers. Francis II. Clm-ktS Jacob M. Illnlcc Law ri-iico A LiIJeivist CLAHKK, ULUvHVi LILJKQVIST, ATTORXFY.4AT-liAW Times Building, wMarshfleld, Ore, United States Commissioner's Ofllcc, IT t. W. HKXNETT, h umre over xiannuan c uouiuih Bauli iUnrslulelu, - K- fregoi J. V. McKXIGUT, Attorney a I p'-ialrs, Bennett ak Wnjflk Bloc MiirehflcM, Orego' "OKR A: (OK IS. Attorneys i UorsbfloM Orego . II. I'.ility Architect Modern cottages a specialty. Office opposite Blanco Hotel, Over Telo uhoue Building. lf. ALIIEUT ABEL, Contractor lor Teaming of all kind' Phono 1884. Piano Tuning. Ry J. F. O'KEILLY, Resident Tuner. Address Hoy 210, Murshfield. ELMER A. TODD, Din-dor Coos Hay Academy of Music. Voice, Piano, Pipe Organ, Harmony etc., from beginning to graduation. Singers coached in style, diction and interpretation for opera, oratorio or concert work. Vow O'Coiiiiel! HtiildiiiK, Marslifleld. Flanagan & Bfei&nstt BanJk MAKSIIl'IEI t OREGON. Cnpitat bH1 bea i-v) 000 Cnnlml Kit ITp l',000 (ImlHlih IKS 5),U(AI poes a General bantdLs business and draw- in the Dank ol Ct&B rnla. ban KrumiM u'allf., Eirst National TWik Portland Or., Klrvi National Hank Ioscl3L' Or, Hanover Ku rional llauk, New Y(jfi, N. M. Kutlichild A. sou, Ixmdou, hnglanu Also veil change on nearly all tin. prlnclpa .ltles of Europe Accounts kept subject to cluck, tafe deposli inek boxes for rent at S ihmin a month or 5 a veai INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS TIjs C. C, R. &JL R. R. Ion Co. THE C. It., It. &' t. M X. CO TIME Subject to chan tout notice. No. 1. ,Dail No. 2. i Sun' v. 9:00a m Mors! Ar.l2:30p.m IJunct Lv. 9:45a. m ( orjull Lv.ll:30a.m Lv 10: 15a.m Ar.l 0:20a ri 'Mirth? Trains to and from Beaver Hill dally W. F. Miller, Agent. fMC Law. iw 3b wKw. isuft UAK mm. fx. imi Uti hP hKi ylilff Pt iman m ,! mi. m..Ma. iww..iwimw..o. BONITA NOfUTi BfeND fastfstoIts Half V,r i1 jaHfy'Liie. tend Mm! ''0 'liuuiit Fare: ( 1 ' .i tH, rti. J. A. u'h r ' , i'i .IHoif. Ij(1Ii'' ;ini ' "' irnients l'l- .in d iifcl'li'd I'hi I i 'r.w.'p i-i. I ii.l tl BEL Li 0 R D Wet Your hThen Blow J. i. HERWJg, Prop. rront Street, - AUrdifkld, Oregon I I he bteamer M. F. PLAJMT Plant sails from Mnr.shflcM SimrtibHr No rescrvntlo n uff ho jugs after tlio arrival of j Klilp unless ticket Is bought. jfr jfr 1 I F. S DQjfcjrA.gent I I MARSHFIELD, : W :" : REGON I (!S25252SZ5H5rl5Z5r!rl5E5Zre5rlSE5rl tn W.MWMW. ! I lllll II l"T I IIIWIIMI1II..IIIMII MMWj.i HI fU In which to do Why not buy your wife tills rary Table3, Easy J; writing Desks, Cases, Writing les, Music Cabinet A full line of A' Rugs; both larg C. A. JOHNSOI :-: COMPANY :-: FRONT ST. 3 EZ5325fijr!5ri525Z5i2SE525Z5r2S25r Erl's.tj'I yj i . "cry n? - . Electric and Pnej&hatic Carpet Cleai&dWorks We take up, clean, nml lay ing capacity is 800 yards Works on Coos Bay Carpet --- Wl dOTtf? iiii PINE 1993 KCK 3&73TFFT?Ztt'JrJW.FffiK 1 XRli Two ChaftKlBlThis Week, s Mm fr. my m Performances 7:30 and 9 p. m. " Admission ti ti-jgr-:mraMlmTO-.srog wnrv'Wtts7xmKvrn.YmKa Portland & GopsjBay S. Line r? i A Sails from PortlanWednesday at 8 p. m. Sails from Coos Bay Sarti ciays at Service of Tide. C. F. McCoIIum, Agt. Phone Main 34 - - - - A. St. Dock nMrHrHiwwiWTwr rjtmT"!!fr SHOW CASP Male-BlusH Moor Cases- iJ,iUYV ':ir''W any shape, any style made omji CjvTJ IICjI to orlt'1' b' tho Lutk0 dliU rlA ft Uljjp Manufacturing Co. TI-iE MCISRN COMPANY Odd Fellows' nulldiiiK, California and Oregon Stc.;i COOS E-AY SAILS FCM P! SAILS FROM CjISL'.Y F. P. Baumgartner, A ,f. Couch St. Dock, l'oul.u 1, Ore, b a. ui.jr 1fl XBi TJ ka II WE MAKE GAS BRGINES AND BOATS Speed All Clanet of Boat Sbspt in the North Deod Woolen Mil H. R. BEV1ER, MetbinicalEnjineer llfejcheJfcd md Mgine iWi your Xmas stopping. something it$&cil for Xmna? StujOTas Lib Ladies cot ion Book Des, sslng Tab- and Brussels small. on the Mime day. ' Ciisra. Call up ly near depot. Cleaning Works ,.'.,ikVT'irr.!t;iv'.-f.,jii',in,TrTC?gT Matinee Saturday 3:30. Ten Cents. ...WNX '" "''M ,n 'TiHwr rurifi'mTri1 ' t PT?iTirr7-r)TiiTlgT,qa-Ta ifnrshficld wiW Wl'.'iwe A iirrTiiifrnwirrrrirTTrir''':TTg",r''-t" --tiMiaBgg" Coast Steamship Company. Allianc N, Mnatwr. :m SATiiRnaYR. s p. m. ESDAYS, AT SERVICE OF TIDE. L. W. Shaw, Agt. 4 Afnt.ov.fini.i rirn phono 441. WMIUIM.WIU, W.W., Enjinei a Specialty Repairinj Promptly Attended to North Bend, Orejon C. H. ALLCEF Boat VM vll