jffty p "41 jiM 1 wmiw'f WP HW i(fppiiPiPiHii 4 THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER, 18, 1907. Coos Bay Times AN INDErENDrNT ItFirilLIDAN SEWSrArF.lt rin urjuxn Kvr.it y evening exceitino sunday, and WIvKKLT BY The Coos Bay Times Puw.ism.vo Co. The policy of The Coos B.iy Times will be Republican in politics, with tho ndependenceof which President Roose velt is the leading exponent. Entered 'nt the poitotHce nt Manhflolit, Ore eon, for transmission tlirough the malls as second class mall mutter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. In Advance. DA1JA'. One year 55 00 Six months ?2.50 Less than C months, per month ,r0 "IVEKKIiY. One year $1.50 Local readers. 10c per lino. t t WITH THE t TOAST AND TEA t O GOOD EVEN'ING A happy man or woman is a better thing to find than a flve- pound note. He or she Is a radiating iocu3 of good will; O O BREAKWATER and their entrance Into a room Is as though another candle had been lighted. We need not care whether they could prove the forty-seventh proposition; they do a better thing than that they practically demonstrate the great theorem of the Livable- ness of Life. Stephenson. O AuDisnss All Communications to C003 BAY DAILY TIMES Xflariaficld ... Oregon DKCLIXK!) AGAIN' President Roosevelt has agalil as sured the people of tho United States of his intention to adhere to his frequently expressed determination -not to be a candidate for reelection to tho president In 1908. Those who outertalned the greatest faith In the presldsnt and gave him credit for sincerity in all his aspirations and mictions, never doubted that he meant aill the time just what he said. To them this repetition was unnecessary, but his typo of manhood 13 so far nbovo tho average politician's con ception that It became proper to re state his unchanged position. There 5s tx high standard of mediocrity which has been many times clevafod to presidential honors, but a standard lilgh above mediocrity nas reached that position only In a few rare in stances. It, Is pluaslng to tho pa triotic American to feel that Wash ington, Jefferson, John Quiucy Ad ams, Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln were men who belonged as 2llr. Roosevelt belongs to a s'phero sibove more commercialism. "What tho future may develop with Tegard to Mr. Roosevelt and the pres idency is problematical notwithstand ing his latest publication. The rank and filo of the republican party are Slill ready to support him for a sec ond elective term and do not much care If It is called a third term. They Siollave in his uprightness, his Ideal ity, his Bupercommerciallsm, and his 'disposition and readiness to do things. lie Is tho kind of man who rarely over gets first place in this Order of society, and the people hav ing found that out are afraid to pat Wi him lest they have to wait hiU oi century for another like him. Por luvps it would be better to say that they are afraid no combination of circumstances will occur for titty .years which will enable a man zo allp into the chief magistracy whom 'tha politicians do not either own or feol sure they can control. Nor woul 1 Hsven that bo seriously objectionable If It wero not true that the politicians aro mainly tlmcservers who grovel 1)efore tho captains of Industry whose paid agents they generally are. President Roosevelt inherited wealth without being a snob and without supposing that wealth placed him above tho rank of manhood. Ho was endowed with good sense as well as natural talents and his social posi tion was equal to that of tho best without making him feel that per aoiis occupying less prominent places wore not fully as entitled to lie pro tected In their pursuit of lnpplncss as lie. Tho American people will al ways adniiro him beca,uso of his per sonal courngo and becauso he hah not feared to punish ovil doing as well as to applaud that which has merit. Tho president declined to bo . candidate for reeloction but tho tBmppr of tho American peoplo Is uch that he may have to provo hlm bU great beyond any man of his ago by Bcr.-pting a more coninleto and final test of strength and sincerity still. Tt is not probable that a re publican convention will nominate him agaiiiit his wish but tho polit ical life of the president has been a feurcessiou of broken precedent and ft lilitory of lmprobablo but roallzod avents. SAMK WORLD SAME LIKE Tho same old joy and the same old strlfo As In ages long ago, And after the fever men call life ( The same still rest we know. The same grief you feel like a blad'! of steel Was felt in the ages past, By hearts that yearned and soul3 that yearned For the final rest at last. The same old world as it rolls away In tho gloom, and bloom and llgnt; Thank God, if you know one kind sweet day Ere you sigh in the dark, "dood nlght!" Atlanta Constitution. 0 Coos Bay girl3 can deal with their eyes mean it all. O Tho average Coos Bay woman navs more attention to selecting a dre'ss than a husband. . If the women of Coos Bay will arm themselves with hat pins the hold-up man will probably let them alone. say a great but they do not Strenuous Efforts by Which Vessel Was Repaired After Accident. RAPID WORK ALL AROUND -0 There are some peoplo on Coos Bay so sensitive about their obliga tions that they feel uncomfortable even If they owe an apology. . Tho harder it 13 raining the more certain Marshfleld girls are that it Thank God, If you know one kink they happen to be out In it. A Marshfleld man says he prefers paper money to gold for when he puts a bill in his purse and takes it out again he always finds it in creases. O While it may be truo as the scien tific doctors say that money trans mits diseaso there are many people In Marshfleld who are willing to take the chances. - A newcomer to Coos Bay asked a Marshfleld young lady he met if her family wero early settlers. "Oh, yes," sho replied, "papa always pays every bill on tho first of the month." "It Is hard work for a mind reader to glvo satisfaction when reading peoplo who havo no minds," says tho Gazoot. There are peoplo on Coos Bay who would make a mind reader tired in that case and there are others. . A Marshfleld man suffering from a toothache met a friend on tho street this morning and told him his troub le "I'd havo tho thing pulled out, If it wero mine," his friend advised. "So would I, if it wero yours," the sufferer answered. Business Directory Doctors DR. GEORGE W. LESLIE Osteopathic Physician Graduate of American Kchool of Osteopathy, Klrksvllle, Mo. Office Hour8:.-Dii. m. to i). in. Other HourB by Appointment. Olllce In Xoilmts lllnck Phone 1C11. Marshfleld, Ore. DR. J. W. INGRAM Physician and Surgeon. Olllce over Sengst...vo's Drug Stor Phones Ofllco 1021; Resldonca 78J Notlco to Properly Owners. Brick chimney flues must be liullt nt once on all buildings within t"h fire limits In accordance with ordinance. Last call. .J. W. CARTER, s- Piro Warden. Inquire for Avork to be done at tie Times office, Silver table waro, quadruplo and Sterling, at Red Cross. Up In Benton county Dr. Lester and Mr. Bano havo caught a crop of (10 skunks whoso' hides are worth be tween 75 cents mid $1.25 each. Wo know some specimens of tho samo sweet scouted family but of tho hu mane variety, whose hides are not worth 30 cents. XOT OX COOS RAY An Irishman, wishing to take a 'homestead" and not knowing just how to go about It, sought informa tion from a friend. "Mike," ho said, "you'vo taken a homestead an' I thought maybe you could tell mo th-' law concerning how to go about It." "Well, Dennis, I don'Kremlmbor th' oxact wordln' uv th'-law, but I can glvo yo th' mnnln uv it. Th' inanln' uv it Is this: Th' govcrnmlnt Is wlllln' t' bet yo 100 acres uv land agin 14 thot ye can't live on It live years widout starvln' to death." Vise-President Mlllis Rushes to Pott land Hy Special Train Purl Way Taking Personal Charge of Affair. Considerable Interest has been aroused over the story of the dam age recently sustained to the Break water In Portland and tho quiqk ness with which sho was repaired and again put in commission for the trip. About ten of the steel plates In her bow wero removed and re placed by new ones and In considera tion of this fact sho has made re markable time In being on her run as usual. The accident happened In the evening, over a week ago, and was caused by a mistake on the part of a new assistant engineer on the steamer. While approaching her dock In Portland, Captain McGonn noticed a boat coming out a short distance ahead and he rang for full speed astern. The: assistant replied correctly to this order, but incorrect ly turned the lever for full speed ahead, with the result that the Breakwater ran Into tho other boat with considerable force. Sho struck It on a slant, however, or the other boat would have been sunk. As It was the Breakwater damaged her plates in the bow considerably. Vice-President Mlllis, of the com pany, was notified of the accident and in order to rush matters through so that Coos Bay might not be shut otf from Portland, as he had heard that the Alliance was also damaged, he made all haste to go to Portland. Ho took a special train to Myrtle Point and caught the stage line in time to get to Roseburg the following day, getting in .Portland a few hours later. He immediately had the boat put in a drydock as soon as she was un loaded, and not many hours after the collision the Breakwater was having new ones put in their place. The Willamette Iron & Steel Works hand led the job and Mr. Mlllis gives great praise to the company for the speed and accuracy with which it accom plished the work. The vice presi dent stayed on the scene until every thing was ready for the return trip, the boat taking all the merchandise offered for transport, and he re turned on the ship yesterday to re sume his interrupted duties in con nection with tho railroad. When seen this morning Mr. Mlllis said that the people of the Coos Bay district should have every attention from tho company as far as it could furnish transportation with tho out side world. Ho is enthusiastic over the prospects of this Eection and is confident that tho coal deposits and other resources of tho district can not be overrated In boosting the fu ture prospects of Coos Bay. The Czarina would be put on the run between C003 Bay and Portland or San Francisco In about six weeks, he said, to carry coal for tho Coos Bay, Roseburg & Eastern Railroad & Navigation Company. The Break wator will also continue to carry coal from this point. Tho company will look after tho Interests of the peoplo on tho bay by furnishing tho Beaver Hill product to retailers at a low fig ure, and arrangements are being made with a local man for this pur pose. Developing Coal Field. Superintendent Thomas Russell, of tho Beaver Hill Coal Company, was also interviewed this morning and ho stated that by spriug the mine would be turning out over two hun dred tons of coal a day. It is turning out about eighty tons a day at pres ent, but tho output will bo moro than doubled In a few months. Ho report a depth of four and a half feet of coal In tho Southport prospect; about six miles from tho city, and that drilling in tho center of the Henryvlllo prop erty Is going ahead rapidly. He as pects a depth of 1300 feet will be reached in tho next two mouths. Ofllciuls of the company are eu-; thualastic over the bright outlook in ' Coos County and Mr. Mlllis bolievcs the coal mines are a valuable asset to I this seotlon. llois optimistic overj the future growth of tho coal mining, business and is not bothered at all I by the recent panic condition of af-f j fairs which temporarily put a dam I)r A. L. Ilouscworth. Physician anil Surgeon. Office over First National Bank. Residence, two blocks north of Crystal Theater. Office Phone 1431. Lawyers. Francis II. Clark i Jacob 31. Rlake Latvience A. Liljeqvlst CLARKE, RLAKE & LIL.IEQVIST, ATTORXEl'S-AT-LAW Times Building, Marshfleld, Ore. United States Commissioner's OHico. .1. W. P.EXXETT, Office over Flanagan & Bennett Bank. Marshfleld, .... Orogoi C. F. McKXIGIlT, Attorney at Law. Upstairs, Bennett & Walter Bloci Mnrshriold, - - Oregoi COKE & COKE, Attorneys at Law. Marshfleld . .... Oregoi A. H. Eddy Architect Modern cottages a specialty. Office opposito Blanco Hotel, Over Tele phone Building. 3IR. ALBERT AJJEL, Contractor for Teaming of all klndf Phono 1884. Plnno Tuning. By J. F. O'REILLY, Resident Tuner. Address Box Hit), Marshfleld. ELMER A. TODD, Director Coos Ray Academy tt Music. Voice, Piano, Pipe Orsan, F"rmony etc., from bpginnlng to graduation. Singers coached in style, diction and interpretation for opera or concert work. New O'Connell Building, Mnrshflrld. Flanagan & Bennett Bank MARSHFIELD, OREGON. Lapitnl Huh-enbed ?50,OGO C'apltnl 1'ald Up 5)0,000 UmlhiileU fronts IJ5.000 poes a general banking business and drawi on the Hank ot California, San Kraiicinc Calif., First National Hank l'ortland Or., Mini National Ban):. Roseburg, Or., Hanover Ntt tional Hank, New York, N. M. Rothchlld A Bon, London, Kngland. Also sell change on nearly all the prlnclpa cities of Knrope. Accounts kept subject to check, safo deposn lock boxes for rent at 6 cents a month ot 13. a year INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS The C C, R. & E. R. R. and Navigation Co. THE O. II., R. Ai E. R. R. & N. CO TIME TABLE. Subject to change without notice. No. 1. v. 9:00a.m. Lv. 9: 4 5 a.m. Ar.10: 20a.m. Dally, ex. Sunday MarsliI Junction Cociuillo Myrtle Pt No. 2. Ar,12:30p.ni Lv.'ll:Vo'a'.rn Lv.l0:45a.m Trains to mid from Beaver Hill dally W. P. Miller, Agent. BONITA and FASTEST BOATS ON THE BAY. Half Hour Schedule. l'lir llclwci'u MursIuXd -ujd N'oil! Rend Made in I '2 Uluute- Prlv.iti Lun linns. l'mi: One war. 1."c: roi.f trip, xrtr J. A. O'KEliLY, Proprietor. J Sfaam Dye Works C Street Ijiitlii's' and Gents' Garments Cleaned or Dyed Phi It l" r, Pnip m. I Fresh Olympla Oysters and fritmi Toko Point Oysters linrdslu-ll chillis, fresh fish, crabs, shrimp, and per on development In other sections.! -niolicd Miliunii today. The Empire Fish Market, near Pioneer Grocery. Are You Going? I To Eckhoft Hall Saturday, De- Red wagons at Ml' i rs. comber 21. Cash prize masquerade. full tho BELL CORD Wet Your Whistle Then Blow J. U. HI RNON, Prop. Pronl strrci, I Atardiflcld, Oregon m J lwjiurxviMrarsxvrzrnamzMa The Steamer L F. PLANT Plant sails from Marshfleld Sunday No reservntlo u will bo held after tho nrrlvul of shit unless ticket Is bought. RS DOW Agent MARSHFIELD, : : : : OREGON r.r:gsafia3amciraa dSESr!SrI5H5rI5r255ESHS3E5125a5a5ZS3!5 g i i ki SnORT PAYS cl In which to do your Xmas shopping. Why not buy something useful for your wlfo this Xmas? Such as Lib rary Tables, Easy Rockers, Ladles Writing Desks, Combination Book Cases, Writing Desks, Dressing Tab les, Music Cabinets. A full lino of Wilton and Brussels Rugs; both largo and small. C. A. JOHNSON FURNITURE o J o am o o a FRONT ST. ESrSr!5r2SH5rLriTi5rSI!5rZ55Ii5H5Z! I P Electric and Pneumatic Carpet Cleaning orks AVo take up, clean, and lay carpets on the same day. ing capacity is 800 yards dally. Call up Works on Broadway near depot. .', :: wai- Coos Kay Carpet Cleaning Works -- -- 0-' iara?grecranraHffgTHmramniTsraB'Mv XRYSTAL" Two ClMi&ges This Wee' LI i it VoIP- rijJiM Performances 7:30 and 9 p. m. Malinee Saturday 3:30, Admission Ten Cents. xvzfiwsrwrfirimnYmTnxHxir.vj!inniznim.Jiu?i Portland & Coos Bay S. him BREAKWATER Sa.is from Portland Wednesday at 8 p. m. Sails from Coos Bay Satu days at Service of Tide. C. F. McCollum, Agt. Phone Main 34 - - - - A. St. Dock mi'?inrjnir3UJirwcvm.'jr!xttn-mv-.-yimirr 1 SHOW CASES Plate-glass Floor Cases any shane. any style inado and FIXTURES LucT..rii. co. THE MODERN COMPANY' Odd Fellows' Building. Mnrshfleld BTffiE.wiawsvE!atf,mM.kjii". .'j iiM,...i-iji .'.'..'.ir-jf';,t-rng-3n'l-lTT.-iM California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company. Steamer Alliance B W. OLSON, Master. COOS BAY AND PORTLANP SAILS FROM PORTLAND SATURDAYS, 8 P. M. SAILS FROM COOS BAY TUESDAYS, AT SERVICE OF TIDE. P. P. Baumgnrtner. Agt. L. W. Shaw, Agt. Couch St. Docl:, Portland, Ore. Marshfleld, Oro Phone 441. WE MAKE GAS ENGINES AND BOATS Speed LauDchet and Engines a Specialty All Claiiei of Boat and Engine Repairing Promptly Attended to Shopt in tbe North Bend Woolen Mills North Bend, Oregon H. R. DEV1ER, Mechanical Engineer C, H. ALLCEi Boat Builder