sssswr ?" PUSH PROFITABLE INVESTMENT Advertisers get good returns from announcements placed In Tho Dally Times. VOL II. A MARSHFIELD MAN Through tho delicate tendrils of a rosebush bearer of frag- ranee and beauty to the world John Josephson nearly lost his llfo last night. A series of In- cldents resulting from tho storm made tho accident one most unusual and remarka- ble. An electric light wire crossing a telephone wire bring- lng the deadly electric current to tho home of Mr. Josephson and through tho medium of a rosebush communicating to a clothes line In tho yard was tho cause of an accident that nearly resulted In a tragedy. Nemlsls. In the form of fire and disaster visted tho home of John Josephson in West Marsh- field just beyond Lincoln street last night. Mr. Josephson was laid out by a violent shock of electricity for about ten minutes but was finally restored to life by a neighbor. The rest of tho family was considerably scared and tho homo caught Are, but no harm was done to either the family or the homo after several exciting hours. It all happened by tho tele- phono wlro running Into the Josephson home becoming crossed by electric wires from tho power plant. The telephone wires set flro to the building about eight o'clock Immediately bendath the telephone box. The BLOWS OUT BRAINS BEFORE HUSBAND Mrs. Cora Slmonton Turns Shotgun on Herself at Union. Dies Instantly. UNION, Ore., Dec. 14. Mrs. Cora Slmonton committed suicide by shooting herself with a shotgun. Death was Instantanious. No one was present but the husband. He Is prostrated and gives no coherent explanation. The charge of shot en tered tho lower side of Mrs. Simon ton's face, and ranging upward, blew her brains out. Mr. and Mrs. Slmonton were new comers from Ashland, Ohio. BRISTOL'S II WASHINGTON, Dec. 14. The de partment of justice announces that the nomination of William C. Bristol United States Attorney for the dis trict of Oregon, which has been sent to the senate, will be withdrawn, in accordance with the' department's recommendations to tho president, because Bristol's course with refer ence to tho land fraud speculations in SAN FRANCISCO BANKER COMMITS SUICIDE California Safe Branch Manager Ends Ills Trouble No Charges Against Him. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 14. A bloody tragedy has developed from the crash of the California Safe De posit & Trust company. T. Otway Sadleir, manager of tho west end branch of the defunct institution at 1531 Devisadero street, blow out his brains while locked In his office. No examination has yet been made of Sadlelr's acounts, but it Is known ho was heavily involved personally in tho failure. Ever since it was known that the bank could not sur vive ho has been greatly depressed, though ho mentioned to none his intention of taking his life. IN BEST SEASONS; AND (Earn NEARLY ELECTROCUTED flro department was called and Chief Tom Nichols and about forty men turned out in the heavy storm and rain and pulled Hose Cart No. 2 to tho scene of the blaze. Mr. Josephson, however, as- slsted by members of his family and Gordon Smith, put out tho flames before tho firemen ar- rived, and after every- thing had been straightened out tho family prepared for a peace- ful night. Mr. Smith, who is a neighbor of the Josephson's, advised tho latter to cut tho telephone wire to prevent further trouble, but ho decided to send to tho tele- phone company for a man to to tho wires so that there might be no misunderstanding. Meanwhile the telephone wire from tho house, across the yard, and as far as could bo seen run- nlng toward town, was a thin line of blue flame. Everything that tho wire touched was charged with a heavy voltage of electricity. About 11 o'clock Manager L. R. Robertson arrived at the Josephson home prepared to cut the wires. He placed ropes around them and says he warned Mr. Josephson of dan- ger In contact with the clothes line, which In no way touched the other wires, but tho branch- es of a rosebush swayed against the clothes lino. Mr. Josephson put up his hand to provo that It was all WANT DISTRICT FAIR IN MARSHFIELD -1909 Committee Appointed To Secure tho Privilego By Cliambcr of Commerce. Secretary Lyons made a motion at tho Chamber of Commerce meeting last night that efforts be put forth to secure the district fair for Marshleld In 1909. Ho asked that the member of the district board of this section, P. P. Norton, be requested to make application to secure the exhibition for this city. Tho motion was en thusiastically carried and Mr. Norton was appointed a committee to make overtures in this connection. IS WITHDRAWN Oregon has been unsatisfactory. Tho withdrawal of Bristol's name means the appointment of a new United States district attorney for Oregon. Mr. Bristol has declared re peatedly that ho was ready to pro ceed at any time with the land-fraud trials, as soon as the cases were turned over to him by Heney. This Heney has not done. THE GOVERNOR'S JOKE PROVES SERIOUS ONE Gaps in Holidays May Cnuso Extra Sesion of tho Legisla ture. PORTLAND, Dec. 14. Governor Chamberlain's plaesant little lapsus memoriae about the holiday situation brings the state face to face with a special session of tho legislature. The only other possible alternative Is for every county to caH special ses sions of courts, If they expect to transact any judicial business within the next several months. Multnomah county, where there Is a term each month In tho year except In tho sum mer, may not be forced to resort to this expedient should It be deemed Inadvisable to call the legislature together. mm MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS THE COOS BAY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1907. right, and according to Manager Robertson, received a tremend- ous shock. Robertson threw himself on the ropes Immediate- ly and pulling down tho wires grounded the current, releasing .the injured man. Medlcan assistance was imme- dlately summoned and in the in- terlm Gordon Smith and Mr. Robertson worked on tho in- jured man for some time by throwing damp earth over him and working his arms up and down to restore circulation. Mr.i Josephson finally gave signs of life and felt little the worse for his experience except a se- vere nervous shock. Dr. Mlngus and Dr. Straw arrived and ad- ministered restoratives. Mrs. Josephson and children were moving around inside tho house and dodging shocks from the walls of tho home. Even the bushes in the garden were charged with the current where the wires touched them, and O from all accounts most of tho electricity in town had centered itself In and around tho Joseph- son home. Word of the trouble was sent to the power plant which shut down shortly afterward, leav- ing the city In darkness for the rest of the night, and until tho crossed wires could be located and separated before further damage was done. Most of tho current was closed down during the morning until tho condition of the wires were remedied. FIRM BELIEVER IN FUTURE OF COOS BAY, Irrigation Engineer Grceno Picks This Section as Gardcii Spot of West. J. S. Greene, the Irrigation en gineer who has made his homo on his ranch at Flagstaff for tho past year, is expected to take tho steam er Plant for San Francisco on her next trip. Ho will bo accompanied by Mrs. Greene, who will" spend a few months visiting relatives at Pas adena. Mr. Greene will go to Colo rado by way of Texas, where he has business Interests, and he will not return before two months. Mr. Greene Is ono of tho best boosters In the county and asset that opportunities for Investment and progress In Coos county cannot be surpassed. He believes that this locality is especially good for young men who want to start out in life in a new country with great pros pects for future development and growth.. He is a firm believer In a great future for Coos Bay and is satisfied that there will bo a big city and seaport hero In tho near future. Mr. Greene has been engaged In Irrigation work for the government for a number of years and Is well versed in tho best sections of the country for agricultural and horti tultural purposes. Consequently his opinion of this section carries considerable weight. RESCUERS MEET DEATH Ten Falls Victims to Black Damp WliHo Helping Save Other 550 Dead. FAIRMONT, December. 11. That at least ten members of tho heroic band of rescuers will die of gas poisoning, is admitted tonight by physicians who aro attending them, as they aro drawn out of the mines unconscious. Of the 300 or more widows of the victims, at least 50 are prostrated and a dozen temporarily insane. That many of them will die from the shock Is probable. Twenty-nlno bodies have been brought to the surface up to 12:30 o'clock, and word comes from tho rescuing party that many others are ready to be brought out. nmmmmjSimji i nil j.iiiiiwawwegwppiiMii Jjjjjjr jiL ICjU'lAlia IN DULL SEASONS PUSH Stones THE EMPIRE STAGE DRIVER CLAIMS HOLD UP J. F. Thomasson, of Empire, who brought the mall for that place last night stated to Postmaster Curtis that ho had been held up by a O masked man at a point near Ferndale. He whipped up his horses and escaped according to h's story and tho would-be rob- ber fired a shot at him which went wild In the darkness. He was driving tho stage along at a smart trot lne a thickly wooded portion of tho road when the figure of a man of medium size appeared In the roadway just ahead of him and with the command of "Hands up," ho whipped up his horses. The highwayman stepped aside to keep from be- lng run over while Thomasson stooped ovjfc in his seat as ho went by. Just as the stage passed the man, he asserts, the report of a gun rang out. He INSANE PATIENT ATTEMPTS TO ESCAPE Makes Rope of Bed Clothing and Falls Forty Feet to Ground. i SALEM, Dec. 11. At an early hour Friday morning Stephen Lane, a patient at tho state in sane asylum, was found at the side of tho main building where ho had fallen and been badly Injured In an attempt to escape from tho asylum. Lane Is an Inmato of ward 9, on the top floor and tried to escape by tearing the linen on his bed into strips, which ho tied to his bedtsead. Ho clambered out of tho window in safety but When tho linen came in oontact with the tinning on the side of tho building the improvised rope was severed and Lane fell to tho ground, a distance of about forty feet. Lane was picked up with a bad fracture of the left leg, a brok en collar bone and brobable Internal injuries. It is thought that he will recover, but will not bo on his feet for some time. This Is tho second time that Lano has tried to get away. On a former occasion ho got away from the city and was at liberty for about ton days before being recaptured. WALNUT GROWING AGITATED IN COOS Xocal Men Believe Climate and Soil Is Correct for Them. Walnut growing In Coos county Is the latest feature of tho resources of this section being exploited by Walt er Lyon of tho chamber of commerce. J. D. Fitzgerald, a rancher from up tho Coos river brought a basket of black walnuts to tho city yesterday and they are on exhibition In tho chamber of commerce. Mr. Fltzgeral claims that they can bo grown successfully In this section and ho Intends to plan more trees. Tho walnuts are of a very fine qual ity, and In view of tho fact that wal nut growing has aroused tho ranchers of tho Willamette valley because of tho profit, it Is a satisfaction to tho ranchers here to know that they are able to produce them If they wish. J. W. Watt, formerly of tho Wil lamette valley, and for tho past two years a resident of Marshfleld, Is con fident that English walnuts can bo grown successfully and with great nroflt in Coos county. Ho operated a ranch In tho famous Oregon valley some years ago and gave consider able attention to tho raising of En glish walnuts. Mr. Watt stated yes terday that ho was certain that tho climate and soil In tho valleys of Coos were Ideal for the production of tho famous nut In hugo quantities, and that it would prove a profitable Investment for tho ranchers to plant plenty of tho walnut trees as early as possible. Somo of tho Icefields of Green land aro believed to be a mile and a half In thickness. rtww? kept right on, however, and saw nothing further of the bad man. It Is thought to be tho samo man who attempted to hold up Mrs. Stutsman In Mnrshfield Wednesday evening. Marshfleld is rapidly acquiring all the modern accompaniments of ai up-to-date metropolis, Including th( hold up man. Mrs. E. J. Stutsman was tho first victim of a bold highwayman who has commenced his operations on Coos Bay. Wednesday evening about C:20 while returning homo and when between the Dr. McCormac and and Hazard residences she was sud denly seized by tho arm from the rear. Without a thought other than It was the playful attention of ono of her own sons she turned only to be confronted with a real robber who made a second effort to seize her HAWLEY WILL PRESENT BILL Secretary Walter Lyons, of the chamber of commerce, has received a personal letter from Congressman W. C. Hawley, who Is now at Wash ington, stating that ho will give the bill for me appropriation o". funds for tho improvement of Coos Bay and the bar his earnest attention and present it as early as possible. The letter was read at tho meeting of the chamber last night and arous ed considerable interest. It Is as follows: My Dear Sir: I havo the bill for the Improvement of Coos Bay harb or and bar, with tho continuing con tract proviso, ready for Introduction as soon as the report of the en gineers Is received. The committee of congress will not be announced, In all probability, for some time, and nothing will b'o done In tho matter of such work until they are appointed. I have an excellent seat. My colleague, Mr. Ellis, sits just be hind me. Of tho leaders of tho house, Mr. Payne, of New York; Mr, Dalzell, of Pennsylvania; Mr. Wat son, of Indiana, and others aro In my Immedlato vicinity. I shall In troduce tho bills for tho Improve ment of tho Coos Bay bar and har bor, and for tho construction of tho locks at Oregon City, at tho samo time, unless somo unforseen con tingency arises. I shall give them my earnest attention. With best i wishes, I am truly yours. "W. C. HAWLEY." Quito a spirited contest ensued nfter this was read in tho chamber by a suggestion that it would bo bet ter that the bills bo presented sep arately, so that tho Oregon City bill which Is regarded as hardly feasible, would not havo a dampening effect on tho Coos Bay bill for an appro priation. A motion was finally car ried to Instruct Mr. Lyon to write tho congressman asking that tho bills bo separately presented, and that tho North Bond chamber of commerco bo advised on the matter and asked to co-operate in this sen timent before tho bill Is presented by Congressman Hawley. TWO APPLE CROPS A YEAR. Hero's a Record for Coos County That Will Bo Hard to Beat. E. Arneson has on his place north east of tho city, an applo treo that has produced its socond fully ma tured crop of fruit. It Is of tho Early Strawberry variety. Tho first crop was gathered early and tho second Is now matured. Mr. Arneson also has an apple treo of another variety that Is now in blossom for the second time this season, with a chanco of producing another crop If December continues as mild as No vomber. Myrtle Point Enterprise. MORE. KEEP WELL POSTED On tiro current events of tho world's progress by reading Tba Dally Times. No. 23 handbag, containing a sum of money, and which sho carried on her right arm. The thug which was in posi tion that sho could only struggle, but throwing her whole weight ln3 an. elbow blow sho staggered tho man him Into a hasty departure by her momentarily and then frightened screams for help. He did not suc ceed In getting tho pursef but In tho strugglo the hand bag flew open and scatered some legal papers whicli were recovered yesterday morning. Wednesday, Mrs. Stutsman vUUcd tho bank and cashed some checks and It Is thought tho would-be hold up man had knowledge of thia fact. Whilo ho was hastening away tho robber passed between Mrs. Stutsman and an elcctricllght giving her a good view of him and she furnishes an ex cellent description of tho man. Ho was about five feet four Inches high, stocklly built, weighing about 135 pounds. Dressed in a khaki colored suit, a heavy outside shirt, no coat and a small black hat. Ho should bo readily recognized if seen. COMMITTEE TO VISIT COUNTY FRUIT GROWERS Taking Actlro Measures to Secure. Inspector of Trees Tn District. Messrs. Coffelt, Kllnkenbeard, Hodg son, Beale and Seaman, fruit grow ors of Coos county, were appointed a committee to consult with tho fruit growers of this district regarding the county Inspector, at tho Chanvber of Commerce jmeotlng last night. All these men, were present attho meeting and as early as possible they will Interview tho fruit grow ers of the district toward securing; tho much needed fruit inspector. A letter was read at the meeting from Fruit Commissioner Carson, ot Grant's Pass, who asserted that C003--county could produce fruit along: with any other section of Oregon, an that it was advisable to securo an in spector ns early as posslblo so that thero might bo no injury to fruit trees, as Is the case In tho Willamette Valley. Ho gave instructions how to go about to securo an Inspector and: stated his willingness to assist the fruit growers all ho could in ilia ir utter. WOMAN KILLS FOUR BIG THIEVING COONS Mrs. Flanlgan Takes Her Shotgun and Completes Slaughter JUNCTION CITY, Dec. 11. There was fun at tho farm homo of Joel Pitney, northeast of Junction, at an early hour Monday morning. A dis turbance was heard In tho chicken roost and on Investigation four coons w,oro discovered In the top of a plum tree. His daughter Inez (Mrs. J. A. Flanlgan, who Is ai uomo on a visit), shouldered a No. 10 shot gun and her father with a No. 1C,. hurried to tho rescue Inez shot Into, tho bunch, wounding all four oE thorn at ono shot, bringing ono of them to tho ground. It required one shot each for tho otters. They wero brought to town and proved quite an Interesting sight. Ono of them weighed 19 pounds, two 14 and tho other 12. Part of them was ov changed at Ballard's for shells to kill moro coons, and tho remainder wore taken homo to render out to. grease tho clock and grandpa's boots. FULTON ASKS FOR COIN FOR OREGON BUILDINGS Roseburg Slated for a Xciv 8100,00 Public Building If Senutor's Plans Carry. WASHINGTON, Dec. 14. Sen ator Fulton today Introduced bulBi appropriating ?1 00,000 for publfe buildings at La Grande, Pendleton, Oregon City, Albany and Rosouurg. and $2,500,000 at Portland. i f-