A $50.00 SUIT OF CLOTHES WILL NOT COVER UP A 20 CENT MAN ffllt PROFITABLE INVESTMENT Advertisers get good returns from n KEEP WELL POSTED On tho current events of the world's progress by rending Tim j Dally Times. niiuouncciflkiU placed in The Daily Times. MEMBHR OP ASSOCIATKI) PRESS VOL II. f THE COOS BAY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1907. No- 137 iL Rapid Construction Work olley Railway Frlm Port land lo Rosebuj TRIAL MN FIRST OFlWE 13 FinuiicljStriiigry Will IijlNo Way fc. Iiwi-fcrc WitifCompany's Plans. SALEM, Ore., Doc. ll.-E'rom W. S. Barstow, of the firm Mt W. S. Barstow & Co., the New jjjR'k engin eers in ehargo of tho capJtructlon of the Oregon litoUvkwWnilway, coiik'3 the positive anUowffcement that delln ito 'plans havo been made by the firm of Moffat & White, New York capi talists, who are financing tho project for the continuation and the con struction of the electric line fro; Knlnm nq fur F,mitli nq nnf.nlnirir n ulMtnntnlv tn Aslilnnil. As sannJEas the lino between Salem and PorUsud is finished and in operation afcXivo stops will bo taken to begin Work upon the second stretch to Eugene and then to Roseburg. Mr. Barstow says the stringency in tho financial market will not inter fere with the company's plans In the least. Furthermore, Mr. Barstow says that Moffat & White havo no connection whatever with tho survey of the line from Salem south to Eu gene, projected by A. Welch, of Port land, the original and successful pro moter of the present lino from Salem to Portland, and that if this lino is built tho Oregon Electric will par allel it with another. Tho line of the Oregon Electric passes three miles west of Woodburn, and a station has been established under the name of West Woodburn. Mr. Barstow said to a newspaper correspondent recently that the Arm of W. S. Barstow & Co. had already perfected arrangements for construc tion of a spur line to connect Wood burn and West Woodburn, and that a regular motor car service would be maintained and operated upon it to bo affiliated with, but not owned or controlled by tho Oregon Electric Hallway. Prank Robertson, of Port land, will take charge of this spur line. He said also it was his inten tion to establish spur lines from the main line of the Oregon Electric throuEhout its extent to tap every community and rich farming section not served by the mala line. Work is to begin Immediately upon the line from Portland to Hiilsboro by Moffat & White, and Barstow & Co. are to build another spur line from Nasburg to a junction with the Oregon Electric at the west end of the Wllsonvllle bridge. Other spur lines are to be built on tho east and west side of the Willamette River, and thus the entire length of the Wll lametto Valley is to ultimately be served by a network of electric rail ways that will not only afford cheap but very rapid transportation for the porducts of Western Oregon. If present plans do not miscarry, Mr. Barstow says tho trial run on the lino between Portland and Salem will be made on or about Christmas with tho new standard motor car equip ment. Tho regular through service will begin about January i. On ac count of tho freshness and doubtful security of the heavy fills that have been made, extremo caution will be taken to avoid accident, and the schedulo will consume about an hour and three-quarters between Salem and Portland, which is from one-half to three-quarters of an hour faster than the present Southern Pacific train service. This tirao will bo re duced to an hour and a half as soon as safety will permit. Tho first delivery of eight cars of tho Oregon Electric's order of stand ard motor coaches for uso on tho Portland-Salem lino has left the Pull man Car Works, and Is expected to arrive within a few days, and two of tho electric freight locomotives will depart from tho Schenectady Loco motive Works very soon. Tho motor coaches are of the very latest pattern of Pullman palace motor Considered fiamben Jommerce on Fri Night. ArrangemPs were made by the chamber ofjlPbmmerco yesterday to havo a bijdKeeting in tho rooms of that orgawFatlon to arrive at some means tjecuring Improvements in tho niMrservice between Marsh ucld uW Roseburg. Tho meeting will lWield next Friday night and PostrtWter Curtis, tho county court, wenjatrs of tho local news agency, andjBlayor Straw havo been ln vitiWto sneak at the meetlnK. e postmaster will give his side owlio story regarding tho delay in mail and make suggestions for ovement. Tho county court bors will ke asked to explain e condition of the roads which are l.iimed to be in a bad condition. All those who arc interested in re ceiving their mail regularly are asked to attend tho meeting and givo their views on tho best method of Improving the service. It is al together probablo that resolutions will be drawn up and sent to Wash ington making a general kick against tho condition" of affairs. At this meeting an endeavor will bo made to find out who is to blame in the matter. It is figured out that when the contract was let to carry tho mail, it was secured by the stage owners at the present low figures with the idea that they would have to carry only the, samo size mail as over a year ago. It is presumed that the growth of tho mall to this point lias about swamped the stage people, vho are endeavoring to make up tho difference by carrying passengers and thereby delaying the arrival of bncle Sam's sacks. Secretary Lyons, of tho chamber of commerce, said last night that he had written Congressman Hawley of this district regarding tho service and had informed him of its execr able condition in detail, and had suggested for improvement that the stage decline to carry passengers and attend strictly to the mall ser vice, or that four relays of horses bo put on the route instead of three, as at present. The meeting will bo in tho nature of a protest against the service by tho citizens of this city. Tho sub ject will bo thoroughly discussed and threshed out and efforts will be made to havo a largo attendance so thaw tho meeting will carry full weight. Mayor E. E. Straw will be present to give a lively talk on what is be fore Marshfield In 1008, what It Is tho duty of the city to do and what is going to be done to make her the leading city on tho coast. AVELCOME AXOTHER LIXE Southern Oregon Electric Lino Ex tension to Ilogtio River Valley Arouses Enthusiasm. GRANTS PASS, Or., Dec. 12. Tho announcement through tho press that Moffat & White aro about to extend the Oregon Electric lino through Rogue river valley has been received hero with tho greatest sat isfaction. It has been the dream of tho citizens that some day another transportation company would find its way into the valley. cars, and aro upholstered, equipped and finished insldo and out elegantly. Each car will carry four motors of an aggregato capacity of 300-horso pow er, and be capable of attaining a speed of 70 miles per hour and an averago of 48 miles per hour In actual service. Tho cars will also bo equipped wltlf high-pressure automatic air brakes, and tho motorman will havo com plete control of a train of eight cars. They will also bo provided with pow erful arc headlights, th power of which can be controlled so they can be turned on full strength In tho country and subdued In tbo cities. Cnsh Prize Masquerade. At Eckbotf Hall, North Bend, Saturday night, December 21. Sirvice tc tljai Au (Haas The Times Requests All Residents of This Section to Tell What They Think It Most Pressing Reuirement S'bme Views Expressed Tho Times wants tho representa tive business men of Marshfield to say what, in their opinion, is Coos Bay's greatest need. Coos Bay has many needs but The Times wants to know which is the most pressing o them all and it is taken for grant ed that a railroad and a better mail service are the greatest needs at present. What Is the next most pressing need of all? Drop a line to Tho Times telling what you think. Hero are some of the views ex pressed: 1IOX. .TOIIX S. COKE "My opin ion of Coos Bay's first greatest need is the improvement of tho harbor to facilitate shipping by tho construc tion of proper jetties at tho bar and tho dredging of tho inner harbor. Secondly, the completion of the Coos Bay and Drain railroad to furnish communication with the Southern Pacific .railroad. I have faith that this railroad will bo built in a shorter time than is generally expected, and that tho real construction of tho lino will commence next spring. Regard ing Marshfield's local requirements we need a new and modern system of streets. The city has now grown and developed to such an extent that we should improve the business streets of Marshfield with bitullthlc, or wood blocks treated with creosoto or as phaltum. My preference would bo the bitulithlc pavement in view, of the fact that we have an even climate and a great deal of moisture. Ap plying to Coos County I believe the dairy and fruit business should be developed to the extent of their great resources, as the local market is growingi to such proportions that it is extremely desirable." MAYOR E. E. STRAW "I do not bollovo It is my place to make any suggestions outside the city of Marsh field. The most important needs of Marshfield in my opinion aro that the city charter should bo thorough ly revised to meet conditions at pres ent and for any that may arise in the future meaning a modern city charter. Prospects of future devel opment should bo taken into consid eration and many of the provisions of tho present charter altered for their betterment. A board of com missioners should be appointed to revise tho charter and all ordinances bo based upon that charter, in order to have tho citizens of the city pro vided with the best municipal com forts and protection. This is within our reach and can bo attained if properly carried out. Our greatest GOVERNOR GRAM PORTLAND, Dec. 12. Governor Chamberlain played a clever little Joko on tho people of Portland and Oregon, last week.with tho result that they enjoyed a two-day respite from tho legal holiday season, and didn't know a thing about It. Tho Governor did it just to see what would happen and nothing did hap pen, and ho Is chuckling in his AXTI-TREATIXG IX DRY COUXTY Catholic Priests Indorse tbo Xew Movement Recently Started. ALBANY, Ore., Dec. 12. Rev. Father Arthur Lano and Rev. Fath er McGheo, rector and assistant re spectively, of tho local Roman Catho lic church, Indorsed tho antl-treatlng movement recontly Inaugurated in tho Cathedral Parish at Portland. Father Lane spoko at tho LeBanon church and Father McGheo at Al bany, and both heartily Indorsed tho idea. Though it might bo Imprac ticable to form the Antl-Treating League In a "dry" county, tho speak ers said they wished to indorse the spirit of tho movement. Dinner sets in Haviland, Ger man China, and semi-porcelain at MUner's. lair's Mw?ns? need is permanently improved streets. There are many other things needed which are too num erous to mention in detail." POSTMASTER WILLIAM B. CUR- TIS "One thing we need on Coos Bay at present more than anything else is a better mail service. I do not see exactly how we are going to get it, but if the Chamber of Commerco takes tho matter up I believe it could assist greatly toward an improve ment. People who havo traveled over the Roseburg road say that con ditions aro no diiferent from former years when the mall was delayed but seldom. There is no excuse for tho delay of the malls which has been so bad during the past month, except that we are getting bad service on the stage route." REV. EDWARD DOXXELLV "My opinion is that Coqs Bay's great est need is tho deepening of tho harb or, which I consider one of our chief factors; the encouraging of our lumber Industries; tho development of our coal mines and advancement of our dairy and fruit Interests. A decided improvement in our mall service Is a crying need. With a deepened harbor we will have the means of handling our enormous lumber output which Is now in sight, and we will surely have In tho near future, railroad transportation which is Imperatively needed for both pas senger and freight traffic. We need also an Intelligent manifestation of public confidence and civic pride among our people. All these things occurring will, I am sure, produce on Coos Bay a city of 40,000 people within fivo years." WALTER S. LYOXS "Wo need the harbor Improved so that Coos Bay should attain her real position as one of tho finest deep water har bors on the west coast. We need a railroad connecting with other rail roads, either at Drain or connecting with the Northern Pacific at Seaside. Wo need a better mail service and moro maili. Wo need all tho manu facturing plants wo can get, in order to increaso the population of tho city and its business growth. Wo need moro people in Marshfield and in the county, moro dairy cows to furnish food for tho increasing population, and moro poultry for tho same pur pose. In fact we need tho people and the manufacturing plants to put to uso the immense resources of Coos County." sleeve today, and thoso who havo al ready "tumbled" to tho merry Jest aro trying to figure out how the little gamo escaped their notice. Neither last Friday nor last Satur day was a legal holiday. No pro clamation was mado by tho governor covering them and tho world moved on in tho samo old groovo, never wabbling from tho straight and nar row path ono bit. FLOCK BY THEMSELVES Oregon Schools Whcro Tliero Arc Xo Mixing of Sexes. ALBANY, Or., Dec. 12. Linn county has ono school without a single boy pupil and another which no girls attend. Of courso both aro In small remote districts. District 84, in Fox Valley, near Lyons, has eight pupils, all of whom aro boys, and district 119, near Sweet Homo, has only fivo students and all aro girls. Miss Vlda Nanney, a graduato of the normal department of Albany college last year, is the teacher in the former district while tho fivo girls in tho latter district aro In structed by Miss Besslo Parsons. Gillette Safety Razors, Coos Bay Cash Store. BERLAIN'S JOKE RUMPS TO M APRIL Portland Papers Advertise Fast Line From That City to San Francisco. Aerial navigation Is going to solve the transportation problems which face ,Coos Bay and all sections look ing forlornly for railroad connec tions in vain may glow with hope. The National Airship company has been formed and on the back page of Monday's Portland Telegram Is a cut of tho new ship. It represents a hugo pencil shaped machlno and tho wording of tho advertisement, which is seeking stockholders, seems to prove to tho satisfaction of tho concern that its airships aro tho best and fastest made. A small airship carrying merely a matter of ono hundred passengers and thirty tons of freight is sched uled to start on tho, run between Portland and San Fiancisco on April 21 next. Incidentally the ship will skid through tho air at tho rate of 80 miles an hour with tho greatest of ease. It is up to tho citizens of the city to interest this ship in stopping at Marshfield on Its run, In order that pasengers and mall may be handled with dispatch. If it cannot be per suaded to stop there will bo some satisfaction in seeing It go by at any rate, and tho mall bags from Port land might bo dropped as It passes over. MILLICOMA CLUB OFFICERS Xew Social Organization Chooses Men AVlio Are to Direct Its Des tinies. At a meeting of the board of direc tors of tho Millicoma Club hold after noon the following officers and com mittees wero elected for tho ensuing year: W. S. McFarland, president. J. II. Flanagan, vice-president. J. W. Flanagan, secretary and treasurer. ( House committee E. K. Jones, chairman; Dr. Haydon and William Ford. Auditing committee R. T. Kauf man, chairman; G. W. Carleton and Herbert Lockhart. It is intended to have part of the club rooms open Christmas Evo, and tho entire set of rooms "will bo open not later than January 1st. STORM WARNING IS SENT FROM PORTLAND Violent AVind Scheduled to Arrive From Southwest To night. Fred S. Dow received word today from tho weather man at Portlnnd that a severe storm Is duo on tho Oregon coast today. Tho wind Is scheduled to blow strongly from tho southeast and then switch around to tho southwest this evening or to night. It is probablo that tho worst part of tho storm will striko the coast about Blanco. Tho conditions this afternoon boro out tho warning, as tho wind blow strongly and tho sky looked wild. Thero Is every Indication of a severe storm on tho west coast tonight. BAY CITY BANKER IS UXDER ARREST Felony Chnrgo Against J. I). Ttroivn of Sau Francisco Great Misman agement Is Alleged. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 12. J. Dalzoll Brown, a prominont finan cier of this city and gonoral man ager of tho California Safo Doposlt & Trust company, which closed its doors early in Novombor, has boon arrested on tno ehargo of felony om bezzloment. A warrant has also been issued for tho arrest of W. J. Bartnett, a leading lawyor and di rector of tho banking company. Of ficers havo gone to Bartnott's sub' urban homo to servo tho warrant. Brown Is In custody pending tho so- curing of a cash bail of $100,000, or a bond of twice that amount. WILL COftSTEST run PnlZES Coos Bay Pupils Will Partfci pate in First Annual Oratica! Contest. FRIDAY EVENING DEC. 20TH j L. A. Frey Offers Gold and SiXvcs Medals to Develop Art of Oratory. Tho first annual oratorical contest of school pupils of Coos Bav fr tha Frey trophies will tako plaeo In Eckhoff hall, North Bond, Friday evening, December 20, at S o'clock.. To stimulato oratory Mr. Frey, tho well known and populai clothier, has decided to offer prizes for an annual oratorical contest to bo given. at Nortli Bend on tho Friday eve ning preceding Christmas at which tlmo the prizes will bo awarded tho successful contestants. The contest is open to 'any pupH of certain ages in Coos county and a. great deal of interest has been manifested In tho competition. Mr. Frey deserves credit for bringing so important and so much neglected an art as oratory to tho attention oC tho public schools of this county. Tho following are tho rules gov erning tho contest and under wbicU the initial efforts of tho young; De mosthenes will bo made. 1. Tho contestant must bo between the ages of 14 and 19 years andl must bo a regular attendant at go mo public school on Coos Bay. 2. Tho cotestant must present In person to Mr. Frey not later than October 15, a written application to contestant's teacher and said appli cation to contain a 1st, 2nd and 3n5 choico of subjects for tho oration and the name of school teacher, etc 3. Oration to contain not fewer than 1400 word nor moro than 180O words. 4. Threo copies of said oration to bo furnished Mr. Frey not later than December 10 th observing tho fol lowing conditions. (a) To bo written on 8'xlS paper writing on ono side only. (b) To contain subjects as head ing; but nowhero shall anything; occur that would lead Judge to knnw author. (c) To bo signed by a mnnDcr given by Mr. Frey. (d) Each copy to bo placed, in 3 soparato sealed envelope; tho throt copies to bo placed in a fonrth,. pla.lt onvoiopo, and given to Mr. Frey.. 5. Each oration to bo tho prodiirdt of tho person presenting tho samo anything quoted and not inclosed in parenthesis will bo counted against tho writer. Threo prizes, ono gold motal, val ho $25;; ono sliver medal, value $15; and ono cash prize, valuo ?5 Tho grading shall bo on tho scales of 100, 1-3 for thought, 1-3 for composition and 1-3 for dellvory anS the pupil having tho highest average will bo declared tho wlnnor of 1st prize, second highest 2nd prizo third highest 3rd prizo. C. No winner of tho contest ahaU bo eligiblo to enter a second con test. Thon thero will bo threo Judges In thought and composition aud threo In delivery. Mr. Frey retains tha privllogo to select ono of each of tha principals of Marshflold, Empire ancS Nortli Bond schools to select tha malndor. Thero havo boon four entries for this year's prizes, tho names of tho contostants tyo as follows Miss Edith Coko, Marshfield Marlon Reynolds, North Bend". Miss Harriott Truman, North BoncL Ilary Russell, North Bend. Tho Ladles of tho Aid Society of tho M. E. church will servo a Now England supper from G to 7 p. m. in tho building next to tho Lockhart Grocery. All aro invited. Coal and wood heatera at EUSj Wad's. You can buy a first class oewibs machine for $20 at Minor's. HUM4