The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 11, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Wants Chamber of Commerce
to Take Mail Delay Up With
Father Donnelly Outlines l'lan of
Action Which Would Huve Ileal
Itesiilts for Improvement.
Coos Bay's mall service lias be
come so Irregular that there are pros
pects of some move being made for
its Improvement within the near fu
ture. In ascertaining tho greatest
need of this section each citizen ask
ed Invariably suggests that tnero Is
room for vast Improvement 1ft tho
carrying of tho mail between this
point and Roseburg. Father E. Don
nelly, when Interviewed this morn
ing, outlined a clear method of at
least making an attempt for a change
for the betterment. Speaking on
this subject he said:
"I tried to interest the chamber
of commerce in bringing the matter
up at its next meeting. I believe a
good plan would be to bring the sub
ject before the members of this body
and outline a definite plan of some
kind and to draw up a set of resolu
tions bearing upon a better mail ser
vice. These resolutions should bo
Bent to Senator Fulton and laid by
him before tho postmaster general,
ivho I do not doubt lias no idea of
tho way in which Uncle Sam's mall
Is being handled on tho Roseburg
"Conditions along tho road used
by tho stage should bo thoroughly
investigated and embodied in these
resolutions, so that the Washington
authorities may know exactly how
tho situation stands. This should re
Bult in an inspector being sent to in
vestigate by the postal department,
with the result that an improvement
of tho service will ensue.
"The mall servico was much bet
ter five years ago than it is today,
while tho roads are no worse than
they were formerly. It appears to
mo that tho sum of a little over
seven thousand dollars for tho carry
ing contract is insufficient for the
purpose, and that bidders for the
contract have lowered their prices
until they cannot make it pay unless
they carry passengers and baggage
along with the mail, with tho result
of numerous delays.
"Some years ago tho contract
prlco was about twelve thousand dol
lars, and it stands to reason that tho
contract cannot bo mado to pay
at about half that amount while the
mail has become more than double
what it was before. With an addi
tional amount extra horses could be
put on the route and tho weight di
vided up so that greater speed and
no delays would follow."
Hoped to Get Twenty-Five Million
Francs, but Will Ho Dis
appointed. PARIS, Dec. 11. Tho sultan of
Turkey, in order to remedy his flnan
cltl position, has resolved upon a
painful sacrifice. All tho numerous
and "precious" stones and gold orna
ments worn by tho women of tho
liarom of Ylldiz Kiosk aro to bo sold.
Two lots wero mado of these jow
ols. Ono was ,sont to London nnd
"tho other lot is at Paris, whoro it will
1)0 sold at auction. Appraisers have
already beon at work valuing tho
jowolry, but, unfortunately for tho
Bultan, tho results aro not what ho
Abdul Hanild hoped to got twonty
flvo million francs for this jowolry,
but tho experts say it Is not worth
threo. Many of tho brncolots, neck
laces and chains which wore thought
to bo gold aro nothing but gilt, and
many of tho "precious" stones aro
false. A big ruby which cost tho sul
tan 17,000 francs Is in reality a gar
net, valued at 1000 francs.
Many of tho stones havo beon atro
ciously 'faked," and somo of them
owo tholr color to a picco of stuff
stuck on tho insldo. Tho tronsuro
from which Abdul Haiuid hoped bo
much does not contain a slnglo picco
of jowolry of great valuo.
Toys, all kinds and doscslptlous
at tho Coos Bay Cash Storo.
Glllotto Safety Razors, Coos Bay
Gaah Storo.
Scnntor Coke Writes to "Washington
To Assist la Seeming Appropria
Marshfleld's budget of mail, when
it arrives, has increased so much
that Postmaster Curtis is endeavor
ing to secure assistance from Wash
ington for tho service of an assistant
clerk. The continual Inrush of new
arrivals has increased tho mail al
most double what it was a year ago,
and assistance In the postofllco Is
necessary In order to handle it with
State Senator Coke has written to
Senators Bourne antd Fulton at
Washington about tho matter of se
curing funds for an additional clerk,
and he has received replies from
both of them that they will use their
efforts towards securing tho appro
priation necessary.
Believed Counterfeiters Are Operat
ing In or Xear City of
Counterfeiters have been helping
out the money stringency to such an
extent lately that there Is hardly a
business establishment on the bay
which has not received some "bad"
money during tho past few weeks.
Dollars, half dollars and quarter dol
lars are being passed all over the
city and where they originated from
is a mystery.
One fatoro received as many
six bad dollar pieces within a few
days. Others have received bad
dollars and quarters. All of the
coins are excellent imitations and
can only be discovered by paying
strict attention to the sound they
mako as they are thrown on the
counter. It is impossible to detect
them by passing them from tho hand,
as the weight, color and moulding
is copied so close after the real arti
cle that there is nothing but tho
sound to tell whether they are good
or bad.
The unusual quantity of them
would give rise to the suspicion that
tho circulation of them has started
from this point. Most of them aro
brand new, and are found so thick
ly together that a detectivo might
And some clue to their origin. Coun
terfeiting has been done in Coos
County before and It Is thought that
another gang of "bad" money mak
ers have commenced operations not
far from here.
The- Wise Man Can Cease Labor in
'Ten Years.
Walnut culture, according to W.
II. Latourette, secretary of the Yam
hill County Walnut Club, is in Its
infancy in this state, but the speci
mens shown in a lato exhibit dem
onstrate tha,t walnuts can bo grown
here to equal at least those pro
duced In tho Santa Barbara district
of California. Mr. Latouretto in re
ferring to walnut culture said:
"Tho consumption of English wal
nuts in this country nmounts to 35,
000,000 pounds and of this only
2,000,000 pounds aro grown In the
United States. The rest aro Import
ed from France, principally. That
Indicates that for years to come
growers coming Into tho market will
find purchasers at home. '
"In Yamhill county thero aro at
present 800 acres In walnut trees
and thero will be about 200 addition
al acres set out in tho coming spring
and next fall. Ten per cent of tho
trees aro now in bearing.
"Walnut trees begin bearing, with
proper caro and culture, at about tho
olghth year and they contlnuo to
bear from that on almost indefinite
ly, somo trees reaching tho ago of
50 and upward." Pacific Outlook.
Ono roport states that from ono
trco 125 pounds wero secured, for
which tho owner received 18 cents
per pound or a total of $22.50. If
tho trees wero plan tod 30 feet apart
5C would fill an acre. At tho yield
abovo mentioned, tho owner of 10
aero beariug grovo of English wal
nuts would reap .with no spraying, no
pruning, no anything but gathering
the nuts, $13,010 per year as long as
ho lives and thon tho gold mlno
would go on to his descendants.
What Is said to bo tho biggest can
non ball over mado weighed 2,000
pounds and was manufactured at tho
Krupp Works, Essen, for tho govorn
mont of tho Czar. Tho gun from
which this projectile was flrod is
placed in tho forticatlon of Cron
stadt. This gun has a rango of twelvo
inllos and it lias been estimated that
each shot costs $1,500,
Clean Cut guaranteed cutlery,
Coos Bay Cash Storo.
Daily Ileal Estate Report Furnished
by Title Guarantee and Abstract
Co. Henry Sengstacken, Man
ager. November -1, 1007.
Daniel L .Steel to Lydia A.
Steel, deed, lot 2, sec. 2, twp.
24, R. 13; E. Vz of S. W.M,
S. W. Vt of S. W. 94, sec. 35,
twp. 23, R. 13 $1
East Marshfleld Land Co. to
Agnes R. Sengstacken, deed, lot
4, Blk. 4G, East Marshfleld $50
East Marshfleld Land Co. to
H. Sengstacken, deed lot 3, Blk.
4G, East Marshfleld $50.
W. S. Chandler, et al, to W.
F. Squire, deed, lots 38, 39 and
40, Blk. 44, Railroad Addition
to Marshfleld $10
Marshfleld Realty and Trad
ing Co. to R. F. Williams, deed
lots 39 and 40, Blk. 2G, Rail
road Addition to Marshfleld $10
Marshfleld Realty and trad
ing Co. to Elizabeth Adams,
L'ot 2, Blk. 27, Dean Co's. Add.
to Marshfleld $10
John Bear et. ux. to Bennett
Trust Co. deed, Lots and Blks.
in Marshfleld; also E. of SE.
Vi, SW of SEVi, SE& of
SV, Sec. 12, Twp. 24, R. 13.
Wm. N. Allen et. ux. to Guy
C. Barnum, deed, Lot G, Blk.
28, Ocean View Add. to North
Bend $50
K. I. Perky, trustee, to Guy
C. Barnum, deed Blks. 11, 19,
30, 35, 24, 43, Boise Add. to
Marshfleld $1.
. . P. S. Weaver, et. ux. to Sus
annah Palmer, deed, Lot 7,
Blk. 12 South Marshfleld $10
East Marshfleld Land Co. to
5. S. Ackles, deed, Lots 7 and
8, Blk. 27, East Marshfleld $3S5
L. J. Simpson, et. ux., to
Arthur McKeown, deed, Lot 5,
Blk. 52, North Bend $G75.
Arthur McKeown, et. ux., to
Chas. Thorn, et. al., deed, Lot
5, Blk. 52, North Bend . $G75
G. W. Temple, et. ux., to M.
E. Everltt, deed, Lots 10 and
11, Blk. G4. Porter Add. to
North Bend $100
Bennett Trust Co. to Agnes
R. Sengstacken, deed, Lots 11
and 12, Block 8, Coos -Bay Plat
A $300.
November 30, 1007.
Flanagan Estate, et. al., to
Dwlght O. Wolcott, deed, Lots
11, 12, 13 and 14,. Blk. 10,
Bunker Hill Add. to Marshfleld $10
Emma Nasburg to Harry G.
Hoy, deed, "Lots 31 and 32, Blk.
25, Railroad Add. to Marsh
fleld $10.
United States of America to
Charles 'McCulloch, patent, NW
14, Sec. 24, Twp. 26, R. 11.
U. S. of A. to Delbert A.
Curry, patent, SE1!, Sec. 24,
Twp. 2G, R. 11.
U. S. of A. to Claybourno A.
Moore, patent, SEVi, Sec. 26,
Twp. 26, R. 11.
U. S. of A. to Marvel J. Wil
son, patent, NV of NEVi, Sec.
28, N of NWVi, Sec. 27, Twp.
26, R. 11.
U. S. of "A. to Otto Kerouse,
patent, E& of NEVi, SWVi
of NEV2, NEVi of SEVi, Sec.
34, Twp. 26, R. 11.
U. S. of A. to Emerson
E. Ferry, patent, NEVi, Sec.
24, Twp. 26, R. 11.
U. S. of A. to Wm. H. Morg
nn, patent, NV2 of SEVi, Sec.
28, N of SWJ4. Sec. 27,
Twp. 26, R. 11.
U. S. of A. to Israel Lando,
patent, SVa of SWVi, NEVi of
SWVi, Sec. 22, Twp. 26, R. 11.
U. S. of A. to John Wall,
S of SWVi. SWVi of SEVi, 1
Sec. 27, NWVi of NEVi, Sec.
34, Twp. 2G, R. 11.
U. S. of A. to Frederick R.
Taylor, patont, SVi of NEVi,
Sec. 28, SVa of NWVi, Sec. 27,
Twp. 26, R. 11.
U. S. of A. to James Wall,
NYj of SEVi. SEVi of SEVi,
Sec. 27, Twp. 26, R. 11.
Simpson Lumber Co. to
Charles T. Farrlss, deed, Lots
13 and 2G, Blk. 36, North
Bond $5.
Simpson Lumber Co. to W.
P. Anderson, deod, Lot 5, Blk.
31, North Bond $5.
Coos Bay Townslto Co, to
Mrs. Adollah Mowery, Lots 19
nnd 20, Blk. 74, Coos Bay $450.
L. D. Kinney, et. ux., to
Charles A. Metlin, dood, Lots
1, 2, 3, nnd 4, Blk. 43, Coos
Bay Plat C $400.
L. D. Kinney, ot. us., to
Charlos A. Motlln, deed, Lot
9, Blk. 48, Lots SO and 31, Blk.
39CtoosBa.rjaU3 J13,.00.
John MUcholl to Airs Doll, - -deed,,
Lota 17 and 18, Blk 3,
Wlllngton flO.
K. I. Perky, trustee, to J. K.
Good, deed, Blks. 10, IS, 27,
34, 9 and 42, Boiso Add. to
Marshfleld ?!
K. I. Perky, trustee," to Hat
tie Stowart, deed, Lots 27 and
28, Blk 4, Boise Add. to
Marshfleld $100.
II. Sengstacken, et ux, to
James W. Watt, deed, Lot 4,
Blk. 2, subdivision of Blk. A,
Sengstackens Add. to Marsh
fleld $200.
G. W. Kaufman, et. ux., to
E. Marsh, deed, Lots 23, 24, 25
and 26, Blk 44, Railroad Add.
to Marshfleld $10.
Henry Miller to Ina Holm,
deed, Tide land fronting Lot 4,
Sec. 25, Twp. 24 R. 13 $10
II. Sengstacken, et. ux., to
Edna M. Hale, deed,
Lot 3, Blk. 2, of Blk. A, Seng
stackens Add. to Marshfleld $200.
J. D. McNeil, et. ux., to Jen
nie Gates, deed, Lots 19 and ,20
Blk. 2, Bunker Hill Add. to
Marshfleld $10.
Chailes Mahaffy to Susan
Mahaffy, deed, NWVi of NEVi,
Sec. 23, Twp. 25, R. 12 $S5.
Z. T. Siglin to A. E. Seaman,
deed, Lots 8, 10, 11, 12 and
13, Sec. 27, Twp. 25, R. 11 $10.
L. D. Kinney, et. ux., to P. N.
Reburg, et. al., deed, Lots 7
and S, Blk. 43, Coos Bay Plat
B $1150.
J. J. O'Neil, et. ux., to Geo.
J. Schaefer, deed, Lots 10 and
11, Blk. 12, Portlawn Add. to
North Bend $10.
W. W. Graves to W. P. Short
deed, Lots 10, 11 and 12, Blk.
5, Graves' Add to Marshfleld $10.
Crawford Point Land Co. to
Tlliie Edwards, deed, Lots 17
and IS, Blk. 37, Crawford
Point Add. to Coos Bay $325.
R. L. Edmondston to Coyt
Dozier, deed, Lots 11 and 12,
Blk. 7, Edmonstons First Add.
to Marshfleld $10.
W. W. Graves to W. F. John
son, deed, Lots 13, 14, 15 and
16, Blk. 5, Graves' Add. to
Marshfleld $380.
J. II. Milner, et. ux., et. al.,
to J. D. McNeil, Lotsl920, 25,
20, 27 and 2S, Blk. 2, Bunker
Hill Add. to Marshfleld $100.
Geo. J. Schaefer et. ux., to
John B. Hlbbard, deed, Lots 5
and 0, Blk. 2, Schaefers Add to
Central Placo $1.
Crawford Point Land Co. to
Cornelia Marsh, deed, Lots 31
and 32, Blk. 30, Crawford Point
Add. to Coos Bay $275.
Bennett Trust Co. to Paul
Ebner, deed, Lot 21, Blk. 20,
South Harbor $150.
Merchant Land Co. to Geo.
A. Baines, deed, Lots 20 and 27
Blk. 43, Railroad Add. to
Marshfleld $10.
East Marshfleld Land Co. to
Nils Olson, deed, Lots 19, 20
and 21, Blk. 44, East Marsh
fleld $100
T. E. Erickson to Wilhelma
Erickson, deed, Lot 4, Blk. 13,
Marshfleld . Also Lot 8, Blk.
11, Sengstackens add. to
Marshfleld $10.
Elizabeth C. Kramer and
bus. to Christine Kruse, deed,
Lots 23 and 24, Blk. 27, Rail
road Add. to Marshfleld $10.
Flanagan Estate et. al., to
John Newlands, deed, Lots 10
and 11, Blk. 4, Bunker Hill
Add. to Marshfleld , $10.
Sidney Saunders, et. ux., to
B. W. Olson, deed, Lots 29, 30,
31, and 32, Blk. G5, Railroad
Add to Marshfleld $500.
Flanagan Estate et. al., to C.
A. Smith, deed, Lot G, Blk. 1,
Bunker Hill Add. to Marsh
fleld $10.
L. D. Kinney et. ux., to E. A.
Andorson, Lots 5 and G, Blk. 7,
Coos Bay Plat B $2,000.
' McClelland Investment & -Do
volopmeut Co. to. James W.
Watt, Lot 5, Blk. 3, Milling
ton $10.
L. D. Kinney, ot. ux., to D.
L. Rood, Lots 9, 10, 11 and
12, Blk. 38, Lots 11 and 12,
Blk. 39, Coos Bay Plat C $705.
D. L. Rood, et. ux., to L. D.
Kinney, deed, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
Blk. 8, All Blks. 17 and IS;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, Blk. 19,
Lots 1 to 9, Blk. 30; Lots 1 to
9, Blk. 31; Lots 1 to 9, Blk.
32; Lots 1, to 9, Blk. 33; All
Blocks 1G and 9, Coos Bay
Plat B $8,000.
E. A. Anderson, et. ux., to
L. D. Kinney, deed, 100 lots In
Coos Bay Plat C $2,000.
August Walker, et. ux., to
L. Powtheror, doed, WV2 of N
EVi, EVi-of ,.WVi, Sec 20,
Twp. 25, It. 12 25,000.
Fraak A. Sweeney, et ux.,
AgnstUs-W-alker, deed'Wii of.
NEVi, EV5 of NWVi, Soc. 20,
Twp. 25 R. 12 $10,000,
1 Going & Harvey Co.
1 ; I
I iBllill.Sli
Wo aro closing this ware out lit COST, as nc do not wish to cany
same in stock.
We are going to ghc nwiiy to tlio poor children of Coos Hay
nil toys remaining unsold on Xmas Day, providing wo can sell
.80 per cent of the toys in stock.' In other words lie are devoting
our time, space and profit to help make the little ones liappron
this day, the day lie have all, at some time or other, looked for
waid to with so much joy nnd expectancy.
i X mvv'i Beautiful remembrances
-44AITHAll' Buch as sood taste dl
mWilJiniT tates. Rare confection!
V ' . " out of the common de-
KAII PibAT! signs from art workers
and In fact everything to ho found in an up-to-dato Manufac
turing Jewelry Kstahlishincnt.
Wo also carry a complete lino of tho celebrated Howard
Watches from $35 up. Parker Fountain Pons to suit all tastes.
Where can you select moro sultablo presents for all the dear
onec than at
Manufacturing Jeweler
Open Evenings
Cavanagh, Chapman (i Co.
General Repair Work and Woodturning. Launches a Special'!
Fine Short Board Ends,
Large Loads. Quick Delivery.
...Just Received by...
JB3SwNfc wag I
Fine Selection of Room Size
We also have an extra large stock of
(pi tft ffAffK&lPfl&USJcfw Cl CA
Something New in Japanese Rugs 75c each
Come and See Them.
Just a word or two in .regard to our
S'-. ""'" lA- "' , . , . .tlnA wllft
in goiu uuu euYci, "-
havo left tho Impress o!
a skill that stands lor
real merit. Gifts of Uw
celebrated Llbby cut
glass, hand painted
china, diamonds, pearU.
sapphires, rubles, opals.
Silver plate that wears
In an endless variety;
Front St.
Foot of Queen Avenue, Marshneia
ii.ix ii..m OnhPflllie.
nail nuu. ov.r-d:
uav iieiween juim" m,.nl
Bend Mado In 13 V&
Private XaxaiaS- -
Parot Ono waft IBc-S 'Vy
9. A. VEJSV,
ij -j"-
rm , .iffi