The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 11, 1907, Image 1

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    Wi. Wft gu5Bn.MMhfc 4i i
Advertisers get good returns from
announcements placed In Tho Dally
J. R. Osborne Takes Poison and
Life Ends After Hours of
Details of Sad Affair Could Not
Be Learned Coroner Min-
gus Notified.
(Special to Times)
BANDON, Dec. 11. J. It. Osborne,
of this city, committed suicide last
night by taking cyanide of potaslum
at 8 o'clock from the effects of which
ho passed away at 10:30 o'clock last
evening. Ho was the porprietor of
a general merchandise store and had
been in the city about six months.
When it was discovered that the
man had taken poison two doctors
were called in to attend him, but in
spite of long and patient efforts he
expired In agony last night. Do
mestic and financial troubles aro sup
posed to bo the cause of his desperate
deed. An Inquest will bo held over
the remains this afternoon before
Judge Copping.
Only very meagro details of tho
tragedy reached Marshfield today.
A call came to Dr. Mlngus, coroner,
to make a trip there, ho authorized
a justice of the peace to hold the in
quest. About all that could bo learned
was .that he was a married man but
left no family other than his wife.
Ten Falls Victims to Black Damp
While- Helping Save Others
550 Dead.
FAIRMONT, December. 11. That
at least ten members of tho heroic
band of rescuers will die of gas
poisoning, is admitted tonight by
physicians who are attending them,
as they aro drawn out of tho mines
Of the 300 or more widows of tho
victims, at least 50 are prostrated
and a dozen temporarily insane. That
many of them will die from tho shock
Is probable.
Twenty-nino bodies have been
brought to tho surface up to 12:30
o'clock, and word comes from the
rescuing party that many others are
ready to be brought out.
Committee Makes Choice of City for
Nominating Next President Den
ver and Kansas City Beaten.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11. Chicago
was victorious on tho first ballot in
tho Republican National committee
for tho location of the Republican
National Convention of 1908. The
dato on which tho convention will
meet is Juno 16. Tho voto stood
31 for Chicago 18 for Kansas City
and four for Denver, after which
Chicago was selected by acclamation.
Senator Pulton voted for Chicago.
King Oscar, of Sweden, is dead,
tnd tho entire nation is mourning for
beloved monarch.
bury, Mass., Secretary of War,
William H. Taft, has lost his race
with death. His mother, Mrs. Louise
M. Taft, died at 12:30 o'clock Sun
day in the Torroy mansion hero,
while tho secretary was on the At
lantic hurrying to her as fast as tho
speedy liner President Grant could
carry him.
Master of Steamer Alliance
Presented With Valu
able Marine Glass.
Presentation Comes Unnwaro and
Cool Navigator Shows Deep Af
fection at Being Honored by
Loyal Passengers. s.
The Portland Sunda." Oregonian
contains tho following repon of tho
presentation of a marino glass to
Captain Olson which has been pre
viously mentioned in the Times:
Captain B. W. Olson, master of
tho steamer Alliance, was Saturday
afternoon presented with a marine
glass costing $150 by the passengers
who arrived here on the exciting
voyage of tho Coos Bay liner last
week, They earnestly declare that
but for the courage, competence and
coolness of tlio captain they would
have never reached port.
Captain Olson was more unnerved
when confronted with the committee
on presentation than when the tre
mendous breaker threatened to sena
the vessel to tho bottom of Coos Bay
bar, but soon regained his composure
and in replying to tho presentation
speech said that ho had done no more
than his duty as it appeared to mm.
Hn values the present highly but in
cidentally regrets that his crew and
passengers, who stood by him so
loyally, could not directly share with
him in tho token of esteem.
William H. Souls, marine editor
o tho Oregonian, delivered the talk
that went with the glasses. He said:
"Captain Olson On behalf of tho
grateful passengers of the good ship
Alliance I am honored to say and do
something expressive of their appre
ciation of your heroism on the oc
casion of tho eventful voyage of the
last few days.
"I am directed to say to you and
your valiant crow that your unselfish
devotion to duty and tho woltare oi
ti,nao whoso safety had been entrust
ed In your hands, in tho face of tho
trying ordeal through which you re
cently passer, Is esteemed and ap
,,inn,iPfl mora sincerely and more el-
nontiv than any tongue can tell,
and that your bravery in tho unequal
struggle of an angry sea, a crippiea
propellor and a jury rudder, shall
never be forgotten.
"Commemoratlvo of tho genuine
appreciation of your passengers, I
have the pleasure to present you wim
this little token and to voice In their
behalf tho hope that by Its aid you
may always enter port in safety and
may you never lose a ship."
The committee In charge of the
collection of tho purse for tho pur
chase of thp present was composed
of Prank Davis, of North Bend, and
Prank Layton and Charles Clark, of
Tho gold band on tho glass bears
tho following inscription:
"To Captain B. W. Olson from the
passengers on tho ss. Alliance, whom
ho saved Thanksgiving, Nov. 28,
At Port Collins, Colorado, recently,
Mrs. Addie Davis, while taking ' a
bath, reached" up and turned on an
electric light. The electric current
was short-circuited, and gave her a
fatal shock. Preventable accidents
arising from the introduction of elec
tricity are more numerous than they
..i,t to ho. considering tho number
of years in which tho electric light
has been used.
UNION. W. T. Wright, of Union,
is preparing to send out 16 cars of
apples this week. Ten of this num
ber aro loaded ready for shipment.
It was not possible to secure all re
frigerator cars snd box cars supplied
with heating stoves have been sub
stltued. The apples aro from tho Im
mediate Vicinity of Union and will be
distributed alopg the lino from Salt
Lake to Kansas City and Chicago
and some of them, will go to Texas.
The Nan Smith Commences Long Trip Around Cape Horn In
Charge of Captain Nelson Biggest Boat In Coast
i raae.
Leavinc Baltimore yesterday tho
big steam schooner Nan Smith start
ed on her long trip around jCape
Horn for Coos Bay in command of
Captain Nelson, who left Marshfield
several months ago to take charge of
this craft which will bo used in the
coast lumber trade by the C. A.
Smith Lumber company.
The hugo steamer is 296 feet long
and 40 feet in width. She has a
capacity enabling her to carry 2,225,
000 feet of lumber and is by far the
largest steam schooner to be used
in the coast trade. She was built at
Farmer Refuses Offer of $35,000 For
His Apple Farm.
II. Norcross refused" an offer of
$35,000 for his orchard last Satur
day and informed the would-be pur
chaser that his price is now $50,000,
. l , , , ''early hour Monday morning. A dis-
or $1,000 per acre. The orchard has i '
30 acres in full bearing, with some turbanco was heard In tho chicken
20 acres of young trees coming on, roost and on investigation four coons
and the crop this year will pay 10 wero discovered in the top of a
per cent interest on $50,000. Less plum treo Hlg daUgUter Inez (Mrs.
than a year ago Mr. Norcross wasi
asked to put a price on the property, ' A. Flanigan who is a,
and when he placed It at $25,000 visit) shou dered a No 10 shot
some of his neighbors declared that S and he,r father wlTth a ,Nc "'
he was crazy for asking so MCh,
Now ho is of the opinion that per-
haps he was a little off for asking so'
little. He is not anxious for anybody ,
. ..,.. ,., . .m nnn fn ,'
U UIKe nun uy uu ,,,, iU., ..v,
asks: "Where could I invest that
amount of money in an absolutely an Interesting s.gnt un ' """
safe proposition that would bring me weighed 19 pounds two 14 and tho
in 10 per cent per annum?" And other 12., Part of them was ev
when tL entire place is once bearing changed at Ballard s or shel s to
that rate of Interest will be doubled kill more coons, and the remainde.
and trebled several times.
Makes Rope of Bed Clothing and
' Falls Forty Feet to
SALEM. Dec. 11. At an early
hour Friday morning Stephen Lane,-
a patient at tho state In sane asylum,
was found at tho side of the main
luinHtnir where he had fallen and
been badly Injured in an attempt to
escape from the asylum.
Lane Is an Inmate of ward 9, on
tho top floor and tried to escape by
tearing the linen on his bed Into
strips, which he tied to his bedtsead.
Ho clambered out of the window in
safety but when tho linen came In
contact with tho tinning on the side
of the building the improvised ropo
was severed and Lane fell to tho
ground, a distance of about forty
feet. Lano was picked up with a
bad fracture of tho left leg, a brok
en collar bono and brobablo Internal
Injuries. It is thought that ho will
recover, but will not bo on his feet
for some time.
This Is tho second time that Lano
has tried to get away. On a former
occasion ho got away from tho city
and was at liberty for about ten
days before being recaptured.
Spanish Supremo Court Justice Shot
Son of Woman Ho Followed.
MADRID, Dec. 11. Supreme
Court Judge Rojas was arraigned
hero for attempted murder. Upon
leaving a theater some time ago ho
followed a prominent lady, who was
accompanied by her son, and de
clared his love for her. Tho son re
sented his Intrusion,, and Judge
Rojas shot him with a revolvor, seri
ously wounding him.
Doctors say tho Judge Is insane,
but ho insists that ho is sane, and ho
is conducting his own case. Ho
pleads In extenuation of his offense
"force of passion, fanned by'a lovely
woman's coauotry."
You. can buy a first class sewing
machine for $20 at Mllnor's.
Newport News, Va., and was but re
cently launched, being named after
the eldest daughter of C. A. Smith.
J. E. Oren received a telegram
yesterday from Captain Nelson that
the Nan Smith was to leave Balti
more, where she had been tied up
since she was launched, some time
during the day, and according to
this telegram she has commenced htjr
long trip. Mr. Oren says that under
ordinary conditions sho will reach
San Francisco within tho next CO
days, and from that port will pro
ceed to Coos Bay and receive her
first load for coast points.
Flanigan Takes Her Shotgun
and Completes Slaughter
JUNCTION CITY, Dec. 11. There
was fun at tho farm home of Joel
j Pitney, northeast of Junction, at an
u"" ,, f,,r of
the bunch, wounding all four of
them at one shot bringing one of
them to the ground It required ono
shot each for the others. They wero
rnVo,l milt.n
, "'""fa"1- u" .."- i- .
were taKen iiume iu reimci uui. .
grease tho clock and grandpa's
boots. , . .
Oregon Atldetes Aro Good Scholars
In All Branches.
EUGENE, Dec. 11. University of
Oregon football men during the sea
son just past have made good records
In the class room as well as on tho
football Held. The records of the
reglstar's office show that of the
twenty men composing the regular
squad only half a dozen have re
ceived grades as low as "D," in any
of their subjects. There have oeen
no failures, and their work as a
whole compares favorably with that
of last year, when in the Anal ex
nminnHnns In February the football
team ranked slightly better than the
average for tho whole study body.
Tho records show also that for the
two months just past football men
have cut fewer classes than any other
class of students. Reports of ab
sences of all studerits are sent to the
reglstar's office daily, and a careful
record Is kept. Tho University
works on the theory that students
aro there first to study, and this
means regular attendance at all
Love of Music Hypnotizes 1 i-
w.pi1 liv Game Warden.
FREELAND, Pa., Dec. 11. Hunt
ing rabbits with a cornet Is a viola
tion of tho state game laws, accord
ing to Warden Malloy.
mm wnrfinn'H detectlvo today ar
rested P. B. Ferry and Alexander
Mullbearn after they had discovered
Mullhearn, who Is a noted cornet
player, with tho funnel of his cornet
in a rabbits burrow playing a march
whllo tho rablts, hypnotized by tho
music, walked into his hands.
Ferry was at anothor holo waiting
for the rabbits which were not music
i j t
It is clnimed Mullhearn caught 000
rabbits by means of his cornet this
Tho case will be called to tho at
tention of Presldout Roosevelt on
Monday, it is reported.
Surety Company Will Make
Good Amount- of State
Treasurers Bond.
Drafts. Amounting to $409,388
Be Turned Over To
Cover Deposits Made'.
PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 11. Tho
American Surety company agrees to
pay tho state of Oregon a total of
$409,38S.S8 to cover vtho deposit in
the Title Guaranteo & Trust company
and tho Merchants' National bank.
It pays at once the sum of $112,
478.20 in drafts on Now York pay
able to the state treasurer. It agrees
to pay on or beforo December 31,
1909, tho sum of $295, 910.08 with
Interest at 5 per cent dating from
November C, 1907, until tho princi
pal is paid.
In return for this tho surety com
pany Is relieved from further liabil
ity on its bond of $550,000 held to
secure State Treasurer Steel, though
tho bond stands good for past acts
and security for tho payment of all
sums now duo and mentioned in tho
agreoment. The surety company re
ceives also the securities given by
tho Titlo Guarantee & Trust company
to secure 'the state's deposits in the
State Treasurer Steel's bond of
$550,000 Is cancelled by tho surety
company and he is ordered by tho
governor to file a now bond of $GO0,
000 within 20 days. Ho will furnish
the bond within tho timo and con
tlnuo in office.
Excellent Sample on Exhibition
At Chamber of Commerce.
Onco more Coos County comes to
tho front and proves that almost any
thing can bo grown on Coos .County
soil and In Coos County climate.
Japan Tea. of a fine quality Is being
raised in tho Coqullle valley by a
rancher named J. O. Stemmler, who
for a considerable period has been
raising tea for his own use.
Secretary Lyons, of the Chamber of
Commerce, has secured one of tho
plants which is on exhibition In the
window of that boosting organization.
Tho plant Is about five feet in height
and greatly resembles an ordinary
bush that one may see at any time In
tho woods. There Is nothing about it
that would cause anything but a
casual glanco until tho visitor is told
that It Is a tea plant similar to thoso
in the Orient whero tho great pro
duction of tea is grown.
Samples of leaves in a tumblor
from a similar plant stand on Mr.
Lyons' desk, and the odor from tho
leaves Is more liko tho real article
than much of that shipped into tho
country. Whllo it Is strong, tho
flavor is said to surpass anything
brought across tho Pacific,
This Is a now field for enterprise
on tho part of ranchors and farmers
in this district, as tho plant can bo
easily and thickly grown in tho val
leys of tho county. Whllo Its monoy
making possibilities havo not been
tested they aro regarded as extromoly
good If tho production of tea is gono
Into thoroughly.
ASTORIA. Arrangements havo
been made through tho local banks
by which all government checks will
bo paid In cash in future, as monoy
has beon received by tho banks for
that purpose.
Dinner sets in Haviland, Gor
man China, and semi-porcelain at
On Ukj current events of titer S
world's pi-ogress by rending. Ttat a
Dally Times. M
Mr.. '13
Steamer Lumber Laden Frat
Couille River to .San
Steamer Nelson Attempts to Giro Aa
nnd Narrowly Escapes Dcstructft
Herself Doomed Vessel Astiarar
Off Eureka liar.
wireless messago from tho coast M
low Eureka brought tho inforniatlaJf
that tho tramp steamer Sof
was burning off tho Eureka bar.
crew had escaped by taking to
boats. As far as can bo learned;
lives have been lost.
Tho Sotoyome was en route
Coquillo river to San Francisco irfl
a cargo of lumber. Captain Pel
soji took tho vessel far out tn dodp.
the storm. By somo mis
which the wireless did not exp.
tho carco caught fire. Tho nt
fought desperately to qucneh
flames, but soon it became ap;
that the only hope lay in leaving;
ship. Tho anchor was cast, and
nifin took to tho boats. Soon, thi
were picked up by tho steamer
me, which made toward Eurckav
Tho steamer Charles Nelson
ed along and mado an attempt
savo tho Sotoyome. The Nelson fi
cned to the Sotoyomo with the
of towing her into Eureka. It
n hard and nerilous fight. After
few miles had been covered,
communicated to tho Nelson
tho towing boat was forced to a
ilnn linr nharco and flfiht for It'
own life. Tho flames on tho Nefc
wero extinguished beforo any
ous damage had been dono.
Like a great torch, tho
shooting funnel-shaped Into
masts, tho Sotoyome drifted with tfl
wind. As night came on sho low
ml nn ft voritablo tower of
visible for hundreds of miles. G
ually tho vessel drifted to tho
nnl Into tnnicht lilt tho bar J
Eureka. Tho last messago
that the vessel was still flaming
she lay stranded at tho approach
tho harbor. Sho is of 398 tons.
Fond Parent Takes Her- Ten
Shows Her Ignorance
ATnANV Dno. li. Tho fae
of tho public schools of tho clty
ilMWl.1l -
dolng their best to enforcer tho
of tho state of Oregon In refe
to attendance tardiness etc.,
conerally aro meeting with fa
Occasionly, as in al things, tIiQ
opposition is mot from tho panfi
thomselves, fortunately only in
cases, recently mostly in tho
Tho following, recolved by
nrlnnlnnl of tho MadlSOH SUf
school is ono showing what tnex
to contend with In following the 1
of our state and tho rules of tho i
rmrulated schools.
"Teacher and to whom It may a
corn. I will rigiu a oxcubu j.i
boinc late it was not her fau
was own and I forbid you for w
nine her for ony such thing and
i .. ii. ..noacM 7 lfvn xvnnrtl
ninnon ns lone as I send my chlld:
to school and If you havo eny tt
to say como to mo dont slam I
child bo amnn como to mo that
I want you to do. Teachers
laws that haint laws amountfin
much, senco is senco every ttmo
cuso mo foro being so Impudent
I cant stand this."
Tho St. Elizabeth Guild of J
Episcopal Sunday School will
a towel sale and afternoon tea
tho residence of Dr. J. T. McCck
Saturday at 2:30 p. in.
Tho Ladles Aid Society ofj
M. E. Church will hold their
bazaar Friday, Dec. 13. Placo
announced later. Don't forgotl