THE DAILY COOS BAT TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1907. Iiuttunnunnutntttmuinrnnnnnnnn & ! . fa ,sJ JPiiS1 Knox Exclusive Agency for the Celebrated Hiits Mttiiatifchfcrfyi id"AiUi tii rZHTinAWflH THESE ARE CONCEDED TO BE THE BEST THE UNITED STATES. Get some cheer fulness into your appear ance this Fall. Wear a STIFF HAT PRODUCED Fancy Hat . Band-have We aIso carry M Soft Hats whfch we it match your necktie or claim is the best hat of its kind made, your hose, or go with Now the trade has been misinformed gener al joumewsuit. BnCht colors for (he young ay as j0 nie different merits of two well known clement and more subdued tones lor young Urnnrjc men and older men who feel young, in the TEi ta. a ' 'ias been proven time and again that no one Wi f a,f,?y ,2?i. concern can excel in all things and so it is with these lb. ma oil tho coll m.B WCOr wo fact()reS The band with hool.s. Over a thousand ' ; . , , , Afferent patterns new browns, tans, grays f KlIOX Stiff Hat IS made D.V them ailU their and color combinations Easily adjusted to many y & r eXperjenCe lSS gained fOT them an niiv hat over the old band it you like. ,J. f . ., , ,. , ,, r cuyaflit and smooth; never slips out of place, enviable reputation for this particulai class of goods while Stetson makes only the soft hats and .tt ' ' '' is considered alolie in this class of merchandise, -VfcSu '.:' 'STETSON DOES NOT manufacture a stiff hat, v but buys them elsewhere and jobs them out to the trade, So when you want the Best Stiff Hat Buy a Knox and for the Best Soft Hat Buy a Stetson. All the latest blocks'of Knox Hats to Show you v Come in and get the best to be had, Price , The Steamer M. F. PLANT , r ' - f . ' Plant Rails from Marshflcld Thursday No rcscrvntlo n will bo held after tho arrival of ship unless ticket Is bought. RS. DOW Agent MARSHFIELD, :. . : : : OREGON j .r v o , j WANT APS m ' 'IS ' W S Jft ! y i s 1 ' ! " .1 IklMXIiiHIJ-w. I'Watcli roil RENT One furnished room nith eiery convenience, $8.00 per month. Housekeeping rooms with electric lights and city water, In the Rogers' Building. Inquire of Mrs. McNutt at the Haines Music Store. Ft)R RENT Two now'and modern equipped flats. New O'ConnolI ' Building. L! ..J 1 WANTED Bench men and finishers ' . at once, ?3.G0 per day. Coos' Bay ' Furniture Co, North Bend, Oregon, j t - l: FOR RENT Three furnlslied rboma for light housekeeping on Sheridan street, close in. Call phone 1751. naWiiTrTwtiWi'' -riVJhTJTYBPL mlmmt 'niiiiiffli i 5 Silver Toiletware AA4 WANTED Team work wanted by TL, E. Chance. Phono 1S85. FOR RENT Couple furnished rooms modern convenience. Call nl; cor ner Second and B Sts; or Inqujro at Times. $5.00 O I ' ' ' A. H ' ... and Novelties - ' .." 1 All the new college shapes for young men can be had here. A new line of Celebrated Keiser Cravats S for the Holidays prices from - 50c to $ LOO Fancy Suspenders. Fancy Vests Mufflers Reefers Silk Handkerchiefs Umbrellas Smoking Jackets Suit Cases and Traveling Bags Cluett and Monarch Shirts Fancy Hosiery and Everything that a . Strictly Up To Date House Carries. Xt Merchant For Good Goods OI v9 Anpntc fnr Hart Sr.haffner and Marx Fine Clothing. :n mMmmEiwma Christmas We have one of tho largest lines of Christmas goods ever liandlcd In 'j ) this city. Presents for every member of tho family to be had here. For tho older members of the family wo linvo nil tho latest books In ' ' suitable bindings for presents nnd as wo have by fnr tho largest stock In tho city, you can pick your presents readily. AVo nlso have . ' -, A LARGE ASSORTMENT.OF ; Toilet Sets, Shaving Sets, Military Brushes, Jewel Cases, Candle Sticks, Ladies' Seal Skin Purses, Dr. Faber's Fountain Pens, Photo Albums and the Finest Stock of Stationery to be had on the Bay. ,,;,,, . , . What Would Make a nicer Present than any' of the above articles. In buying our Christmas presents tills year wo did not forget the little folks. Our stock of presents suitable for tho youngsters Is tho largest In ' tho history of our store. Following is list of a few things that will please tho little folks. A large stock of Children's Books, Dolls, Teddy Bears, Dishes, Doll Bug gies, Wagons, Shoo Flys, Drums, Blocks, Doll Beds, Banks, Velocipedes and many 'other things too numerous to mention here. . . . . Come now and look around whether you care to buy or not, and don't fail to bring the little ones. t ' NORTON (lb HANSEN FRONT STREET Cut Glass and a Pull Line of :: - I :-: JEWELRY ;: FURNISHED ROOMS Call at Mrs. M. C. Chapman, Broadway. ' For Sale., , , One? Lot In Caples Addition to Marshflold. For particulars apply to Mrs. Lucinda Chrisman, BG7 Milwau kee Street, Portland, Oregon. , FOR RENT Housekeeping and bedrooms. Coos Bay Auciton Co. FOR SALE 18-foot gasoline boat. Apply to Max Timmerman. FOR SALE Best business In town. Apply Coos Bay Auction Co. i. H i! TOWER'S iitttitt::n to EffXijtSiiM' WHY DO ' PEOPLE BUY! IN: SENGSTACKEMl2g BECAUSE , .. -p..- , It is choice inside tesl&ateZ property, IptsafeiftO with alleys, is well sheltered with a good bay viewnd prices of lots are reasonable. For particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE, fcSTCT CO. SHOW C&fcfiS Arid r,lAlli KDO!l'' Jliitirifacturlng Co, -!- , .... . THE MODERN COMPANY Follows' Bnildlng, Plate-cla&S Floor Cases 3 . A nny eliape, any fltyle made ,2, A Jto order by tho Imtko Odd Marshflcld ! My Specialty I 4 'II s THEY ARE A POSITIVE I ECON031Y TJUUX'IUS -ar 3MADE RIGHT, FIT TUQIIT 1 Aicri T,nmr mmiT.. -. .' i LiX)mUVJifWilM.W&f.K4 k UUlh 2111 CUIIO lliu iu-t;ssi;v y T ' "and put inflrsT-class condi? rruPi',. j VWSH3 Alterations jnnuo 11 ne cessary, by a ilrst-class tail or. Von cannot fail to bo pleased by buying here. :;LW...PIANZ J' Tailor. nnd Clothier. Sncchi nidg'., .Marshflcld. I tttmttffimtmmmmtmjmmwwKuuwBn nAMrvrk'i ' v Ercrytlilng Elecrichl 'at fOrdgori Electrical Supply Co. Now O'CoMhdll BllC" il., !'' I &tttmttsmnmmmmttffitmtttt WE MAKE GAS ENGINES AND BOATS ' ' ' Spet3 Linnctli tai Entirft ' t Specialty , AH Claiiet of Bott and Engine Rtpajrinj Promptly Attended to .Shop, in He North Bend Woolen Hdlt Nortn Bend, Oregon U R. BEVIER, Mecnaniod Engineer C. H. ALLGER, Boat Bnilder INNUENDO Has nothing to do with GEO. GOODRUM tho Gents Furnisher, for ho has tho NIFTIEST line of TOGGERY in Town lWAvnD xTTPAW is with us boys, so just get together ivivxmx jirvn-w n1 Jct mo m your wnrdrobo f01. lh0 holldjys. If you have not seen, como.nnd see. Corner O. and Broadway. lik It costs nothing. 9 Pull the j BfiLL CORiD Wet Your Whistle Then Blow J. fc. ftERRON, Prop. Tront Street,! : Marahdeld, Oreeon I J ' ' '. PHONE 923 Flanagan & Bennett Bank MAKSHFipLU, pilEOON. , Capita 1 Bu btcrl bed $50,000 s Capital Paid Up 10,000 Undivided ProflU (35,000 Poei a general banking btialneas and drawl ou tbe Hank ot California, Ban Krancltc Calif., Fliat Natlotial Bank Portland Or., Flnl Rational pank.Rosebiirg, Or,, Hanoyer Ra tional Hank, New Yo"tk," N. M. Uotbcbild & Bon, London, England. Also sell plinnge on nearly all th principal cities of Europe. Accounts kept subject to check, safe deposit lock boxes for rent at 5 cents a montu or 5. a year, INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Bank of Oregon Capital Stock fully paid up $50,000 Transacts a General Banking Business North Bend, Oregon CAB CALL SERVICE AT ANY HOUR GOOD HEARSE and VEHICLES. .IIEISNEIt, MILIiISR & CO. Iilvcry, Feed and Sale Stable Third and A Bw. Thouo, 1201 Blarshflcld. e McPlierson Ginser Co. i I - jWholesalo Hquor dealers -jCigarB and aloon 6ip-t B I plies. '2 y California Wines a Specialty Christmas Sale EMBROIDERED PIECES AND OTHER HAND MADE NOVELTIES Thursday, Friday & Saturday AFTERNOONS Of NEXT WEEK. MRS, BRIGGS . i ) Geo. Ferrcy House, Broadway. Fresh Oystrs. Received weekly at Gem Restau rant, North Bond. Sorved any style and open day and night. AIbo every thing elso tho market affords. The Launch Tioga Leaves Marshileld at 8:30 n. in. tor head of tho tide water on South Coos River. Returning, leaves at 2:30 p. in. Thomas Goodale QOM'WHY Always has on hand a 'good stock of j General Merchandise AT PRICES THE CHEAPEST All Kinds of Groceries and Clothing II -1 V fri v-7- i42iWe , iiiiki.-. i -6ttii JV XcMmlMS'ti&.rtU.-'iS' - i w mm .mm mmssmmmmm