. a Xl var Mtt c I THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1907. fattle of the Town tittle grains of fnct sifted from (10 chaff of gossip flying up nntl down tlio town. Fred Straub, well known traveling I man, Is a business visitor In North Lend and Empire today. bo Anderson, of Kontuck Inlet, was on the Marshfleld market Tues day flitn n bunch. of porkers. Tonight Is ladles' nlGht at tho Korth Bend Commercial Club. A number of Marsnneiu memuers arc planning to attend. R. 9. Wright, of the Murphy Grant I CO.. San i' rauyiaou, aniitu nuui wj- ! nie yesterday and Is calling on tho . trade In Emplro today. He will re turn to San Francisco on the Plant. L. j Beatty, of North Coos river brought &ome of tho products of his ranch to Marshfleld Tuesday adding to the beef supply for hungry citizens. The following vessels are due in this port: Dktn. Arago, 24 days m sn Podro: schr. Repeat, 32 days from San Pedro; schr. Sausallto, 10 days, and (sqhr. Virginia, 21 days, from San Francisco. i A business note, dated Portland, has been received fiom G. W. Temple, of North Bend, stating that himself and family would leave that city Mon day for New Orleans. The journey will be made by easy stages stopping at Los Angeles, El Paso", San Antonio, Austin and Galveston while enroute. 'They will remain iu New Orleans for some time. J. L. Bowman, of Portland, son-in- law of Anson Rogers, of this city, arrived in Marshfleld yesterday via. Drain. Mr. Bowman Is interested with Mr. Anson Rogers in the hand some new Coos building erected on A street. He expressed himself as pleasantly surprised In the fine busi ness conditions on Coos Bay and hopeful and confident of Its future in which he Is giving substantial evi dence of tho firm oasis of his faith by his Investments. A CARD FROM . FATHER HOXXKLTA' To tho Editor: Sinco tho smoke of political strife is passed and the majority have car ried their man to victory, and we all bow to the will of the majority, yet I feel that it Is due to myself and what I represent to denounce pub licly through tho press an unwar ranted use of my name on the eve of election by Mr. I. S. Smith In a speech made by him in tho Odd Fel lows' hall, in which he said substan tially that it had been reported that he was advised to consult with me and secure my approbation as to his accepting tho nomination for mayor. Now, why was this statement made? I have never aspired to the honor of a political boss from the first day that I have had the privil ege of voting till now. I have never canvassed vote9 among tho people who look up to mo as their spiritual leader or among those who look up on mo as a fellow citizen, and friend. It would bo an insult to their intel ligence and selfrespect for rao to do so. I havo never made a political speech in my life or helped to pre pare one for anybody else. I havo lived for over seven years in this community; havo always believed a bright future was in store for it, and feel rejoiced that my fondest an ticipations havo been almost fully realized, I havo never forced myself to the forefront in anything, but have tried to take an humble part in what tended to progress and sub stantial development. I have never hesitated to express my honest opin ions on what concerned tho general welfare of Coos Bay. In these things as in everything else I have been and am now always ready to glvo a reas on for the faith that Is In me. Our city and section is cosmopolitan. All kinds of people, all kinds of nation alities aro represented, all kinds of creeds are professed by its Inhabit ants. I am one of those that do not believe In mixing up religious pre judices with politics or business. Tho Catholics of this community as such havo no ambition to control or direct affairs. They only claim tho same rights as any other Ameri can citizens, no more, no les3, and there is no body of pcoplo In this community more free to voto as they Mease, than they aro, and Father Donnelly claims only tho samo right, himself, as every other American itlzon. EDW. DONNELLY STEAMER rLANT DELAYED. Did Not Start From Snn Francisco Uiitll Tucsdny Afternoon. Agent F. S. Dow, of tho M. F. Plant, has received advices from San Francisco to tho effect that tho Bteamer did not leave that port until Tuesday afternoon and will not ar rive In Coos Bay until Thursday morning. FOR RENT Couple furnished rooms modern convenience. Call at cor ner Second and B Sts. or Inquire at Times. City Treasurer's Notice. All warrants endorsed by tho city treasurer or the city of Marshfleld prior to Juno 30, 19 05, will bo paid on presentation at my office. No interest allowed after Dec. 2, 1907. John F. Hall, City Treasurer. ' Dated, Marshfleld, Doc. 2, 1907. CARPENTER WORK WANTED Job or day work. First class work guaranteed. Inqulro at Times office FURNISHED ROOMS Call at Mrs. M. C. Chapman, Broadway. For Sale. Ono Lot In Caples Addition to Marshfleld. For particulars apply to Mrs. Lucinda Chrlsman, 567 Milwau kee Street, Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE Durham bull; apply J. A. Mcintosh. Coos Bay Creamery. WANT APS I FOR RENT Furnished room, ?2.50 per week. "A" caro Times. FOR RENT Housekeeping and bedrooms. Coos Bay Auciton Co. Rates for want cents per line. advertising Flvs WANTED Sensible, good-naturrd .girl or woman to care for elderly invalid. Address "L. M." care Times. gXxxxxxttxxxxtxxxxxtxxxxtVitxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxitxtxtttttxtttxttttttttttt t t? Holiday Bargains in Odds and Ends Something Useful as Well as .Ornamental ff tt These all go at Half Price Odds and ends In covered dishes and decorated China ware off. Some very handsome pieces. This Line 1-3 Off Our entire line of French Havlland, some very beautiful patterns and nothing will make a more handsomo or appropriate Christmas present for wife or mother one third off. FOR SALE lS-foot gasoline boat Apply to Max Timmerman. FOR SALE 3 half-story frame buildings at Bunker hill. Aug. Frlzeen. FOR SALE Best business In town. Apply Coos Bay Auction Co. Vie To Name City Tho voto still shows Empire ahead. Venice too is climbing. The inter est is not abated and the vote will bo materially Increased by Sunday when the final vote will be announced. Tho voto to date is as follows: Empire 291 Coos Bay .' .' 89 Venice 45 Coosbay 23 Coos 20 Grand Harbor 8 Coos City 8 Imperial 4 Golden Gate 3 Coosport 3 Coosalone 2 Bayport i 2 Marshfleld . 3 City of Sunrise 2 Koos City 2 Emmnrshbcnd 2 Strawvlllo 2 Hartlepool 2 Marshfleld, Empire, Coos Bay . . . .' 1 Coosburg 1 Smithville . . .' 1 Irishvillo 1 Koos Bay 1 Coos Harbor 1 tt o o This Line 1-3 Off ,Summer dress goods, entire lino of exceedingly good value, but intend to stop handling this line of goods, one-third off. Everything In this column Is a decided bargain without any discount. Gillette Razors, known tho world over as tho best safety razor ever made $5.00 Guaranteed "Clean Cut" cutlery, pocket knives, scissors, carving sets, etc. always useful from 2c up Toys and Teddy Bears Wo arc headquarters for this lino of goods. Tho children will appreclato these for Christmas. 5c tip. COOS BAY CASH STORE J. N. Bolt, Manager. GOOD GOODS AT THE RIGHT PRICES. m$$mmnmsn$$innt$tmmmmmsmmmm in n-i c u. m u a 2 B Ali iaii UjL U1C "Will 9 S l-Together Everybody We use the necessary facilities for sending money to all parts of H the world, and without y danger or loss. .. . p FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of COOS BAY, Marshfield, Ore. jjrt:::::Ji:::::i:tt::::tii::::::::5:j::::;;;t:jj: a ffiaSSZH23SIEE2E3HE3 McPherson Ginser Co. , Wholesale liquor dealers Cigars and saloon supplies. 1 KKEES5KM; California Winex a Specialty Front St., Marshfield Put a cross opposite the name you prefer for the consolidated city on Coos Bay. Sign your name and mail to the Times or hand It in at the business office. One blank for other names not given. Name Mark Here EMPIRE COOS BAY COOSBAY COOS Voter Sign Hero. COLUMBIA MACHINE WORK Cavanagh, Chapman (b Co. General Repair Work and Woodturning. Launches a Specialty Foot of Queen Avenue, Marshfield i l'latc-glnss Floor Cases niiy shape, nny stylo made to order by tho Lutko Manufacturing Co. THE MODERN COMPANY SHOW CASES and FIXTURES Odd Fellows' lliiiidiiiK. 7mn-rTrV"-wlTwr'mrTrT7iKrTwtn7rr'i Marshfleld jottxsssasut mm::t:::::::::m::j:aiKJKm:mumK! j:mmmwnt Everything Electrical at Oregon Electrical Supply Co. Now O" Council Blk. :at?::j:iJatt:at:tt:ai:mjj:t::::nn:K::::Jt::r : WE MAKE GAS ENGINES AND BOATS feted Launchei and Engine a Specialty AH Classes of Boat and Engine Repairing Promptly Attended to Stops in the North Bend Woolen Mills North Bend, Oregon II. R. BEVIER, Mechanical Engineer C. H. ALLGER, Boat Builder' QUICK DELIVERY For convenience of Call pa trons the Laundry office will be open Saturday evenings until 8 o'clock. Phone 571 today. Our wagon will call. COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY Marshfield and North Bend. B o to tt 8 FOR A Brighter, Busier Coos Bay H tt . light Up and fcf Bsisy! $3.50 for $1.89 r,ro Ret our great lataloR In your hand! wow ill semi jou these "nods nt almost what they (U cost us. We want y& jour name. For1.89 jou wm get a line ladles' ring, special gold plate, set with C beautiful brilliants with cut stone cen- tnr. ii in i m i; i luttidinme brooch set with 0 Alamo brilliants, worth 7e; and 1 heavy chased link ihnin bracelet, newest pattern, with lock nnd key; regular prico f 1.50 to. taU3 5u;nlliorl.b'J. A beautiful Christ mas present. Tho supply of these goods fs limited, so order at once. JAS. II. IlItOWN .V. CO., M and GO rifth Ave. Dopt. 1, Chicago waa SCguW VMfc l Cvfi Uv75 ifift TheCB.,R.&E.R.R. and Navigation Co. TIIE C. B., R. & E. K. R. & N. CO. TIME TABLE. Subject to change without notice. No. 1. v. 9:00a.m. Lv. 9:45a.m, Ar.10 :20a.ra. Daily, ex. Sunday Marsh'd Junction Coqullie Myrtlo Pt No. 2. Ar,12:30p.m. Lv.ll :30a.m. Lv.lOMBa.m. Trains to and from Beaver Hill daily. W. P. Miller, Agent. Bo Easy Mountings nnd Toric Lens makes tho best eye glass combination on earth. AVo have one of tho Bncst electric equipped Optical parlors in Oregon. Orders taken for Opera and Field kisses for Xinas presents. F. J. HAYES Optometrist. tt tt tt H H H It is the brilliantly illuminated Electric Lighted store that does the business, The shoppers are coming by railroad and ferry, by launches and carriages, thronging the shopping district making purchases for the holiday season. Crowds of them pass your store, It's Up to Yoo to Get Them Inside! They will all have money' to spend, if not in your store perhaps next door, It's up to you, of it! Ir, Merchant, to get your share As a matter of advertisement your store should should be brilliantly lighted by Electricity The bright store attracts the most shoppers Sells the most goods, Light is the life and Electric Light is the life of trade, So all together everybody for brighter streets brighter stores brighter windows brighter homes for BRIGHTER COOS BAY, Telephone No, 1781, 1 The Coos Bay Gas n o & Electric Co. Marshiield and North Beid. vtttttttttttuutumttn zxttmmmtmttmxtxt i$00ti000i5tjii5000000. DRINK NATIONAL BEER t ABSOLUTELY PURE BOTTLED BY Mirrasoul Bros. z I'nuiNi; 1001 K&00OCtOOO0'-&0OiO4Oi0't'60t5$t?00O If Grocery For Sale at Invoice We aro now offering our entire Mock and good will for salo nt Invoice price. It is (ho oldest and best retail grocery bUuid hi North Rend. Apply ut onco to Corner Grocery QRIMES & CO. Sb North Rend, Oregon, i i ; i f iii ii ! wlifcgwwii. 555B. Wf. wssff