THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 30, 1907. BwuF- Personal Notes. Col. William Coach, of Bandon, la In Marshfleld. Gcorgo T. Moulton was over yes terday from Coqullle. p. B. "Walto arrived from Port land yesterday on the Alliance. W. E. Llewellyn is over from Myrtle Point for a Bhort visit. Mr. Chas. Wllklns, of Ten Mile, was a city visitor Friday. Mr. A. A. Coortell, of San Fran cisco, Is on Coos Bay for a few days. Mrs. LaPalme, of East Marshfield, , was shopping hero yesterday. Mrs. itobort nooko'was down from Coos River Friday. Mr. Aug. Erlckson was In from Ten Mile yesterday. v Miss Einio Collier, a Bandon school teacher, Is spending a few days in Jlarshfleld. Col. P. II. Brlgham, of North Bend, was attending to business af fairs In Marshfleld yesterday. A. Mareen returned yesterday from a business trip to Portland and other northern cities. Mrs. Ed Noah and daughter, of Coos River, were city visitors Fri day. Mrs. Major Tower, of Empire, spent yesterday in this city attend ing to business Interests. Miss Madge Barry, of Empire, Is spending a few days in this city as the guest of friends Miss Mary Black spent Thursday on Coos River as the guest of Mrs. Frank. Rogers. Miss Stella WIcklund, of Beaver Hill, is spending a few days with relatives In Empire. Fred Walker, of Chicago, Is on Coos Bay attending to business af fairs and incidentally visiting with friends in Marshfleld. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Temple, of North Bend, are soon to leave for Lowlston, Idaho, their old home, where they go to make an extended visit. Chas. Winsor, cashier of the Bank of Oregon, was In the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hammond, of Coqullle, are spending a few days with Marshfleld frierids. L. H. Hazard, oc Coqullle, spent Thanksgiving in Marshfleld with friends. Mr. Hazard Is expecting his family homo from California shortly, where they have been during the summer. Mrs. James Johnson, vof Minneap olis, arrived In this city yesterday to join her husband Mr. J. J. John son, a carpenter on Coos Bay. They will begin housekeeping immediately as full arrangements had been made before the arrival of Mrs. Johnson. Miss Mary McDonald, of North In let, was shopping in Marshfleld Friday. NOTICE. "Will the person who took a step ladder from the Times olllce please return it nt once? Voters Attention. Buy your firearms and ammunition at the Gunnery and save trouble. Notice of Election. Notice is hereby given that a general municipal election of the city of Marshfleld, Coos county, Oregon, will bo held at the council chamber at the City Hall of said city on Tuesday the 3rd day of December, 1907, for the purpose of electing a mayor for the term of two years, and two councllmen for the term of three years, and a recorder for the term of one year; that at said election the following charter amendments re ferred to the people by the common council will be voted on: "To extend the corporato limits," and "To increase the limit of in debtedness." That J. R. Llghtner, John Bear and A. P. Owen have been appoint ed as judges of the said election and C. II, 'Marsh, Clarence Pennock and L. R. Robertson have been appointed clerks of said election. Dated this 20th day of November, 1907. C. J. MAHONEY. Acting recorder G. E. Mickey has just received an other big shipment of goods, includ ing principally, dressers, chiffoniers, stands, folding beds, dining tables, kitchen safes Wd stoves, with many other pieces of new and novel arti cles. He finds his present location too small to handle the trade during the holidays, and has rented the old City Market building for a short time, where ho will show some of tho heavier pieces. Wo beg the in dulgence of our customers, in this somewhat Inconvenient plan, for a short time, when wo will try to ar range to servo them more to their satisfaction as well as ours. North Bend. Phone 531, For Sale, One Lot in Caples Addition to Marshfleld. For particulars apply to Mrs. Luclnda Chrisman, 567 Milwau kee Street, Portland, Oregon. Jituntttuttttttttttuttuuuttttttttttutunutt The Taylor Piano House is Z Closing Out the Entire Stock niwnwjttr)fti MMVMMMIAJtMMMW ...OF-- Eiler's Pianos WHICH CONSISTS OF 12 OR 15 PIANOS AND ORGANS These goods will be sold at prices never before heard of in Marshfield. Among tin's lot are Webers, H. M. Cables, Clarendons, Baileys and other high-grade instruments, .. h The object of this sale is to clear-rrry&lf of this incumbrance as I have made arrangements;fpr other goods. TAYLOR PIANO "HOUSE v BROADWAY nntnnnnnnnttniwnnntinttnnnt ntttii WANT A DS Rates for want advertising Five cents per line. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. Gentleman only. Apply Times office. FOR SALE Durham bull; apply J. A. Mcintosh. Coos Bay Creamery. FOR RENT Furnished room, $2.50 per week. "A" care Times. FOR RENT Housekeeping and bedrooms. Coos Bay Auciton Co. FOR SALE 18-foot gasoline boat Apply, to Max Tlmmerman. WANTED Waitress at tho Blanco Hotel. FOR SALE Good range with tank and connections, cheap. Coos Bay Bakery. WANTED Housework by compet ent dirl. T. C, "care orTImes. FOR SALE 3 half-story frame buildings at Bunker hill. Aug. Frlzeen. FOR SALE The Corner Grocery of North Bend, commencing Decem ber 1st, the entire stock of grocer ies and fixtures at Invoice. Grlmee & Co. FOR RENT Housekeeping and bed rooms. Call Times office. t So Easy Mountings and Toric Lens makes the best eye glass combination oit earth. Wo have one of tho finest electric equipped' Optical parlors In Oregon. Orders taken for Opera nnd Field glasses for Xmas Xircscnts. F. J. HAYES Optometrist. M. It. SMITH, Agent For Clinrlcs A. Stcvons CLOAK AND SUIT HOUSE CHICAGO Cor. First & B. St., Marshfleld y 4 4 . i 'I For TM V J liflBwI ' rr &N ' 1 uk fl J JSkm RUN Ej i : m Wflttn W iiH Vl Wflttn fe i ) h Cokm "8358 Wi INSIST 15 3 J Point W &B&,e3w ontxms D 3 ! I in pen y'l I Hnw KtfaW r j fa BooUtpuV IHf I""?, H i I'Y SunojmrhwX , lllKv until wve Y 3 T HinifcU ru ' & i unumitedV W varieties I " I For Bala at Tha Itod Crow. tt o ttttttttnttttutntttnttttttt Two Great Bargains tt ILubb Satm i ociayH M Mfik oo inrl Coots enze Rain The coats that have been so popular this year, a gar ment that does you the service required during the rainy seasons we have sold an immense quantity of these coats and are unable to buy more of them on account of the big demands on the factory. We there fore close out the remaining stock at greatly reduced prices, only a very few of them left, Silk Rain Coats, in Gray, Blue, Green and Tan Plaids and sold for 26,50 and $25,00 fc j ft Q Satin Rain Coats in Gray, Blue, Tan, Green and Black and Sold for $14,50, Today. $ 1 0.85 3 1-2 YD. CUTS IMPORTED FRENCH FLANNEL WAISTINGS We have about two dozen waist 'cuts which will be placed on sale at greatly reduced prices, Come in stripes and plaids and the prettiest thing wp have in the store to show you Are shades and patterns to choose from, Waist lengths sold for $4,50 today $3.00 Waist lengths sold for $3,50 today. $2.35 Waist lengths sold for $3,00 today $2.00 Waist lengths sold for $2,50 today $1.65 A BIG LINE OF HOLIDAY GOODS TO SHOW YOU A WHO IS? GKXGOODRUM The Gent's Furnisher If you do not know him it will be to your ndrnntngo to get ac quainted, for ho always lins n swell lino of NITTY TOGGERY as well as STAPLES. Something ncw in NIFTY HATS, TIES, COAT SWEETEItS, UMBRELLAS, BATH ROBES, PA JAMA SUITS, IIOSIERY AND SUSPENDERS for tho HOLIDAY TRADE just nrrlvcd. ASK POR WHAT YOU DO NOT SEE Order It Now Soma of that flno furniture for Xmas. Don't forget your friends when tho time comes hut you had better nut 'the order in now. AVo make nil kinds of fix tures or well ns furniture. Wo give nny finish no well ns nny stylo to suit tho cus tomer. See us nbotit the goods you want. Wo will build what you want nnd save you money. Coos Bay Furniture Co. North Bend, Oregon. I H " : D ; , , 8 H : FOR : B mM For Good Goods t Bros. tttttttttttttntt'ttttttttxtntixn w Grocery For Sale at Invoice Wo nro now offering our entire btock and good will for 6nIo nt invoice price. It is tho oldest and best retail grocery stand in North Bend. Apply nt once to ... Corner Grocery ... CRIMES & CO. North Bend, - Oregon. :e J COLUMBIA MACHINE WORKS Cavanagh, CKapman (8b Co. General Repair Work and Woodturning. Launches a Specialty Foot of Queen Avenue, Marshfield TRY A WANT AD Straight Whiskey I AND A Square Deal. 1 1 PHONE 481 I Marshfield Skating Rink Onon 1 to 10 P. M. weok days only, and Saturday afternoon. Admission, froo, 2G cents for use of rink skates, 15 cents when you uso your own. Special attention glvon to beginners. Best of ordor always maintained. D. L. AVERY, Manager tVOt5.'5OtJ0t?70CM0000000C0000 1 DRINK j NATIONAL BEER ABSOLUTELY PURE BOTTLBD BY Mirrasoul Bros. g PHONE 1531 ftO9OOO0$$9OeK$9990e