The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 23, 1907, SATURDAY EDITION, Image 3

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Mrs. Alsecn and daughters Mabell
and Ella aro at present at their homo
In Seattlo but -will arrive sh6rtly
after the holidays.
Mr. Ellsworth Carloton, nephew of
G. W. Carleton who recently came
to Coos Day to locate, arrived In yes
terday on the Breakwater and will
make his homo with Mr. Carleton.
Ho comes from Shelton, Nebraska.
Mr. Hoy Vlnner, of Portland, Is
spending a few days on Coos Bay
Investigating various business oppor
tunities. It Is probable that Mr.
Vlnner will locate In Marshfleld, If
not ho will go Into business nt Ban
don as ho owns considerable property
In that city.
Mrs. C. A. Sohlbrede loaves today
on the steamer Breakwater for
Portland nnd Salem where she will
visit with friends nnd relatives until
tho flrst. of the year, when she will
go to Fort William H. Seward at
Haines, Alaska, and visit her daught
er Mrs. Emma S. Held.
Charles Chlsholm, the young Sal
vation Army worker, who has been
In Marshlleld fo'r several months will
soon leave for Lewistown, Montana,
whero ho has been assigned work.
Mr. Hellescth, who was at one time
with the local work, Is collecting
money to assist In defraying Chls
holm's cxponses to Montana.
Mr. A. M. Esmond, representing a
Chicago firm, is In Marshfleld for a
few days attending to business. On
Monday Mr. Esmond will leave for
Coqulllo and visit tho river towns.
Thence Kolng to Itoseburg whore he
will remain a few days, and then go
into California. Mr. Esmond will
return to Coos county In January.
1,000 PEOPLE
Fresh shipment of grapes today.
Chas Stauff.
Personal Notes.
Football Danco Tonight.
The Football Dance takes place
this evening In the Odd Fellows' Hall(i
and the boys aro expecting a largo
crowd of thoso who enjoy the pas
time. Tho Coos Bay orchestra will
furnish music for tho occasion, and
everybody knows It will bo good.
Tho team Is planning on the re
ceipts of tho dance for aiding tho
expense of tho new suits which are
duo on the Plant. Any who go are
assured of an excellent time.
' Danco at North Coos River Hall
Nov. 30th.
Mr. L. L. Laney Is a city visitor.
Miss Laura Kruse, of North Bend,
Mr. George Ross, of Ross Inlet,
was a city visitor Friday.
Mrs. Kiano and sister, of Catching
was a city visitor Friday.
Mr E.1 Noah was attending to busi
ness in Marshfleld yesterday.
Born To the wife of Thomas J.
Scaife, November 17, a daughter.
MHs Nettie Morse, of Empire, was
shopping In Marshfleld yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. CHnkenbeard
were shopplngjn this city yesterday.
Inltt, wero shopping here yesterday.
Mr. Fish, of Crane and Co., of
Portland, is making a buslncs3 tour
of this section. x
Mrs. Dan Keating returned to this
city Friday after having spent several
days at Coqullle.
Mr. J. B. Davis, of Coos River,
spent Friday in Marshfleld attending
to business affairs.
Miss Margaret Page, of Seattlo, is
tho guest of friends and relatives In
this city for a few weeks.
Miss Jenny Garrmer, of Portland,
Is tho guest of Miss Luisa Carey, of
this city, until after tho holidays.
Miss J. Long, of Minneapolis, Is on
Coos Bay for her health and will re
main until her recovery is certain.
Mr., Smith, the hardware mer
chant of North Bend, is confined to
his room as the result of an operation.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. HoUerln and
Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Baker spent tho
last few days with friends on Catch
ing Inlet.
Mr. W. P. Keyno left this city yes
terday for his home in San Francisco
after having remained for three
weoks on Coos Bay with relatives.
Mr. F. A. Alseen is on Coos Bay
and will remajn through, (Jhpv. winter.
ilemocratlc Committee Gathers.
French Lick, Ind., Nov. 22. Mem
bers of tho democratic national com
mittee began arriving here this even
ing to attend tho meeting tomorrow
called by Chairman Taggart. Noth
ing definite is knova of tho purpose
of tho meeting, biu it is not likely
the committee will discusstho time
of tho next meeting or decide when
and whero the next national conven
tion Is to bo held.
Fresh Olympia Oysters nnd
frozen Toko Point Oysters, hardshell
clams, fresh fish, crabs and smoked
salmon today. The Emplro Fish
Market, near Pioneer Grocery.
Plays for Next Week.
Tho Mong theatre troop arrived on
tho Breakwater and will open an en
gagement next Wednesday night.
The company Is direct from tho east
whero they have been playing in
largo towns. Mr. and Mrs. Mong
wero called west by the death of Mrs.
Mong's father at La Grande, Ore.,
and they brought the troupe with
them. Coos Bay Is the flrst place In
tho west to see this troupe.
Barber Shop Being Moved.
Tho frame barber shop which was
built for occupation by a barber who
lately arrived on Coos Bay from
Butte, was seen moving down Broad
way yesterday. The building was
erected on tho north side of tho drive
way leading Into tho Dow warehouse
and Is' of two stories. It was found
by tho city council to bo within the
fire limits lately promulgated, and
was consequently ordered from its
location. Tho building will bo taken
southward about 100 feet and set
In from the sidewalk on tho Smith
company's property. Tho structure
belongs to the Smith company.
Neither shows, caucuses nor band
practlco prevented a good-sized at
tendance at tho regular Friday night
meeting last evening.
Tho Chamber met with tho ex
pectation of listening to Rev. Father
Donnelly on tho subject of "10,000
people for Marshfleld in almost a
year," and Mr. Hooppner, formerly of
Butte, on "Impressions of Coos Bay."
President McCormac and Vice Presi
dent Smith being both absent, tho
secretary presided, and addresses
wero delivered by Judge Francis
II. Clarke, Hon. C. A. Schlbrcde and
Father Donnelly.
Judge Francis II. Clarke was
called on for a report from the com
mittee on consolidation. In report
ing progress tho speaker reviewed
tho work of the committee and took
occasion to review the Initiative and
referendum amendment to tho con
stitution. It Is under this amend
ment that the consolidation of tho
municipalities on Coos Bay will bo
effected, if effected at all.
Tho speaker took occasion to re
view the conditions that created tho
demand for,, such an amendment and
set forth tho reason why it was ne
cessary for the peoplo to reserve with
themselves not only the power to veto
laws enacted by tho legislature but
also the power to Initiate laws them
selves. It Is very properly within
the power of tho peoplo of Coos Bay
to form themselves Into a corporate
body having port power, the speaker
maintained. It was an interesting
and instructive address, based on
legal research.
Mr. Clarke was followed by Judge
C. A. Sehlbrede, who emphasized tho
cities of Coos Bay, and the necessity
of co-operation in making the har
bor what it is destined to be. The
greatest hope, Mr. Sehlbrede de
clared, lies In the disposition of the
peoplo to move themselves, rather
than depend on some outside corpor
ation to come In and develop tho
shipping possibilities of the bay.
Rev. Father Donnelly was then in
troduced and spoke substantially as
follows: He said when he was In
Portland ho made the statement at a
banquet that a society which he be
longed to in Coos Bay had fifty-three
members and that next year it would
havo one hundred and fifty. He had
made tho further claim that Marsh
fleld would havo In almost a year,
10,000 more people than now. This
had caused some to call him a
"booster." He did not relish tho
namo and so felt that ho had to
prove his statement. Some of tho
men who aro very reliable and occupy.
positions of responsibility in connec
tion with certain Industries which
had been established on Coos Bay
had assured him that the needs of
tho industrial situation hero would
call thousands to the Bay. Ono of
them said In his department 1500
men would be required and that In
another department there would bo
an equal number employed. This
made 3000 men and as they' would
havo their families it would be con
servative to multiply the number of
mdn by three which would make
9000. and it would certainly take
1000 to caro for tho 9000, so that it
was plain enough that Marshfleld
would havo 10,000 In a year. It
would probably havo more than tfn
thousand. This number was reii:iy
conservative unless some financial
difficulty should arise and paralyze
everything In tho country.
Father Donnelly said ho fully
agreed with tho previous speakers,
Mr. Clarke and Judge Sehlbrede in
regard to tho importance of tho Bay
and tho Improvement of the nay.
Ho also believed that It should be im
proved by the peoplo themselves
rather than wait on tho long delayed
action of congress.
Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 22. After
voting decisively against considera
tion of tho Carmlchael .prohibition
club bill, tho senate this afternoon
retracted Its voto and practically
unanimously passed tho bill. The
hill as amended, provides that club-'
In existence prior to 1907 do not
come under tho provisions of the act.
It is also provided that additional
club members cannot be held liable
for violations of tho act, as was set
forth In the original bill.
I If Yon Have Not J
See Geo. Goodrum for your
The Launch
Lcnvcs Mnrshflcld nt 8:30 n. m. for
head of (lie tide water on South Coos
River. Returning, leaves nt 2:!10
p. m.
Thomas GoorJale
Taken a chance on the $10 that we give away
next Saturday night, you had better come right
away, for I have only a few tickets left.
A 50c Purchase Entitles You fa a Chance
Rates for want advertising Five
cents per line.
WANTED Place to take caro of
furnished rooms or chamber work.
Call Times.
FOIt RENT Furnished 3-room cot
tage. Inquire of Mrs. George Far-rln.
PANIC RENT 3 nice furnished bed
rooms. Phone 21.
Gents' Furnisher
C 8l Broadway
tr s-sw-Ns --r
Gavanagh, Chapman (Sh Co.
General Repair Work and Woodturning. Launches a Specialty
Foot of Queen Avenue, Marshlieid
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front
room. Gentleman only. Apply
Times office.
FOR SALE Durham bull; apply J.
A. Mcintosh. Coos Bay Creamery.
FOR RENT Furnished room, ?2.B0
per week. "A" care Times.
FOR RENT Good six-room house
on Balnes street. Apply to Chas.
II -.nnjnanuvwvumnjwinnnH
.in .-. 1. 1.. in ' i. -f
I Order It Now
FOR RENT Housekeeping and
bedrooms. Coos Bay Auciton Co.
FOR SALE Six good building lots,
all cleared, at MUUngton. Address
P. O. 317.
FOR SALE 18-foot gasoline boat
Apply to Max Tlmmerman.
WANTED Waitress at tho Blanco
Notice of Election.
Notice Is hereby given that a
general municipal election of tho city
of Marshfleld, Coos county, Oregon,
will be held at tho council chamber
at tho City Hall of said city
on Tuesday the 3rd day of December,
1907, for the purpose of electing a
mayor for the term of two years, and
two councllmen for tho term of three
years, and a recorder for tho term
of ono year; that at said election tho
following charter amendments re
ferred to tho peoplo by the common
council will bo voted. on:
"To extend tho corporate limits,"
finfi "Tn (nnrensn the limit of in
That J. R. Llghtner, John Bear
and A. P. Owen havo been appoint
ed as judges of tho said election and
C. H. Marsh, Clarence Pennock and
L. R. Robertson have been appointed
clerks of said election.
Dated this 20th day of November,
C. H. MAHONEY, Acting recorder
Some of that fine iunilturo
for Xinas.
Don't forget your friends
when tho time comes but you
had better put tho order in
Wo make all kinds of flv
turos as well ns furniture.
Wo give any finish ns well
ns any stylo to suit tho cus
tomer. Seo us about the goods you
Wo will build what you
want and save you money.
Cs B
ay Fnnntnre Co.
North Bend, Oregon.
rrrnrvrn-.r'TTs? 3TrrBrnT7rTTTVfTnWW.W-yf-M--lmrf
Fresh Oysters.
Received weekly at Gom Restau
rant, North Bend. Served any stylo
and open day and night. Also every
thing else the market affords.
Tndinn Murders Woman.
Portland, Nov. 22. A special to
tho Oregonlan from Sheridan, Ore
gon, states that Enoch Storce, an
Tndinn. la under arrest, charged with
with murdering Mrs. Adelino Bond,
also an Indian, with whom, it is al
io,!, ho had been living. Mrs. uonu
was found with her head crushed in
yesterday. Storce Is a graduate of
tho Chemawa Indian school.
Snokane. Nov. 22. A special to
the Spokesman-Rovlew from Rath-
drum, says; The attorneys in tno
Stevo Adams case agreed to tako sev
en hours on each side for arguments.
C. L. Heltman, local attorney for
Adams, spoko this afternoon, follow
ing that of counsel McFarland, who
opened for tho prosecution. At four
thirty, court adjourned until tonight,
when counsel Knight of tho prosecu
tion took up argument for the state.
Tho court will begin at nine' tomor
row, when Darrow and Baw'ioy will
bo given three more hours apiece for
arguments for tho defense and tho
state respectively, after which in
structions will he read and tho caso
taken over by tho jury. Both sides
look for a verdict before Sunday.
SjFi Ederheii
i v)fe?JMi 3$Kraii9R&
i sum mb...MMa . !. I i AL. lxtagm.
L p Com flBjffiN 1NilsT 5 S tiffiSJr &L.W IMS ilBBilvlfr"
i 18 vanrt 'Ml if Q
; mjsa 1 ; : .-2 .
j MinlfoU rem Ml """J s
it iur w ?
8 ;
For Salo nt Tho Red Cross.
cYale5S Overcoat
For Young Men
IF ypu'll acknowledge there's any
value in the advice of a store
that makes the study of clothing
its business every day in the year,
you'll promptly decide on a "Yale"
overcoat this time.
Style, snap and smartness stand
right out for everybody to see and
admire. Everything about it is
better because of the materials
it's made from and the new and
supericv way these materials are
Absolutely l?c neweot idea in good
taste and corracinens. Made from
unusually Rood jsi'lcjln fancy
patterns. Sires 20 i rC trees
$13 to ?35.
S ii ION
Fruit cako now on sale at Cor
belJJs pejlfiftt.egn,, ..,. rvm,r j
Lunches served at Cortholl's
L -nJfc atpyMfakffitfXrfC
M. R. SMITJT, Agent For
Cliarles A. Stevens
4 cnioAao
Oor. Sinai . St., MacshHeld
,,,.,. .
i i
We Do All Kinds of Job Work
U ' ll III! JlC'H HUM'J IU 1-llUl
.uaintjsE. uonuju oil; -roJ'tjjU
' .p- j- n:
.ml .noun-Mi iuir oiL oaxiv in. ji
nun uvt vi'i'ju.'j" a
Mr UN$M- i"AiJu&M,'.t.,,j.?:.i t
, j. j., .. .. li .. .,
. -. ii
I Uili' a. ,
U..A!3.-14.-A j- Llkv-fci &V