THE DAH.Y COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1907 saw HINT FOR A HISTORICAL PAINTING. Do Soto Roosevelt discovering the Mississippi. Bradley in Chicago News. Marshfield High School Songs & Yells T. the tackles and Then cheer for guards, boys, The (feuters, ends and backs; And give 'em tho ax, the ax, boys, JUid give 'em the High School ax: II. TBoom-chick-boom ! Boom-chick-boom ! oom-a-Jlg-a-rlg-a-Jlg-a-rlg-a-Jlg-a boom' Boom! Get a rat-trap bigger than a cat-trap, boom! Cannibal, cannibal, sissboom bah! Marshfield High School, Rah, rah, jah! III. "Taint no He, 'taint no bluff, -Marshfleld boys are red-hot stuff! IV. Sis boom bah! Marshfield High! First on the gridiron, last to die! ..Bah! Rah! Rah! V. Look at the elephants, bah-bah-boo! Wo aro Marshfield, who are you? VI. Will we skin 'em, Well I guess! Who will skin 'em? The M. H. S. VII. Hlptaminlca, honlca-rah! Boom ta la! Whee-e-e-e, etc. VIII. Marshfield High School, ( Pumpkins and squash, Can we skin 'em? Yes, by gosh! IX. Give 'em the ax, the 'ax, the ax! Give 'em the nx, tho ax, the ax! Give 'em the ax, the ax, the ax! Give 'em tho ax, where? Right in the neck, tho neck, the neck, Right In the neck, tho neck, tho neck, Right In the neck, the neck, tho neck, Itlght In the neck, there! X. Strawberry short-cake, Huckleberry pie! V I C T O R Y ! Aro we in it? Well I guessE "'V3V& Marshfield High School! Yes, yes, yes. XI. Hack 'em, chop 'em, Give 'cm tho ax! Throw 'em down, mow 'em down, Right In their tracks. Roll 'em, tumblo 'em, Lay 'em out cold! With a "Hip, hip, hurrah!" For tho purplo and gold! XII. ' ' Rah! SI! Ki! YI! .. ' , Hot, cold, wet, dry. "" Got there, Ell! Marshfield High! xiii. -";;: ;r, Ga rah! Ga rah! Ga room! Marshfield High School, yip, yah, boom! North Bend High School, givo us room! XIV. Mali, mah mail! ! v.TV " Bah, bah, bah! -V-.t Do 'em easy, do 'em quick! Show 'em Marshfield knows a trick! XV. One, two, three, four, five, six, soven! . . . la'l - . k The Marshfield team of nineteen sov en. Kalamazoo, kazoo, kazax! Give North Bond the Marshfield ax' XVI. Boom le-yo! Boom le-yo! Marshfield! Marshfield! Ho! Ho! Ho! Kl-yl! Kl-yi! Rah, rah, rah!. XVII. Rah! Rah! Rah! Pa! Pa! Pa! Run and tell your ma! ma! ma! Marshfield does not have to chew The Rag! Rag! Rag! XVIII. Boom-a-racket, Cheese-a-racket, Sis! Boom! Bah! 1 High School! High School! ' J'" Rah! Rah! Rah! XIX. Rah! Rah! Reo! . ' ', Who aro we? Don't you see? " """$., High School! Whee-e-e-e-e-e-e! XX. Ra, re, rl, ro, Ring, chlng, chang! Marshfield School Team! Zip! Boom! Bang! XXI. Wa hoo! Wa hoo! Rip, zip, bCfCia! We will yell for the M. II. S! XXII. Boom-a-racka, Boom-a-racka, Boom-a-racka-ree! Rlp-a-zlp-fr, Rip-a-zlp-a, Rlp-a-zlp-a-zee! Who are, who ar, who are we? Wo aro the girfif from tho High School, see? XXIII. Beef steak, beef steak, Hash, hash, hash! Ours Is tho team you cannot smash! XXVI. What's tho matter with North Bend? She's all right. Who's all right? North Bend. Who says so? Everybody. Oh, what a liar Oh, what a liar Oh, what a liar Everybody is. SOXGS. Booln, Boola, Boola, Boola Cheer for Marshfield. Cheer for Marshfield. Then we'll rough houso the North Bonders Till thoy holler Boola-boo. I. Tune, "Yankeo Doodle." North Bond lost tho football gamo, And don't know whero to find it. If you aro wise of courso you'll know That Marshfield was bohlnd it. II. S;T,- Ta-rah-rah-rah boora-dc-ay, How thoso North Bond boys did play. Wo did beat them bad today, Ta-rah-rah-rah boom-do-ay. w 't These. Possibly You Do? Wo luivo a number in stock which wo propose to offer you nt a Discount of 25 per cent. Today Only The Going & Harvey Co, Complete Home Furnishers THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS iBig Bargain Sale oil V jC tuiinprooi Clothin A lot of Men's, Boys', Ladies' and Misses' rain proof garments; "just the thing for this wet weather." Goods that wjere left over from a season before that we are anxious to close out and will sell at any price that will make them move, Don't Delay, for they are the Greatest Bargains we Have Ever Oftered Gents' Coats in Black, Tan, Gray and Navy, come blanket lined and absolutely water proof, no better garment made for rainy weather, some re tailed as high as $15, While they last you can have your Jk 4 fjlj choice of the entire lot all sizes w w Boys' Mackintoshes and Cravenettes Garments that are absolutely water proof and just the article for school wear, m While they last and you will Jl j have to come early, Choice t Ladies9 aid Misses9 Mackintoshes Only a few of these garments to pick from and for an extra good bargain take your pick for just $1.00 SENSATION BY PROSECUTION Don't think because we are offering these Coats so cheap that they are worthless. Come and examine them, it costs you nothing and if you don't say they are bargains we will present you with one gratis. mtttttttffl:mffitttKmtnttnmttmtmt 1 ty FOR RELIAfeLE GOODS Hawley Introduces Letters by Adams to Relatives Owning to Damnable Crimes. 1 : .J &:;. M I 'T$r You will roach tho ducks If you uso Mllner's shells. WRIGHT WILL NOT SELL TO FRANCE Several CJovornments Aro Wilding on Craft So Lonf? Guarded With Secrecy. Paris, Nov. 1C Orvlllo Wright, tho Dayton (O.) aeronaut, who, with his brother, la supposed to have In vented tho most practical airship In the- world, has departed from Paris "to continue negotiations with tho French Governmont for tho purchase of tho model machine. Tho Wright "brothers, It Is said, hare offorod a model to Franco for $100,000 after demonstrating that the real airship can navlgato 12 & miles and return to tho starting point. Tho Wrights rofuso to glvo Franco tho oxcluslvo right to tho machlno and as a result sovornl nations aro bidding for modols. England, Franco and Russia and Jripan havo negotiated with him, whllo his homo Government, America, neglected tho first chance to buy. LEAVES ROOM IN TEARS Mrs. Adams Breaks Down AVlien In criminating Epistles Aro Itead To tho Jury. Stiletto Pocket Knives will al ways hold nn edgo. Mllner's. Tho Ladles' Art Club will meet on Friday of this wook with Mrs. Frank Sumner. Times Want Ads Itrlng Results. Spokane, Nov. 21. A special to tho Spokesman-Review from Rath drum, says: The most dramatic In cident connected with tho trial of Stove Adams was tho Introduction o two letters by Prosecutor Hawley for tho stato this afternoon. Tho defense objected to their being read to tho jury, but Judge Wood declared them properly identified. During the read ing of tho first letter, Mrs. Adams arose from beside her husband and left tho room In tears. Sho did not return for nn hour. Adams turned marblo white and was motionless. His attorneys were nonplussed. The lottors wero not Introduced In evi dence at tho Wallaco trial from tho fact that U was not known that a copy of them had been kept. War don Whitney, of tho stato peniten tiary, found them soon afterward. They wero written between tho time Adams confessed and signed his con fession. Darrow, when tho letters nppeared, set his Jaw and went to work again as If It wore tho first day of tho trial Instead of what was sup posed to bo tho last for taking tes timony. Tho lottors woro written by Adams whllo in tho ponltontlary, to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver, his aunt and undo, and to his brother, W. T. 'Adams, Their general tenor Is dis closed in tho following oxtract; "I was glad to hoar of your bollef In my Innocence. I wish to God that I wa3, but I foil into bad company and was led to commit a number of most vllo sins, breaking tho laws of both man and God. Had I stayed with my church and with the ralslnc of my iHHHSESMEBaiSKIffiSHRHiiHraH poor parents who are, I believe, in heaven, I would be a free man today. But I allowed myself to bo led into sin most damnable. I am going to try and undo what I havo done and sin no more." Each sldo has Introduced Its In structions, tho stato asking as before, for murder either In the first or sec ond degree, or manslaughter. Tho defense has changed a few of Its sug gestions. Judgo Wood wants, to fin ish arguments by Saturday and will convene court at nlno o'clock to morrow, when R. E. McFarland and Henry P. Knight, for tho state, havo agreed to consume two hours each. McBeo and Heltman take tho same time for tho defense. Darro and Hawley say they will not consume more than threo hours each, but Judgo Wood said ho will not limit them. There will be a night session tomorrow night but tho defenso may have a llttlo sur-rebuttal tomorrow morning. After that tho arguments will take up tho time. EPIDEMIC OF SELF.DESTKUC TION STRIICES TOWN. Ono Man Accidentally Kills Himself, Another Makes Attempt and Third Saved From Drowning. Spokane, Wash., Nov. 17. Ono man dead from a rifle shot wound, solf-lnfllcted, but accidental, and two attempts by other mon to destroy their lives, is a record of two days In Grand Forks, B. C, and vicinity. Arthur Langford, whllo out deer hunting, leaned on the barrel of his rifle. Tho gun was discharged, and tho bullet went through his stomach. Langford died Friday boforo medical assistance could bo given him. George Elliott cut his throat Fri day with a Jackknlfo and immediate ly thereafter Jumped Into Kottlo riv er. Tho water proved to bo too cold and ho swam out. Ills wound will not provo fatal. Anothor attempt to ond his life by drowning was inado Saturday by a man named Clancy, who also Jumped into Kettle rlrer. Clancy was rescued. Story and Half Cottage. tP?1 Cozy Little Frame House With Unusually Attractive Interior, $2,400. Copjrrltfht. 1007, by Henry Witteklnd. Chleatfo. .'aSWSffisKy&'fissp'i' -4fi - 1 PERSPECTIVE VIEW. ID ; HITCHED I l'Q"X 9 'O" LIBRARY m?"X9'0 VISING ROOM o X9'0 II f3'6"X2' .-4 la'crxtro" nALL IZ S'CWtfb- 9 ihmiuifuMWC Lt-- to. VpRANDA Tt,0"B,O"- Heatlnc "toTea at Hilaer's. .'inV4 . Roof If ' I i Km mMmJPPlmmwmmWmTB&ml,mlmml, ' gain pAMjf ' Tl - - , (k CHAMBER k?.-(0 CHAMBER j chamber I yrlllJ -- : IZ'O'XII'6' i 6'o'XM'6l a r aLJtsEd-iJ-1 ' E