The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 21, 1907, THURSDAY EDITION, Image 3

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Personal Notes.
take a courso in stenography.
Mr. F. V. Rlvlan left this city yes
terday for Bandon where he will re
main for a few days attending to
business. From there Mr. IUvian will
continue his journey down to Eu
reka, roturning to Coos Day for the
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Wallace, of
San Francisco, accompanied by Miss
Lydeo Williams and Mr. Jack Wil
liams, of Oakland, are making a so
journ through Coos county and at
present are In Marshfield for a few
days. The party will visit tho vari
ous places of interest surrounding
this section, and then go to Coqulllo
and river towns. Thence leaving on
the first of December, they will
journey north and visit Portland, tho
surrounding cities and Vancouver.
Notice to Eagles.
Special train will leavo Marshfield
at 7 p. m Saturday, Nov. 23, for
Coqullle. Occasion, Initiation. Fare,
round trip, $1.00. All brothers and
visiting brothers are requested to
Full Text of Proposed Enlargement
of City Limits ami Limit of
E. II. Fish is here from Bandon.
Born Last evening, to tho wife of
Harry C. Miller, a son.
J. E. Paulson, a Coqulllo resident,
Is on Coos Bay for a few days' stay.
Mrs. V. Walker, of Bandon, is In
Marshfield' to visit friends.
H. J. Collier is over from Coquille
to spend several days.
J. R. Richards, of Boise, is a late
arrival who comes to look over the
W. '2. Kerr came over from Co
quille yesterday and will bo hero
until this morning's train.
Mr. C. C. Compleo returned to this
city yesterday after an extended
trip through tho eastern states.
Mrs. Miller, of Berkeley, is visit
ing her daughter Mrs. D. D. Smith,
of Marshfield, for an indefinite time.
Fred Looser returned to this city
yesterday after having spent several
days duck hunting. Mr. Looser re
ports excellent luck,.
Sheriff Gage has been in this vicin
ity several days looking after busi
ness connected with tho December
term of the circuit court.
Mrs. Jack Farley passed through
this city on Tuesday on her way to
her home in Empire after having re
mained np Coos River since last
Mrs. J. D. Hodson, of North Bend,
passed through Marshfield yesterday
on her way to Coos River, where she
will remain for some time visiting
with relatives.
' Mr. A. A. Courtney Jr. is making
his second trip with the Alliance as
freight clerk. Ho says that the
work is somewhat new to him, but
ho is mastering it readily.
Miss Emma Davis, of Minneapolis,
is visiting for a few weeks with rela
tives on Coos Bay; from here Miss
Davis will go to San Francisco and
Tho following amendments to tho
city charter of tho City of Marsh
field, C003 county, Oregon, were
proposed by tho common council of
said city on the 4th day of October,
1907, and filed with tho city re
corder on said day for submission
to the vote of tho people of said
City of Marshfield at the general
municipal election of said city to
bo held on Tuebday tho 3rd day of
December, 1907:
Ordinance No. 285.
"An ordinance to amend section
2 and sub-division 3 1 of section 28
of an act entitled' "An act to In
corporate the City of Marshfield,
and to define the powers thereof,
and investing the recorder thereof
with the power and jurisdiction of a
justice of tho peace, and the mar
shal with tho powers of a constable;
and to repeal an act to incorporate
the town of Marshfield, filed In tho
ofilce of the secretary of the state,
February 25, 1S99, and all acts
amendatory thereof, and also to
repeal an act entitled "An act to In
corporate the city of Marshfield and
to define the powers thereof, and
investing the recorder thereof with
tho powers and jurisdiction of a
justice of the peace, and the mar
shal with tho powers of a constable;
and to repeal an act to incorporate
the town of Marshfield, filed in the
ofilce of the secretary of tho state,
February 25, 1889, and all acts
amendatory thereof; and also to re
peal all acts and parts of acts in
conflict herewith, approved Febru
ary 7, 1899; and also to repeal all
acts and narts of acts in conflict
herewith, and to declare an emer
gency," filed in the office of the
secretary of state, February 18,
1905, and to refer tho said amend
ments to the vote of tho people of
said City of Marshfield, Coos county,
Tho City of Mnrslifleld Does Ordnin
ns Follows.
"To extend the corporate limits
Yes 300."
"To extend the corporate limits
Section 1. That section 2 of an
act entitled "An act to incorporate
the City of Marshfield, and to de
fine tho powers thereof, and invest
ing tho recorder thoreof, with the
powers and jurisdiction of a justice
of tho peace, and the marshal with
tho powers of constable; and to re
peal an act to Incorporate tho town
of Marshfield filed In tho ofilce of
the secretary of state, February 25,
1889, and all acts amendatory there
of, and also to repeal an act en
titled "An act to Incorporate tho
City of Marshfield, and to define
the powers thereof, and investing
tho recorder thereof, with tho pow
ers and jurisdiction of a justice of
tho peace and tho marshal with the
powers of a constable; and to re
peal an act to incorporate tho town
of Marshfield, filed in tho office of
the secretary of state February 25,
1889, and all acts amendatory there
of; and also to repeal all acts and
parts of acts in conflict herewith,
approved February 7, 1899; and
also to repeal all acts and parts of
acts in conflict herewith, and to de
clare an emergency," filed in tho
office of the secretary of state Feb
ruary 18, 1905, be and tho samo is
hereby amended so as to read as
Section 2. The corporate limits
of the City of Marshfield shall be
as follows, to wit: Beginning" at
tho center of section 22, In town
ship 25, south of range 13 west of
the Willamette Meridian; and run
ning thence southerly to the south
west corner o"f the northwest quart
er of the northeast quarter of sec
tion 3 in township 26 south, of
range 13 west; thence easterly to
tho southwest corner of the north
west quarter of tho N. E. 1-4 of
section 1 in said township 26 south,
of range 13 west; thence northerly
along the center lino of section 1
in township 26 south, of range 13
west, and sections 36 and 25 in
township 25 south, of range 13
west, to low water lino of tho north
bank of Coos River; thenco westerly
along low water line of the north
bank of Coos River to the confluence
of Coos River with Coos Bay; thence
northerly along low water line to
tho east shoro of Coos Bay to an in
tersection with tho center line of
section 22 in township 25 south, of
range 13 west, extended easterly;
thenco westerly along tho center
lino of said section 22 to the place
of beginning.
"To increase the limit of indebt
edness Yes 302."
"To increase tho limit of indebt
edness No 303."
Section 2. That sub-division 34 of
section 28 of said act be and the
same is hereby amended so as to
read as follows:
To appropriate money for city ex
penditures, and to provide for tho
payment of the debts of the city, and
to borrow money on the faith of the
city or loan the credit thereof, or
both, for municipal purposes; pro
vided, that the indebtedness of the
city shall never exceed in the ag
gregate five per ceiit of tho assessed
valuation of said city, which amount
of indebtedness is hereby authorized,
and any debt or liability incurred in
violation thereof, or In excess of
said amount, shall be null and void
and of no -effect.
Jana, a young milliner of Bilbao, te
contly Bhot dead a man to whom shn
had been betrothed and who had de
serted her. She was sentenced to
three years' Imprisonment.
A few days ago tho Corporation of
Milliners held a meeting at Bilbao,
at which the sentence was denounced,
and an address was drafted by tho
author, Manuel Aranaz, expressing
sympathy, with Pajana, and extolling
her act. This address was after
wards signed by 10,000 milliners.
Tho public prosecutor has decided
that the publication of tho address
is a punishable offense, and citations
to answer to the charge are now be
lnf made on tho author and all tho
The Alliance arrived in port yester
day forenoon, with 200 tons of
freight and tho usual full passenger
list. Captain Olson says tho voage
was rather tempestuous and that a
huge swell caught the vessel as sho
was coming In over the Coos Bay bar,
and there was considerable water in
tho chef's quarters. Tho Columbia
bar was likewise rough when the boat
came through. Tho Alliance will
leave this morning from Marsili-jld
at 8:30, providing her freight is dis
charged. Passengers were.
Jesse Farrin and wife, Frtvik
Davis, M&s Wasson, E. W. Holmes,
J. R. Richards, A. W. Watt and wife,
May Watt, Fred Watt, C. H. Joan
ston, D. H. Starr, A. H. Seameas,
Nelson Craine, L. F. Sutherland, W:n.
Homme and wife, Fronds Homme,
Franklin Hqmme. Jas. Jchns, F. Ja-z,
J BlanUo, W. Mlrrlsj, Jas. Douns,
Frank McDonali, 32. M. Ward, Oo.
Deamens, Chas. Cagi and wife, 3. D.
Vincent, J. S. De'"fngtr, M. P. Cast'e,
Mrs. Tlllie Cadcli, Leverne Cattle,
Pearl Castle, J. Bel, M. A. Jim, J. A.
Jim, D Colma, O. 1. .Nelson, A. B.
Nelson, J Coloff, J. .vidan, M. Coioff,
V. Stranoff, Mr3. Nellie Selley, J. a.
Stephens and wile, Tom Kelloy, ".V.
W. Faust and wife, E. B. McLeol,
Fred Marx, A. Davidson, Frank
McKee, I. K. Levy, E. Van Gilder, W.
W. Gabriel, W. W. Carland, J. H.
Callahan, W. P. Richardson, Jas.
Balnes, S. A. Horner, C. F. Nash,
E. Shield, Geo. Penketh, L. A. Stain
tach, R. E. Boggs, John Smith, Joe.
Cekada, F. A. Hunter, Tom Erick
son, Joe Worich, Austin Morrison,
Geo. Anderson and 12 2nd class.
Eugene, Or., Nov. 20. Conferen
ces between the officials of the Wil
lammetto Valley company and tho
city authorities have been held here
recently with a view to tho city's
buying tho company's water plant.
It is said that the estimates made by
the company's and the city's respect
ive engineers as to tho value of the
plant are practically the same, and it
Is probable that a sale will be made
within a short time.
Last month the citizens of Eugene
voted $300,000 bonds for the pur
pose of Installing a municipal plant,
and this is the first move toward
carrying out the wishes of the peo
ple. Tho old plant will be purchased
and better wells sunk from which to
obtain a pure supply of water, and
afterwards, when the occasion de
mands, some mountain stream will
be tapped and a gravity system installed.
Order It Now
Rates for want advertising Five
cents per line.
PANIC RENT 3 nice furnished bed
rooms. Phone 21.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front
room. Gentleman only. Apply
Times office.
FOR SALE Durham bull; apply J.
A. Mcintosh. Coos Bay Creamery.
FOR RENT Furnished room, $2.50
per week. "A" care Times.
FOR RENT Three-room cottage,
furnished. Apply Mr3. Geo. Farrin.
on Balnes street.
six-room house
Apply to Chas.
FOR RENT Housekeeping and
bedrooms. Coos Bay Auclton Co.
FOR RENT 3 modern and throughly-
up-to-date 5-room flats. For
particulars see Dr. Richardson.
FOR SALE Six good building lots,
all cleared, at Mlllington. Address
P. O. 317.
y Some of that fine furniture
for Xmas.
Don't forget your friends
when tlie time comes but you
Iind better pnt tho order in
Wo ninkc nil kinds of fix-
O turos ns well ns furniture. $
Wo givo nny finish ns well
ns any stylo to suit tho cus-
Sco ns about the goods you
Wo will build what you
wnnt nnd save you money. 4-
Coos Bay Furniture Co.
North Bend, Oregon.
: FOR :
W T?5f Ljf
PHONE 431.
FOR SALE New furniture cheap.
Will sell part or as a whole. Ap
ply at Times.
The furniture (used three
weeks) of a six-room house, for sale
quick. House to rent. Inquire of
Donald Bell Co. Has Good Repertoire.
W. J. Butler, of the Masonic opera
house, has received a letter from the
Donald Bell Theatre Company, which
expects to mako Marshfield during
January, asking about tho methods
of getting Into tho country. This
company carries every piece of
scenery, every property and the ef
fects for its productions, making In
all, about two tons of baggage.
Among tho plays in tho company's
repertoire are tho following: Kath
leen Mavourneen, Silver and Gold,
Our Boys', Mr. Yankee Doodle, Out In
Idaho, My Uncle From Now York,
Down on tho Farm, Tho Deputy
Sheriff, The New East Lynno, Hazel
Klrke, Esmeralda, A Wife's Honor,
Lost in New York, A Rocky Mountain
Girl, Tho Prlvato Secretary, Only a
Sailor Boy, Tho Gambler and tho
Girl, The Gypsy's Warning, A Little
Coquette, Tho Curse of Riches, Tho
Heart of Colorado, Moths. They car
ry twelve actors and have now plays
in preparation constantly.
FOR SALE 18-foot gasoline boat
Apply to Max Tlmmerman.
-Waitress at the Blanco
FOUND Pair glasses. Owner may
uavo samo by calling at C. E. Wol
cott's store and describing them.
Milliners of
HiKiin Must Now
For Glorifying
j.Madrld, Nov. 20. Ten thousand
women are being summoned to ap
pear in tho courts to answer for hav
ing glorified a crime. Jesusa Pa-
1 1 a soraa is.
i W Wrlttrt iWyfilfrCW. Wnler. ? 1
r ft i jjwkw" 't
ii 3 s.Ub 1 DBsaiSs w,c" i
tkl1 WIe i :
3 f In pen iwSij7 19 7
I I i3MiW t ft
J'W SKnojnphm' . mS you uo V ft
MinJoll Pen jlli nily utl ft
1 jn. 'Ill JW v ft
yggp y ! 8
For Snlo nt The Red Cross. ft
Who Makes' XIMGOOD
WE always like to know all we
can about the makers who
produce the clothes we offer you;
and we'd like you to know about
them too.
C One of the main reasons -we sell
y-TRAooon js the fact that tney are
made by Ederheimer, Stein & Co.,
Chicago, in the most modern ana re
markable tailor shops ever built; in
large, light, airy, clean ouilaings
specially erected ana nccea iur
making clothes better and differ
ent than others nave aone gr
are doing.
& Betide the longer wear your boy will
get out of YTRAGOOD. the better
appearance and more perieci in
that you'll appreciate, it an ad
vantage to know they re clean i
and wholesome, as well as I
most durable, reliable,
Overcoat -
Ages 7 to 17.
Prices $5 to $12.
honest, economical.
M. R. SMITH, Agent For
diaries A. Stevens
Oor. First & V. St., Karshffctd
Mirrasoul Bros.
PHONE 1531
We Do All Kinds of Job WorU