The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 17, 1907, SUNDAY EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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At the Churches
Personal Notes.
Miss Black was a city visitor Sat
urday. Mrs. P. Brier was a city visitor
Miss Stella Rorko, of Coos River,
was a city visitor Saturday.
Miss May Magee spent yesterday In
Marshfleld with friends.
Mlbs Sadie Kruse Is visiting in
Marshfleld for a fe.w days.
Mrs. Waley, of Bay Park, was
shopping In this city yesterday.
Mr. J. S. Coke left this city yes
terday on a business trip to Portland.
Mls3 Stevens, of North inlet, is
vlblting with relatives in this city
for a few days.
Mrs. Roberts, of Ten Mile, is vis
iting her mother, Mrs. Rose, of East
Mr. Russell, of Beaver Hill, waB in
Marshfleld, attending to business af
fairs yesterday.
Misses Alpha and Stella Nicklund,
of Empire, spent Saturday in this
city with friends.
Miss Florence Atkinson, of Co
quille, is the guest of Miss Alice Mc
Cormac for a few days.
Mr. W. R. Blaine and wife, of Eu
gene, Or., are In Marshfleld and will
make their home, entering Into busi
ness of some kind.
Mr. Fred Straub, of Barr Bros., of
San Francisco, is making a business
tour of this section. Mr. Straub will
Tie in this city for a few days.
Mr. D. D. Wallson, of Minneapolis,
with his wife and children, are on
Coos Bay and will make their homo
either In Marshfleld or Empire.
Mr. Watson, of Murphy, Grant &
Co., of San Francisco, is on Coos Bay
attending to businesss Interests con
nected with the firm ho represents.
Mr. V. H. Kennedy returned to
Marshfleld yesterday on the Plant,
after having been absent for ten days
on a business trip to San Francisco.
Mr. Jay Mahoney Is filling Judge
Upton's position at present, the lat
ter being In Portland for a week or
ten days attending to business af
fairs. Advertised List.
List of unclaimed letters remain
ing in tho Marshfleld, Oregon, post
office Nov. 15, 1907. Persons call
ing for tho same will please say ad
vertised and pay one cent for each
advertised letter called for.
Andrews, Henry A.; Brown, G.
Jay; Broadway, C; Bennett, Mrs. J.
H.; Berger, Leroy; Carter, Henry;
Corum, Tom; Cottle, Chas.; Dlbert,
Elmer; Erickson, Herman; Gillesby,
J. L.; Hall, Clair L.; Hyde, Glenn;
Henderson, E. Stanley; Heard Jef
ferson; Hodson, Frank; Hulbert,
Ralph; Hume, Mrs. H.; Jackson, A.
J.; Johnson, Miss Thelma; Johansen,
Kristian; Johnson, Mrs. A. R.; Klb
ler, Wm. H.; Leathers, Mrs. Nettle;
Long, Eugene; McDonald, Mrs. John
D.; Markwell, E. A.; Marshall, A.;
Meyers, Bert; Nagle, Williams;
Nicholls, Geo.; Pyburn, James, 2;
Parter, Jlmmle B.; Panener, Mrs.
Agusta; Peters, Mrs. Charlie; Robin
son, Eugene; Rondeau, John; Stone,
Herman; Smith, Mrs. W. B.; SmlthJ
Mrs. M. E.; Smith, Billy; Sundquist,
Victor; Thoron, Miss Thelma; Tracy,
Dan; Victory, William H.; Watson,
Alf. 2; Whealdon. Will; Wilson, Mrs.
Archie. W. B. CURTIS, P. M.
Watch our display window for
fine lino of cakes this week. Coos
Bay Bakery.
Eugene, Or., Nov. 15. Early Mon
day morning a 10-days old girl baby
was left on the doorstep at the resi
dence of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gum in
Eugene. They heard a noise on tho
porch, and getting up they found the
child wrapped in a blanket and shiv
ering from the cold. The person who
left It there purposely mado a noise
so that the child would bo taken in
Immediately. On the child's clothing
was tho laundry mark of the Salem
hospital but aside from that there is
nothing else to indicate wher,e it
came from or to whom It belongs.
Mr. Gum and wife are both over 60
years of age, and will probably not
keep the baby, although they would
like to. Already several women have
offered to take It off their hands.
Thanksgiving fruit cako now on
sale. Coos Bay Bakery.
Homo From California.
A. G. Thrift returned from a visit
to San Jose, Cal., this week. He was
absent three weeks, and now says
Coos Bay is the best place on earth.
Let us roast your Thanksgiving
turkey. Coos Bay Bakery.
Died Away From Ilome.
Sacramento, Nov. 16. Joseph
Reott, a well-known business man of
Spokane, was found dead in a hotel
In this city today. His clothing gave
'evidence of financial straitB.
Tho First rrcsbyterlnn Church.
Announcements for Sunday No
vember 17. The Sunday school con
venes for Bible study at 10 a. m.
Morning Worship held at 11 o'clock.
The sermon will bo preached by the
pastor. His theme will bo "Practical
Ways to Insure Success." At G:30
p.'m. tho Young People's Society
hold their devotional service at tho
church. The service will be conduct
ed by Mr. Chas. Stauff. Tho topic:
"Wanted: Mon for Gideon's Band. '
Tho evening service Is held at 7:30
p. m. with preaching by tho pastor.
The subject Sunday evening will be:
"Babel and Pentecost." Tho special
musical features at tho preaching
make them attractive as well as help
ful. Strangers find a hearty welcomo
hero and so does everybody.
Methodist Chinch.
W. R. F. Browne, Pastor. 10 a. m.
At tho Redmen hall,, on Friday
night, November 15, tho Modern
Woodmen of America, now sprung
to life In Marshfleld aftor a long
sleep, had a fine meeting, full of in
terest to all and of benefit to many.
The North Bend team of Foresters,
accompanied by a number of mem
bers of tho order from that city, were
strongly in evidence and had charge
of the degree work. Seven new mem
bers camo through tho forest into
camp on that occasion.
A splendid lunch was served by
tho Palace Restaurant force at the
close of tho military ceremony.
G. A. R.
There will be a iegular meeting
of Baker Post, No. 8, G. A. R., in
the City Hall, North Bend, on Tues
day, November 19, at 7:30 P. M.
Important business. All comrades
in good standing invited.
W. E. THORP, Comdr.
Predicts Waterway Connection.
Denver, Nov. 1C. John Barrett,
director of tho International Bureau
of American Republics, speaking to
day at a banquet given In his honec
by tho Denver Chamber of Com
merce, made tho prediction that
eventually Denver will bo connected
Vy canab with tho Gulf of Mexico
and the Mississippi River
Silk Mills Close.
York, Pa., Nov. 1C. Three silk
mills in this city, owned by the
American Silk Company, closed it
noon today, throwing botween 800
to 1000 employes out of work.
Unlversitj or Oregon Experimenting
With Tests of Strength and
University of Oregon, Eugene,
November 16. The department of
engineering of the University of Or
egon has begun a series of exhaustive
tests on the strength and impermea
bility of concrete for building pur
poses and for the construction of
dams and reservoirs. The ordinary
water-proof concrete is mixed in the
proportion of one part of cement to
two parts of sand and four of stone.
If, though electrolytic action, in
duced by the addition of a small per
centage of clay, alum or other
agents,, the approximate proportion
can be changed to the ration of one
to three to six, it can easily be seen
that a large saving can be made in
tho cost of materials, since the ce
ment is the expansive part of the
wall. Certain experiments already
made have tended to show that con
crete so mixed has both greater
strength and greater impermeability.
To determine whether or not this is
true, some 300 or 400 tests will be
mado, extending through tho year,
with varying definite amounts of
electrolytic agents added. Each sam
ple will bo submitted to a water pres
sure test of from 40 to 100 pounds to
tho square Inch, in adldtlon to the
regular compression tests. Tho de
partment of chemistry Is co-operat
ing, and the most thorough work
possible wll lbe done. C. A. McClaln
and J. W. McArthur, of tho depart
ment of engineering, will have
charge of the tests.
Since the University has at pres
ent no money available for the car
rying on of such work, tho expenses
will be borne by the men in charge-.
Improvement in New York Relief
Given Middle
Washington, Nov. 1C. Secretary
Cortelyou said today on leaving tho
cabinet meeting that financial mat
ters bad not been considered, that
the outlook was Bteadlly Improving,
principally In New York, the relief
Sabbath school. 11 a. m. sermon and
reception of members, 12 m. Sacra
ment of the Lord's supper. 3 p. ni.
Junior League. 7:30 p. m. sermon
"Tho Cry of the Disinherited." A
cordial Invitation Is extended to nil
these services. The evening sermon
is especially for tho working man.
St. Monica's Catholic.
Mass at 8 and 10:30. Edward
Donnelly, rectpr.
First Baptist Church.
10 a. m. Bible school, F. M. Stew
art, superintendent; 11 a. m. sermon:
"The Golden Key of Prayer." 3 p.
m. Junior union; G:30 p. m. sermon:
"The Road to tho City." Special
music by the choir at both services.
Young People's Prayer meeting,
Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Strangers
especially invited to these services.
D. W. THURSTON, Pastor.
was being extender quite freely to
tho Middle West, principally to St.
Louis. This did not indicate that
tho situation in this locality was seri
ous, ho said, but simply showed a
general easing up of the stringent
Clarinda, Iowa, Nov. 16. William
P. Hepburn, chairman of the house
committee on Interstate rnd foreign
commerce, speaking of possible con
gichflonal legislation ihls winter
3f id: "I regard it as ex'.vnmoly prob
able there will bo enacted legislation
to secure regulation of Ine insues of
stefks and bonds of corporations do
ing interstate business. I also re
gird It as most desirable that tho
taxing power of the Government
slou'd be used to prov)it gunbling
r. railroad stocks."
- t a
I I have a few hats for men and
i boys that aro odds and, ends
t which I will sell for $1.00 to
close out stock.
These hats have been selling
;; for $2.50 to $3.00. There is
;; nothing shoddy nbout them.
', If you can find your size take
;: one at $1.00.
Rates for want advertising Five
cents per lino.
Times Want Ads Bring Results.
FOR RENT Housekeeping and
bedrooms. Coos Bay Auciton Co.
Times Want Ads Bring Results.
WANTED Teacher with some ex
perience, for the Prosper school.
Apply to R. W. Bullard, Bullard,
Times Want Ads Bring Results.
LOST In Bay Park a red leather
pocket portfolio, containing mem
oranda valuable to owner. Re
ward will bo paid for return to
this office.
Times Want Ads Bring Results.
LOST Small yellow dog, answers to
name 01 anoozer. i-an pus uuu
part spaniel. Return to Times.
Times Want Ads Bring Results.
FOR RENT 3 modern and through
ly up-to-date 5-room flats. For
FOR SALE Six good building lots,
all cleared, at Mlllington. Address
P. O. 317.
WANTED Furnished, rooms for
light housekeeping, for two. Ad
dress G ;are Times.
WANTED Bo'y or girl to strip to
bacco. Apply over Times office.
Kroeger Pianos J
They are in Every Respect
Ideal Creations.
W. R.
rnunntnnnt t
I Wednesday Eve'g, Nov. 27th. I
particulars see Dr. Richardson.
Times Want Ads Bring Results.
FOR SALE New furniture cheap.
Will sell part or as a whole. Ap
ply at Times.
Times Want Ads Bring Results.
FOR SALE Lodging-house. Call
at this office.
The furnlturo (used three
weeks) of a six-room house, for sale
quick. House to rent. Inquire of
Times Want Ads Bring Results.
FOR SALE 18-foot gasoline boat
Apply to Max TIramerman.
Times Want Ads Bring Results.
WANTED Waitress at tho Blanco
Times "Want Ads Bring Results.
FOR RENT Three nicely furnished
rooms for housekeeping.
Times Want Ads Bring Results.
WANTED Tho public to know that
I havo located at the Marshfleld
track, and will tako horses to train
and break. Joe Hatfield. Apply
at track.
Times Wont Ads Bring Results.
FOUND Pair glasses. Owner may
have samo by calling at C. E. Wol
cott's store and describing them.
Are not merely GOOD PIANOS but they
are PIANOS which represent the HIGHEST point
gained by modern piano makers.
rj J w rf J j J J cj J9 9J r
They are made under the personal super
Every part which enters into their composition
is a KROEGER CREATION. Therefore when the
finished product leaves the factory purchasers
have Every Guarantee that the instruments are
as good as human skill can make them.
; ; H; :; : ; :H i -1 ! H
They are perfect in every detail. They are
encased in the most beautiful veneer which the
best markets of the world afford.
Our easy terms will explain WHY you
should, and how you can at once become a
member of our long list of satisfied purchasers.
Haines Music Co. H
Music by the Coos Bay Orchestra
Admission, - 50
-: FOR :---
1 PHONE 481
Cf-ffYVX rACPQ Plate-glass Floor Cases
rivW wADDij any shape, any style made
CHIC! JrlAl UK.2 Manufacturing Co,
Odd Fellow' Building,