The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 14, 1907, THURSDAY EDITION, Image 3

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Personal Notes.
Mr. Geo. Beal was a city visitor
Mr. Julius Kruse was a city visitor
Mrs. Morse, of Empire, was shop
ping In this city.
Miss Billings was a city visitor
Mr. Y. B. Yates was down from
Coos River.
MIs3 Anderson spent Wednesday In
Marshfield with friends.
Mrs. Inglo was a visitor In this
city yesterday.
Mr. Hoy PInkcrton, of North In
let, spent Wednesday in Marshfield.
Mr. Davis and Mr. E. B. Norrls
left this city hy way of Drain today,
for San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Grey, of Los
Angeles, are visiting friends "in this
city for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bone have
moved to North Bend and will make
their winter home there.
Mrs. 11. B. Larks, of Portland, is
visiting her daughter Mrs. L. u.
Watts, of Marshfield.
S. Wisse and daughter Nora have
returned to Coos Bay and are located
in Marshfield for the present.
Mrs. D. F. Forrest, of Portland,
Is in Marshfield attending to business
affairs and incidentally visiting with
old friends.
Mr. Plielan left Marshfield yester
day for his home In Myrtle Point
after having spent a few days in
this city with friends.
Mrs. J. Blanch, of Portland, left
this city for her home after having
spent several days on Coos Bay as the
guest of relatives.
Mrs. Rose Arrington is a patient
at the General Hospital. She will
leave Sunday on the Plant for south
ern California, hoping to Improve her
health by the change of climate.
Mr. R. B. Hooper left this city yes
terday for Idaho where ho will join
his family and settle various busi
ness affairs; returning in January to
Coos Bay where he will make his
permanent home.
Miss Elolse Percy passed through
Marshfield yesterday on her way to
Roseburg where she will be the guest
of relatives for a week and thence"
continue her journey to her home In
San Francisco after having been on
Coos Bay for several weeks.
Dr. B. M. Richardson will leave
this month for New York City where
he will study the eye, ear, nose and
hroat, returning next summer to
i-Iarshfleld. During his absence Dr.
A. L. Ilousewirth will have charge
of Dr. Richardson's practice from
November 15. Dr. House wirth has
b.een in general practice at Cushion,
Oklahoma, for the past 12 years.
Dr. Houswlrth and wife are at pres
ont residing with Mr. Mansut a for
mer friend in Oklahoma.
Notice is hereby given that a
caucus of tho legal voters of the
City of Marshfield will bo held at
tho I. O. O. F. hall in said city, on
tho 19th day of November, 190?, at
7:30 o'clock P. M., to nominate can
didates for tho office of Mayor for
tho term of two years, and two Coun
cllmen for tho term of three years,
and a Recorder for a term of one
Dated this 8th day of November,
1907. J. M. UPTON, Recorder.
Bandon, Nov. 11. Dr. Mann, of
Langlols, It. a caller in Bandon for a
couple of days.
Miss Ethel Tlmmons left Saturday
for a short visit with friends in Curry
An attempt to burglarize the resi
dence of P. A. Jamleson was frus
trated Saturday night. The parties
believed to be a man and a woman
escaped and have not been appre
hended although Chief of Police
Gardiner claims to have clues that
will probably lead to their deten
tion. Estimates of Bandon's population
as Judged by the residences and the
hotels' population and from the
school attendance place It at about
2500. This is regarded as very con
servative by many of the radically
The deputy inspector of fish can
neries was a visitor hero Saturday
Investigating conditions in the Tim-
mons Cannery. He announces evpry
thlng to be in excellent shape.
The entertainment given by E. M.
Rose and his troupe In tho opera
hall Saturday was good and well at
tended. Elmer D. Hufford has purchased a
valuable piece of suburban property
and commenced a residence building
upon it.
The steamer Favorite ran aground
on the flat just above town Saturday
morning and waited for tideto take
her off. The Liberty made tho trip
In her place.
Miss Clalno Walker expects to
leave soon for California where she
will spend the winter.
Bandon, Nov. 12. Captain Wil
lard has resigned from his position
on the steamer Favorite. Ho Is hav
ing a new gasolene launch built at
Tlmmerman's yards on tho Bay,
which will be the largest of its kind
this side of the Sound, being G5 feet
long with .C feet C inches beam; he
will put It on the Cotiuille-Bandon
route and tako tho command him
self. George Mannett shot six wild
geese out of a flock of seven that
lighted within a half-mile of town
John Blank was arrested Sunday
night at Prosper on a charge of
stealing carpenters' tools in Bandon,
and he now languishes in the city
bastllo waiting for holidays to cease.
Tile Christian Church Sunday
School basket social last night was
a decided success, and netted them
considerable finance.
Tho city is full of people and it
is almost impossible to supply
strangers with rooms. Last night
several drummers occupied blankets
on office floors, and families are
living in factory lofts and in tents
while lumber orders cannot be filled
to supply tho building going on.
Masquerade Ball, nt Sumner,
November 33. Good music.
To Whom It May Concern
I will not he responsible for any
bills i ontmeted by Mrs. Georg-! Elli
Annual Bazaar and Supper.
The Annual Bazaar of the
Ladies' Aid Society of the Presby
terian church which has been an
nounced for Wednesday, November
20th, will be held In the new attract
ive O'Connell building. In addition
to the bazaar, the ladies will serve
a chicken supper following their
usual custom, which announcement
will please the men folk quite as
much as the women. Remember the
date and place.
reached here tonight that a bat-
tie occurred at McElmo Canyon
O between Ute Indians and tho
United States troops, in which
six Indians were killed. o
soldiers were killed or wound-
Open meeting of Local Union,
No. 1777, at North Bend, Wednes
day evening, November 13. All car
penters and laborers are Invited to
attend. Light refreshments.
. (S. C. Roby,
Com.(C. King,
(G. H. Truman.
Recipe for Cciiteiiarinnisni.
Harrisburg, Or., Nov. 13. David
Eugene Olson, pastor of the Christian
Church, delivered two lectures, on
Friday and Saturday evenings, on
"How to Live a Hundred Years." He
touched on tho power of thought over
tho body, subjective mind, cure with
out medicine, mental telepathy, sug
gestive therapeutics, etc., and told
how to live long, useful and happy
lives. Tho lectures were well at
tended and various views were taken
of tho subjects by those attending.
Piano tuning by J. F. O'Reilly,
resident tuner. Address Box 249,
Boise, Ida., Nov. 13. H. H. Gllck
man, a Chicago traveling man, was
drowned in tho plunge at the Nata
torlum here last night. It is believed
ho was stricken with heart disease
while in the water. Glickman was
tn liiivo been married today to Mabel
Shoemaker, of Baker City, Or., who
came here Saturday.
A. H. Eddy for plans and speci
fications of your now home.
Fremont, Neb., Nov. 13. Archie
Venuto Is dead as tho result of an
nttnmnt to live on n. neanut diet. He
Istarted the diet a week ago, and at
the end of four days was completely
crazy and was placed in a hospital.
He refused to eat anything except
peanuts an! died this morning or
The Concler?" Is a Peculiar Institu
tion li. Several Ways.
You leave your curd at the door of
tho person to whom you desire to pre
sent yourself, and there it Is ken iu
chargo by that peculiarly Fiencli func
tionary, the concierge, says Professor
Barrett Wendell In Scrlbncr's. At
least in Paris, the greater part of
French people live In large houses con
taining a number of apartments with
a common entrance and staircase.
Close to the entrance door, on the level
of tho street, are some stuffy little
rooms Inhabited by tho concierge, or
porter, with his family. Their duty,
among other things, is to keep strict
watch on whoever goes in or out, and
nt lenst one of them, often the porter's
wife or half grown daughter, is always
at hand.
Tho chief peculiarity of their temper
ament seems to bo insatiable appetite.
At whatever hour of day or evening
you call on n concierge you nre sure to
find somebody eating rfr just risen
from table, and tho ntmosphere inhab
ited by this bustling personage seems
Itnhiortally laden with the fumes of
something iccently boiled.
No matter whether you call on n
friend who lives in home unpretentious
out of the way place or on one who
inhabits something like a palace, the
concierge is always nbout tho same.
You can detect little difference be
tween those in charge of important
doors and of Insignificant. They are
as like as house tiles. Of course there
arc private houses in Paris, with regu
lar domestic servants such as you
would find anywhere, but these, grand
or simple, are so unusual that you re
member the concierge as everywhere
standing between you and further hu
man Intercourse.
In response to your card, which thj
concierge duly sees delivered, comes a
card, often with n note, in return. If.
as is generally tho case, this acknowl
edgment of your existence eontrlns nn
Intimation of when your French ac
quaintance may be found at home, ei
ther habitual or for your special bone
fit, you make your hccoik! visit at this
appointed time and thus enter Into real
personal relations.
Otherwise, your intercourse has limit
ed itself to a polite exchange of curds.
Generally speaking, you never expect
or attempt to see French people socially
except when they have asked you to
one of their regular days of reception
or have made a definite appointment.
To call on a person at any other time
to do more than leave your card with
the concierge would bo an intrusive
pretense to intimacy.
i'ou can waste a good deal of time
telling how reliable you are.
You never say a man won't listen to
reason If he agrees with you.
A boy is liberally abused if he Isn't
polite, but how many say "Thank you"
to a boy? . '
No one seems to have as hard a time
earning money as the woman who mar
ries for It.
Tho nverago man's idea of religious
liberty is tho privilege of staying homo
from church.
Having good Judgment and being "a
fool for luck" are frequently tho story.
of a single financial success told by
different parties.
"How poor nre they who have no
patience! What wound did ever heal
but by degrees?" Who is the author of
tho above? It Is not Important wheth
er you can remember tho author if you
can soberly uceep't the lesson taught.
Atchison Globe.
The Value of Diamonds.
The value of tho diamond is at so
much per carat, and up to a certain
limit the value per carat Increases as
the size of tho stone Increases. When
a carat diamond is quoted at $125, a
diamond weighing a half a carat Is
counted at the rate of $75 per carat,
three-quarter carat diamonds at $100
per carat, one and one-quarter carat
diamonds at $140 per carat, one and
one-half carat diamonds at $150 per
carat, one and Uiree-quarter carat dia
monds at $180 per carat, and two carat
stones at $200 per carat. Stones weigh
ing more than two carats sell at about
the same rate as that quoted for two
carat stones, and do not Increase as
rapidly owing to tho more limited de
mand for the larger sized stones. New
York Herald.
To Calculate Longevity.
"Bacon took a deep Interest in
longevity and its earmarks," said a
physician, "and Bacon's signs of long
life and of short life are as true today
as they ever were. You won't live
long, Bacon pointed out, if you havo
soft, flno hair, a fine skin, quick
growth, largo head, early 'corpulence,
short neck, small mouth, brittle and
separated teeth and fat ears. Your
life, barring accidents, will be very
lengthy if you have slow growth,
coarse hair, a rough Bkln, deep wrln-.
kles In tho forehead, firm flesh, a large
mouth, wide nostrils, strong teeth set
close together and a hard, gristly ear."
Dogs That Worry
If you have ever seen a dog that has
lost Its master In a London street you
will wonder whetlter oven the lower
animals have not the elements of wor
ry to disturb them. But tho man wor
ries about many other things than
bones or masters, and the dog never
suffers from Insomnia through fear of
a future life or the state of his bank
ing account. Reader.
Watted 8ympathy.
Beuevolent Old Mau I am sorry,
Johnny, to cce ; v ha o a black f-e.
Pronilsln;; Your'j-Y'Ui n ka-ae J u0
sorry fo. "i mvi little boy he's got
twoi-lHubtnl'u . !.!-.
Rates for want advertising Five
cents per line.
ij&i in uay rarK a reu lcatuer
nnm .... i
pocket portfolio, containing mem
oranda valuable to owner. Re
ward will be paid for return to
this ofilce.
Times Want Ads Bring Results.
1 Call and see the new line of
coats at Mrs. Elrod's.
Times Want Ads. Bring Results.
FOR SALE Full-blooded pug pup
pies, $2.50 each. Call Times Ofilce. .
Times Wnnt Ads Urine Results.
LOST Small vellow dotr. answers to i
name of Snoozer. Part pug and
Times Want Atls Bring Results.
FOR SALE Ten head of good dairy
cows. J. E. Fitzgerald. N. Coos
Times Want Ads Bring Results
FOR rent 3 modern ana tnrougn- .
ly up-to-date 5 -room flats. For '
particulars see Dr. Richardson.
Times Want Ads Bring Results.
FOR SALE New furniture cheap.
Will sell part or as a whole. Ap
I ply at Times.
Times Want Ads Bring Results.
WANTED A girl for work. Cor -
Times Want Ads Bring Results.
FOR SALE Lodging-house. Call
at this office.
Times Want Ads Bring Results.
The furniture (used three
weeks) of a six-room house, for sale ,
quick. House to rent. Inquire1 of
Times Want Ads Bring Results.
WANTED Boy or girl to strip
tobacco. Inquire at shop over
Times AVnnt Ads Bring. Results.
WANTED Party with $2000 or
more to take interest in local busi
ness enterprise. For further par- I
ticulars address X. D. S.
care Times oiilce. I
Times Want Ads Bring Results.
WANTED To notify the pub'ic th it
after November 15 my i rlco for
shingling will be $1.25 per thous
and and for hips and valleys 5
cents per foot. This adance Is
made on account of rainy weather
Times AVant Ads Bring Results.
FOR SALE 18-foot gasoline boat.
Apply to Max Tlmmerman.
Times Want Ads Bring Results.
WANTED Waitress at tho Blanco
Times AVant Ads Urhig Results.
FOR RENT Three nicely furnished
' rooms for housekeeping.
Times AVant Ads Bring Results.
FOR SALE Adjustable pipe dio
Cuts from to 2 inches. Mickey,
North Bend.
Times AA'ant Ads IJring Results.
WANTED The public to know that
I have located at the Marshfield
track, and will tako horses to train
and break. Joe Hatfield. Apply
at track.
Times AVnnt Ads Rring Results.
LOST $50 in greenbacks, two $20's
and a $10, Saturday morning last,
between Coos Bay Cash Store itnd
skating rink and Crystal Theater.
A very handsome reward will be
paid for return of'satuo to Chas.
Times AVnnt Ads Bring Results.
FOUND Pair glasses. Owner may
havo same by calling at 0. E. AVol
cott's store and describing them.
Times AVant Ads Bring Results.
, k
All Bottled in Bond. Nothing but straight Whisky
Sold. All Leading Brands of Beers and
Mineral Waters.
The Jus. E. Pepper Whisky can lie found on tap at
i QgsassgKssggaggg
I 1-.V.,S .rfv. ,.,.., -s .. J,.AAAAAAAAAAJVAJA'M
, "vvv T,"T-'V ,. V ix'VWXV VVWVi TyVWyi,V-V.,
A s
1 '
y,,,yf4(,'Ayyif,A,,f,fi tt&s&(Zi&tsz$GO$$&t
Open 7 to 10 P. M. week days only
and Saturday afternoon. Admission,
free, 25 cents for uso of rink skates,
15 cents when you uso your own.
Special attention given to beginners.
Best of order always maintained.
g D. L. AVERY, Manager
& i5T5j2octjiacsflasaai
lih. M
Two Cfta&ges This Week.
Monday and Thursday
Performances 7:30 an! 3 p. m. Malinee Saturday 3:30.
Admission Ten Cents.
- - use - -
Electric Power and Flatirons
(lb Electric Co.
Students may graduate In Voice, I'lano or I'lpo Organ, Rapid and
thorough method for beginners. Classes tit Harmony, Counterpoint, etc,
vocal tin ht reading and piano ensemble. Singers coaened In oratorio,
opera, or concert work by the director.
ELMER A. TODD. O'Connell Bldg., Marshfield
'mn r..rn ""
Speed Launches and Engines a Specially
All Classes of Goat snl Engine Repairing Promptly Attended to
Stop i In tbe North Hind Vtolcn Mills North Bend, Oregon
ji. K. BEV1ER, MeeUnitV. Engineer. . C. II. ALLCCN, Boat Builder.
jrrasoul Bros.
PHONE 1531
with Gas
Bay Gas