jw' 'rt t'&-'f ' WW THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAW, NOVEMBER 13, 1907. Personal Notes. J. It. FlsH, a Coqulllo resident, i" Jn Ma: phf ield. Mayor Simpson was in Marshfleld yesterday afternoon. Floyd Coffelt was down from Coos River yesterday. F. D. Layton is making bis regular Visit to Coos County. J. It. Foster arrived in the city yesterday from Langlols. A. J. Sherwood, the CoqulUn banker, is visiting frienrs In Marsh field. F. J Miller, a prominent Mason, arrive 1 from Albany yesterday after noon. Misses Elynoro and Adelaide Ad ams, of Los Angeles, aro city visitor1' for a few days. Charles Thom, proprietor of the North Bend brewery, was a Marsh field visitor yesterday. A. II. Derbyshire was over from North Bend yesterday to transact business affairs. O. W. Spehr, of Portland, is spend ing i few days in Marshfleld and the surrounding country. Jacob Spies, a resident of Oconto, Wisconsin, has arrived on tho Bav to lok at the country's resources. "Connie Brandsworth" is back again on Coos Bay to spend a few weeks with his brother, V. F. Brads worth. O. B. Hinsdale, of Gardiner, who is Interested in tho First National H3ank, of this city, arrived in yester day for p. short stay. J. C. Garretson, representing the Fairbanks-Morse Company, for Spo Icane, Seattle and Portland, is on tho Masker, is visiting frlend3 in Marsh Miss Ituby Berdler, of Chicago left this city for her home in the East, after having spent several weeks in Portland and on Coos Bay. Mr. Y. C. Cornlac, of Portland, Is matting a business tour of this sec tion. After few days on Coos Bay, Mr. Cormac will visit Coqulllo and 4he river towns. Mrs. A. It. Itowman, of San Fran cisco, left this city yesterday, by way of Roseburg, for her heme in tho south, after liaving spent several days on Cos Bay with reatlves. Karl Kaufman returned Monday from Curry County, where he had been engaged on the Southern Pa cific survey. Mr. Kaufman was .greatly interested in his work. Miss Ethel Bryer, of Portland, Is Visiting with friends in this city until Saturday, when she will bo joined by her sister, Miss Harriett Bryer, and together they will go to Bandon. Mr. F. A. Greene, of Wyoming, is In Manhfleld for a few days, visiting with relatives and friends. Inci dentally, Mr. Greene Intends visit ing Ten Mile and Tioga, having tim her interests in tho latter place. Mrs. L. M. Myno, of Chicago, is in 'this elty for the winter, accompanied by her niece, Miss Irene Malley, of Minneapolis. Mrs. Myno will not re main only in Marshfleld, but will spend the time at Bandm, Coqulllo and Myrtle Point, also the other Bay cities. him my Interest was involved in a suit pending In tho supremo court and not being in tho city of Marsh fleld, I was not the proper person to act on that committee. I did not say that I did not feel any interest in this road. I did not say I would like the county court to improve the other road which runs by my place. On the contrary, the county road re ferred to is much better than it has been in thirty-eight years to my knowledge. It Is a very good road and I. have no occasion to ask the county to better It. I did say for myself and all others living on the high road, which is 210 feet above tho Front street extension, would not better conditions. Where the president of the cham ber of commerce got off wrong was when our conversation turned on the much talked of Motor Road between North Bend and Marshfleld. I con tended that Sherman avenue from North Bend connecting with adjoin ing streets In Marshfleld was the feasible course for a motor line or any public throughfare. It would be 210 feet above water level and it will bo through the future city where people will build their homes and bo patrons of the roads. I have given the substance of my meeting with the president of tho chamber of commerce. I think it a very un friendly act for him to misrepresent or misconstrue my words before sucH a body as tho chamber of commerce of Marshfleld. If I were not going out on the M. F. Plant I would not write this answer. I would go to the next meeting of the chamber of com merce and ask of your president a retraction or correction of his state ment. Gentlemen of tho Coos Bay Times I will ask you to insert thQ foregoing In your pap?.? find oblige, yours, . EUGENE O'CONNELL, BRAZIL OUTLET FOR JAPAN Negotiations Pending for Immigra tion of noOO Annually. Washington, Nov. 12. Barred from the United States, Japanese coolies are turning to Brazil, where, according to tho Brazilian Review, they hope to gain ready admission. This newspaper, published in Rio de Janoiro, says: "It is reported from Yokohama that North America and Australia, being practically closed to the Jap anese immigrants, Japan will 'now turn its attention to Brazil as a point toward which its surplus population shall be directed, and that negotia tions will bo opened with the Brazil ian government forthwith to arrange for the landing of 5000 Japanese in that republic every year. From Milan also comes an announcement to the effect that the Japanese gov ernment has proposed to the Italian ambasasdor at Tokio that the Navl gazlono Generalo Italicua shall un dertake the transport of these emi grants, and for that purpose shall establish a now steamship service from Yokohama to Genoa. From Genoa to Brazil, as Is well known, the Navigaziono Generalo already runs a direct line. There is said to bb no doubt that the Italian com pany will establish the new line, see ing that a guarantee for the trans port of 5000 third-class pasesngers from Yokohama to Genoa every year will be equivalent to a considerable state subsidy. Besides this, it is thought that the Navigaziono Gen erale may safely reckon on getting fits hands on tho entire traffic in pas sengers of the better class, as well as the goods traffic, between Italy and Japan. Hot tamales and hot drjnks at tho Palm. IMPROVEMENTS FOR NORTH INLET COUNTRY To Whom It May Concern. I will not be responsible Tor any hills i-ontracted by Mrs. Georgo Elli ott. GEORGE ELLIOTf. O ' "Communication. 4 Nov. 9, 07. Coos Bay Times, Gent lemen. In your issue of this date, 'relative to the proceedings of tho Chamber of commerce of Marshfleld on the evening of November Sth re Jeri'ing to the extension of Front 'street, and wherein I was a member ot tho committee appointed by the presiding officer of said chamber of "commerce, because I, with tho other members of said committee, were the towners of the land. I notice tho president states he had since talked) with Mr. O'Connell who said he did not feel any Interest in this road, but Would like the county court to improve the other road, which runs hy his place, to west of water front. Now, I, Eugene O'Connell do declaro this statement from your president is in error and he misunderstood mo in a large proportion, hut not en tirely. I will hero give for tho bene fit of the chamber of -commerce and all good citizens of Marshfleld who read your valued paper, tho conver sation between your president and myself and upon my return from San Francisco I will attend tho first meeting of the chamber of commerce. Wo met on Front street of Marsh fleld and he asked if I had received a letter from tho secretary of the chamber of commerce. I had not. Ho said I soon would, notifying mo of my appointment on a committee on tho extension of Front street aa I was one of tho interested parties that .this street would so through. I told North Inlet, while one of the gaf den spots of Coos County,- Jmg been sadly neglected. The soil, location and variety of products are unsur passed anywhere, but there is a bright future in store for that sec tion if tho plans now proposed are carried through. It means less than an hour's time to Coos Bay with gar den and orchard products that the world cannot beat. Mention was made in this paper come tme ago of the drodging going on by John Bear and others. It is reported that the work is going on finely and is being paid for by pri vate subscription, This Is a work that should bo encouraged by every citizen of tho Bay, and tho county should provide some funds to assist In the good work. It means good and quick transportation to market that means increase in products, art in crease in value of land, which gives increased taxation, meaning also that the money will also come back to the county tenfold. When the rich land today has only a speculative value of $10 per acre, with good means of transpor tation it would be worth ?100 per acre in actual value. In near the head of the inlet Mr. J. R. Robertson owns 3 GO acres, L. F. Crouch 480, the Hope property of 100, besides others, all of which would be nut into a high state of cultivation just as fcoon as there is a way provided to get to the market with their product. At present they have llofther schools nor churches, and all because no roads or other means of travel, Mr. Robertson and other's are now working on a proposition to get a way in and out. The trouble they are now having Is to get a way through the dyke on the Peterson ranch. This dyke was built several years ago and stops the flow of the tide and prevents all living above the dyke reaching their places. If that can be accomplished it means tho opening up of hundreds of acres. The Indications aro that Mr. P. Petersen will agree to this proposi tion to open a way through. In fact there is not much doubt that ho will, for it means an increased value to his land1. Piano tuning hy J. F. O'Reilly, resident tuner,. Address Box 249, Marshfleld. CRITICISM OF THE NEW GOLD PIECES Washington, Nov. 12. While the State of Oklahoma will not bo en titled to havo Its star placed on the national flag until July 4, 1908, It has already been given Its place on the national coins. Instead Of the milled edge usual on United States coins, the new ton-dollar gold pieces just being put into circulation have 4C raised stars. Oklahoma has not yet been officially admitted to the Union, but will be on the lGth of this month, when the President is- 1 sues his proclamation. General criticism Is heard of the new gold pieces in Washington, and word has been received that a pro test is on the way to Washington from various Pittsburg ministers against the omission of tho motto "In God We Trust," It was authoritative ly stated at tho White House today r mm me oasis ior any protest against the merits of the new coins from an artistic point of view could not be understood there. WANT ADS Rates for want advertising Five cents per line. FOR SALE Full-blooded pug pup pies, $2.50 each. Call Times" Office. Times Want Ads Bring Results. LOST Small yellow dog, answers to name of Snoozer. Part pug and part spaniel. Return to Times. Times AVnnt Ads Uilng Results. FOR SALE Ten head of good dairy cows. J. E. Fitzgerald. N. Coos River. Times Want Ads Bring Results. FOR RENT 3 modern and through ly up-to-date 5-room flats. For particulars sec Dr. Richardson. Times AVnnt Ads Bring Results. FOR SALE New furniture cheap. AV111 sell part or as a whole. Ap ply at Times. Times AVant Ads Bring Results. AV ANTED A girl for work. Cor thell's Delicatessen. Times AVant Ads Bring Results. AVANTED Man to cut cord wood. Apply Chas. Doone, Marshfleld, Bain street. Times AVant Ads Bring Results. FOR SALE Lodging-house, at this office. Call Times AVant Ads Bring Results. FURNITURE FOR SALE; The furniture (used three weeks) of a six-room house, for sale quick. House to rent. Inquire of times, . Klines AVnnt Ads Bring Results. AVANTED Boy or girl to strip tobacco. Inquire at shop over Times. Times AVniifc Ads Bring Results. AVANTfiD Party with $2000 or iriofd to take Interest In local busi ness enterprise. For further par tlculairg address X. D. S. care Times office, Times Want Ads Bring Results. ANNA GOULD SAID TO BE MARRIED Reported Sngnn Fresh Oysters. Received weekly at Gem Restau rant, North Bend. Served any stylo and open day and night. Also every thing el3o the market affords. NEARLY TAVO-TIHRDS FATAL Record of Boubonic Plague Cases at San Francisco, AA'eddlng to in London Days Ago. Prince Several de AVANTED To notify the pub'ie that after November 15 my price for shingling will be $1.25 per thous and and for hips and valleys 5 cents per foot. This adance is made on account of rainy weather. L. C. DURKEE. Times AA'ant Ads Bring Results. FOR SALE 18-foot gasoline boat Apply to Max Timmerman. Times AA'nnt Ads Bring Results. New York, Nov. 12. A cable to the Times from London says: A private telegram from a man who Is in the inner circle of Paris society says a report is current there that Mme. Anna Gould, who was recently divorced from Count Bonl do" Castel Iane, was married to Prince Hello de Sagan in London five or six days ago. "AVhether or not this is merely an echo of a rumor which was current here at about that time I cannot at present say. Careful inquiries were made at that time as to tho reports, which were to the effect that Mme. Gould and tho prince had come to London to arrange tho preliminaries of their marriage, and also that they had already got married. There was no evidence to bear out either ru mor. "Inquiries made In Paris elicited tho information that Mme. Gould was not at the residence in tho Avenue Malakoff, where it was stated that she was at the Chateau Arals. My Informant in Paris says that society there is agog with tho report, which is generally credited." . Young lady wanted at tho Palm. San Francisco, Nov. 12. Boubonic plague totals to date are as follows: Verified cases, 90 j deaths, 57; death rate 03.3 per cent; discharged as cured, 22; remaining under obser vation at tho city and county hos pital, 11; suspects under observa tion, 39. Occupying More Room. Tho Coos Bay Bedding and Up holstering Co. has had to enlarge al ready, notwithstanding that two now buildings were erected less than three months ago. Thoy havo leased tho new building just completed by "Uncle" Bob Herron, next to their factory. A "plant" of any kind will grow In this country, there Is no help for it. WANTED AValtress Hotel. at tho Blanco Times AA'nnt Ads Iiring Results. FOR RENT Three nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping. Times AVnnt Ads Bring Results. FOR SALE Adjustable pipe die. Cuts from "to 2 inches. Mickey, North Bend. Times AVnnt Ads Bring Results. WANTED A competent girl to do general housework. Good wages. Mrs. J. T. McCormac. Times AA'nnt Ads Bring Results. WANTED The public to know that I have located at the Marshfleld track, and will take horses to train and break. Joo Hatfield. Apply at track. Times AA'nnt Ads Bring Results. LOST $50 In greenbacks, two $20's and a $10, Saturday morning last, between Coos Bay Cash Store and skating rink and Crystal Theater. A very handsomo reward will bo paid for return of sarno to Chas, Noble. ROBERT MARSDEN COOS BAY AGENT OLD CROW HERMITAGE YELLOWSTONE CANADIAN CLUB JAS. E. PEPPER ATHERT0N BELLE OF ANDERSON HILL & HILL OLD GRAND DAD All Bottled in Bond. Nothing but straight Whisky Sold. All Leading Brands of Beers and Mineral Waters. The Jns. E. Pepper AA'hisky can be found on tap nt THE NUTWOOD SALOON f S Machinists and Woodworkers 44 4$k A'o Iinvo just opened up a new shop mid are fully equipped to do your re pairing of nil kinds. Our specialties nro 44 Gasoline Engine Work Wood Turning of All Kinds Porch Columns and Banisters Agents For The Rochester Gasoline Engines dive us a trial Cavanagh & Chapman Dock foot of Queen Ave. Marshfield,, Oregon Two Changes This Week, i s ' monuay ann laurssaay Pcrforman&tf 7:30 and 9 p. m. Matinee Saturday 3:30. I Admissidh Ten Cents. w'Aii!jjii.jiuiiMiMi;FiiaMjiiiiTg7wiftt)tfimn'a fl-".-."!" tf?T-v(fplsS,Gly? it TON HAN SEN s -y A- r ..-mri i&tW- GBim:t9' S8wera.jisj'in tr GAZIN&5 W.,, yj SHEET Cook with Gas - - use - - Electric Power and Flatirons TSe Coos Bay Gas Electric Co. tt::tm:::m:::mKmtttt:mmtmnntttt:mt T Everything Electrical at Oregon Electrical Supply Co. Now O'Oonnoll Blk. ftffimmammKtramtrajnfflsrmmfflmtmmnmmfflnttfflmmrttfflttttmmK Times AA'nnt Ads llrlng Results. FOUND Pair glasses. Owner may havo same by calling at C. B. AVol cott's storo and describing them. LUU - A. H. Eddy for plans and ipocl flemttons of your new hom. Times AA'ant Ads Hring Itesnlts. Try One COOS BAY ACADEMY OF MUSIC Students uiay graduate In Voice, I'lano or 1'lpo Organ. Rapid and thorough method for beglnnerB. Classes In Harmony, Counterpoint, etc, vocal fcl lit reading and piano ciwrnblo. Singers conelied in oratorio, opera, orrowvrt work by tlio director. pi mfd a tnnn an LLim.il t. ivii. KT7nnfirJiy3'iTTiftrm"TwM" I LUBE O'Connell Bldg., Marshfleld WE MAKE GAS ENGINES AND BOATS Speed Launchei and Enginti a Specially All Claiies of Boat and Engine Repairing Promptly Attended to Shopi in tbe North Bend Woolen Mill North Bend, Oregon ii. R. BEVIER, Mechanical Engineer. C. II. ALLGEN, Boat Builder. iAp' i mrmBmmmrmimvntpi wwi