-HainHHHBgHH THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAW, NOVEMBER 13, 1907. Coos Bay Times AH IXDErENDEXT ItEPUBMCAN KEWSrATFR TUB tlSHKU F.VFRV DAY EXCEITINO MONDAY AND AlAO WEUKLV BY Tns Coos Bay Times PuiiLtsniNa Co. Tho policy of Tho Coos 13.iy Times "will bo Republican in politics, with the independenceof which President Itoose "Velt is tho leading exponent. Entcreil.'attlic postofllce nt Marshfleld, Ore gon, for transrals'lon through tho mulls as cond class mull matter. SUUSCIHl'TIOX KATES. In Advance. DAILY. One year $5.00 -Six mouths ?2.B0 Less than G months, per month .50 WKKICLY. One year $1.50 Local readers, 10c per line. Adduuss All Communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES TftivrsMicld ... Oregon THE STATIC ItOAI) AGAIN'. Probably no wiser proposition for Ijproviding Oregon with railroad facil ities can be conceived than the one which involves the location and con struction of a rallroaa through Cen tral Oregon by the state, and the leasing of the roadbed and tracks to other railroad companies. Oregon ihas waited for these coveted rail roads to be built through private in itiative. She has received nothing tout jolts and promises. If she should build a road to Central Ore gon, both from Portland and Coos -Bay, and then east to Vale, she "would have every railroad company In the United States scampering to occupy her territory. Such a road "would co3t somewhere iu the neigh borhood of $12,000,000. No doubt $4,000,000 of tho bonds could be placed in Oregon and it is very prob able that $2,000,000 or $3,000,000 could be added by the sale of town sites along the line. It is also more -than likely that the right of way could be acquired without the in vestment of much capital. Illustrat ing the method of disposing of state bonds for such a purpose, it may be said that no doubt, in order to ad vance tho building of such a road Coos Bay cities would easily take ;300,000 of the bonds, Coqullle and aiyrUo Point $150,000, Roseburg 250,000, while Portland and cities south and in tho Interior could and "would take very much laiger sums. Kor would the bond Investments be Host. Railroad bonds issued by the tale would bo gilt edged and the .railroad built would be an asset Svhirh the stato could sell at any time, if she desired, for a large ad vance on the cost of construction. "What opposition can 'such a proportion meet? First and most Wlcious of tho forms of opposition is ndirrorencD.- If the people have no capacity for cooperative action in uch a cause they will fall to act. The next feature of opposition would 5c tho selfishness of certain locali ties which would oppose their own .-advantago and happiness rather than sce aay other locality prosperous. The next feature of opposition would Sir tho opposition of railroad coro '.patfles. These would endeavor to nircJinse the state press to clamor against tho construction of a stato Toad. Then, too, there are nows Jpapers which can bo bought body ana ioal by simply giving an annual "pans or Its equivalent to tho manag Snsj twlltor. Party stupidity and prejudice might also mako an out cry against a state railroad of tho Itiinl mentioned, for party stupidity wia prejudlco Is often ready to sacri fice tho prosperity of a stato rathor ttlmn relax its hypocritical claims inA its "hopes for office. Tho survey and location of such a road would fcost In tho neighborhood of $100, O00. While then) may bo stretches of country whero tho construction votild rost nbovo $100,000 a mile, tho country for tho most part is Covol, and oxports stato that it would aiot cast abovo $30,000 por milo on tho average Every commercial V)ody In on tho coast and interior eStIos and 'towns should appoint com- anltluoB to confer with ono another on this subject, and it is understood 'that tho project Is taking form and that active efforts will soon bo com- 'Jnoncpd to interest tho electorato of tho stato in such a plan. an extensive water front Indeed it is stated that she has twice tho amount df water frontage docks as London, the latter being admittedly the greatest port in tho world. Now New York City, whoso business and commercial transactions are continu ally expanding, purposes to still fur ther enlarge her harbor facilities. Some 9000 acres of land around what is known as Jamaica Bay, a few miles from New York City, on Long Island, are to be purchased at a cost of $30,000,000, and it is de signed to expend some $27,000,000 draining and walling the property, and $50,000,000 for building docks and warehouses. Somo idea can be thus collected as to tho extent to which capitalists are willing to go for the purpose of providing harbor facilities. When it is considered that Puget Sound, Coos Bay and San Francisco are tho only available na tional deep sea harbors on tho Pa cific Coast, the future of Coos Bay cannot but be ono of great and in creasing importance. will also read an extract from Agas slz "Geological Sketches." At tho conclusion of his lecture ho will out line a plan to build on Council Crest a temple, to be completed and dedi cated tho samo year as the Panama Canal is finished. MONEY PLENTIFUL AT MARSIIFIELD Marshfield, Or., Nov. 12. (Ore gon Journal.) It is reported here that a story has been circulated In effect that tho Coos Bay mills have shut down. Not a mill in Coos County has re duced Its capacity on account of tho money flurry, nor has a bank taken advantago of the holiday proclama tions. Street improvements and build ings are going on as rapidly as men can be had to prosecute tho work here. Business Is being carried on as usual without any lack of cash. Business Directory Doctors. Masquerade Ball, at Sumner, November 33. Good music. The Steamer M F. PLANT m NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a caucus of the legal voters of tho City of Marshfield will bo held at the I. O. O. F. hall in said city, on tho 19th day of November, 1907, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., to nominate can didates for tho office of Mayor for the term of two years, and two Coun cilman for tho term of three years, and a Recorder for a term of ono year. Dated this 8th day of November, 1907. J. M. UPTON, Recorder. Plant sails from Marshfield Saturday No rescrvntio n ill be held after the arrival of ship unless ticket Is bought. RS DOW Agent MARSHFIELD, : : : : OREGON SSTJSrawwrTOrerasTisa ONCE A JAPANESE ALWAYS A JAPANESE Emperor's Message to Hawaiian Countrymen Reflects Old Eng lish Slogan. Honolulu, Nov. 12. "Should emergency arise, offer yourselves courageously to your beloved coun try, and thus guard and maintain the prosperity of our imperial throne." These are the words which the Emperor of Japan in his blrthda: message yesterday saluted his 110, 000 subjects in tho Hawaiian Is lands. They have caused no little commo tion throughout the insular territory, and even the most tolerant of Ameri can citizens aro asking what the mikado, Emperor Mutsuhito refers to when he alludes to a "possible emergency." The position of this great body of Japanese in tho islands, a population which is rapidly Increasing is re garded here among oven the most conservative, as a source of eminent danger in case of war between the United States and Japan, and the ad dress of tho Emperor has not added to tho feeling of security. The fact that many of the coolies who have come during the last two years are veterans of tho Russo-Japanese War and asslt In instilling an unswerving spirit of loyalty among the older members of the Japanese colony does much, it is believed, to make the presence of Japan here a growing menace. The Japanese residents of tho Is lands have universally kept tho holi day sacredly. Japanese children were kept away from tho nubile schools, merchants closed their shops and coolies refrained from work. r DR. J. W. INGRAM Physician and Surgeon. Ofllco over Sengstakon's Drug Store Phones Office 1C21; Resldenco 783 Lawyers. J. XV. BENNETT, Office over Flanagan & Bennett Bank. Marshfield, ... - Oregon Francis II. Clarko Jacob M. Make Lawrence A. Liljeqvlst CLARKE, HLAKE & LILJEQVIST, ATTORNEVS-AT-LAW Times Building, Marshfield, Ore United States Commissioner's Office. Or er it Now Some of that fine furniture for Xmns. Don't forget your friends when tho time comes but you had better put tle order in now. AVo ninke nil kinds of fix tures ns well as furniture. AVo give any finish as well as any stylo to suit tho cus tomer. Sec us about the goods you want. AVe will build what you want nnd save you money. C. P. McKNIGIIT, Attorney at Law. Upstairs, Bennett & WaUer Block Marshfield, - - Oregon COKE & COKE, Attorneys at Law. Marshfield, - Oregon A. II. Eddy Architect Modern cottages a specialty. Ofllco opposite Blanco Hotel, Ovor Tele phone Building. MR. ALBRRT ABEL, Contractor for Teaming of all klndo. Phono 1884. Results Count and Satisfactory laundering 3 onl made possiblo l employing a well trainod force of expert work people, using up-to-date appliances and following raeth. ods tho correctness of which has been proven. It's tho sort of laundering which we not only promise but can give t0 our customers, and do give it WANT IT? For convenience of Call pa trons the Lnundry office will bo open Saturday evenings until 8 o'clock. Phono 571 today. Our will call. wagon COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY Marshfield mid North Hcn(. TTIi i i Biiia CAB CALL SERVICE AT ANY HOUR GOOD HEARSE and VEHICLES IIEFSNER, MILLER & CO. Livery, Feed and Salo Stable Third and A Ste. Ph0ne m Marshfield. L. J. POST, Contractor and Builder 18 Years' Experience Has taught us a Motto, "Take n oui Time and do Our AVork Right," Prices Consistent with Rest AVo lie Ceos Bay Furniture Co. Norm Bend, Oregon. iiigmT.iiyaiwijjjAiMti'gTWAT'ii'jn H NOTICE BACHELORS , All kinds of plain sowing and darn ing. Call at Rooms 1 nnd 5 Central Hotel. Gun Shop The only practical Gunshop on tho Bay. Sewing Machines and Bicy cles Repaired and Cleaned. Locksmithlng and General Repair AVork. C. BEAR.Y No. Front St. WHY DO PEOPLE BUY IN SENGSTACKEN ADDITION BECAUSE It m choice inside residence' property, lots 50x1 Ou with alleys, is well sheltered with a good bay viewand prices of lots are reasonable. For particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. George Wallace AVillhuns to Speak. (Orogonian.) George AVallaco AVllliams will dis course at Council Crest today, at discuss at Couacil Crest today, at 2:30 P. M on tho subject "Jehovah and Jesus Christ One and the Samo Person," or "Tho Same Mediator Be-, tween God and Mau." Mr. "Williams' Piano Tuning. Ry J. F. O'REILLY, Resident Tuner. Address Roy 210, Marshfield. STEAMER. FLYER M. P. Pendergrass, Master California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company, Steamer Alliance and 10:30 a. m and 1:00, 2:30 and 4:00 p. m. Leaves North Bend at 8:15, 9:4q and 11:15 a. m and 1:45, 3:15 and 5:00 p. m. Makeg daily trips except Sun days. Pare: One way, 15 cents; round trip, 25 cents. TIME TABLE. Leaves Marshfield 7:30. 9:00, UOW WHY Always has on hand a good stock of & General Merchandise AT PRICES THE CHEAPEST All Kinds of Groceries and Clothing :::::::j:mj:n:::::t::::::jj,n:ffl Ml Parts of the World We use the necessary jj facilities for sending 1 money to all parts of the world, and without danger or loss. .. . FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY, Marshfield, Ore. :mwiwuHWttmnmtt8nt8tt8 and B.:V. OLSON, Master, TheC.B.,R.&LR.R. and Navigation Co. THE c. n n. A E. R. R. & N. CO. TIME TAnr.U. Subject to change- without notloe. TJoTaT- No. 1. 9:00a.m, Lv. 9:45a.m, Daily, ox. Sunday Marsh'd Junction Coqullle Ar.l0:28a.m. Myrtle Pt Sails from Portland Saturdays, 8 p. m. Sails from Coos Bay Tuesdays, at service of tide. F. P. Baumgartner, Agt. L. w, Shaw, Agt. Couch St. Dock, Portland, Ore, Marshtlold, Ore., Phono 441. FASTEST BOATS M THE BAY. n Hfllf Hour Schedule. Rui- Between Mnrshlleld nil North Rend Mndo in ia Minutes. Private LandlflS. Fare: Oneway, 15c.; ron,.a trip, a5c; J. A. O'KELLY. Proprietor. McPherson Ginser Co. Ar.l2:30p.m. Lv.ll :30a.m. Lv.l0:45a.m Trains to and from Beaver Hill dally. AV. F. Miller, Agent. Portland & Coos Bay S. S. Line BREAKWATER Sails from Portland Wednesday at 8 p. m. Sails from Coos Bay Saturdays at Service of Tide. v fc.. MONEY IN HARIJORS. Same Idea of (ho inimonso impor- talirp ot narb'or facilities on tho At lantic fcoaU can 'bo gathored from lhs Jact that It is considered noces-ssary-o extond tlio harbor advau-'tasr-s of tho groat City of Now York. ''JThiit vlty does annually ?SG4,000, sODD worth of business with tho for !3itEB "world and her total "annual Easiness Is $1,200,000,000. 6ho:bas Bank of Oregon Capital Stock fully paid up $50,000 Tranct a General Banking Oiuineu Oregon I I T MM"""" North Bend, Phone Main 34 C. F. McCollum, Agt. Double Entry Made Easy. Our new 1907 copyrighted "Business Course" with books, life scholarship, work criti cised and returned, completo 98. E. E. Harris, Agt. G. AA Crain, PrJn. Phono 21. Wholesale Jiquor dealers Cigars and saloon sup plies. California Winei a Specialty Front St., Marshfield i al"' HIMKWWMIBMUaB fatirriaearfPMMar A. St. Dock Tioiunmii-1..HTTirnrn. MinrtmromnTi SHOW fAP Plnte-slnss Floor Cases and FIXTURES lZtLti S8 Lmk0 THE MODERN COMPANY Odd Fellows llulldliiR, "lj,l"f1PITWW Marshfield JMESSnsGBkw 1 II Flanagan & Bennett Dank MARSHKIELU, OREGON, Capital Hubpcribcd J50.000 Capital 1'ald Up 10,00J Undivided Profits 135,000 Hoes nYeneral banking business and drswf ou tho ilnhlc ol California, San Kranclsc Calif., First Nfrtlcnal Hank Portland Or., Mrt National Bank". Roseburg, Or., Hanover ' tional Bank, K'cif York, N. M. Kothchild 4 Son, London, England. AUo sell change on nearly all the princlpsl cities of Europe. Accounts kept subject to check, safe depoit lock boxes for rent at 5 cents a rnontn or W. a year, INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Steam Dye Works C Su-eot. LadicV and Gouts' Garment CIcMcd or Dyed PMlip lecfcer, Proprietor. EZSfSfittVTMmmm iSS- Waterman's Ideal ftwirtain Pens Uw best on the market absolute guarantee, far sofe at (he . k . RED CROSS PHONE 923 A. M. -A. .. i . . . 7 7, . Z M- " S3"T", Agent For r,i.f...i.... r,. ....us ,1, ratevens CLOAK AXD SUIT HOUSE CHICAGO , Cor. Flt & n. st.r Marshlleld Coos Bay Storage and Transfer Co. II. C. Ilreckcnrldge, O. II. AValters. All hinds of Transfering .and Job bing. Prices reasonable and , Goods handled with care. ' ' Phono C61. Pull the L, L, IUIU Wet Yottr WluVaiojTUen Blow HEWON, Prop. Front StreetV i t UrthJUU, Oi$a i "fii' '' " , "(SjiJH"" ' 21 Vlf rtttM ifW